Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00036 #include "wn.h"
00037 #include "stab.h"
00038 #include "strtab.h"
00039 #include "mtypes.h"
00040 #include "targ_const.h"
00041 #include "config_targ.h"
00042 #include "wn_util.h"
00043 #include "region_util.h"
00044 #include <alloca.h>
00045 #include "data_layout.h"
00047 extern "C" {
00048   void Rewrite_Pragmas_On_Structs (WN* block_wn, WN* wn);
00049 }
00051 static void Rewrite_Structs_In_MPRegion (WN* wn,
00052                                          WN* parent_wn,
00053                                          INT count,
00054                                          WN** rewrite_pwn,
00055                                          ST** rewrite_st,
00056                                          TYPE_ID* rewrite_rtype,
00057                                          TYPE_ID* rewrite_desc);
00058 static BOOL Tree_Equiv (WN *wn1, WN* wn2);
00060 /***********************************************************************
00061  *
00062  * Is the given wn an MP region?
00063  *
00064  ***********************************************************************/
00065 static BOOL Is_Mp_Region(WN *wn)
00066 {
00067   return FALSE;
00068 }
00070 /***********************************************************************
00071  *
00072  * Given an XPRAGMA reduction, return TRUE if a weird array element,
00073  * i.e. an element of an array with a weird base (array itself a struct
00074  * element, F90 allocatable array, etc)
00075  *
00076  ***********************************************************************/
00077 static BOOL Weird_Array_Element (WN *pwn) {
00078   Is_True (pwn &&
00079            WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_XPRAGMA &&
00080            WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_REDUCTION,
00081            ("Weird_Array_Element called weirdly"));
00083   if (WN_operator(WN_kid0(pwn)) != OPR_ARRAY) return FALSE;
00085   WN *array_base = WN_array_base(WN_kid0(pwn));
00086   OPERATOR opr = WN_operator(array_base);
00087   if ((opr == OPR_LDA &&
00088        TY_kind(ST_type(WN_st(array_base))) == KIND_ARRAY) ||
00089       (opr == OPR_LDID &&
00090        TY_kind(ST_type(WN_st(array_base))) == KIND_POINTER &&
00091        TY_kind(TY_pointed(ST_type(WN_st(array_base)))) == KIND_ARRAY))
00092     {
00093       // This looks well-behaved;
00094       return FALSE;
00095     }
00096   return TRUE;
00097 }
00099 /***********************************************************************
00100  *
00101  * Given an XPRAGMA reduction, return TRUE if the reduction is on an
00102  * array element, with the element itself being a struct, so that the
00103  * reduction itself is on a field within the struct. This field offset
00104  * is given by WN_pragma_arg2 field within the XPRAGMA node.
00105  *
00106  * E.g. 
00107  *  struct {
00108  *      int a;
00109  *      int b;
00110  *  } w[2], x, *y, *z[2];
00111  * and with reduction on w[i].a (case 1) or on (&x)[0].a (case 2) or on
00112  * y[0].a (case 3) or on (*z)[i].a (case 4).
00113  *
00114  * Cases 1 and 4 result from straightforward parallelization of user code.
00115  * Cases 2 and 3 can come up sometimes as a result of converting pointer
00116  * expressions to array references to allow analysis by LNO. 
