Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00035 #include <stdio.h>
00036 #include <ctype.h>
00038 #include "arith.h"
00040 main() {
00041         AR_HOST_SINT64  ans[4];
00042         AR_HOST_SINT64  arg[8];
00043         AR_HOST_SINT64  result[4];
00045         AR_TYPE         rtype,opndtype,ptype;
00047         char            line[256];
00048         char            prevfunc[9];
00049         char            func[9];
00050         char*           linep;
00051         char*           num;
00053         int             i,l,n;
00054         int             ierr;
00055         int             pass,okerrs,fail;
00056         int             rsize;
00058         AR_HOST_SINT64  xor;
00060         FILE    *file;
00062         pass=okerrs=fail=0;
00064         file = fopen("results/tsieee_sim_data","r");
00065         if(file == NULL) {
00066                 fprintf(stderr, "Could not open results/tsieee_sim_data\n");
00067                 exit(0);
00068         }
00070         prevfunc[0]=0;
00071         while(fgets(line,256,file) != NULL) {
00072           i=l=0;
00073           while(line[l] != '(')
00074             func[i++]=line[l++];
00075           func[i]=0;
00076           if(strcmp(func,"STOP") == 0) exit(0);
00077           if(strcmp(func,prevfunc)) {
00078             printf("Testing %s intrinsic\n",func);
00079             strcpy(prevfunc,func);
00080           }
00081           l++;
00082           num=NULL;
00083           if(func[0]=='C') {
00084             if(func[1]=='X')
00085               rsize=4;
00086             else if(strcmp(func,"COS")!=0 && strcmp(func,"COSH")!=0)
00087               rsize=2;
00088             else 
00089               rsize=1;
00090           }
00091           else if(func[0]=='X' && func[1] == 'D')
00092             rsize=2;
00093           else if(strcmp(func,"STRTOD") == 0) {
00094             rsize=1;
00095             num=line+l;
00096           }
00097           else if(strcmp(func,"STRTOF") == 0) {
00098             rsize=1;
00099             num=line+l;
00100           }
00101           else if(strcmp(func,"STRTOLD") == 0) {
00102             rsize=2;
00103             num=line+l;
00104           }
00105           else if(strcmp(func,"STRTOXD") == 0) {
00106             rsize=2;
00107             num=line+l;
00108           }
00109           else
00110             rsize=1;
00111           n=0;
00112           while(line[l] != ')') {
00113             if(num == NULL) {
00114               if(line[l]=='C') {
00115                 if(line[++l]=='X') {
00116                   n+=4; l++;
00117                   if(line[l]=='D') l++;
00118                 }
00119                 else
00120                   n+=2;
00121               }
00122               else if(line[l++]=='X') {
00123                 if(line[l]=='D')
00124                   { n+=2; l++; }
00125                 else
00126                   n+=1;
00127               }
00128               else
00129                 n+=1;
00130               if(line[l]==',')
00131                 l++;
00132               else if(line[l]!=')') {
00133                 fprintf(stderr,"Invalid input on line:\n   %s\n",line);
00134                 n=0;
00135                 break;
00136               }
00137             }
00138             else {
00139               n=1;
00140               if(line[l] == 'D') line[l] = 'E';
00141               l++;
00142             }
00143           }
00144           if(n == 0) continue;
00145           linep=&line[++l];
00146           if(num == NULL) {
00147             for(i=0;i<n;i++)
00148               get_hex_input(&linep, &arg[i]);
00149           }
00150           else {
00151             if(line[l-2] == '"')
00152               line[l-2] = 0;
00153             else
00154               line[l-1] = 0;
00155             if(num[0] == '"') num++;
00156             memcpy((char*)(&arg[0])+8-sizeof(char*), &num, sizeof(char*));
00157           }
00158           for(i=0;i<rsize;i++)
00159             get_hex_input(&linep, &ans[i]);
00160           l = strlen(func);
00161           if(strncmp(func,"STRTO",5) == 0) {
00162             if(func[5] == 'D')
00163               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00164             else if(func[5] == 'X')
00165               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00166             else
00167               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_32;
00168             ierr=AR_convert_str_to_float((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, num);
00169             num[strlen(num)] = ')';
00170           }
00171           else if(strncmp(&func[l-3],"LOG",3) == 0) {
00172             if(func[0] == 'A')
00173               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00174             else if(func[0] == 'D')
00175               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00176             else if(func[0] == 'X')
00177               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00178             else if(func[1] == 'L')
00179               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_64;
00180             else
