Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00036 #ifndef w2f_driver_INCLUDED
00037 #define w2f_driver_INCLUDED
00038 #ifdef __cplusplus
00039 extern "C" {
00040 #endif
00041 /* ====================================================================
00042  * ====================================================================
00043  *
00044  *
00045  * Description:
00046  *
00047  * W2F_Should_Emit_Nested_PUs()
00048  *    Returns TRUE when we should translate nested PUs.
00049  *
00050  * W2F_Process_Command_Line()
00051  *    Process the command line arguments. Evaluate flags pertaining
00052  *    solely to w2f, assuming these are in the phase_argv list, 
00053  *    ignoring all others (assuming non-w2f options are processed 
00054  *    and checked for correctness elsewhere).  argv[0] is assumed to
00055  *    hold the name of the current program invocation ("whirl2f")
00056  *    or NULL if there is no such name.  Also, set up the file-names 
00057  *    (W2F_File) such that these are all non-NULL.  The naming of 
00058  *    files is based partially on the command-line options, and 
00059  *    partially on Src_File_Name and Irb_File_Name.  The only 
00060  *    W2F_File which may be NULL after this call is the W2F_LOC_FILE.
00061  *
00062  * W2F_Init()
00063  *    Basic Initialization of W2F, assuming the command-line has 
00064  *    already been processed and the global symbol-table, string-
00065  *    table, and initialization table already have been read in with 
00066  *    Read_Global_Info().  This initiates all translation modules, 
00067  *    but opens no output files and does no preliminary translation.
00068  *
00069  * W2F_Push_PU()
00070  *    Must be called before translating an expression within
00071  *    a PU (i.e. a FUNC_ENTRY).  The new symbol table for the 
00072  *    given PU will be pushed onto the stack.  After this call, the
00073  *    locally defined symbol names can be accessed by means of the 
00074  *    W2CF_Symtab_Nameof_() routines.  This call
00075  *    also specifies the subtree within the body of the pu, which
00076  *    we are interested in translating, which *must* exactly match
00077  *    the subtree passed in a call to W2F_Translate_Wn() or 
00078  *    W2F_Translate_Wn_Str().
00079  *
00080  * W2F_Pop_PU()
00081  *    This must be called after a PU is done with, and the symbol
00082  *    table-section for the PU will be popped off the whirl2f
00083  *    symbol table stack.
00084  *
00085  * W2F_Mark_Loads()
00086  *    Inserts positional placeholder for translated ILOAD/LDID.
00087  *
00088  * W2F_Nomark_Loads()
00089  *    Regular translation of loads (ILOAD/LDID).  This is the default
00090  *    mode.
00091  *
00092  * W2F_Set_Prompf_Emission()
00093  *    Pass in a mapping from WN nodes to construct identifiers, and
00094  *    notify whirl2f to emit its output in a form suitable for ProMPF.
00095  *    Call this one time only, before any translation takes place!
00096  *
00097  * W2F_Set_Frequency_Map()
00098  *    Pass in a mapping from WN nodes to feedback frequency information.
00099  *    Call this for each PU that has such a map.  The actual emission
00100  *    of this info (in comments) is controlled by the "emit_frequency"
00101  *    -FLIST option.
00102  *
00103  * W2F_Get_Transformed_Src_Path()
00104  *    Returns the name of the .f file emitted by whirl2f.  Must be
00105  *    called after W2F_Init().
00106  *
00107  * W2F_Set_Purple_Emission()
00108  * W2F_Reset_Purple_Emission()
00109  *    Instruct the code-emitter to translate WHIRL in a manner
00110  *    specific to the needs of purple.  Actived by the "Set"
00111  *     routine; deactivated by the "Reset" routine.
00112  *
00113  * W2F_Def_ST()
00114  *    Appends a definition for the given symbol to the given
00115  *    file.  The file must be open with write permission.