00117  *
00118  ***********************************************************************/
00119 static BOOL Array_Element_Then_Struct (WN *pwn) {
00121   Is_True (pwn &&
00122            WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_XPRAGMA &&
00123            WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_REDUCTION,
00124            ("Array_Element_Then_Struct called weirdly"));
00126   if (WN_operator(WN_kid0(pwn)) != OPR_ARRAY) return FALSE;
00128   WN *array_base = WN_array_base(WN_kid0(pwn));
00129   OPERATOR opr = WN_operator(array_base);
00131   if (opr == OPR_LDA) {
00132     TY_IDX ty = ST_type(WN_st(array_base));
00134     if (TY_kind(ty) == KIND_ARRAY && TY_kind(TY_etype(ty)) == KIND_STRUCT)
00135       return TRUE;  // case 1
00137     if (TY_kind(ty) == KIND_STRUCT)
00138       return TRUE;  // case 2
00140   } else if (opr == OPR_LDID) {
00141     TY_IDX ty = ST_type(WN_st(array_base));
00143     if (TY_kind(ty) == KIND_POINTER) {
00144       if (TY_kind(TY_pointed(ty)) == KIND_STRUCT)
00145         return TRUE;  // case 3
00146       else if (TY_kind(TY_pointed(ty)) == KIND_ARRAY &&
00147                TY_kind(TY_etype(TY_pointed(ty))) == KIND_STRUCT)
00148         return TRUE;  // case 4
00149     }
00150   }
00152   return FALSE;
00153 }
00155 /***********************************************************************
00156  *
00157  * Given a WHIRL tree in wn, and the block node containing it in block_wn,
00158  * find all compiler-generated local/firstprivate/lastlocal/reduction pragmas
00159  * on structure elements, and replace them with simple scalars.
00160  *
00161  * Note that as a temporary hack, PFA-generated XPRAGMA reductions use
00162  * WN_prefetch_flag to encode the offset, since WN_pragma_arg2 is already
00163  * taken up by the reduction operator.
00164  *
00165  * (block_wn is required coz we don't have parent pointers).
00166  *
00167  ***********************************************************************/
00168 extern void Rewrite_Pragmas_On_Structs (WN* block_wn, WN* wn) {
00169   if (!wn) return;
00171   if (Is_Mp_Region (wn)) {
00173     FmtAssert (block_wn, ("Rewrite_Pragmas: missing BLOCK node"));
00174     /*
00175      * first count the number of rewrite entries
00176      */
00177     WN* pwn = WN_first(WN_region_pragmas(wn));
00178     INT count = 0;
00179     while (pwn) {
00180       Is_True (WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_PRAGMA ||
00181                WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_XPRAGMA,
00182                ("Rewrite_Pragmas: Expected a pragma/xpragma node"));
00184       ST* st = NULL;
00185       if (WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_PRAGMA) st = WN_st(pwn);
00187       if (WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_PRAGMA &&
00188           WN_pragma_compiler_generated(pwn) &&
00189           (WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_REDUCTION ||
00190            WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_LOCAL ||
00191            WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_FIRSTPRIVATE ||
00192            WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_LASTLOCAL) &&
00193           (TY_kind(ST_type(st)) == KIND_STRUCT)) {
00195         // compiler generated local/firstprivate/lastlocal/reduction
00196         // on a struct element
00197         count++;
00198       }
00199       else if (WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_XPRAGMA &&
00200                WN_pragma_compiler_generated(pwn) &&
00201                WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_REDUCTION &&
00202                WN_operator(WN_kid0(pwn)) == OPR_ARRAY) {
00204         // this is an array-element reduction. 
00205         // let regular Fortran array-element reductions go through,
00206         // but rewrite all the weird cases.
00208         WN* array_base = WN_array_base(WN_kid0(pwn));
00209         OPERATOR opr = WN_operator(array_base);
00211         if (Array_Element_Then_Struct(pwn)) {
00212           // compiler generated reduction on an array element, where
00213           // the element type of the array is a struct.
00214           count++;
00216         } else if (Weird_Array_Element(pwn)) {
00217           // compiler generated reduction on an array element,
00218           // but with a weird base (struct element, F90 allocatable array)
00219           count++;
00220         }
00222       }
00223       pwn = WN_next(pwn);
00224     }
00226     if (count) {
00227       /* ok, now we know how many symbols to rewrite. store them */
00228       WN** rewrite_pwn = (WN**) alloca (count*sizeof(WN*));
00229       ST** rewrite_st  = (ST**) alloca (count*sizeof(ST*));
00230       TYPE_ID* rewrite_rtype = (TYPE_ID*) alloca (count*sizeof(TYPE_ID));
00231       TYPE_ID* rewrite_desc = (TYPE_ID*) alloca (count*sizeof(TYPE_ID));
00232       INT i = 0;
00233       pwn = WN_first(WN_region_pragmas(wn));
00234       while (pwn) {
00235         ST* st = NULL;
00236         if (WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_PRAGMA) st = WN_st(pwn);
00238         if (WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_PRAGMA &&
00239             WN_pragma_compiler_generated(pwn) &&
00240             (WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_REDUCTION ||
00241              WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_LOCAL ||
00242              WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_FIRSTPRIVATE ||
00243              WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_LASTLOCAL) &&
00244             (TY_kind(ST_type(st)) == KIND_STRUCT)) {
00246           /*
00247            * compiler generated local/firstprivate/lastlocal/reduction
00248            * on a struct element.
