Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00036 #ifndef config_asm_INCLUDED
00037 #define config_asm_INCLUDED
00038 #ifdef __cplusplus
00039 extern "C" {
00040 #endif
00042 /* ====================================================================
00043  * ====================================================================
00044  *
00045  *
00046  * Revision history:
00047  *  17-Jun-91 - Original Version
00048  *  26-Sep-91 - Modified AS_CMNT_START, AS_IDENT
00049  *
00050  * Description:
00051  *
00052  * This file contains #defines which configure assembly code emission
00053  * to the current host assembler.  The intent is to isolate all
00054  * dependencies on the host's assembly language format and directives
00055  * here.
00056  *
00057  * ====================================================================
00058  * ====================================================================
00059  */
00062 #ifdef _KEEP_RCS_ID
00063 #endif /* _KEEP_RCS_ID */
00065 #define Label_Name_Separator "_"
00067 /* to distinguish from register names: */
00068 #define Symbol_Name_Suffix "#"
00070 /* The following sprintf format is used to create a basic block label
00071  * from the BB id and the PU name:
00072  */
00073 #define BB_Label_Format ".BB%d_%s"
00075 /* The following sprintf format is used to create a basic block label
00076  * from a user label name and the PU name:
00077  */
00078 #define User_Label_Format       ".L_%s_%s"
00079 #define User_Label_Number_Format        ".L_%d_%d_%s"
00081 /* The following sprintf format is used to create the magic label for
00082  * the common return point (if Only_1_Exit_Point is TRUE).
00083  */
00084 #define Ret_Block_Label_Format  ".RET_%s"
00086 /* The following sprintf format to ensure correct alignment of
00087  * entry points:
00088  */
00089 #define Entry_Point_Alignment_Format    "\t.align\t4\n"
00091 /* The following sprintf formats define the mapping of objects in
00092  * various storage classes to the assembly code and symbol table
00093  * (naming) conventions of the target:
00094  *      Fortran:
00095  *              INTEGER X, Y
00096  *              COMMON /CBLOCK/ X, Y
00097  *                  =>  loadd   _cblock$,f0             -- load X
00098  *                      loadd   _cblock$+8,f1           -- load Y
00099  *
00100  *              CALL SUB()
00101  *                  =>  call    sp,_sub_
00102  *
00103  * The Intrnisic_Proc_Format describes a modification to intrinsic
00104  * procedure names, allowing an easy way of describing intrinsic
00105  * naming conventions.  Our convention: Intrinsic functions have
00106  * an underscore, '_', prepended to their names, so this format is
00107  * "_%s".  Note that the processing by Intrinsic_Proc_Format is done
00108  * at compiler-build time (by the program "mkintr.x").
00109  *
00110  * Note also that the Ftn_Extern_Proc_Format is *not* applied to
00111  * intrinsic functions, even though they are external procedures.
00112  *
00113  * There are some language-specific things here.  For example, the
00114  * naming convention for Fortran functions is not the same as the
00115  * naming convention for C functions.  Consequently, there are two
00116  * formats for external procedure names:
00117  *      Ftn_Extern_Proc_Format
00118  *      C_Extern_Proc_Format
00119  */
00120 #define Intrinsic_Proc_Format   "%s"       /* eg: "_exp"              */
00121 #define Ftn_Extern_Data_Format  "%s_"      /* eg: "cblock_"          */
00122 #define C_Extern_Data_Format    "%s"       /* eg: "extrn"             */
00123 #define Ftn_Extern_Proc_Format  "%s_"      /* eg: "sub_"             */
00124 #define C_Extern_Proc_Format    "%s"       /* eg: "sub"              */
00125 #define C_Global_Static_Format  "GS.%s"    /* statics in global scope */
00126 #define C_Local_Static_Format   "LS.%1d.%s"/* statics in local scope  */
00127 #define Deferred_Ref_Format     "%s"       /* eg: "name"              */
00128 #define Deferred_Ref_Ofst_Format "%s%c%d"  /* eg: "name" '-' offset   */
00129 #define Local_Ret_Buf_Format    "%s.RBUF"  /* eg: "func.RBUF"         */