00116  *
00117  * W2F_Object_Name()
00118  *    Returns the name of the given function.
00119  *
00120  * W2F_Translate_Stid_Lhs()
00121  *    Given the attributes for an OPR_STID (or similar attributes
00122  *    derived from other kinds of nodes, such as an OPR_LDID), put an
00123  *    expression suitable as an assignment lhs in the given string
00124  *    buffer.
00125  *
00126  * W2F_Translate_Istore_Lhs()
00127  *    Same as W2F_Translate_Stid_Lhs(), but based on the attributes
00128  *    for an OPR_ISTORE instead of the attributes of an OPR_STID.
00129  *
00130  * W2F_Translate_Wn()
00131  *    Translation of an arbitrary WN tree into Fortran, assuming the 
00132  *    current PU scope has been pushed onto the whirl2f symbol-
00133  *    table stack.  The output will be appended to the given file.
00134  *    If the expression is a FUNC_ENTRY node, then the local symbol
00135  *    table will be pushed and popped, and the effect is similar 
00136  *    to W2F_Outfile_Translate_Pu().  The file must be open with 
00137  *    write permission. 
00138  *
00139  * W2F_Translate_Wn_Str()
00140  *    Same as W2F_Translate_Wn(), but the output is put into the
00141  *    given string buffer instead of being appended to a file.
00142  *
00143  * W2F_Translate_Purple_Main()
00144  *    Given an arbitrary FUNC_ENTRY node, we translate it into a
00145  *    purple main program, where the parameters are declared as
00146  *    local variables, placeholders are inserted for initialization
00147  *    and final checking, and a call is made to the purple region
00148  *    routine.
00149  *
00150  * W2F_Fini()
00151  *    Finalization of W2F.  This will terminate all translation 
00152  *    modules and free up their state information (such as symol-
00153  *    tables, etc).
00154  *
00155  *                  EXPORTED OUTPUT-FILE INTERFACE
00156  *                  ------------------------------
00157  *
00158  * This is the easiest interface for using whirl2f, and it
00159  * maintains output file status and produces a uniform output
00160  * format based on the -FLIST options.  There are strict rules
00161  * as to how this interface interacts with the lower-level 
00162  * interface described above.
00163  *
00164  * W2F_Outfile_Init()
00165  *    Initializes the output-files for whirl2f, based on the
00166  *    command-line options.  Will call W2F_Init() is this has
00167  *    not already been done.  Optionally, the file-level 
00168  *    declarations may be emitted to the generated header file.
00169  *
00170  * W2F_Outfile_Translate_Pu()
00171  *    Translates a PU, presupposing W2F_Outfile_Init() has been 
00172  *    called.  The PU will be lowered (for Fortran) and the 
00173  *    output Fortran code will be appended to the output files.
00174  *
00175  * W2C_Output_Fini()
00176  *    Finalizes a W2F translation by closing the output-files, and
00177  *    calling W2F_Fini().  Call this before the Irb file is closed!
00178  *
00180  *        -------------------------------------------------------
00181  *
00182  * 1) There is no ordering constraint between the Init routines.
00183  *    A redundant call to an init routine is simply ignored.
00184  *
00185  * 2) All "Outfile" routines require a W2F_Outfile_Init() call.
00186  *
00187  * 3) All "low-level" routines require a W2F_Init() or a 
00188  *    W2F_Outfile_Init() call.
00189  *
00190  * 4) A call to W2F_Push_PU() may be followed by a call to 
00191  *    W2F_Outfile_Translate_Pu(), in which case the scope will 
00192  *    not be pushed again and will not be popped when
00193  *    W2F_Outfile_Translate_Pu() returns.
00194  *
00195  * 5) W2F_Fini() has no effect if W2F_Outfile_Init() was called,
00196  *    since finalization must then be done with a call to
00197  *    W2F_Output_Fini().