00249            * So do the rewrite.
00250            */
00252           FmtAssert (i<count, ("Rewrite_STs. counting error"));
00253           // check for duplicates
00254           BOOL duplicate = FALSE;
00255           for (INT j=0; j<i; j++) {
00256             if (WN_st(rewrite_pwn[j]) == WN_st(pwn) &&
00257                 WN_pragma_arg1(rewrite_pwn[j]) == WN_pragma_arg1(pwn)) {
00258               if (WN_pragma(rewrite_pwn[j]) == WN_pragma(pwn)) {
00259                 duplicate = TRUE;
00260                 // delete the redundant pragma
00261                 WN* tmp_wn = pwn;
00262                 pwn = WN_prev(pwn);
00263                 WN_DELETE_FromBlock (WN_region_pragmas(wn), tmp_wn);
00264                 break;
00265               }
00266               else {
00267                 FmtAssert (FALSE, ("Rewrite_Pragmas: contradictory pragmas"));
00268               }
00269             }
00270           }
00271           if (!duplicate) {
00272             rewrite_pwn[i] = pwn;
00273             rewrite_st[i] = NULL;
00274             i++;
00275           }
00276         }
00277         else if (WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_XPRAGMA &&
00278                  WN_pragma_compiler_generated(pwn) &&
00279                  WN_pragma(pwn) == WN_PRAGMA_REDUCTION &&
00280                  WN_operator(WN_kid0(pwn)) == OPR_ARRAY) {
00282           WN* array_base = WN_array_base(WN_kid0(pwn));
00283           OPERATOR opr = WN_operator(array_base);
00285           if (Array_Element_Then_Struct(pwn) ||
00286               Weird_Array_Element(pwn)) {
00288             // check for duplicates
00289             BOOL duplicate = FALSE;
00290             for (INT j=0; j<i; j++) {
00291               if (Tree_Equiv(rewrite_pwn[j], pwn)) {
00292                 duplicate = TRUE;
00293                 // delete the redundant pragma
00294                 WN* tmp_wn = pwn;
00295                 pwn = WN_prev(pwn);
00296                 WN_DELETE_FromBlock (WN_region_pragmas(wn), tmp_wn);
00297                 break;
00298               }
00299             }
00300             if (!duplicate) {
00301               rewrite_pwn[i] = pwn;
00302               rewrite_st[i] = NULL;
00303               i++;
00304             }
00305           }
00306         }
00307         pwn = WN_next(pwn);
00308       }
00310       count = i;
00311       /* now rewrite all pragmas that need rewriting */
00312       Rewrite_Structs_In_MPRegion (WN_region_body(wn),
00313                                    wn,
00314                                    count,
00315                                    rewrite_pwn,
00316                                    rewrite_st,
00317                                    rewrite_rtype,
00318                                    rewrite_desc);
00320       /* now do the appropriate initialization etc */
00321       for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
00323         // if we didn't even find a reference to the variable in the 
00324         // MP-region body, then we don't have to do anything.
