Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00036 // isa_bundle_gen.cxx
00038 //
00039 //  Gneerate an interface for specifying template encoding instructions 
00040 //  within a bundle.
00041 //
00044 #include <alloca.h>
00045 #include <cstddef>
00046 #include <cstdlib>
00047 #include <cstdarg>
00048 #include <cstdio>
00049 #include <cassert>
00050 #include <cstring>
00052 #include <vector>
00053 #include <list>
00055 using namespace std;
00057 #include "topcode.h"
00058 #include "targ_isa_properties.h"
00059 #include "gen_util.h"
00060 #include "isa_bundle_gen.h"
00062 #define MAX_SLOTS 3     // max # of slots the generator can handle
00063 #define TAG_SHIFT 12    // max # of bits required to encode all the
00064                         // execution property types.
00066 struct isa_exec_unit_type {
00067   const char *name;     // Name given for documentation and debugging
00068   int bit_position;     // bit position in flag word
00069   vector <bool> members; // set of opcodes that have this property
00070   ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE base_unit; // base exec unit type (or null if base)
00071 };
00073 struct isa_bundle_type {
00074   const char *name;
00075   const char *asm_name;
00076   int slot_count;
00078   bool stop_bit[MAX_SLOTS];
00079   unsigned int pack_code;
00080 };
00082 static int isa_exec_property_count = 0; 
00084 static int num_bundles = 0;
00085 static int max_slots = 0;
00086 static int bundle_bits;
00087 static list <ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE> all_exec_types; 
00088 static list <ISA_BUNDLE_TYPE> all_bundles; 
00089 static ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE current_exec_type_desc;
00090 static ISA_BUNDLE_TYPE current_bundle_desc;
00092 static const char * const interface[] = {
00093   "/* ====================================================================",
00094   " * ====================================================================",
00095   " *",
00096   " * Description:",
00097   " *",
00098   " *   A description of the bundling properties. The interface is",
00099   " *   divided into two pieces: scheduling, and packing. The scheduling",
00100   " *   interface exports the following:",
00101   " *",
00102   " *   const INT ISA_MAX_SLOTS",
00103   " *       An integer constant that indicates the maximum number of",
00104   " *       slots in a bundle.",
00105   " *",
00106   " *   const INT ISA_TAG_SHIFT",
00107   " *       Maximum number of bits required to encode all the execution",
00108   " *       property types.",
00109   " *",
00110   " *   typedef mUINTxx ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY",
00111   " *       A single-bit mask of representing an execution unit.",
00112   " *",
00113   " *       The names have the form ISA_EXEC_PROPERTY_xxx",
00114   " *       where 'xxx' is replaced with the EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY name.",
00115   " *",
00116   " *   typedef (enum) ISA_EXEC_UNIT",
00117   " *       An enumeration of the execution units.",
00118   " *",
00119   " *       The names have the form ISA_EXEC_xxx",
00120   " *       where 'xxx' is replaced with the EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY name.",
00121   " *",
00122   " *       The values of ISA_EXEC_UNIT and ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY are",
00123   " *       related in that the bit-mask value of an ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY",
00124   " *       is equal to 2**ISA_EXEC_UNIT.",
00125   " *",
00126   " *   const INT ISA_EXEC_MAX",
00127   " *       The highest value ISA_EXEC_UNIT value.",
00128   " *",
00129   " *   BOOL ISA_EXEC_PROPERTY_is_xxx(TOP t) ",
00130   " *       Returns TRUE if EXEC_PROPERTY_is_xxx matches <t>'s property.",
00131   " *",
00132   " *   ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY ISA_EXEC_Unit_Prop(TOP topcode)",
00133   " *       Returns exec_unit_property for the instruction specified",
00134   " *       by <topcode>.",
00135   " *",
00136   " *   ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_EXEC_Bundle_Info(INT index)",
00137   " *       Return isa_bundle_info specified by <index>. ",
00138   " *",
00139   " *   ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY ISA_EXEC_Slot_Prop(INT bundle, INT slot_index)",
00140   " *       Return exec_unit_property for the slot position <slot_index>",
00141   " *       in <bundle>.",
00142   " *",
00143   " *   UINT64 ISA_EXEC_Slot_Mask(INT bundle)",
00144   " *       Return slot_mask for <bundle>.",
00145   " *",
00146   " *   BOOL ISA_EXEC_Stop(INT bundle, INT slot_index)",
00147   " *       Return stop bit for the slot position <slot_index> in <bundle>.",
00148   " *",
00149   " *   ISA_EXEC_UNIT ISA_EXEC_Unit(INT bundle, INT slot_index)",
00150   " *       Return the execution unit slot position <slot_index> in <bundle>.",
00151   " *",
00152   " *   UINT32 ISA_EXEC_Stop_Mask(INT bundle)",
00153   " *       Return stop_mask for <bundle>.",
00154   " *",
00155   " *   const char *ISA_EXEC_Name(INT bundle)",
00156   " *       Return the name for <bundle>.",
00157   " *",
