Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00036 //* -*-Mode: c++;-*- (Tell emacs to use c++ mode) */
00038 #include <elf.h>                        // Elf64_Word
00039 #include <sys/types.h>                  // ir_bwrite.h needs it
00040 #include "wn_util.h"
00041 #include "lwn_util.h"
00042 #include "ipa_section.h"
00043 #include "ipa_lno_file.h"
00044 #include "ipl_lno_util.h"
00045 #include "ipl_summarize.h"
00046 #include "ipl_array_bread_write.h"
00048 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00049 // NAME: Machine_Type
00050 // FUNCTION: Given an argument passed to a call 'wn_argument', determine 
00051 //   return the machine type of its base type.
00052 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00053 extern TYPE_ID 
00054 Machine_Type(WN* wn_argument)
00055 {
00056   INT mtype = MTYPE_UNKNOWN;
00057   if (WN_operator(wn_argument) == OPR_PARM)
00058     wn_argument = WN_kid0(wn_argument);
00059   if (!OPCODE_has_sym(WN_opcode(wn_argument)))
00060     return mtype; 
00061   ST* st_formal = WN_st(wn_argument);
00062   TY_IDX ty_idx_formal = ST_type(st_formal);
00063   while (TY_kind(ty_idx_formal) == KIND_POINTER)
00064     ty_idx_formal = TY_pointed(ty_idx_formal);
00065   if (TY_kind(ty_idx_formal) == KIND_ARRAY)
00066     mtype = TY_mtype(TY_etype(ty_idx_formal));
00067   else
00068     mtype = TY_mtype(ty_idx_formal);
00069   return mtype; 
00070 }
00072 #if (!defined(_STANDALONE_INLINER) && !defined(_LIGHTWEIGHT_INLINER))
00074 extern SUMMARY *Summary;
00075 extern ARRAY_SUMMARY Array_Summary;
00077 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00078 // Find the position of the formal parameter in the function
00079 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00080 extern INT32
00081 Formal_Position (const ST* formal_st)
00082 {
00083   Is_True(ST_sclass(formal_st) == SCLASS_FORMAL || 
00084           ST_sclass(formal_st) == SCLASS_FORMAL_REF,
00085           ("Expected a formal ST"));
00087   FmtAssert(Current_PU_Info, ("Current_PU_Info is not set"));
00088   WN* func_entry = PU_Info_tree_ptr(Current_PU_Info);
00089   FmtAssert(func_entry, ("Function entry is not set"));
00091   for (INT32 pos = 0; pos < WN_num_formals(func_entry); ++pos) {
00092     if (WN_st(WN_formal(func_entry, pos)) == formal_st) {
00093       return pos;
00094     }
00095   }
00096   Fail_FmtAssertion("Couldn't find formal %s in function %s",
00097                     ST_name(formal_st), ST_name(WN_st(func_entry)));
00098   return -1;
00099 }
00101 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00102 // NAME: Node_Count
00103 // FUNCTION: Return the node count of the tree rooted at 'wn_node'.  If
00104 //   'limit' > 0, stop counting when you get over 'limit' nodes. If
00105 //   'symbol_only' is true, count only nodes with symbols.
00106 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00108 extern INT Node_Count(WN* wn_node,
00109                       INT limit,
00110                       BOOL symbol_only)
00111 {
00112   INT count = 0;
00113   if (!symbol_only || OPCODE_has_sym(WN_opcode(wn_node)))
00114     count++;
00115   if (limit > 0 && count > limit)
00116     return count;
00117   if (WN_opcode(wn_node) == OPC_BLOCK) {
00118     for (WN* wn = WN_first(wn_node); wn != NULL; wn = WN_next(wn)) {
00119       count += Node_Count(wn, limit, symbol_only);
00120       if (limit > 0 && count > limit)
00121         return count;
00122     }
00123   } else {
00124     for (INT i = 0; i < WN_kid_count(wn_node); i++) {
00125       count += Node_Count(WN_kid(wn_node, i), limit, symbol_only);
00126       if (limit > 0 && count > limit)
00127         return count;
00128     }
00129   }
00130   return count;
00131 }
00133 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00134 // NAME: True_Bound
00135 // FUNCTION: Given the array bound expression 'wn_exp' in the subprogram
00136 //   'wn_func', return an equivalent expression which uses original rather
00137 //   than frozen symbol values in the LDIDs.  Get memory for the expression
00138 //   from 'mem_pool'.