00325         if (rewrite_st[i] == NULL) continue;
00327         pwn = rewrite_pwn[i];
00329         if (WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_XPRAGMA) {
00330           // array reduction
00332           /* initialization of new-symbol */
00333           OPCODE opc = OPCODE_make_op(OPR_ILOAD,
00334                                       rewrite_rtype[i],
00335                                       rewrite_desc[i]);
00336           WN* iload_wn = WN_CreateIload (opc, WN_prefetch_flag(pwn),
00337                                          ST_type(rewrite_st[i]),
00338                                          Make_Pointer_Type(ST_type
00339                                                            (rewrite_st[i]),
00340                                                            FALSE),
00341                                          WN_COPY_Tree(WN_kid0(pwn)));
00343           opc = OPCODE_make_op (OPR_STID, MTYPE_V, rewrite_desc[i]);
00344           WN* stid_wn = WN_CreateStid (opc, 0, rewrite_st[i],
00345                                        ST_type(rewrite_st[i]),
00346                                        iload_wn);
00347           WN_INSERT_BlockBefore (block_wn, wn, stid_wn);
00349           /* finalization of new symbol */
00350           opc = OPCODE_make_op(OPR_LDID,
00351                                rewrite_rtype[i],
00352                                rewrite_desc[i]);
00353           WN *ldid_wn = WN_CreateLdid (opc,
00354                                        0,
00355                                        rewrite_st[i],
00356                                        ST_type(rewrite_st[i]));
00357           opc = OPCODE_make_op (OPR_ISTORE, MTYPE_V, rewrite_desc[i]);
00358           WN* istore_wn = WN_CreateIstore (opc, WN_prefetch_flag(pwn),
00359                                            Make_Pointer_Type(ST_type
00360                                                              (rewrite_st[i]),
00361                                                              FALSE),
00362                                            ldid_wn,
00363                                            WN_COPY_Tree(WN_kid0(pwn)));
00364           WN_INSERT_BlockAfter (block_wn, wn, istore_wn);
00366           // create a new pragma, delete the old one
00367           WN* pragma_wn = WN_CreatePragma (WN_PRAGMA_REDUCTION,
00368                                            rewrite_st[i], 0, 0);
00369             // PV 525199: need to copy over reduction operator
00370           WN_pragma_arg2(pragma_wn) = WN_pragma_arg2(pwn);
00371           WN_INSERT_BlockBefore (WN_region_pragmas(wn), pwn, pragma_wn);
00372           WN_DELETE_FromBlock (WN_region_pragmas(wn), pwn);
00373           continue;
00374         }
00375         else {
00376           ST* st = WN_st(pwn);
00378           switch (WN_pragma(pwn)) {
00379           case WN_PRAGMA_REDUCTION:
00380             {
00381               /* initialization of new-symbol */
00382               OPCODE opc = OPCODE_make_op(OPR_LDID,
00383                                           rewrite_rtype[i],
00384                                           rewrite_desc[i]);
00385               WN* ldid_wn = WN_CreateLdid (opc,
00386                                            WN_pragma_arg1(pwn),
00387                                            st,
00388                                            ST_type(rewrite_st[i]));
00389               opc = OPCODE_make_op (OPR_STID, MTYPE_V, rewrite_desc[i]);
00390               WN* stid_wn = WN_CreateStid (opc, 0, rewrite_st[i],
00391                                            ST_type(rewrite_st[i]),
00392                                            ldid_wn);
00393               WN_INSERT_BlockBefore (block_wn, wn, stid_wn);
00395               /* finalization of new symbol */
00396               opc = OPCODE_make_op(OPR_LDID,
00397                                    rewrite_rtype[i],
00398                                    rewrite_desc[i]);
00399               ldid_wn = WN_CreateLdid (opc,
00400                                        0,
00401                                        rewrite_st[i],
00402                                        ST_type(rewrite_st[i]));
00403               opc = OPCODE_make_op (OPR_STID, MTYPE_V, rewrite_desc[i]);
00404               stid_wn = WN_CreateStid (opc, WN_pragma_arg1(pwn),
00405                                        st,
00406                                        ST_type(rewrite_st[i]),
00407                                        ldid_wn);
00408               WN_INSERT_BlockAfter (block_wn, wn, stid_wn);
00410               /* now we can rewrite the pragma */
00411               WN_st_idx(pwn) = ST_st_idx(rewrite_st[i]);
00412               WN_pragma_arg1(pwn) = 0;
00413               break;
00414             }
00415           case WN_PRAGMA_LOCAL:
00416             {
00417               /* just rewrite the pragma */
00418               WN_st_idx(pwn) = ST_st_idx(rewrite_st[i]);
00419               WN_pragma_arg1(pwn) = 0;
00420               break;
00421             }
00422           case WN_PRAGMA_FIRSTPRIVATE:
00423             {
00424               /* initialization of new symbol */
00426               // it is remotely possible that we saw only an STID, 
00427               // but didn't see an LDID of the symbol at all.
