Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00037 static char *source_file = __FILE__;
00038 #include <unistd.h>
00039 #include <errno.h>
00040 #include "defs.h"
00041 #include "erglob.h"
00042 #include "tracing.h"
00043 #include "util.h"
00045 #include <sys/wait.h>
00046 /*extern pid_t wait(INT *statptr); */   /* Currently not defined with
00047                                          *  prototype in sys/wait.h
00048                                          */
00050 #ifndef MONGOOSE_BE
00051 /* ====================================================================
00052  *
00053  * Execute
00054  *
00055  * Execute an external command via fork/execvp.
00056  * Returns 0 on success, an error code on failure.
00057  * An error code < 0400 is a Unix error code from errno.h.
00058  * An error code > 0400 is 0400 plus the signal which killed child.
00059  *
00060  * ====================================================================
00061  */
00063 INT Execute (
00064   char *cmd,            /* The command to execute */
00065   char **argv,          /* Argument list */
00066   char *stdoutfile,     /* stdout for new process to use or NULL */
00067   BOOL echo             /* Echo the command line? */
00068 )
00069 {
00070   INT child, t, status;
00072   /* Echo the command line if requested: */
00073   if ( echo ) {
00074     char **arg = argv+1;
00076     fprintf ( stderr, " %s", cmd);
00077     while ( *arg ) fprintf ( stderr, " %s", *arg++);
00078     if ( stdoutfile != NULL ) fprintf ( stderr, " >%s", stdoutfile );
00079     fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
00080   }
00082   /* Fork and check for failure: */
00083   child = fork();
00084   if (child == -1) return (EAGAIN);
00086   /* Execute the requested command in the child: */
00087   if (child == 0) {
00088     /* If a new stdout is given, open it: */
00089     if (stdoutfile != NULL) {
00090       if( freopen(stdoutfile, "w", stdout) == NULL) _exit(errno);
00091     }
00093     /* Execute the command: */
00094     execvp( cmd, argv );
00096     /* If the exec failed, return the system error code: */
00097     _exit(errno);
00098   }
00100   /* Wait for the child in the parent and then check for errors: */
00101   while (child != wait(&status)) {};
00102   if ( (t=(status&0377)) != 0 ) return ( 0400 + t );
00103   return ((status>>8) & 0377);
00105 }
00107 /* ====================================================================
00108  *
00109  * Get_Environment_Value
00110  *
00111  * Get the value of an environment variable.
00112  *
00113  * ====================================================================
00114  */
00116 char *
00117 Get_Environment_Value (
00118   char *name,   /* The name of the environment variable */
00119   char **envp,  /* Array of environment variables + NULL */
00120   char *def     /* Default to return if not found */
00121 )
00122 {
00123   INT len = strlen(name);
00124   char **env = envp;
00126   /* Search for a match: */
00127   while ( *env ) {
00128     if ( strncmp (name, *env, len) == 0 && *(len + *env) == '=' )
00129         return (*env) + len + 1;
00130     env++;
00131   }
00133   /* Not found: */
00134   return def;
00135 }
00136 #endif /* MONGOOSE_BE */
00138 /* ====================================================================
00139  *
00140  * Check_Range
00141  *
00142  * Check an integer value against bounds.  Return the value if in
00143  * range, and a default if out of range.
00144  *
00145  * ====================================================================
00146  */
00148 INT
00149 Check_Range (
00150   INT val,      /* Check this value */
00151   INT lbound,   /* ... against this lower bound */
00152   INT ubound,   /* ... and this upper bound, */
00153   INT def       /* ... with this default. */
00154 )
00155 {
00156   if ( val >= lbound && val <= ubound ) return val;
00157   return def;
00158 }
00160 #ifndef MONGOOSE_BE
00161 /* ====================================================================
00162  *
00163  * Indent
00164  *
00165  * Print tabs and spaces to indent given number of characters.
00166  *
00167  * ====================================================================
00168  */
00170 void
00171 Indent (
00172   FILE *f,
00173   INT16 indent
00174 )
00175 {
00176   while ( indent >= 8 ) {
00177     fprintf ( f, "\t" );
00178     indent -= 8;
00179   }
00180   while ( indent-- > 0 ) fprintf ( f, " " );
00181 }
00182 #endif /* MONGOOSE_BE */
00184 /* ====================================================================
00185  *
00186  *  Mod
00187  *
00188  *  Mathematically correct integer modulus function.  Unlike C's
00189  *  builtin remainder function, this correctly handles the case where
00190  *  one of the two arguments is negative.
00191  *
00192  *  Notice the use if INT as the argument and return type.  Should
00193  *  this have been INT64?
00194  *
00195  * ====================================================================
00196  */
00198 INT Mod(
00199   INT i,
00200   INT j
00201 )
00202 {
00203   INT rem;
00205   if ( j == 0 )
00206     return i;
00208   rem = i % j;
00210   if ( rem == 0 )
00211     return 0;
00213   if ( (i < 0) != (j < 0) )
00214     return j + rem;
00215   else
00216     return rem;
00217 }
00219 /* ====================================================================
00220  *
00221  *  Pop_Count
00222  *
00223  *  Return the count of set bits in 'x'.  This could be a lot faster,
00224  *  but does it matter?
00225  *
00226  *  TODO: Better algorithm.
