Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00036 /* ====================================================================
00037  * ====================================================================
00038  *
00039  *
00040  * Revision history:
00041  *  08-Sep-89 - Original Version
00042  *  01-Feb-91 - Copied for TP/Muse
00043  *  23-May-93 - Added group support
00044  *  29-Jan-94 - Removed last non-generic info to config.h
00045  *
00046  * Description:
00047  *
00048  * External interface to the command line processing utilities for the
00049  * Ragnarok compiler.
00050  *
00051  * NOTE:  This interface should only be visible to modules involved in
00052  * configuration and other initialization.  More widely-visible
00053  * configuration options belong in config.h and related files.  See
00054  * config.h for a more complete discussion.
00055  *
00056  *
00057  * Exported types:
00058  *
00059  *      OPTION_GROUP
00060  *          Describes a command-line "option group", a set of related
00061  *          options with their own specification namespace.  Fields
00062  *          are accessed by:
00063  *           char *OGROUP_name(grp)     Name (e.g., "OPT") of the group.
00064  *                                      These need to be chosen carefully
00065  *                                      so they don't conflict with other
00066  *                                      command-line option names (e.g.,
00067  *                                      can't start with L or I without
00068  *                                      restricting directory names that
00069  *                                      can be specified with -L/-I).
00070  *                                      By convention, hierarchical group
00071  *                                      names consist of uppercase names
00072  *                                      separated by underscores.  (e.g.,
00073  *                                      CG_SWP provides SoftWare Pipelining
00074  *                                      options for Code Generation.)
00075  *           OGROUP_DESC *OGROUP_options(grp)
00076  *                                      Array of option descriptors (see
00077  *                                      below), terminated by one with kind
00078  *                                      OVK_COUNT, describing the options
00079  *                                      provided in the group.  These exist
00080  *                                      within their own namespace, so names
00081  *                                      do not have to be chosen as carefully
00082  *                                      as the option group name.
00083  *           char OGROUP_separator(grp) Character used to separate options
00084  *                                      within the group (usually ':').
00085  *           char OGROUP_valmarker(grp) Character used to separate option
00086  *                                      names from values within the group
00087  *                                      (usually '=').
00088  *           char *OGROUP_description(grp)
00089  *                                      One-line description of group.
00090  *
00091  *      OPTION_DESC
00092  *          Describes an option with an option group.  Fields are accessed
00093  *          by:
00094  *           OPTION_KIND ODESC_kind(od) Kind of option, as given below.
00095  *           OPTION_VISIBILITY ODESC_visibility(od)
00096  *                                      Visibility of option, below.
00097  *           char *ODESC_name(od)       Full verbose name of option.
00098  *           char *ODESC_abbrev(od)     Shortest acceptable prefix allowed
00099  *                                      for abbreviating option.  MUST be
00100  *                                      a prefix of the full name.  If prefix
00101  *                                      of more than one opt name in group,
00102  *                                      ambiguity is resolved in favor of
00103  *                                      first appearance in option array.
00104  *                                      NULL means full option name must be
00105  *                                      used.  Empty string ("") means any
00106  *                                      non-ambiguous prefix allowed as an
00107  *                                      abbreviation.  Abbreviations that
00108  *                                      are not prefixes of the full option
00109  *                                      name should be implemented with their
00110  *                                      own OPTION_DESC (sharing the same
00111  *                                      variable).
00112  *           INT64 ODESC_def_val(od)    Default value for numeric options.
00113  *           INT64 ODESC_min_val(od)    Minimum value for numeric options.
00114  *           INT64 ODESC_max_val(od)    Maximum value for numeric options.
00115  *           void *variable             Pointer to variable to be set if
00116  *                                      option is given.
00117  *           BOOL *specified            Pointer to Boolean value to set if
00118  *                                      option is given, or NULL if no such
00119  *                                      notification is necessary.  This is
00120  *                                      useful for seeing if options were
00121  *                                      explicitly set on the command line.
00122  *           char *ODESC_description(od)
00123  *                                      One-line description of option.
00124  *          The "variable" and "specified" are not accessible after the
00125  *          initialization of the data structures.
00126  *
00127  *      OPTION_KIND
00128  *          Enumerated type specifying the various types of options within
00129  *          an option group.  Valid values are:
00130  *           OVK_NONE           Option takes no value; its appearance
00131  *                              will simply set the variable to TRUE
00132  *           OVK_BOOL           Option takes Boolean value, defaulting
00133  *                              to TRUE if no value given.  Valid values
00134  *                              are (case-insignificant) "NO", "YES",
00135  *                              "TRUE", "FALSE", "ON", "OFF", and "0".