00428               // And the symbol is live-out.
00429               // In which case rewrite_rtype will be void. 
00430               // Just use rewrite_desc in that case.
00431               OPCODE opc = OPCODE_make_op(OPR_LDID,
00432                                           (rewrite_rtype[i] != MTYPE_V ?
00433                                            rewrite_rtype[i] : rewrite_desc[i]),
00434                                           rewrite_desc[i]);
00435               WN *ldid_wn = WN_CreateLdid (opc,
00436                                            WN_pragma_arg1(pwn),
00437                                            WN_st(pwn),
00438                                            ST_type(rewrite_st[i]));
00439               opc = OPCODE_make_op (OPR_STID, MTYPE_V, rewrite_desc[i]);
00440               WN* stid_wn = WN_CreateStid (opc,
00441                                            0,
00442                                            rewrite_st[i],
00443                                            ST_type(rewrite_st[i]),
00444                                            ldid_wn);
00446               WN_INSERT_BlockFirst (WN_region_body(wn), stid_wn);
00448               /* now we can rewrite the pragma */
00449               WN_st_idx(pwn) = ST_st_idx (rewrite_st[i]);
00450               WN_pragma_arg1(pwn) = 0;
00451               break;
00452             }
00453           case WN_PRAGMA_LASTLOCAL:
00454             {
00455               /* finalization of new symbol */
00457               // it is remotely possible that we saw only an STID, 
00458               // but didn't see an LDID of the symbol at all.
00459               // And the symbol is live-out.
00460               // In which case rewrite_rtype will be void. 
00461               // Just use rewrite_desc in that case.
00462               OPCODE opc = OPCODE_make_op(OPR_LDID,
00463                                           (rewrite_rtype[i] != MTYPE_V ?
00464                                            rewrite_rtype[i] : rewrite_desc[i]),
00465                                           rewrite_desc[i]);
00466               WN* ldid_wn = WN_CreateLdid (opc,
00467                                            0,
00468                                            rewrite_st[i],
00469                                            ST_type(rewrite_st[i]));
00470               opc = OPCODE_make_op (OPR_STID, MTYPE_V, rewrite_desc[i]);
00471               WN* stid_wn = WN_CreateStid (opc, WN_pragma_arg1(pwn),
00472                                            st,
00473                                            ST_type(rewrite_st[i]),
00474                                            ldid_wn);
00475               WN_INSERT_BlockAfter (block_wn, wn, stid_wn);
00477               /* now we can rewrite the pragma */
00478               WN_st_idx(pwn) = ST_st_idx(rewrite_st[i]);
00479               WN_pragma_arg1(pwn) = 0;
00480               break;
00481             }
00482           default:
00483             {
00484               FmtAssert (FALSE, ("Rewrite_Pragmas: Unknown pragma type"));
00485             }
00486           }
00487         }
00488       }
00489     }
00490   }
00492   if (WN_opcode(wn) == OPC_BLOCK) {
00493     WN* kid = WN_first(wn);
00494     while (kid) {
00495       Rewrite_Pragmas_On_Structs (wn, kid);
00496       kid = WN_next(kid);
00497     }
00498   }
00499   else {
00500     for (INT i=0; i<WN_kid_count(wn); i++) {
00501       Rewrite_Pragmas_On_Structs (NULL, WN_kid(wn,i));
00502     }
00503   }
00504 }
00506 /***********************************************************************
00507  *
00508  * See if any of the pragmas in the rewrite_pwn pragma list matches
00509  * the given ST and ofst. If so, return its index, otherwise return -1.