00227  *
00228  * ====================================================================
00229  */
00231 /* Count of bits in all the one byte numbers.
00232  */
00233 const mUINT8 UINT8_pop_count[256] = {
00234   0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 
00235   1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 
00236   1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 
00237   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
00238   1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 
00239   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
00240   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
00241   3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 
00242   1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 
00243   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
00244   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
00245   3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 
00246   2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 
00247   3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 
00248   3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 
00249   4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 8  
00250 };
00252 TARG_INT
00253 TARG_INT_Pop_Count(
00254   TARG_INT x
00255 )
00256 {
00257   INT i, result=0;
00259   /* Find the least significant byte in x that's not zero and look it
00260    * up in the above table.
00261    */
00262   for (i = sizeof(x) - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
00263     unsigned char y = ((TARG_UINT) x) >> (((UINT) i) * 8);
00265     result += UINT8_pop_count[y];
00266   }
00267   return result;
00268 }
00270 /* ====================================================================
00271  *
00272  *  TARG_INT Most_Sig_One
00273  *
00274  *  Return the index of the most signicant bit in x, or -1 if x is 0.
00275  *  Bits are labeled [63 .. 0]
00276  *
00277  * ====================================================================
00278  */
00280 /* Mapping from unsigned 8 bit integers to the index of their most
00281  * significant one.  Notice -1 for out of range 0.
00282  */
00283 static const mUINT8 UINT8_most_sig_one [256] = {
00284   (mUINT8)-1, 
00285       0,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2,  2,  3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  
00286   4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  
00287   5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  
00288   5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  
00289   6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  
00290   6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  
00291   6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  
00292   6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  6,  
00293   7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  
00294   7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  
00295   7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  
00296   7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  
00297   7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  
00298   7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  
00299   7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  
00300   7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  7,  
00301 };
00304 TARG_INT
00305 TARG_INT_Most_Sig_One(
00306   TARG_INT x
00307 )
00308 {
00309   INT i;
00311   /* Find the least significant byte in x that's not zero and look it
00312    * up in the above table.
00313    */
00314   for (i = sizeof(x) - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
00315     unsigned char y = ((TARG_UINT) x) >> (((UINT) i) * 8);
00317     if (y != 0 )
00318       return i*8 + UINT8_most_sig_one[y];
00319   }
00321   return (TARG_INT) -1;
00322 }
00325 /* ====================================================================
00326  *
00327  *  TARG_INT_Least_Sig_One
00328  *
00329  *  Return the index of the least signicant bit in x, or -1 if x is 0.
00330  *  Bits are labeled [63 .. 0]
00331  *
00332  * ====================================================================
00333  */
00335 /* Mapping from 8 bit unsigned integers to the index of the first one
00336  * bit:
00337  */
00338 const mUINT8 UINT8_least_sig_one [256] = {
00339   (mUINT8)-1, 
00340       0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00341   4,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00342   5,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00343   4,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00344   6,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00345   4,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00346   5,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00347   4,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00348   7,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00349   4,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00350   5,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00351   4,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00352   6,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00353   4,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00354   5,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00355   4,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  1,  0,  
00356 };
00359 TARG_INT
00360 TARG_INT_Least_Sig_One(
00361   TARG_INT x
00362 )
00363 {
00364   INT  i;
00366   /* Find the least significant byte in x that's not zero and look it
00367    * up in the above table.
00368    */
00369   for (i = 0; i < sizeof(x); ++i) {
00370     unsigned char y = ((TARG_UINT) x) >> (((UINT) i) * 8);
00372     if (y != 0)
00373       return i*8 + UINT8_least_sig_one[y];
00374   }
00376   return (TARG_INT) -1;
00377 }
00380 /* ====================================================================
00381  *
00382  * INT32 nearest_power_of two(INT32 n)
00383  *
00384  * find the next nearest power of 2
00385  * ex.
00386  *      nearest_power_of two(7) = 8
00387  *      nearest_power_of two(4) = 4
00388  *
00389  * ==================================================================== */
00390 #define IS_POW2(n)              (((n) & ((n)-1))==0)
00392 INT32 nearest_power_of_two(INT32 n)
00393 {
00394   INT32 i;
00396   Is_True((n>0), ("nearest_power_of two() not defined for <=0"));
00398   if (IS_POW2(n))
00399   {
00400     return n;
00401   }
00402   for(i=0; (1<<i)<n; i++)
00403         ;
00404   return 1<<i;
00405 }
00409 /* ====================================================================
00410  *
00411  * BOOL Immediate_Has_All_Ones(INT64 imm, INT32 ub, INT32 lb)
00412  *
00413  * return TRUE if imm has all ones from lb to ub
00414  *
00415  * ==================================================================== */
00416 BOOL Immediate_Has_All_Ones(INT64 imm, INT32 ub, INT32 lb)
00417 {
00418   TARG_UINT     field= (TARG_UINT)~0;
00419   INT32         fieldsize= ub - lb + 1;
00421   Is_True((fieldsize>0), ("nonsensical ub,lb for immediate"));
00423  /* create mask of ones
00424   * cannonicalize immediate to start at bits zero
00425   */
00426   field >>=     (sizeof(TARG_INT)*8) - fieldsize;
00427   imm   =       (imm >> lb) & field;
00429   if (imm ^ field)
00430     return FALSE;
00432   return TRUE; 
00433 }
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