00181               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_128;
00182             ierr = AR_log((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[0], &rtype);
00183           }
00184           else if(strncmp(&func[l-3],"EXP",3) == 0) {
00185             if(func[0] == 'E')
00186               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00187             else if(func[0] == 'D')
00188               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00189             else if(func[0] == 'X')
00190               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00191             else if(func[1] == 'E')
00192               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_64;
00193             else
00194               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_128;
00195             ierr = AR_exp((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[0], &rtype);
00196           }
00197           else if(strncmp(&func[l-4],"SQRT",4) == 0) {
00198             if(func[0] == 'S')
00199               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00200             else if(func[0] == 'D')
00201               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00202             else if(func[0] == 'X')
00203               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00204             else if(func[1] == 'S')
00205               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_64;
00206             else
00207               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_128;
00208             ierr = AR_sqrt((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[0], &rtype);
00209           }
00210           else if(strncmp(&func[l-3],"ABS",3) == 0) {
00211             if(func[1] == 'A') {
00212               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00213               opndtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_64;
00214             }
00215             else {
00216               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00217               opndtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_128;
00218             }
00219             rsize >>= 1;
00220             ierr = AR_cabs((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[0], &opndtype);
00221           }
00222           else if(strncmp(&func[l-3],"TOI",3)==0 ||
00223                   strncmp(&func[l-3],"TOD",3)==0) {
00224             if(func[0] == 'I') {
00225               rtype = AR_Int_64_S;
00226               opndtype = AR_Int_64_S;
00227             }
00228             else if(func[0] == 'D') {
00229               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00230               opndtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00231             }
00232             else if(func[0] == 'X') {
00233               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00234               opndtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00235             }
00236             else if(func[1] == 'T') {
00237               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_64;
00238               opndtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_64;
00239             }
00240             else {
00241               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_128;
00242               opndtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_128;
00243             }
00244             if(func[l-1] == 'I')
00245               ptype = AR_Int_64_S;
00246             else if(func[l-1] == 'D')
00247               ptype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00248             else
00249               ptype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00250             ierr = AR_power((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[0], &opndtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[n-1], &ptype);
00251           }
00252           else if(strncmp(&func[0],"MODULO",6)==0 ) {
00253             if(func[6] == 'I') {
00254               rtype = AR_Int_46_S;
00255               if(arg[0] & 0x80000000)
00256                 arg[0] |= ((AR_HOST_SINT64)0xffffffff)<<32;
00257               if(arg[1] & 0x80000000)
00258                 arg[1] |= ((AR_HOST_SINT64)0xffffffff)<<32;
00259             }
00260             else if(func[6] == 'J')
00261               rtype = AR_Int_64_S;
00262             else if(func[6] == 'F')
00263               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_32;
00264             else if(func[6] == 'S')
00265               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00266             else if(func[6] == 'D')
00267               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00268             ierr = AR_Modulo((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[n>>1], &rtype);
00269           }
00270           else if(strncmp(&func[0],"SELREALK",8)==0 ) {
00271             rtype = AR_Int_64_S;
00272             if(arg[0] < 0 && arg[1] < 0)
00273               ierr = AR_selected_real_kind((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)NULL, &rtype, (AR_DATA*)NULL, &rtype);
00274             else if(arg[0] < 0)