00510  *
00511  ***********************************************************************/
00512 static INT Find_Symbol (WN** rewrite_pwn, INT count, ST* st, WN_OFFSET ofst) {
00514   for (INT i=0; i<count; i++) {
00515     ST* this_st = NULL;
00516     if (WN_operator(rewrite_pwn[i]) == OPR_PRAGMA) {
00517       this_st = WN_st(rewrite_pwn[i]);
00518     }
00520     if (this_st == st && WN_pragma_arg1(rewrite_pwn[i]) == ofst)
00521       return i;
00522   }
00523   return -1;
00524 }
00526 /***********************************************************************
00527  *
00528  * Return true if the sub-trees wn1 and wn2 and "equiv"
00529  * (the equiv notion is similar to a recursive WN_Equiv).
00530  *
00531  ***********************************************************************/
00532 static BOOL Tree_Equiv (WN *wn1, WN* wn2) {
00534   if (!wn1 && !wn2) return TRUE;    // both are NULL
00535   if (!wn1 || !wn2) return FALSE;   // one (but not both) is NULL
00536   if (!WN_Equiv (wn1, wn2)) return FALSE;   // not the same
00538   // now examine the kids
00539   if (WN_opcode(wn1) == OPC_BLOCK) {
00540     WN *kid1 = WN_first(wn1);
00541     WN *kid2 = WN_first(wn2);
00542     while (1) {
00543       if (!Tree_Equiv (kid1, kid2)) return FALSE;
00544       if (kid1 == NULL) break;
00545       kid1 = WN_next (kid1);
00546       kid2 = WN_next (kid2);
00547     };
00548     return TRUE;
00549   }
00550   else {
00551     // since the two nodes are equiv, they have the same # of children
00552     for (INT i=0; i<WN_kid_count(wn1); i++)
00553       if (!Tree_Equiv (WN_kid(wn1,i), WN_kid(wn2,i))) return FALSE;
00554     return TRUE;
00555   }
00556 }
00558 /***********************************************************************
00559  *
00560  * See if any of the Xpragmas in the rewrite_pwn pragma list match
00561  * the given array_wn. If so, return its index, otherwise return -1.
00562  *
00563  ***********************************************************************/
00564 static INT Find_Reduction_Symbol (WN** rewrite_pwn,
00565                                   INT count,
00566                                   WN* array_wn,
00567                                   INT64 ofst) {
00569   for (INT i=0; i<count; i++) {
00570     WN* pwn = rewrite_pwn[i];
00571     if ((WN_operator(pwn) == OPR_XPRAGMA) &&
00572         Tree_Equiv (WN_kid0(pwn), array_wn) &&
00573         ofst == WN_prefetch_flag(pwn)) {
00574       return i;
00575     }
00576   }
00577   return -1;
00578 }
00580 /***********************************************************************
00581  *
00582  * Given a WHIRL tree in "wn", find all LDID/STID that refer to
00583  * a struct-symbol in rewrite_pwn. For each such ldid/stid, replace
00584  * it with a reference to the new st from rewrite_st. 
00585  *
00586  * rewrite_rtype and rewrite_desc store the rtype and desc of the load/store.
00587  *
00588  ***********************************************************************/
00589 static void Rewrite_Structs_In_MPRegion (WN* wn,
00590                                          WN* parent_wn,
00591                                          INT count,
00592                                          WN** rewrite_pwn,
00593                                          ST** rewrite_st,
00594                                          TYPE_ID* rewrite_rtype,
00595                                          TYPE_ID* rewrite_desc) {
00597   if (!wn) return;
00599   /* rewrite memory ops - only LDID/STIDs, since scalar struct
00600    * elements should never be referenced any other way.
00601    * Also, we don't need to examine pragmas, since lastlocal and reduction
00602    * can only appear on the PDO, not a PARALLEL region, and if there is a
00603    * LOCAL on the parallel region, then we won't have any pragma on the
00604    * nested PDO. (And even if we do, we can safely localize the struct element
00605    * for the entire parallel region and be correct.