00158   " *   const char *ISA_EXEC_AsmName(INT bundle)",
00159   " *       Return the assembly language name for <bundle>.",
00160   " *",
00161   " * ====================================================================",
00162   " *",
00163   " *   The packing interface exports the following:",
00164   " *",
00165   " *   typedef ISA_BUNDLE",
00166   " *       A type large enough to hold a bundle. This type will always",
00167   " *       be a struct containing an array of either 32-, or 64-bit",
00168   " *       unsigned integers.",
00169   " *",
00170   " *   typedef (enum) ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP",
00171   " *       An enumeration of the bundle components to be packed.",
00172   " *",
00173   " *   const INT ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_MAX",
00174   " *       The maximum number of components to be packed for a bundle.",
00175   " *",
00176   " *   typedef (struct) ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO",
00177   " *       Describes how a the components of a bundle are packed.",
00178   " *       The contents are private.",
00179   " *",
00180   " *   const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *ISA_BUNDLE_Pack_Info(void)",
00181   " *       Returns a pointer to the first packing component.",
00182   " *       Increment the returned pointer to access any additional packing",
00183   " *       components for the bundle. A component of ISA_PACK_COMP_end",
00184   " *       marks the end.",
00185   " *",
00186   " *   INT ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_Comp(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)",
00187   " *       Identifies the bundle component to be packed.",
00188   " *",
00189   " *   INT ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_Index(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)",
00190   " *       The index of the bundle word containing the component.",
00191   " *",
00192   " *       ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_Index is meaningless for ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_end.",
00193   " *",
00194   " *   INT ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_CompPos(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)",
00195   " *       The offset, in bits, to the start of the component in the",
00196   " *       component value.",
00197   " *",
00198   " *       ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_CompPos is meaningless for ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_end.",
00199   " *",
00200   " *   INT ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_BundlePos(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)",
00201   " *       The offset, in bits, to the start of the component in the",
00202   " *       bundle word.",
00203   " *",
00204   " *       ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_BundlePos is meaningless for ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_end.",
00205   " *",
00206   " *   UINT64 ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_Mask(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)",
00207   " *       A bit mask that is as wide as the bundle component being",
00208   " *       packed. The mask is shifted to match the field in the",
00209   " *       bundle word.",
00210   " *",
00211   " *       ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_Mask is meaningless for ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_end.",
00212   " *",
00213   " *   INT ISA_BUNDLE_Pack_Info_Index(ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP comp)",
00214   " *       Index into bundle packing info array (see ISA_BUNDLE_Pack_Info)",
00215   " *       to the start of the info for the component <comp>. If there",
00216   " *       is no packing info for <comp>, the index is for the 'end'",
00217   " *       component.",
00218   " *",
00219   " * ====================================================================",
00220   " * ====================================================================",
00221   " */",
00222   NULL
00223 };
00225 /* ====================================================================
00226  *
00227  * This section handles bundle scheduling
00228  *
00229  * ====================================================================
00230  */
00233 ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE ISA_Exec_Unit_Type_Create ( const char* name,
00234                                                ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE base_unit )
00236 //  See interface description.
00238 {
00239   ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE cur_type = new isa_exec_unit_type;
00241   cur_type->name = name;
00242   cur_type->bit_position = isa_exec_property_count++;
00243   cur_type->members = vector<bool> (TOP_count, false);
00244   cur_type->base_unit = base_unit;
00246   current_exec_type_desc = cur_type;
00247   all_exec_types.push_back (current_exec_type_desc);
00248   return cur_type;
00249 }
00252 void Instruction_Exec_Unit_Group(ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE unit_type, ... )
00254 //  See interface description.