00275               ierr = AR_selected_real_kind((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)NULL, &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[1], &rtype);
00276             else if(arg[1] < 0)
00277               ierr = AR_selected_real_kind((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)NULL, &rtype);
00278             else
00279               ierr = AR_selected_real_kind((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[1], &rtype);
00280           }
00281           else {
00282             if(func[0] == 'D') {
00283               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00284               opndtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00285               ptype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_64;
00286             }
00287             else if(func[1] == 'T') {
00288               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_64;
00289               opndtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_64;
00290               ptype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_64;
00291             }
00292             else if(func[0] == 'X' && func[1] == 'D') {
00293               rtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00294               opndtype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00295               ptype = AR_Float_IEEE_NR_128;
00296             }
00297             else {
00298               rtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_128;
00299               opndtype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_128;
00300               ptype = AR_Complex_IEEE_NR_128;
00301             }
00302             ierr = AR_power((AR_DATA*)&result[0], &rtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[0], &opndtype, (AR_DATA*)&arg[n>>1], &ptype);
00303           }
00305           if(rsize > 1 && ((result[0]>>52)&0x7ff) == 0x7ff)
00306              xor = result[0]^ans[0];
00307           else
00308              for(xor=0, i=0; i<rsize; i++)
00309                 xor |= (result[i]^ans[i]);
00310           if(ierr!=0 || xor!=0) {
00311             if(ierr!=0 && ans[0]==ierr)
00312               okerrs++;
00313             else {
00314               fprintf(stderr,"\n***** ERROR *** ERROR *** ERROR *** ERROR *****\n");
00315               fprintf(stderr,"   Intrinsic result does not match expected result on input line:\n   %s\n",line);
00316               if(ierr != 0)
00317                 fprintf(stderr,"   The intrinsic returned an error code = 0%o\n",ierr);
00318               else {
00319                 fprintf(stderr,"   The intrinsic returned a result of:\n   ");
00320                 for(i=0; i<rsize; i++)
00321                   fprintf(stderr," %16.16llx",result[i]);
00322                 fprintf(stderr,"\n");
00323               }
00324               fail++;
00325             }
00326           }
00327           else
00328             pass++;
00329         }
00331         printf("Intrinsic test results:\n%6d passed\n%6d passed with expected error condition\n%6d FAILED!!!\n",pass,okerrs,fail);
00332         exit(fail);
00334 }
00336 get_hex_input(str, arg)
00337 char**  str;
00338 AR_HOST_SINT64 *arg;
00339 {
00340         char*   line;
00342         int     h1,h2,h3,h4;
00344         line = *str;
00346         while(!isxdigit(*line)) line++;
00348         h1=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00349         h2=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00350         h3=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00351         h4=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00352         (*arg)  = (AR_HOST_SINT64)((h1<<12) | (h2<<8) | (h3<<4) | h4)<<16;
00354         h1=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00355         h2=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00356         h3=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00357         h4=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00358         (*arg) |= (AR_HOST_SINT64)((h1<<12) | (h2<<8) | (h3<<4) | h4);
00360         if(isxdigit(*line)) {
00361                 (*arg) <<= 32;
00363                 h1=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00364                 h2=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00365                 h3=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00366                 h4=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00367                 (*arg) |= (AR_HOST_SINT64)((h1<<12) | (h2<<8) | (h3<<4) | h4)<<16;
00369                 h1=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00370                 h2=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00371                 h3=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00372                 h4=(*line>='A')?*line-'A'+10:*line-'0'; line++;
00373                 (*arg) |= (AR_HOST_SINT64)((h1<<12) | (h2<<8) | (h3<<4) | h4);
00374         }
00376         *str = line;
00377 }
00380 static char USMID [] = "\n%Z%%M%        %I%     %G% %U%\n";
00381 static char rcsid [] = "$Id: test_tsieee_sim.c,v 2002-05-22 20:06:19 dsystem Exp $";
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