00606    */
00608   OPERATOR opr = WN_operator(wn);
00610   if (opr == OPR_LDID || opr == OPR_STID) {
00611     ST* st = WN_st(wn);
00613     INT idx = Find_Symbol (rewrite_pwn, count, st, WN_offset(wn));
00614     if (idx != -1) {
00615       if (rewrite_st[idx] == NULL) {
00616         /* create the replacement ST. Always create it on the stack */
00618         char* name = (char*) alloca(strlen(ST_name(st))+10);
00619         sprintf (name, "rewrite_%s", ST_name(st));
00621         ST* new_st = New_ST(CURRENT_SYMTAB);
00622         ST_Init (new_st,
00623                  Save_Str(name),
00624                  ST_class(st),
00625                  SCLASS_AUTO,
00626                  EXPORT_LOCAL,
00627                  WN_ty(wn));
00629         rewrite_st[idx] = new_st;
00630         rewrite_desc[idx] = WN_desc(wn);
00631         rewrite_rtype[idx] = WN_rtype(wn);
00632       }
00633       // rtype may still be garbage if we saw a store first
00634       if (opr == OPR_LDID && rewrite_rtype[idx] == MTYPE_V) {
00635         rewrite_rtype[idx] = WN_rtype(wn);
00636         // update desc as well, to be consistent
00637         rewrite_desc[idx] = WN_desc(wn);
00638       }
00640       WN_st_idx(wn) = ST_st_idx(rewrite_st[idx]);
00641       WN_offset(wn) = 0;
00642     }
00643   }
00645   // now check for an array element reduction.
00646   // Handle ILOAD and ISTORE of the array, as well as just the ARRAY node
00647   // in the case when it's a parameter. (This case will arise when PFA
00648   // becomes able to parallelize inter-procedural reductions.)
00650   if (opr == OPR_ILOAD || opr == OPR_ISTORE ||
00651       (opr == OPR_ARRAY &&
00652        WN_operator(parent_wn) != OPR_ILOAD &&
00653        WN_operator(parent_wn) != OPR_ISTORE)) {
00655     WN* array_wn = (opr == OPR_ARRAY ? wn :
00656                     (opr == OPR_ILOAD ? WN_kid0(wn) :
00657                      WN_kid1(wn)));
00659     if (WN_operator(array_wn) == OPR_ARRAY) {
00661       INT idx = Find_Reduction_Symbol (rewrite_pwn,
00662                                        count,
00663                                        array_wn,
00664                                        ((opr == OPR_ILOAD || OPR_ISTORE) ?
00665                                         WN_offset(wn) : 0));
00666       if (idx != -1) {
00668 #ifdef Is_True_On
00669         if (opr == OPR_ARRAY) {
00670             // any use of reduction ARRAY node other than load/store/
00671             // pass as param. probably signals a bug in PFA
00672           Is_True(WN_operator(parent_wn) == OPR_PARM, 
00673                   ("Rewrite_Structs_In_MPRegion(): bad parent opr == %d",
00674                    (INT) WN_operator(parent_wn)));
00675         }
00676 #endif
00678         if (rewrite_st[idx] == NULL) {
00679           /* create the replacement ST. Always create it on the stack */
00681           char* name = (char*) alloca(20);
00682           sprintf (name, "rewrite_xreducn");
00684           ST* new_st = New_ST(CURRENT_SYMTAB);
00686           TY_IDX new_ty_idx;
00687           if (opr == OPR_ISTORE)
00688             new_ty_idx = TY_pointed(WN_ty(wn));
00689           else if (opr == OPR_ARRAY)
00690             new_ty_idx = WN_ty(parent_wn);
00691           else
00692             new_ty_idx = WN_ty(wn);
00694           ST_Init (new_st,
00695                    Save_Str(name),
00696                    CLASS_VAR,
00697                    SCLASS_AUTO,
00698                    EXPORT_LOCAL,
00699                    new_ty_idx);
00701           rewrite_st[idx] = new_st;
00702           rewrite_desc[idx] = WN_desc(wn);
00703           rewrite_rtype[idx] = WN_rtype(wn);
00704         }
00705         if (opr == OPR_ILOAD && rewrite_rtype[idx] == MTYPE_V) {
00706           rewrite_rtype[idx] = WN_rtype(wn);