00136  *           OVK_INT32          Option takes INT32 value, defaulting
00137  *                              to the specified default if no value
00138  *                              given or if out of range.
00139  *           OVK_INT64          Option takes INT64 value, defaulting
00140  *                              to the specified default if no value
00141  *                              given or if out of range.
00142  *           OVK_UINT32         Option takes UINT32 value, defaulting
00143  *                              to the specified default if no value
00144  *                              given or if out of range.
00145  *           OVK_UINT64         Option takes UINT64 value, defaulting
00146  *                              to the specified default if no value
00147  *                              given or if out of range.
00148  *           OVK_NAME           Option takes string value, defaulting to
00149  *                              the empty string ("") if no value given.
00150  *           OVK_SELF           Option takes string value, defaulting to
00151  *                              the option name if no value given.  This
00152  *                              may be useful when you want several
00153  *                              options to set the same variable.
00154  *           OVK_LIST           Option takes list value, where the list
00155  *                              contains the option names and values.
00156  *           OVK_OBSOLETE       Option is obsolete.
00157  *           OVK_UNIMPLEMENTED  Option is unimplemented.
00158  *           OVK_REPLACED       Option is obsolete, replaced by another,
00159  *                              named by its ODESC_variable field.
00160  *           OVK_COUNT          Dummy value used to mark end of option
00161  *                              descriptor array.
00162  *          TODO: 64-bit option values not yet implemented.
00163  *
00165  *          Enumerated type specifying the visibility (to users) of
00166  *          options within an option group.  Valid values are:
00167  *           OVK_VISIBLE        Users will see option on full listing.
00168  *                              Such options should have a valid
00169  *                              ODESC_description field, and should
00170  *                              appear in documentation.
00171  *           OVK_SHY            Users will see option on listing only
00172  *                              if they've set it or it's been
00173  *                              implicitly set by one of their options
00174  *                              (e.g. Ofast).
00175  *           OVK_INTERNAL       This option does not appear on user
00176  *                              listings.
00177  *
00178  *
00179  * Exported functions:
00180  *
00181  *      void Initialize_Option_Groups ( OPTION_GROUP *og )
00182  *          Initialize auxiliary internal information for the given
00183  *          array of option groups.  Will be called automatically by
00184  *          the a call to Process_Command_Line_Group, but if some
00185  *          options have their initial static defaults modified by
00186  *          other means before that, calling this explicitly earlier
00187  *          will properly identify those as modified on listings.
00188  *
00189  *      void Set_Option_Internal ( OPTION_GROUP *ogroup, char *name );
00190  *          Set the given option in the given group internal, meaning
00191  *          that it won't appear on user listings.  If the option name
00192  *          is NULL, the entire group is set internal.  This must be
00193  *          called after initialization.
00194  *
00195  *      BOOL Process_Command_Line_Group ( char *flag, OPTION_GROUP *og )
00196  *          Attempt to interpret <flag> as a command-line option group.
00197  *          <flag> should point just past the initial "-".  If <flag>
00198  *          does not name an option group (as defined in og or Option_Groups,
00199  *          see below), FALSE is returned.  Otherwise processes the group,
00200  *          setting the appropriate switches as specified in the group
00201  *          desciption, possibly signalling errors or warnings for options
00202  *          incorrectly specified.  Returns TRUE whenever <flags> named
00203  *          a valid group.
00204  *
00205  *      void Print_Option_Group ( FILE *tf, OPTION_GROUP *og, char *pfx,
00206  *                                BOOL internal, BOOL full, BOOL update)
00207  *          Print the current settings of the 'og' flags to 'tf'.
00208  *          Start lines with pfx (for comments in assembly source file
00209  *          output, for example).  Identify internal use (tracing) vs.
00210  *          customer output (listing files).  For internal use, 'full'
00211  *          causes all options to be printed, not just set/modified
00212  *          ones.  If 'update' is TRUE, internal set/modified flags are
00213  *          cleared and those options won't be printed next time
00214  *          (unless set again).
00215  *
00216  *      void Trace_Option_Group ( FILE *tf, OPTION_GROUP *og, BOOL full)
00217  *          Trace the current settings of the 'og' flags to 'tf'.
00218  *
00219  *      Print_Option_Groups / Trace_Option_Groups
00220  *          Same as the singular forms above, but print array of groups.