00139 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00141 extern WN* True_Bound(WN* wn_func,
00142                       ST_IDX st_idx_exp)
00143 {
00144   WN_ITER *wni = WN_WALK_TreeIter(wn_func);
00145   WN* wn = NULL;
00146   for (; wni != NULL; wni = WN_WALK_TreeNext(wni)) {
00147     wn = wni->wn;
00148     if (WN_operator(wn) == OPR_STID && WN_st_idx(wn) == st_idx_exp)
00149       break;
00150   }
00151   if (wni == NULL)
00152     return NULL; 
00153   WN* wn_exp = WN_kid0(wn);
00154   return LWN_Copy_Tree(wn_exp);
00155 }
00157 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00158 // NAME: Is_Constant_Tree
00159 // FUNCTION: If 'wn_exp' is a tree all of whose leaves are INTCONSTs,
00160 //   (and whose interior nodes are of a few simple types), then return
00161 //   TRUE and set '*const_value' to the value of 'wn_exp'.  Otherwise
00162 //   return FALSE.
00163 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00165 static BOOL Is_Constant_Tree(WN* wn_exp,
00166                              INT64* const_value)
00167 {
00168   INT64 const_left, const_right;
00169   switch (WN_operator(wn_exp)) {
00170   case OPR_ADD:
00171     if (!Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid0(wn_exp), &const_left))
00172       return FALSE;
00173     if (!Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid1(wn_exp), &const_right))
00174       return FALSE;
00175     *const_value = const_left + const_right;
00176     break;
00177   case OPR_SUB:
00178     if (!Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid0(wn_exp), &const_left))
00179       return FALSE;
00180     if (!Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid1(wn_exp), &const_right))
00181       return FALSE;
00182     *const_value = const_left - const_right;
00183     break;
00184   case OPR_MPY:
00185     if (!Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid0(wn_exp), &const_left))
00186       return FALSE;
00187     if (!Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid1(wn_exp), &const_right))
00188       return FALSE;
00189     *const_value = const_left * const_right;
00190     break;
00191   case OPR_NEG:
00192     if (!Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid0(wn_exp), &const_left))
00193       return FALSE;
00194     *const_value = -const_left;
00195     break;
00196   case OPR_INTCONST:
00197     *const_value = WN_const_val(wn_exp);
00198     break;
00199   default:
00200     return FALSE;
00201   }
00202   return TRUE;
00203 }
00205 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00206 // NAME: Is_Exp_Linexable
00207 // FUNCTION: Returns TRUE if 'wn_exp' can be converted to a LINEX (easily)
00208 //   FALSE otherwise.
00209 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00211 static BOOL Is_Exp_Linexable(WN* wn_exp, 
00212                              BOOL Is_LNO)
00213 {
00214   INT64 dummy_const;
00215   switch (WN_operator(wn_exp)) {
00216   case OPR_ADD:
00217   case OPR_SUB:
00218   case OPR_NEG:
00219     break;
00220   case OPR_MPY:
00221     if (Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid0(wn_exp), &dummy_const))
00222       return Is_Exp_Linexable(WN_kid1(wn_exp), Is_LNO);
00223     if (Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid1(wn_exp), &dummy_const))
00224       return Is_Exp_Linexable(WN_kid0(wn_exp), Is_LNO);
00225     return FALSE;
00226   case OPR_INTCONST:
00227     return TRUE;
00228   case OPR_LDID: 
00229     if (Is_LNO)
00230       return TRUE;
00231     else {
00232       const ST* st_exp = WN_st(wn_exp);
00233       return (ST_class(st_exp) == CLASS_VAR &&
00234               (ST_level(st_exp) == GLOBAL_SYMTAB ||
00235                (ST_level(st_exp) == CURRENT_SYMTAB &&
00236                 (ST_sclass(st_exp) == SCLASS_FORMAL ||
00237                  ST_sclass(st_exp) == SCLASS_FORMAL_REF))));
00238     }
00239   default:
00240     return FALSE;
00241   }
00242   for (INT i = 0; i < WN_kid_count(wn_exp); i++)
00243     if (!Is_Exp_Linexable(WN_kid(wn_exp, i), Is_LNO))
00244       return FALSE;
00245   return TRUE;
00246 }
00248 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00249 // NAME: Exp_To_Linex_Array
00250 // FUNCTION: Place on the TERM_ARRAY 'terms' the equivalent LINEX repre-
00251 //   sentation of 'wn_exp'.  Take needed meory from 'mem_pool'.