00707         }
00709         // replace the iload/istore with ldid/stid of the new scalar
00710         switch (opr) {
00712         case OPR_ILOAD: {
00713           OPCODE opc = OPCODE_make_op(OPR_LDID,
00714                                       rewrite_rtype[idx],
00715                                       rewrite_desc[idx]);
00716           WN *ldid_wn = WN_CreateLdid (opc, 0, rewrite_st[idx],
00717                                        ST_type(rewrite_st[idx]));
00718           FmtAssert (WN_opcode(parent_wn) != OPC_BLOCK,
00719                      ("Rewrite_pragmas: iload under a BLOCK node"));
00720           INT kidno;
00721           for (kidno=0; kidno<WN_kid_count(parent_wn); kidno++) {
00722             if (WN_kid(parent_wn,kidno) == wn) break;
00723           }
00724           FmtAssert (kidno < WN_kid_count(parent_wn),
00725                      ("Rewrite_Pragmas: Could not find kid in parent"));
00726           WN_DELETE_Tree (WN_kid(parent_wn, kidno));
00727           WN_kid(parent_wn, kidno) = ldid_wn;
00728           wn = ldid_wn;
00729           break;
00730         }
00732         case OPR_ISTORE: {
00733           OPCODE opc = OPCODE_make_op (OPR_STID, MTYPE_V, rewrite_desc[idx]);
00734           WN* stid_wn = WN_CreateStid (opc, 0, rewrite_st[idx],
00735                                        ST_type(rewrite_st[idx]),
00736                                        WN_COPY_Tree(WN_kid0(wn)));
00737           FmtAssert (WN_opcode(parent_wn) == OPC_BLOCK,
00738                      ("Rewrite_pragmas: istore not under a BLOCK node"));
00739           WN_INSERT_BlockBefore (parent_wn, wn, stid_wn);
00740           WN_DELETE_FromBlock (parent_wn, wn);
00741           wn = stid_wn;
00742           break;
00743         }
00745         case OPR_ARRAY: {
00746           OPCODE opc = OPCODE_make_op (OPR_LDA, Pointer_type, MTYPE_V);
00747           WN* lda_wn =
00748             WN_CreateLda (opc, 0,
00749                           Make_Pointer_Type(ST_type(rewrite_st[idx]), FALSE),
00750                           rewrite_st[idx]);
00751           FmtAssert (WN_opcode(parent_wn) != OPC_BLOCK,
00752                      ("Rewrite_pragmas: array under a BLOCK node"));
00753           INT kidno;
00754           for (kidno=0; kidno<WN_kid_count(parent_wn); kidno++) {
00755             if (WN_kid(parent_wn,kidno) == wn) break;
00756           }
00757           FmtAssert (kidno < WN_kid_count(parent_wn),
00758                      ("Rewrite_Pragmas: Could not find kid in parent"));
00759           WN_DELETE_Tree (WN_kid(parent_wn, kidno));
00760           WN_kid(parent_wn, kidno) = lda_wn;
00761           wn = lda_wn;
00762           break;
00763         }
00764         }
00765       }
00766     }
00767   }
00769   if (WN_opcode(wn) == OPC_BLOCK) {
00770     WN* kid = WN_first(wn);
00771     while (kid) {
00772       Rewrite_Structs_In_MPRegion (kid,
00773                                    wn,
00774                                    count,
00775                                    rewrite_pwn,
00776                                    rewrite_st,
00777                                    rewrite_rtype,
00778                                    rewrite_desc);
00779       kid = WN_next(kid);
00780     }
00781   }
00782   else {
00783     for (INT i=0; i<WN_kid_count(wn); i++) {
00784       Rewrite_Structs_In_MPRegion (WN_kid(wn,i),
00785                                    wn,
00786                                    count,
00787                                    rewrite_pwn,
00788                                    rewrite_st,
00789                                    rewrite_rtype,
00790                                    rewrite_desc);
00791     }
00792   }
00793 }
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