00221  *
00222  *      OPTION_GROUP *Get_Command_Line_Group ( OPTION_GROUP *og, char *name )
00223  *          Given an option group array and a group name, return a
00224  *          pointer to the array element which has the name (or NULL).
00225  *
00226  *      INT32 Get_Numeric_Flag (
00227  *              char **cp,
00228  *              UINT32 min,
00229  *              UINT32 max,
00230  *              UINT32 def,
00231  *              char *flag)
00232  *          Process a numeric flag from the command line.  <flag> is a
00233  *          pointer to the whole flag as given on the command line.
00234  *          <cp> points to a pointer to a position within <flag> at
00235  *          which the numeric value is expected.  On exit,
00236  *          point past the numeric value (if any).  <min> and <max>
00237  *          give the bounds for the expected value, while <def> gives
00238  *          the default value.  If either no numeric value is given,
00239  *          or the value is outside the required range, the default is
00240  *          returned (and a warning issued if outside the range); 
00241  *          otherwise the number specified by the flag is returned.
00242  *
00243  *
00244  * Exported variables:
00245  *
00246  *      OPTION_GROUP Common_Option_Groups[]
00247  *          List of option group descriptors common to all phases, terminated 
00248  *          by a NULL entry.  Each phase can have its own list of other groups.
00249  *          Statically initialized in config.c.  Option groups are modified
00250  *          by changing this initial value.  After initialization, should
00251  *          only be accessed by Process_Command_Line_Group.
00252  *
00253  *      char Cmdname[]
00254  *          The compiler invocation command.
00255  *          
00256  *
00257  * SEE ALSO:
00258  *
00259  *      com/config.h    General configuration options.
00260  *      com/controls.h  Flag/pragma-based compiler control options.
00261  *
00262  * ====================================================================
00263  * ====================================================================
00264  */
00266 #ifndef flags_INCLUDED
00267 #define flags_INCLUDED
00269 #ifdef _KEEP_RCS_ID
00270 #endif /* _KEEP_RCS_ID */
00272 #ifdef __cplusplus
00273 extern "C" {
00274 #endif
00276 extern char Cmdname[];
00278 /* Interpret a numeric string such as '356' or '256': */
00279 extern INT64 Get_Numeric_Flag (
00280   char **cp,    /* String to decode and advance */
00281   INT64 min,    /* Minimum valid value */
00282   INT64 max,    /* Maximum valid value */
00283   INT64 def,    /* Default value if none present */
00284   char *flag    /* Option string (for error messages) */
00285 );
00287 /* Interpret a string such as '356K' or '256g' as a numeric value: */
00288 extern BOOL Atoi_KMG (  /* Returns whether string was valid */
00289   const char* s,        /* String to interpret */
00290   INT64* val,           /* Result of interpretation */
00291   BOOL suffix_required  /* Is a suffix required?  (Must be [kKmMgG]) */
00292 );
00295 /* Define the option kinds: */
00296 typedef enum {
00297   OVK_INVALID,
00298   OVK_NONE,     /* Option never takes a value */
00299   OVK_BOOL,     /* boolean value */
00300   OVK_INT32,    /* 32-bit integer value */
00301   OVK_INT64,    /* 64-bit integer value */
00302   OVK_UINT32,   /* 32-bit unsigned integer value */
00303   OVK_UINT64,   /* 64-bit unsigned integer value */
00304   OVK_NAME,     /* string value, defaulting to "" */
00305   OVK_SELF,     /* string value, defaulting to option name */
00306   OVK_LIST,     /* list of option name/value pairs */
00307   OVK_OBSOLETE, /* Option is obsolete */
00308   OVK_OLD_COUNT,/* Used to be COUNT. Here to avoid a revision mismatch.
00309                  * Remove the reference in flags.c at some future time,
00310                  * later remove this with another if needed.