00256 {
00257   va_list ap;
00258   TOP opcode;
00260   if (!current_exec_type_desc->name) {
00261     fprintf(stderr,"### Error: no execution unit type name specified for %s\n",
00262                    current_exec_type_desc->name);
00263     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00264   }
00266   va_start(ap, unit_type);
00267   while ( (opcode = static_cast<TOP>(va_arg(ap, int))) != TOP_UNDEFINED) {
00268       unit_type->members[(int)opcode] = true;      
00269   }
00270   va_end(ap);  
00271 }
00274 void ISA_Bundle_Type_Create (const char* name, const char* asm_name, 
00275                              int no_slots )
00277 //  See interface description.
00279 {
00280   int i;
00281   ISA_BUNDLE_TYPE cur_type = new isa_bundle_type;
00282   cur_type->name = name;
00283   cur_type->asm_name = asm_name;
00284   cur_type->slot_count = no_slots;
00285   cur_type->pack_code = num_bundles;
00286   for (i = 0; i < no_slots; ++i) cur_type->stop_bit[i] = false;
00288   current_bundle_desc = cur_type;
00289   all_bundles.push_back (current_bundle_desc);
00291   if (no_slots > max_slots) max_slots = no_slots;
00292   ++num_bundles;
00293 }
00296 void Slot (int slot_index, ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE type)
00298 //  See interface description.
00300 {
00301   if (slot_index > current_bundle_desc->slot_count) {
00302     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: slot index (%d) exceeds %d\n",
00303                     slot_index, current_bundle_desc->slot_count);
00304     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00305   }
00307   if (!type) {
00308     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: slot type have non NULL value \n");
00309     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00310   }
00312   current_bundle_desc->slot[slot_index] = type;
00313 }
00316 void Stop (int slot_index)
00318 //  See interface description.
00320 {
00321   if (slot_index > current_bundle_desc->slot_count) {
00322     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: slot index (%d) exceeds %d\n",
00323                     slot_index, current_bundle_desc->slot_count);
00324     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00325   }
00327   current_bundle_desc->stop_bit[slot_index] = true;
00328 }
00331 static void Emit_Bundle_Scheduling(FILE *hfile, FILE *cfile, FILE *efile)
00333 //  Emit the bundle scheduling interface.
00335 {
00336   list<ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE>::iterator iei;
00337   list<ISA_BUNDLE_TYPE>::iterator ibi;
00338   int i;
00340   const char * const isa_exec_type_format = "  %3llu,  /* %s: ";
00341   const char *info_index_type;
00343   int index = 0;
00344   for (iei = all_exec_types.begin(); iei != all_exec_types.end(); ++index,
00345                                                                   ++iei) {
00346   }
00348   const char *int_suffix;
00349   // select the ISA_EXEC_unit_prop based on the number of exec info types.
00350   if (index <= 8) {
00351     info_index_type = "mUINT8";
00352     int_suffix = "";
00353   } else if (index <= 16) {
00354     info_index_type = "mUINT16";
00355     int_suffix = "";
00356   } else if (index <= 32) {
00357     info_index_type = "mUINT32";
00358     int_suffix = "U";
00359   } else {
00360     assert (index <= 64);
00361     info_index_type = "mUINT64";
00362     int_suffix = "ULL";
00363   }
00365   fprintf (hfile, "\n#define ISA_MAX_SLOTS (%d)\n", max_slots);
00366   fprintf (hfile, "#define ISA_TAG_SHIFT (%d)\n", TAG_SHIFT);
00368   fprintf (hfile, "\ntypedef %s ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY;\n",
00369            info_index_type);
00371   fprintf (hfile, "\n");
00372   for (iei = all_exec_types.begin(); iei != all_exec_types.end(); ++iei) {
00373     ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE curr_exec_type = *iei;
00374     fprintf (hfile, "#define ISA_EXEC_PROPERTY_%-15s (0x%llx%s)\n",
00375                     curr_exec_type->name,
00376                     (1ULL << curr_exec_type->bit_position), int_suffix);
00377   }
00379   fprintf (hfile, "\ntypedef enum {\n");
00380   for (iei = all_exec_types.begin(); iei != all_exec_types.end(); ++iei) {
00381     ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE curr_exec_type = *iei;
00382     fprintf (hfile, "  ISA_EXEC_%-15s = %d,\n",