00252 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00254 static void Exp_To_Linex_Array(WN* wn_exp,
00255                                TERM_ARRAY* terms,
00256                                MEM_POOL* mem_pool,
00257                                BOOL Is_LNO,
00258                                IPA_LNO_READ_FILE* IPA_LNO_File)
00259 {
00260   INT i = 0;
00261   INT idx = -1;
00262   INT64 const_value = 0;
00263   TERM* tm = NULL;
00264   TERM_ARRAY tm_left(mem_pool);
00265   TERM_ARRAY tm_right(mem_pool);
00266   OPERATOR opr = WN_operator(wn_exp);
00267   switch (opr) {
00268   case OPR_ADD:
00269     Exp_To_Linex_Array(WN_kid0(wn_exp), &tm_left, mem_pool, Is_LNO,
00270       IPA_LNO_File);
00271     Exp_To_Linex_Array(WN_kid1(wn_exp), &tm_right, mem_pool, Is_LNO,
00272       IPA_LNO_File);
00273     for (i = 0; i <= tm_left.Lastidx(); i++) {
00274       idx = terms->Newidx();
00275       (*terms)[idx] = tm_left[i];
00276     }
00277     for (i = 0; i <= tm_right.Lastidx(); i++) {
00278       idx = terms->Newidx();
00279       (*terms)[idx] = tm_right[i];
00280     }
00281     tm_left.Free_array();
00282     tm_right.Free_array();
00283     break;
00284   case OPR_SUB:
00285     Exp_To_Linex_Array(WN_kid0(wn_exp), &tm_left, mem_pool, Is_LNO,
00286       IPA_LNO_File);
00287     Exp_To_Linex_Array(WN_kid1(wn_exp), &tm_right, mem_pool, Is_LNO,
00288       IPA_LNO_File);
00289     for (i = 0; i <= tm_left.Lastidx(); i++) {
00290       idx = terms->Newidx();
00291       (*terms)[idx] = tm_left[i];
00292     }
00293     for (i = 0; i <= tm_right.Lastidx(); i++) {
00294       idx = terms->Newidx();
00295       tm_right[i].Set_coeff(-tm_right[i].Get_coeff());
00296       (*terms)[idx] = tm_right[i];
00297     }
00298     tm_left.Free_array();
00299     tm_right.Free_array();
00300     break;
00301   case OPR_NEG:
00302     Exp_To_Linex_Array(WN_kid0(wn_exp), &tm_left, mem_pool, Is_LNO,
00303       IPA_LNO_File);
00304     for (i = 0; i <= tm_left.Lastidx(); i++) {
00305       idx = terms->Newidx();
00306       tm_left[i].Set_coeff(-tm_left[i].Get_coeff());
00307       (*terms)[idx] = tm_left[i];
00308     }
00309     tm_left.Free_array();
00310     break;
00311   case OPR_MPY: {
00312     WN* wn_base = NULL;
00313     if (Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid0(wn_exp), &const_value))
00314       wn_base = WN_kid1(wn_exp);
00315     else if (Is_Constant_Tree(WN_kid1(wn_exp), &const_value))
00316       wn_base = WN_kid0(wn_exp);
00317     FmtAssert(wn_base != NULL,
00318       ("Exp_To_Linex_Array: Should have screened this out"));
00319     Exp_To_Linex_Array(wn_base, &tm_left, mem_pool, Is_LNO, IPA_LNO_File);
00320     for (i = 0; i <= tm_left.Lastidx(); i++) {
00321       idx = terms->Newidx();
00322       tm_left[i].Set_coeff((COEFF) const_value * tm_left[i].Get_coeff());
00323       (*terms)[idx] = tm_left[i];
00324     }
00325     tm_left.Free_array();
00326     }
00327     break;