00311                  */
00312   OVK_REPLACED, /* Option is obsolete, replaced by another */
00313   OVK_UNIMPLEMENTED,    /* Option is unimplemented */
00315   OVK_COUNT=63  /* end of list marker */
00316 } OPTION_KIND;
00318 /* Define the option visibility: */
00319 typedef enum {
00320   OV_VISIBLE,   /* Option freely visible to users */
00321   OV_SHY,       /* Option listed only if user explicitly sets it */
00322   OV_INTERNAL   /* Internal option never listed for users */
00325 /* Define the list returned for OVK_LIST: */
00326 typedef struct option_list {
00327   struct option_list    *next;
00328   char                  *opt;
00329   char                  *val;
00330 } OPTION_LIST;
00332 #define OLIST_next(o)   ((o)->next)
00333 #define OLIST_opt(o)    ((o)->opt)
00334 #define OLIST_val(o)    ((o)->val)
00336 /* Define an option descriptor: */
00337 typedef struct option_desc {
00338   mINT8         kind;
00339   mINT8         visibility;
00340   BOOL          can_change_by_pragma; /* options pragma */
00341   char *        name;
00342   char *        abbrev;
00343   INT64         def_val;
00344   INT64         min_val;
00345   INT64         max_val;
00346   void *        variable;
00347   void *        aux;
00348   char *        description;
00349 } OPTION_DESC;
00351 #define ODESC_kind(o)           ((o)->kind)
00352 #define ODESC_visibility(o)     ((o)->visibility)
00353 #define ODESC_can_change_by_pragma(o)   ((o)->can_change_by_pragma)
00354 #define ODESC_name(o)           ((o)->name)
00355 #define ODESC_abbrev(o)         ((o)->abbrev)
00356 #define ODESC_def_val(o)        ((o)->def_val)
00357 #define ODESC_min_val(o)        ((o)->min_val)
00358 #define ODESC_max_val(o)        ((o)->max_val)
00359 #define ODESC_variable(o)       ((o)->variable)
00360 #define ODESC_description(o)    ((o)->description)
00362 /* Define an option group descriptor: */
00363 typedef struct option_group {
00364   char *        name;           /* Group name */
00365   char          separator;      /* Separator between sub-options */
00366   char          valmarker;      /* ... between option name and value */
00367   OPTION_DESC * options;        /* Array of option descriptors */
00368   void *        aux;            /* Auxiliary info for internal use */
00369   char *        description;    /* Short description of group */
00372 #define OGROUP_name(o)          ((o)->name)
00373 #define OGROUP_options(o)       ((o)->options)
00374 #define OGROUP_separator(o)     ((o)->separator)
00375 #define OGROUP_valmarker(o)     ((o)->valmarker)
00376 #define OGROUP_description(o)   ((o)->description)
00378 /* The option groups common to all compiler components: */
00379 extern OPTION_GROUP Common_Option_Groups[];
00381 /* Initialize auxiliary info for an array of OPTION_GROUPs: */
00382 extern void Initialize_Option_Groups ( OPTION_GROUP *ogroups );
00384 /* Set the given option in the given group internal, meaning that it
00385  * won't appear on user listings.  If the option name is NULL, the
00386  * entire group is set internal.
00387  */
00388 extern void Set_Option_Internal ( OPTION_GROUP *ogroup, char *name );
00390 /* Process the given option group: */
00391 extern BOOL Process_Command_Line_Group (
00392   char *flag,
00393   OPTION_GROUP *opt_groups );
00395 /* Print/trace the settings for the given option group: */
00396 extern void Print_Option_Group (
00397   FILE *tf,                     /* Listing/trace file */
00398   OPTION_GROUP *opt_group,      /* Which group? */
00399   char *prefix,                 /* Prefix for output lines (comment) */
00400   BOOL internal,                /* Internal trace or user listing? */
00401   BOOL full,                    /* All options or only set options? */
00402   BOOL update );                /* Update set/mod flags after list? */
00403 extern void Trace_Option_Group (
00404   FILE *tf,                     /* Trace file */
00405   OPTION_GROUP *opt_group,      /* Which group? */
00406   BOOL full );                  /* All options or only set options? */
00408 /* Same as the above, but print an array of groups: */
00409 extern void Print_Option_Groups (
00410   FILE *tf,                     /* Listing/trace file */
00411   OPTION_GROUP *opt_group,      /* Group array */
00412   char *prefix,                 /* Prefix for output lines (comment) */
00413   BOOL internal,                /* Internal trace or user listing? */
00414   BOOL full,                    /* All options or only set options? */
00415   BOOL update );                /* Update set/mod flags after list? */
00416 extern void Trace_Option_Groups (
00417   FILE *tf,                     /* Trace file */
00418   OPTION_GROUP *opt_group,      /* Group array */
00419   BOOL full );                  /* All options or only set options? */
00421 /* Get a group from an array, given its name: */
00422 extern OPTION_GROUP *Get_Command_Line_Group (
00423   OPTION_GROUP *og,
00424   char *name );
00426 extern void Trace_Command_Line_Group(FILE *, OPTION_GROUP *);
00428 extern void Save_or_restore_options(char *, INT32, BOOL);
00430 #ifdef __cplusplus
00431 }
00432 #endif
00433 #endif /* flags_INCLUDED */
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