Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00036 #ifndef ty2f_INCLUDED
00037 #define ty2f_INCLUDED
00038 /* ====================================================================
00039  * ====================================================================
00040  *
00041  *
00042  * Revision history:
00043  *    13-Apr-95 - Original Version
00044  *
00045  * Description:
00046  *
00047  *    TY2F_translate: 
00048  *       Add a Fortran language type corresponding to the given TY node
00049  *       into the token_buffer, assuming the TOKEN_BUFFER already
00050  *       holds a construct to be declared of this type.  The type
00051  *       may surround the current contents of the given TOKEN_BUFFER
00052  *       as though these contents where declared to be of the given
00053  *       type; i.e. for an array or function type.  The qualifiers
00054  *       are not written out for the top-level ty, but will be written
00055  *       for component tys.  After this call, TY2F_Prepend_Structures()
00056  *       should be called in an appropriate context (such as 
00057  *       ST2F_translate()).
00058  *
00059  *    TY2F_translate_purple_array:
00060  *       Inserts a place-holder for assumed sized or adjustable array bounds,
00061  *       while the action is simply dispatched to TY2F_translate() for other
00062  *       types.
00063  *
00064  *    TY2F_Translate_ArrayElt:
00065  *       Translates an array offset into a (multi-dimensional) array
00066  *       indexing operation, based on a given array-type.
00067  *
00068  *    TY2F_Translate_Common:
00069  *       Translates a common-block into Fortran.  After this call, 
00070  *       TY2F_Prepend_Structures() should be called in an appropriate
00071  *       context (such as ST2F_translate()).
00072  *
00073  *    TY2F_Translate_Equivalence:
00074  *       Translates an equivalence spec into Fortran.  After this call, 
00075  *       TY2F_Prepend_Structures() should be called in an appropriate
00076  *       context (such as ST2F_translate()).  If alt_return==TRUE, this
00077  *       equivalence represents the return-variables for alternate return
00078  *       points in a function, and they will be treated as such.
00079  *
00080  *    TY2F_Prepend_Structures:
00081  *       When TY2F_translate(), TY2F_Translate_Common(), or 
00082  *       TY2F_Translate_Equivalence() are invoked, a number of
00083  *       records may be translated in the process.  These will be
00084  *       declared in a buffer internal to ty2f, and this routine
00085  *       must be called to prepend the contents of this internal
00086  *       buffer to a given buffer.  We cannot prepend these 
00087  *       structures to the buffer passed to the "TY2F_translate()" 
00088  *       routine, since we do not know in what context that translation
00089  *       occurs (e.g. it may called for a fld declaration).
00090  *
00091  *     TY2F_Fld_Separator: adds the appropriate field separator for
00092  *                         structure components
00093  *
00094  * KIND_STRUCT field information
00095  * ------------------------------
00096  *
00097  *   TY2F_Free_Fld_Path:  Having called Stab_Get_Fld_Path(), we can
00098  *      reuse the path-elements by invoking TY2F_Free_Fld_Path()
00099  *      before the next call to TY2F_Get_Fld_Path().
00100  *
00101  *   TY2F_Get_Fld_Path:  Returns a path through the substructure of
00102  *      the given KIND_STRUCT to a field element that was found to
00103  *      best match the given type and offset.  While a matching type
00104  *      need not be of the same btype, it must always have the same
00105  *      offset, type-size, and type-alignment.  NULL is returned when
00106  *      no matching field is found.
00107  *
00108  *   TY2F_Translate_Fld_Path:  Given a path to a field, append a field
00109  *      selection string as dictated by Fortran syntax to access this
00110  *      field.  It is assumed that the token_buffer already contains
00111  *      the tokens for the base-record expression.  Note that we use
00112  *      the pointee name to dereference a pointer record elements
00113  *      (after emitting a warning since we do not expect record elements
00114  *      to be pointers).
00115  *
00116  *    TY2F_Dump_Fld_Path: dump to stdout...
00117  *
00118  *    TY2F_Point_At_Path: look within a path for a FLD with the given offset.
00119  *
00120  * ====================================================================
00121  * ====================================================================
00122  */
00125 extern void TY2F_translate(TOKEN_BUFFER tokens, TY_IDX ty);
00126 extern void TY2F_translate(TOKEN_BUFFER tokens, TY_IDX ty,BOOL notyappend);
00128 extern void TY2F_Translate_Purple_Array(TOKEN_BUFFER tokens, ST *st, TY_IDX ty);
00129 extern void TY2F_Translate_ArrayElt(TOKEN_BUFFER tokens,
00130                                     TY_IDX       arr_ty,
00131                                     STAB_OFFSET  arr_ofst);
00132 extern void TY2F_Translate_Common(TOKEN_BUFFER tokens, 
00133                                   const char   *name, 
00134                                   TY_IDX        ty);
00135 extern void TY2F_Translate_Equivalence(TOKEN_BUFFER tokens,
00136                                        TY_IDX        ty,
00137                                        BOOL          alt_return);
00139 extern void TY2F_Prepend_Structures(TOKEN_BUFFER tokens);
00141 extern const char *TY2F_Fld_Name(FLD_HANDLE,BOOL,BOOL);
00144 static BOOL GetTmpVarTransInfo(TOKEN_BUFFER   decl_tokens,
00145                         ST_IDX         arbnd,
00146                         WN*            wn);
00149 static  BOOL Array_Bnd_Temp_Var=FALSE;
00151    /*------- Facilities to get information about FLDs -------*/
00152    /*--------------------------------------------------------*/
00154 typedef struct Fld_Path_Info FLD_PATH_INFO;
00155 struct Fld_Path_Info
00156 {
00157    FLD_HANDLE     fld;       /* Field on the path */
00158    BOOL           arr_elt;   /* An element in an array field? */
00159    STAB_OFFSET    arr_ofst;  /* Offset of element within an array field */
00160    WN *           arr_wn;    /* if arr_elt, optional OPC_ARRAY with subscripts */
00161    FLD_PATH_INFO *next;      /* Next field on the path */
00162 };
00164 extern FLD_PATH_INFO * TY2F_Free_Fld_Path(FLD_PATH_INFO *fld_path);
00167 extern FLD_PATH_INFO * TY2F_Get_Fld_Path(const TY_IDX struct_ty, 
00168                                          const TY_IDX object_ty,
00169                                          STAB_OFFSET offset);
00172 extern void TY2F_Translate_Fld_Path(TOKEN_BUFFER   tokens, 
00173                                     FLD_PATH_INFO *fld_path,
00174                                     BOOL           deref,  
00175                                     BOOL           member_of_common,
00176                                     BOOL           name_as_is,
00177                                     WN2F_CONTEXT   context);
00180 extern void TY2F_Fld_Separator(TOKEN_BUFFER tokens);
00181 extern FLD_HANDLE TY2F_Last_Fld(FLD_PATH_INFO *fld_path);
00183 extern void TY2F_Dump_Fld_Path(FLD_PATH_INFO *fld_path) ;
00184 extern FLD_PATH_INFO * TY2F_Point_At_Path(FLD_PATH_INFO * path, STAB_OFFSET off);
00186 #endif /* ty2f_INCLUDED */
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