00383                     curr_exec_type->name,
00384                     curr_exec_type->bit_position);
00385   }
00386   fprintf (hfile, "  ISA_EXEC_%-15s = %d\n"
00387                   "} ISA_EXEC_UNIT;\n",
00388                   "MAX", isa_exec_property_count - 1);
00390   fprintf (hfile, "\ntypedef struct {\n"
00391                   "  const char *name;\n"
00392                   "  const char *asm_name;\n"
00393                   "  int slot_count;\n"
00394                   "  ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY slot[%d];\n"
00395                   "  mBOOL stop[%d];\n"
00396                   "  mUINT8 unit[%d];\n"
00397                   "  mUINT8 pack_code;\n"
00398                   "  mUINT8 stop_mask;\n"
00399                   "  mUINT64 slot_mask;\n"
00400                   "} ISA_BUNDLE_INFO;\n",
00401                   max_slots ? max_slots : 1,
00402                   max_slots ? max_slots : 1,
00403                   max_slots ? max_slots : 1);
00405   fprintf(efile, "ISA_BUNDLE_info\n");
00406   fprintf(cfile, "\nconst ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_info[] = {\n");
00408   int slot_mask_digits = ((TAG_SHIFT * max_slots) + 3) / 4;
00409   for (ibi = all_bundles.begin(); ibi != all_bundles.end(); ++ibi) {
00410     ISA_BUNDLE_TYPE curr_exec_type = *ibi;
00411     fprintf (cfile, " {\n    \"%s\",%*s \"%s\",%*s %d,", 
00412                     curr_exec_type->name, 
00413                     13 - strlen(curr_exec_type->name), "",
00414                     curr_exec_type->asm_name, 
00415                     8 - strlen(curr_exec_type->asm_name), "",
00416                     curr_exec_type->slot_count);
00418     unsigned long long slot_mask = 0;
00419     unsigned int stop_mask = 0;
00420     fprintf (cfile, "\n    {");
00421     for (i = 0; i < curr_exec_type->slot_count; i++) {
00422       unsigned int flag_value = 1 << curr_exec_type->slot[i]->bit_position;
00423       int shift_count = max_slots - i - 1;
00424       slot_mask |= ((unsigned long long)flag_value << (TAG_SHIFT * shift_count));
00425       stop_mask |= (curr_exec_type->stop_bit[i] << shift_count);
00426       fprintf (cfile, " %2d /* %7s */,", 
00427                       flag_value,
00428                       curr_exec_type->slot[i]->name);
00429     }
00430     fprintf (cfile, " },");
00432     fprintf (cfile, "\n    {");
00433     for (i = 0; i < max_slots; i++) {
00434       fprintf (cfile, " %5s,", curr_exec_type->stop_bit[i] ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
00435     }
00436     fprintf (cfile, " },");
00438     fprintf (cfile, "\n    {");
00439     for (i = 0; i < curr_exec_type->slot_count; i++) {
00440       ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE unit_type = curr_exec_type->slot[i];
00441       if (unit_type->base_unit) unit_type = unit_type->base_unit;
00442       fprintf (cfile, " ISA_EXEC_%5s,", unit_type->name);
00443     }
00444     fprintf (cfile, " },");
00446     fprintf(cfile, "\n    %2d,", curr_exec_type->pack_code);
00447     fprintf(cfile, " 0x%1x,", stop_mask);
00448     fprintf(cfile, " 0x%0*llx\n  },\n", slot_mask_digits, slot_mask);
00449   }
00450   fprintf (cfile, "  {\n    \"template_MAX\", \"\", -1,\n    { -1 /* ??????? */");
00451   for (i = 1; i < max_slots; ++i) fprintf (cfile, ", -1 /* ??????? */");
00452   fprintf (cfile, ",},\n    { FALSE");
00453   for (i = 1; i < max_slots; ++i) fprintf (cfile, ", FALSE");
00454   fprintf (cfile, ",},\n    -1, 0x0, 0x%0*x\n  }\n};\n", slot_mask_digits, 0);
00456   fprintf(hfile,"\n#define ISA_MAX_BUNDLES %d\n",num_bundles);
00458   fprintf (efile, "ISA_EXEC_unit_prop\n");
00459   fprintf (cfile, "\nconst ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY ISA_EXEC_unit_prop[%d] = {\n",
00460           TOP_count);
00462   for (int top = 0; top < TOP_count; ++top) {
00463     unsigned long long flag_value = 0;
00465     for (iei = all_exec_types.begin(); iei != all_exec_types.end(); ++iei) {
00466       ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE exec_type = *iei;
00467       if (exec_type->members[top]) 
00468         flag_value |= (1ULL << exec_type->bit_position);
00469     }
00470     fprintf(cfile,      isa_exec_type_format,
00471                         flag_value,
00472                         TOP_Name((TOP)top));
