Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00036 /* ====================================================================
00037  * ====================================================================
00038  *
00039  *
00040  * Revision history:
00041  *  26-Feb-97 - Original Version, extracted from config.c.
00042  *
00043  * Description:
00044  *
00045  * Configure the -TARG group (included in config.c).
00046  * See config_targ2.h for usage conventions.
00047  * See config_targ.* for more general target configuration support.
00048  *
00049  * NOTE:  There is an approximate distinction between -TARG option
00050  * group flags and their configuration (in this file), and more generic
00051  * target configuration (in config_targ.c).  Note that the related
00052  * header file config_targ.h is included in config.h, and hence in most
00053  * source files, whereas config_targ2.h is only included directly, so
00054  * putting new -TARG option-related variables in here is to be
00055  * preferred to putting them in config_targ.[hc].
00056  *
00057  * ====================================================================
00058  * ====================================================================
00059  */
00061 /* This file is included in config.c, so it doesn't need its own set of
00062  * standard includes -- only the following:
00063  */
00064 #include "config_targ2.h"
00066 /* ====================================================================
00067  * List of global variables that are set by the -TARG option group
00068  * ====================================================================
00069  */
00071 /* General target control: */
00072 char *ABI_Name = NULL;          /* -TARG:abi=xxx */
00073 char *ISA_Name = NULL;          /* -TARG:isa=xxx */
00074 char *Processor_Name = NULL;    /* -TARG:processor=xxx */
00075 static char * Platform_Name = NULL;
00076 INT16 Target_FPRs = 0;          /* -TARG:fp_regs=nn */
00077 BOOL Pure_ABI = FALSE;          /* Avoid non-ABI constructs? */
00079 /* Fault handling: */
00080 BOOL Force_FP_Precise_Mode = FALSE;     /* Force precise FP traps? */
00081 BOOL Force_Memory_Dismiss = FALSE;      /* Force mem fault dismissal? */
00082 BOOL Force_Page_Zero = FALSE;           /* Force mapping page zero? */
00083 BOOL Force_SMM = FALSE;                 /* Force sequential memory? */
00084 char *FP_Excp_Max = NULL;               /* Max FP trap enables */
00085 char *FP_Excp_Min = NULL;               /* Min FP trap enables */
00086 BOOL Flush_To_Zero = FALSE;             /* suppress fp underflow */
00088 /* Miscellaneous target instruction features: */
00089 BOOL Madd_Allowed = TRUE;               /* Generate madd instructions? */
00090 BOOL Force_Jalr = FALSE;        /* Force calls via address in register */
00091 static BOOL Slow_CVTDL_Set = FALSE;
00093 BOOL Itanium_a0_step = FALSE;
00094 BOOL SYNC_Allowed = TRUE;
00095 BOOL Slow_CVTDL = FALSE;
00097 /* Target machine specification options.  This group defines the target
00098  * ABI, ISA, processor, and FPR count.  It should also be the home for
00099  * options like specifying processor revisions.