00328   case OPR_INTCONST:
00329     const_value = WN_const_val(wn_exp);
00330     terms->AddElement(TERM(LTKIND_CONST, (COEFF) const_value, CONST_DESC, 0));
00331     break;
00332   case OPR_LDID: {
00333     const ST* st = WN_st(wn_exp);
00334     WN_OFFSET offset = WN_offset(wn_exp);
00335     TYPE_ID mtype = WN_rtype(wn_exp);
00336     INT32 ivar_idx;
00337     IVAR ivar;
00339     if (Is_LNO) { 
00340       new (&ivar) IVAR(st, offset, mtype);
00341       ivar_idx = IPA_LNO_File->Add_Translated_Ivar_Unique(ivar);
00342     } 
00343     else {
00344       if (ST_IDX_level(ST_st_idx(st)) == GLOBAL_SYMTAB) {
00345         new (&ivar) IVAR(st, offset, mtype);
00346       }
00347       else if (ST_sclass(st) == SCLASS_FORMAL ||
00348                ST_sclass(st) == SCLASS_FORMAL_REF) {
00349         UINT32 position = Formal_Position(st);
00350         new (&ivar) IVAR(position, offset, mtype);
00351       }
00352       IVAR_ARRAY& ivar_array = *Array_Summary_Output->Get_ivar_array();
00353       for (ivar_idx = 0; ivar_idx < ivar_array.Elements(); ivar_idx++) {
00354         if (ivar_array[ivar_idx] == ivar) {
00355           break;
00356         }
00357       }
00358       if (ivar_idx == ivar_array.Elements()) {
00359         ivar_array.AddElement(ivar);
00360       }
00361     }
00362     terms->AddElement(TERM(LTKIND_IV, (COEFF) 1, ivar_idx, 0));
00363     break;
00364   }
00365   default:
00366     FmtAssert(TRUE, ("Exp_To_Linex_Array: Should have screened this out"));
00367     break;
00368   }
00369 }
00371 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00372 // NAME: Exp_To_Linex
00373 // FUNCTION: Convert 'wn_exp' to LINEX form, adding terms to the LINEX i
00374 //   'lx_exp'.  Return TRUE if the conversion worked, FALSE otherwise.
00375 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00377 extern BOOL Exp_To_Linex(WN* wn_exp,
00378                          LINEX* lx_exp,
00379                          MEM_POOL* mem_pool,
00380                          BOOL negate,
00381                          BOOL Is_LNO, 
00382                          IPA_LNO_READ_FILE* IPA_LNO_File)
00383 {
00384   TERM_ARRAY terms(mem_pool);
00385   if (!Is_Exp_Linexable(wn_exp, Is_LNO))
00386     return FALSE;
00387   Exp_To_Linex_Array(wn_exp, &terms, mem_pool, Is_LNO, IPA_LNO_File);
00388   for (INT i = 0; i <= terms.Lastidx(); i++) {
00389     TERM* tm = &terms[i];
00390     if (negate)
00391       tm->Set_coeff(-tm->Get_coeff());
00392     lx_exp->Set_term(tm);
00393   }
00394   return TRUE;
00395 }
00397 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00398 // NAME: Projected_Region_From_St
00399 // FUNCTION: For the array variable with the given 'st' in the function 
00400 //   'wn_func' use memory from 'mem_pool' to construct a projected region 
00401 //   its declaration.  Return NULL if the variable is not an array.
00402 // NOTE: This has been changed so that the PROJECTED_REGION created is 
00403 //   "zero-based". 