00473     for ( iei = all_exec_types.begin(); iei != all_exec_types.end(); ++iei ) {
00474       ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE exec_type = *iei;
00475       if (exec_type->members[top]) 
00476         fprintf (cfile, " %s", exec_type->name);
00477     }
00478     fprintf (cfile, " */\n");
00479   }
00480   fprintf(cfile, "};\n");
00482   fprintf(hfile, "\nextern const ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY ISA_EXEC_unit_prop[];\n");
00483   fprintf(hfile, "\n");
00484   for (iei = all_exec_types.begin(); iei != all_exec_types.end(); ++iei) {
00485     ISA_EXEC_UNIT_TYPE exec_type = *iei;
00486     fprintf(hfile,
00487              "#define EXEC_PROPERTY_is_%s(t)\t (ISA_EXEC_unit_prop[(INT)t] & ISA_EXEC_PROPERTY_%s)\n",
00488              exec_type->name, exec_type->name);
00489   }
00491   fprintf (hfile, "\ninline ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY "
00492                    "ISA_EXEC_Unit_Prop(TOP topcode)\n"
00493                  "{\n"
00494                  "  return ISA_EXEC_unit_prop[(INT)topcode];\n"
00495                  "}\n");
00497   fprintf (hfile, "\ninline ISA_BUNDLE_INFO "
00498                    "ISA_EXEC_Bundle_Info(INT index)\n"
00499                  "{\n"
00500                  "  extern const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_info[];\n"
00501                  "  return ISA_BUNDLE_info[index];\n"
00502                  "}\n");
00504   fprintf (hfile, "\ninline ISA_EXEC_UNIT_PROPERTY "
00505                    "ISA_EXEC_Slot_Prop(INT bundle, INT slot_index)\n"
00506                  "{\n"
00507                  "  extern const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_info[];\n"
00508                  "  const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO *info = ISA_BUNDLE_info + bundle;\n"
00509                  "  return info->slot[slot_index];\n"
00510                  "}\n");
00512   fprintf (hfile, "\ninline UINT64 "
00513                    "ISA_EXEC_Slot_Mask(INT bundle)\n"
00514                  "{\n"
00515                  "  extern const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_info[];\n"
00516                  "  const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO *info = ISA_BUNDLE_info + bundle;\n"
00517                  "  return info->slot_mask;\n"
00518                  "}\n");
00520   fprintf (hfile, "\ninline BOOL "
00521                    "ISA_EXEC_Stop(INT bundle, INT slot_index)\n"
00522                  "{\n"
00523                  "  extern const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_info[];\n"
00524                  "  const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO *info = ISA_BUNDLE_info + bundle;\n"
00525                  "  return info->stop[slot_index];\n"
00526                  "}\n");
00528   fprintf (hfile, "\ninline ISA_EXEC_UNIT "
00529                    "ISA_EXEC_Unit(INT bundle, INT slot_index)\n"
00530                  "{\n"
00531                  "  extern const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_info[];\n"
00532                  "  const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO *info = ISA_BUNDLE_info + bundle;\n"
00533                  "  return (ISA_EXEC_UNIT)info->unit[slot_index];\n"
00534                  "}\n");
00536   fprintf (hfile, "\ninline UINT32 "
00537                    "ISA_EXEC_Stop_Mask(INT bundle)\n"
00538                  "{\n"
00539                  "  extern const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_info[];\n"
00540                  "  const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO *info = ISA_BUNDLE_info + bundle;\n"
00541                  "  return info->stop_mask;\n"
00542                  "}\n");
00544   fprintf (hfile, "\ninline const char * "
00545                    "ISA_EXEC_Name(INT bundle)\n"
00546                  "{\n"
00547                  "  extern const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_info[];\n"
00548                  "  const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO *info = ISA_BUNDLE_info + bundle;\n"
00549                  "  return info->name;\n"
00550                  "}\n");
00552   fprintf (hfile, "\ninline const char * "
00553                    "ISA_EXEC_AsmName(INT bundle)\n"
00554                  "{\n"
00555                  "  extern const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_info[];\n"