00100  */
00101 static OPTION_DESC Options_TARG[] = {
00102   { OVK_NAME,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "abi",           "ab",
00103     0, 0, 0, &ABI_Name,         NULL,
00104     "Specify the ABI to follow" },
00105   { OVK_NAME,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "isa",           "is",
00106     0, 0, 0, &ISA_Name,         NULL,
00107     "Specify the instruction set architecture to use" },
00108 #if 0
00109   { OVK_SELF,   OV_SHY,         FALSE, "mips1", NULL,
00110     0, 0, 0, &ISA_Name,         NULL,
00111     "Use the MIPS-I instruction set architecture" },
00112   { OVK_SELF,   OV_SHY,         FALSE, "mips2", NULL,
00113     0, 0, 0, &ISA_Name,         NULL,
00114     "Use the MIPS-II instruction set architecture" },
00115   { OVK_SELF,   OV_SHY,         FALSE, "mips3", NULL,
00116     0, 0, 0, &ISA_Name,         NULL,
00117     "Use the MIPS-III instruction set architecture" },
00118   { OVK_SELF,   OV_SHY,         FALSE, "mips4", NULL,
00119     0, 0, 0, &ISA_Name,         NULL,
00120     "Use the MIPS-IV instruction set architecture" },
00121   { OVK_SELF,   OV_SHY,         FALSE, "mips5", NULL,
00122     0, 0, 0, &ISA_Name,         NULL,
00123     "Use the MIPS-V instruction set architecture" },
00124   { OVK_SELF,   OV_SHY,         FALSE, "mips6", NULL,
00125     0, 0, 0, &ISA_Name,         NULL,
00126     "Use the MIPS-VI instruction set architecture" },
00127 #endif
00128   { OVK_NAME,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "platform",      "pl",
00129     0, 0, 0, &Platform_Name,    NULL,
00130     "Specify the target platform" },
00131   { OVK_NAME,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "processor",     "pr",
00132     0, 0, 0, &Processor_Name,   NULL,
00133     "Specify the target microprocessor" },
00135   /* Miscellaneous features: */
00136   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "dismiss_mem_faults",    "dis",
00137     0, 0, 0,    &Force_Memory_Dismiss, NULL,
00138     "Force kernel to ignore memory faults (SIGSEGV/SIGBUS)" },
00139   { OVK_NAME,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "exc_max",       "exc_ma",
00140     0, 0, 0,    &FP_Excp_Max,   NULL,
00141     "Specify the only floating point exceptions which may be trapped" },
00142   { OVK_NAME,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "exc_min",       "exc_mi",
00143     0, 0, 0,    &FP_Excp_Min,   NULL,
00144     "Specify any floating point exceptions which must be trapped" },
00145   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_SHY,         FALSE, "force_jalr",    "",
00146     0, 0, 0,    &Force_Jalr,    NULL,
00147     "Force use of JALR instruction for all subprogram calls" },
00148   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "flush_to_zero", "",
00149     0, 0, 0,    &Flush_To_Zero, NULL,
00150     "Suppress floating point underflow exceptions" },
00151   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "fp_precise",    "fp_p",
00152     0, 0, 0,    &Force_FP_Precise_Mode, NULL,
00153     "Force the processor into precise floating point mode" },
00154   { OVK_INT32,  OV_INTERNAL,    FALSE, "fp_regs",       "fp_r",
00155     32, 16, 32, &Target_FPRs,   NULL,
00156     "Specify number of FP registers to use (16 or 32)" },
00157   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "madd",          "",
00158     0, 0, 0,    &Madd_Allowed,  NULL,
00159     "Specify whether to generate MADD instructions" },
00160   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_SHY,         FALSE, "page_zero",     "",
00161     0, 0, 0,    &Force_Page_Zero, NULL,
00162     "Force the kernel to map page zero into address space" },
00163   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_INTERNAL,    FALSE, "slow_cvtdl", "",
00164     0, 0, 0,    &Slow_CVTDL,    &Slow_CVTDL_Set,
00165     "" },
00166   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_SHY,         FALSE, "seq_memory",    "seq",
00167     0, 0, 0,    &Force_SMM,     NULL,
00168     "Force the processor into sequential memory mode" },
00169   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_VISIBLE,     FALSE, "sync", "",
00170     0, 0, 0,    &SYNC_Allowed,  NULL,
00171     "Specify whether to generate SYNC instructions" },
00172   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_INTERNAL,    FALSE, "pure",  "pu",
00173     0, 0, 0,    &Pure_ABI,      NULL,
00174     "Generate pure ABI-compliant code" },
00176   { OVK_BOOL,   OV_INTERNAL,    FALSE, "ma0_step", "",
00177     0, 0, 0,    &Itanium_a0_step, NULL,
00178     "" },
00180   /* Unimplemented options: */
00181   /* Obsolete options: */
00183   { OVK_COUNT }         /* List terminator -- must be last */
00184 };
00187 /* ====================================================================
00188  *
00189  * Configure_Source_TARG
00190  *
00191  * Same as Configure_Source except here we handle target specifics.
00192  *
00193  * ====================================================================
00194  */
00195 static void
00196 Configure_Source_TARG ( char *filename )
00198 {
00199 }
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