00131 #define DFLT_FTN_MAIN           "MAIN"
00132 #define DFLT_FTN_LOWMAIN        "main"
00133 #define BLANK_COM_NAME          "_BLNK__"
00134 #define RDATA_RAW_NAME          ".rdata"
00135 #define SDATA_RAW_NAME          ".sdata"
00136 #define DATA_RAW_NAME           ".data"
00137 #define GOT_RAW_NAME            ".got"
00138 #define BSS_RAW_NAME            ".bss"
00139 #define LIT4_RAW_NAME           ".lit4"
00140 #define LIT8_RAW_NAME           ".lit8"
00141 #define LIT16_RAW_NAME          ".lit16"
00143 #define ASM_CMNT_LINE           "//"    /* use for whole line comments */
00144 #define ASM_CMNT                "//"    /* other than whole line comments */
00146 #define AS_STOP_BIT             ";;"
00148 /* Defines for assembly directives */
00149 #define AS_ALIGN        ".align"
00150 #define AS_BYTE         "data1"
00151 #define AS_COM          ".common"
00152 #define AS_DATA         ".data"
00153 #define AS_DOUBLE       ".double"
00154 #define AS_DWORD        "data8"
00155 #define AS_DWORD_UNALIGNED ""
00156 #define AS_DYNSYM       ((char *)0)
00157 #define AS_END          ".endp"
00158 #define AS_ENT          ".proc"
00159 #define AS_AENT         "//.aproc"
00160 #define AS_FLOAT        ".float"
00161 #define AS_FILE         ".file"
00162 #define AS_FMASK        ".fmask"
00163 #define AS_FRAME        ".fframe"
00164 #define AS_GLOBAL       ".global"
00165 #define AS_GPVALUE      ".gpvalue"
00166 #define AS_HALF         "data2"
00167 #define AS_HALF_UNALIGNED ""
00168 #define AS_BSS          ".lcomm"
00169 #define AS_MASK         "//.mask"
00170 #define AS_ORIGIN       ".org"
00171 #define AS_RDATA        ".rdata"
00172 #define AS_SDATA        ".sdata"
00173 #define AS_SECTION      ".section"
00174 #define AS_SIZE         ".size"
00175 #define AS_SPACE        ".skip"
00176 #define AS_STRING       "string"
00177 #define AS_TEXT         ".text"
00178 #define AS_TYPE         ".type"
00179 #define AS_TYPE_FUNC    "@function"
00180 #define AS_TYPE_OBJECT  "@object"
00181 #define AS_WEAK         ".weak"
00182 #define AS_WORD         "data4"
00183 #define AS_WORD_UNALIGNED "" 
00184 #define AS_IDENT        "#ident" /* Make this ASM_CMNT_START if no ident */
00186 /* The directive for emitting an address depends on the target pointer
00187  * size.  The following is defined and initialized in config_targ.c:
00188  */
00189 extern char *AS_ADDRESS;
00190 extern char *AS_ADDRESS_UNALIGNED;
00192 /* Defines for emission of special relocations */
00193 #define AS_GPREL        "@gprel"
00194 #define AS_LTOFF        "@ltoff"
00195 #define AS_FPTR         "@fptr"
00196 #define AS_GP_REL       ((char *)0)
00197 #define AS_NEGATE       ((char *)0)
00199 /* A printf format for emitting a function of an external name, where
00200  * the function is typically given by one of the above kind symbols:
00201  */
00202 #define ASM_NAME_FUNC(kind,name)        "%s(%s)", kind, name
00203 #define ASM_DIR_NOTRANSFORM()           ; /* no equivalent */
00204 #define ASM_DIR_TRANSFORM()             ; /* no equivalent */
00205 #define ASM_DIR_NOREORDER()             ; /* no equivalent */
00206 #define ASM_DIR_NOAT()                  ; /* no equivalent */
00207 #define ASM_DIR_STOINTERNAL(n)          ; /* no equivalent */
00208 #define ASM_DIR_GPVALUE()               fprintf(Asm_File, "//\t%s %d\n", \
00209                                                 AS_GPVALUE, GP_DISP);
00210 #define ASM_DIR_FILE(count, file, name) fprintf (Asm_File, \
00211                                                  "\t%s\t\"%s/%s\"\n", \
00212                                                  AS_FILE, \
00213                                                  incl_table[DST_FILE_NAME_dir(file)], name);
00214 #define ASM_DIR_ALIGN(p, s)             fprintf(Asm_File, "\t%s %d\n", AS_ALIGN,STB_align(s));
00216 /* gas .skip fills with zeroes */
00217 #define ASM_DIR_ZERO(fl, l)     fprintf(fl, "\t%s %d\n", AS_SPACE, l) 
00218 #define ASM_DIR_SKIP(fl, l)     fprintf(fl, "\t%s %d\n", AS_SPACE, l)
00220 #ifdef __cplusplus
00221 }
00222 #endif
00223 #endif /* config_asm_INCLUDED */
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