00556                  "  const ISA_BUNDLE_INFO *info = ISA_BUNDLE_info + bundle;\n"
00557                  "  return info->asm_name;\n"
00558                  "}\n");
00559 }
00561 /* ====================================================================
00562  *
00563  * This section handles bundle packing
00564  *
00565  * ====================================================================
00566  */
00568 // deleting ending ',' after 2
00569 typedef enum {
00570   END           = 0,            // end of list marker
00571   FTEMPLATE     = 1,            // template
00572   FSLOT         = 2             // slot+n => slot n
00577 static const char * const pack_comp_type_name[] = {
00578   "END",
00579   "TEMPLATE",
00580   "SLOT0",
00581   "SLOT1",
00582   "SLOT2",
00583 };
00585 static const char * const pack_comp_name[] = {
00586   "ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_end",
00587   "ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_template",
00588   "ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_slot+0",
00589   "ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_slot+1",
00590   "ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_slot+2",
00591 };
00593 typedef struct {
00594   int comp_pos;
00595   int bundle_pos;
00596   int width;
00599 typedef struct {
00600   ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_ENDIAN endian;
00601   BUNDLE_FIELD ftemplate;
00602   BUNDLE_FIELD fslot[MAX_SLOTS];
00605 static BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *bundle_pack_info = NULL;
00608 void ISA_Bundle_Pack_Create (ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_ENDIAN endian)
00610 //  See interface description.
00612 {
00613   if (bundle_pack_info) {
00614     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: ISA_Bundle_Pack_Create called multiple times\n");
00615     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00616   }
00618   bundle_pack_info = new(BUNDLE_PACK_INFO);
00619   bzero(bundle_pack_info, sizeof(*bundle_pack_info));
00620   bundle_pack_info->endian = endian;
00621 }
00624 void Pack_Template (int comp_pos, int bundle_pos, int width)
00626 //  See interface description.
00628 {
00629   if (bundle_pack_info == NULL) {
00630     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: Missing call to ISA_Bundle_Pack_Create\n");
00631     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00632   }
00633   if (bundle_pos + width > bundle_bits) {
00634     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: field exceeds bundle boundaries\n");
00635     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00636   }
00638   bundle_pack_info->ftemplate.comp_pos = comp_pos;
00639   bundle_pack_info->ftemplate.bundle_pos = bundle_pos;
00640   bundle_pack_info->ftemplate.width = width;
00641 }
00644 void Pack_Slot (int slot, int comp_pos, int bundle_pos, int width)
00646 //  See interface description.
00648 {
00649   if (bundle_pack_info == NULL) {
00650     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: Missing call to ISA_Bundle_Pack_Create\n");
00651     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00652   }
00653   if (slot >= MAX_SLOTS) {
00654     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: slot (%d) exceeds %d\n", slot, MAX_SLOTS);
00655     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00656   }
00657   if (bundle_pos + width > bundle_bits) {
00658     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: field exceeds bundle boundaries\n");
00659     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00660   }
00662   bundle_pack_info->fslot[slot].comp_pos = comp_pos;
00663   bundle_pack_info->fslot[slot].bundle_pos = bundle_pos;
00664   bundle_pack_info->fslot[slot].width = width;
00665 }
00668 static unsigned long long Mask64(int width)
00670 //  Return a bit-mask of size <width>.
00672 {
00673   if ((unsigned)width > 64U) {
00674     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: field width (%d) exceeds 64\n", width);
00675     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00676   } else if (width == 64) {
00677     return -1ULL;
00678   }
00679   return (1ULL << width) - 1;
00680 }
00683 static ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_ENDIAN Host_Endian(void)
00685 //  Return the endian-ness of the host machine.