00404 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00406 extern PROJECTED_REGION* Projected_Region_From_St(WN* wn_func, 
00407                                                   ST* st,
00408                                                   MEM_POOL* mem_pool,
00409                                                   BOOL Is_LNO, 
00410                                                   IPA_LNO_READ_FILE* 
00411                                                     IPA_LNO_File)
00412 {
00413   TY_IDX ty_idx = ST_type(st);
00414   if (TY_kind(ty_idx) == KIND_POINTER)
00415     ty_idx = TY_pointed(ty_idx);
00416   if (TY_kind(ty_idx) != KIND_ARRAY)
00417     return NULL;
00418   INT dim_count = TY_AR_ndims(ty_idx);
00419   PROJECTED_REGION* pr = 
00420     CXX_NEW(PROJECTED_REGION(NON_MESSY_REGION, 0, dim_count, mem_pool),
00421             mem_pool);
00422   pr->Set_is_formal();
00423   pr->Reset_is_unprojected();
00424   PROJECTED_ARRAY* pa = pr->Get_projected_array();
00425   for (INT j = 0; j < dim_count; j++) {
00426     PROJECTED_NODE* pn = &(*pa)[j];
00427     pn->Init(mem_pool);
00428     pn->Reset_is_unprojected();
00429     LINEX* lx_lb = pn->Get_lower_linex();
00430     mINT64 lb_const = 0LL;
00431     lx_lb->Set_term(LTKIND_CONST, (COEFF) lb_const, CONST_DESC, 0);
00432     LINEX* lx_ub = pn->Get_upper_linex();
00433     if (TY_AR_const_lbnd(ty_idx, j)) {
00434       mINT64 lb_const = TY_AR_lbnd_val(ty_idx, j);
00435       lx_ub->Set_term(LTKIND_CONST, (COEFF) -lb_const, CONST_DESC, 0);
00436     } else {
00437       ST_IDX st_idx_lb = TY_AR_lbnd_var(ty_idx, j);
00438       if (st_idx_lb == (ST_IDX)0) {
00439         FmtAssert(j == 0,
00440           ("Process_Array_Formals: Expecting assumed shape array"));
00441         pn->Set_assumed_shape();
00442       } else {
00443         WN* wn_lb_true = True_Bound(wn_func, st_idx_lb);
00444         if (wn_lb_true == NULL) {
00445           FmtAssert(j == 0,
00446             ("Process_Array_Formals: Expecting assumed shape array"));
00447           pn->Set_assumed_shape();
00448         } else { 
00449           BOOL ok = Exp_To_Linex(wn_lb_true, lx_ub, mem_pool, TRUE,
00450             Is_LNO, IPA_LNO_File);
00451           if (!ok)
00452             pn->Set_messy_ub();
00453         } 
00454       }
00455     }
00456     if (!pn->Is_messy_ub()) {  
00457       if (TY_AR_const_ubnd(ty_idx, j)) {
00458         mINT64 ub_const = TY_AR_ubnd_val(ty_idx, j);
00459         lx_ub->Set_term(LTKIND_CONST, (COEFF) ub_const, CONST_DESC, 0);
00460       } else {
00461         ST_IDX st_idx_ub = TY_AR_ubnd_var(ty_idx, j);
00462         if (st_idx_ub == (ST_IDX)0) {
00463           FmtAssert(j == 0,
00464             ("Process_Array_Formals: Expecting assumed shape array"));
00465           pn->Set_assumed_shape();
00466         } else {
00467           WN* wn_ub_true = True_Bound(wn_func, st_idx_ub);
00468           if (wn_ub_true == NULL) { 
00469             FmtAssert(j == 0,
00470               ("Process_Array_Formals: Expecting assumed shape array"));
00471            pn->Set_assumed_shape();
00472           } else { 
00473             BOOL ok = Exp_To_Linex(wn_ub_true, lx_ub, mem_pool, FALSE,
00474               Is_LNO, IPA_LNO_File);
00475             if (!ok)
00476               pn->Set_messy_ub();
00477           } 
00478         }
00479       }
00480       lx_ub->Simplify();
00481     }
00482     LINEX* lx_stride = pn->Get_step_linex();
00483     mINT64 stride_const = 1LL;
00484     lx_stride->Set_term(LTKIND_CONST, (COEFF) stride_const, CONST_DESC, 0);
00485   }
00486   return pr;
00487 }
00489 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00490 // NAME: Projected_Region_From_Access_Array
00491 // FUNCTION: Return a projected region from the access array 'aa' using 
00492 //   memory from the 'mem_pool'.
00493 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00495 extern PROJECTED_REGION* Projected_Region_From_Access_Array(ACCESS_ARRAY* aa,
00496   MEM_POOL* mem_pool, IPA_LNO_READ_FILE* IPA_LNO_File)
00497 {
00498   return CXX_NEW(PROJECTED_REGION(aa, mem_pool, NULL, FALSE, 
00499     IPA_LNO_File), mem_pool);
00500 }
00503 #endif // _STANDALONE_INLINER
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