00687 {
00688   int i = 0x12;
00689   int lowbyte = *(char *)&i;
00690   assert(sizeof(int) > sizeof(char));
00691   return (lowbyte == 0x12) ? ISA_Bundle_Pack_Little_Endian
00692                            : ISA_Bundle_Pack_Big_Endian;
00693 }
00696 static void Emit_Pack_Component(
00697   FILE *cfile,
00698   BUNDLE_FIELD *field,
00699   int comp,
00700   int *first_comps,
00701   int *pack_index)
00703 //  Emit the packing info for a component. A single source specification
00704 //  may result in multiple packing info entries depending on endian
00705 //  specification and word boundary crossings.
00707 {
00708   if (first_comps[comp] < 0) first_comps[comp] = *pack_index;
00710   if (comp == END) {
00711     fprintf (cfile, "  { %-30s, %2d, %2d, %2d,   %16lld },  /* %s */\n",
00712                     pack_comp_name[comp],
00713                     -1,
00714                     -1,
00715                     -1, 
00716                     -1LL,
00717                     pack_comp_type_name[comp]);
00718     ++*pack_index;
00719   } else {
00720     bool wrong_endian = (bundle_pack_info->endian != Host_Endian());
00721     int incr;
00722     int flip_mask;
00723     int comp_pos = field->comp_pos;
00724     int bundle_pos = field->bundle_pos;
00725     int width = field->width;
00726     int word_size = bundle_bits >= 64 ? 64 : (bundle_bits + 7) & ~7;
00727     if (wrong_endian) {
00728       incr = 8;
00729       flip_mask = (word_size - 1) & 070;
00730     } else {
00731       incr = word_size;
00732       flip_mask = 0;
00733     }
00734     do {
00735       int bundle_word_pos = (bundle_pos % word_size) ^ flip_mask;
00736       int index = bundle_pos / word_size;
00737       int b = bundle_pos % incr;
00738       int w = width;
00739       if (b + width > incr) w = incr - b;
00740       fprintf (cfile, "  { %-30s, %2d, %2d, %2d, 0x%016llx },  /* %s */\n",
00741                       pack_comp_name[comp],
00742                       index,
00743                       comp_pos,
00744                       bundle_word_pos,
00745                       Mask64(w) << bundle_word_pos,
00746                       pack_comp_type_name[comp]);
00747       ++*pack_index;
00748       bundle_pos += w;
00749       comp_pos += w;
00750       width -= w;
00751     } while (width != 0);
00752   }
00753 }
00756 static void Emit_Bundle_Packing(FILE *hfile, FILE *cfile, FILE *efile)
00758 //  Emit the bundle packing interface.
00760 {
00761   int i;
00762   int first_comps[MAX_PACK_COMPS];
00763   int max_pack_comps = FSLOT + max_slots;
00764   int word_size = bundle_bits >= 64 ? 64 : (bundle_bits + 7) & ~7;
00765   int pack_index = 0;
00767   if (bundle_pack_info == NULL) {
00768     fprintf(stderr, "### Error: no bundle packing specification!\n");
00769     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00770   }
00772   for (i = 0; i < MAX_PACK_COMPS; ++i) first_comps[i] = -1;
00774   fprintf(hfile, "\ntypedef struct {\n"
00775                  "  mUINT%d word[%d];\n"
00776                  "} ISA_BUNDLE;\n",
00777                  word_size, bundle_bits / word_size);
00779   fprintf(hfile, "\ntypedef enum {\n"
00780         "  %-30s = %d,  /* %s */\n"
00781         "  %-30s = %d,  /* %s */\n"
00782         "  %-30s = %d,  /* %s */\n"
00783         "  %-30s = %d   /* %s */\n"
00784         "} ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP;\n",
00785         "ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_end", END, "End of list marker",
00786         "ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_template", FTEMPLATE, "Template",
00787         "ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_slot", FSLOT, "SLOT+n => slot n",
00788         "ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP_MAX", max_pack_comps-1, "Last component");
00790   fprintf(hfile, "\ntypedef struct {\n"
00791                 "  mUINT8 comp;\n"
00792                 "  mUINT8 index;\n"
00793                 "  mUINT8 comp_pos;\n"
00794                 "  mUINT8 bundle_pos;\n"
00795                 "  UINT64 mask;\n" 
00796                 "} ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO;\n");
00798   fprintf(efile, "ISA_BUNDLE_pack_info\n");
00800   fprintf(cfile, "\nconst ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_pack_info[] = {\n");
00801   pack_index = 0;
00802   if (bundle_pack_info->ftemplate.width != 0) {
00803     Emit_Pack_Component(cfile,
00804                         &bundle_pack_info->ftemplate,
00805                         FTEMPLATE,
00806                         first_comps,
00807                         &pack_index);
00809   }
00810   for (i = 0; i < max_slots; ++i) {
00811     Emit_Pack_Component(cfile,
00812                         &bundle_pack_info->fslot[i],
00813                         FSLOT+i,
00814                         first_comps,
00815                         &pack_index);
00816   }
00817   Emit_Pack_Component(cfile,
00818                       NULL,
00819                       END,
00820                       first_comps,
00821                       &pack_index);
00823   fprintf (cfile, "};\n");
00825   fprintf(hfile, "\ninline const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *ISA_BUNDLE_Pack_Info(void)\n"
00826                  "{\n"
00827                  "  extern const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO ISA_BUNDLE_pack_info[];\n"
00828                  "  return ISA_BUNDLE_pack_info;\n"
00829                  "}\n");
00831   fprintf(hfile, "\ninline INT ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_Comp(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)\n"
00832                  "{\n"
00833                  "  return info->comp;\n"
00834                  "}\n");
00836   fprintf(hfile, "\ninline INT ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_Index(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)\n"
00837                  "{\n"
00838                  "  return info->index;\n"
00839                  "}\n");
00841   fprintf(hfile, "\ninline INT ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_CompPos(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)\n"
00842                  "{\n"
00843                  "  return info->comp_pos;\n"
00844                  "}\n");
00846   fprintf(hfile, "\ninline INT ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_BundlePos(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)\n"
00847                  "{\n"
00848                  "  return info->bundle_pos;\n"
00849                  "}\n");
00851   fprintf(hfile, "\ninline UINT64 ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO_Mask(const ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_INFO *info)\n"
00852                  "{\n"
00853                  "  return info->mask;\n"
00854                  "}\n");
00856   fprintf(efile, "ISA_BUNDLE_pack_info_index\n");
00858   fprintf(cfile, "\nconst mUINT8 ISA_BUNDLE_pack_info_index[%d] = {\n",
00859                  MAX_PACK_COMPS);
00860   for (i = 0; i < MAX_PACK_COMPS; ++i) {
00861     int index = first_comps[i];
00862     if (index < 0) index = first_comps[END];
00863     fprintf(cfile, "  %2d, /* %s */\n", index, pack_comp_name[i]);
00864   }
00865   fprintf(cfile, "};\n");
00867   fprintf(hfile, "\ninline INT ISA_BUNDLE_Pack_Info_Index(ISA_BUNDLE_PACK_COMP comp)\n"
00868                  "{\n"
00869                  "  extern const mUINT8 ISA_BUNDLE_pack_info_index[%d];\n"
00870                  "  return ISA_BUNDLE_pack_info_index[(INT)comp];\n"
00871                  "}\n",
00872                  MAX_PACK_COMPS);
00873 }
00875 /* ====================================================================
00876  *
00877  * This section handles the common interfaces
00878  *
00879  * ====================================================================
00880  */
00883 void ISA_Bundle_Begin( const char* /* name */, int bundle_width )
00885 //  See interface description.
00887 {
00888   bundle_bits = bundle_width;
00889 }
00892 void ISA_Bundle_End(void)
00894 //  See interface description.
00896 {
00898 #define FNAME "targ_isa_bundle"
00899   char buf[1000];
00900   sprintf (buf, "%s.h", FNAME);
00901   FILE* hfile = fopen(buf, "w");
00902   sprintf (buf, "%s.c", FNAME);
00903   FILE* cfile = fopen(buf, "w");
00904   sprintf (buf, "%s.Exported", FNAME);
00905   FILE* efile = fopen(buf, "w");
00907   fprintf(hfile, "#include \"topcode.h\"\n");
00908   fprintf(cfile,"#include \"%s.h\"\n\n", FNAME);
00910   sprintf (buf, "%s", FNAME);
00911   Emit_Header (hfile, buf, interface);
00913   Emit_Bundle_Scheduling(hfile, cfile, efile);
00914   fprintf(hfile, "\f");
00915   fprintf(cfile, "\f");
00916   Emit_Bundle_Packing(hfile, cfile, efile);
00918   Emit_Footer (hfile);
00919 }
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