00198  *
00199  * 6) Initialization may again occur after a finalization for
00200  *    a another whirl2f translation.  Two whirl2f translation
00201  *    tasks cannot be active simultaneously within the same process,
00202  *    but the same WHIRL tree may be translated multiple times
00203  *    in a given sequential sequence by the same translation 
00204  *    process.
00205  *
00206  * ====================================================================
00207  * ====================================================================
00208  */
00210            /* Flags set by W2F_Process_Command_Line() */
00211            /*-----------------------------------------*/
00213 extern BOOL W2F_Verbose;         /* Show translation information */
00214 extern BOOL W2F_Old_F77;         /* Use macros for new intrinsics */
00215 extern BOOL W2F_Ansi_Format;     /* Line-formatting to f77 standard */
00216 extern BOOL W2F_No_Pragmas;      /* Do not emit pragmas */
00217 extern BOOL W2F_Emit_Prefetch;   /* Emit comments for prefetches */
00218 extern BOOL W2F_Emit_All_Regions;/* Emit cmplr-generated regions */
00219 extern BOOL W2F_Emit_Linedirs;   /* Emit preprocessing line-directives */
00220 extern BOOL W2F_Emit_Frequency;  /* Emit feedback frequency information */
00221 extern BOOL W2F_Purple_Emission; /* Emitting purple extracted sources */
00222 extern BOOL W2F_Emit_Pcf;        /* Emitting PCF spellings of pragmas */
00223 extern BOOL W2F_Emit_Omp;        /* Emitting OMP spellings of pragmas */
00225 extern BOOL W2F_OpenAD;          /* Special OpenAD mode */
00226 #define W2F_ACTIVE_TYPE_LEN 28
00227 extern char W2F_activeType[W2F_ACTIVE_TYPE_LEN];      /* active type for OpenAD */
00230                      /* Files */
00231                      /*-------*/
00233 typedef enum W2F_File_Kind
00234 {
00235    W2F_ORIG_FILE, /* Fortran input file  */
00236    W2F_FTN_FILE,  /* Fortran output file */
00237    W2F_LOC_FILE,  /* W2F generated source-to-source location mapping file */
00238    W2F_NUM_FILES  /* Number of elements in this enumeration */
00239 } W2F_FILE_KIND;
00241 extern FILE *W2F_File[W2F_NUM_FILES];
00244                      /* Exported Functions */
00245                      /*--------------------*/
00247   /* Note that we also export some utilities from W2CF_symtab.h */
00248 extern BOOL W2F_Should_Emit_Nested_PUs(void);
00249 extern void W2F_Process_Command_Line(INT phase_argc, char *phase_argv[],
00250                                      INT argc, char *argv[]);
00251 extern void W2F_Init(void);
00252 extern void W2F_Fini(void);
00253 extern void W2F_Push_PU(WN *pu, WN *body_part_of_interest);
00254 extern void W2F_Pop_PU(void);
00256 extern void W2F_Mark_Loads(void);
00257 extern void W2F_Nomark_Loads(void);
00259 extern void W2F_Set_Prompf_Emission(WN_MAP *construct_map);
00260 extern void W2F_Set_Frequency_Map(WN_MAP frequency_map);
00262 extern const char * W2F_Get_Transformed_Src_Path(void);
00264 extern void W2F_Set_Purple_Emission(void);
00265 extern void W2F_Reset_Purple_Emission(void);
00267 extern void W2F_Def_ST(FILE *outfile, ST *st);
00269 extern const char * W2F_Object_Name(ST *func_st);
00271 extern void W2F_Translate_Stid_Lhs(char       *strbuf,
00272                                    UINT        bufsize,
00273                                    ST         *stid_st, 
00274                                    mINT64      stid_ofst, 
00275                                    TY_IDX      stid_ty, 
00276                                    TYPE_ID     stid_mtype);
00277 extern void W2F_Translate_Istore_Lhs(char       *strbuf, 
00278                                      UINT        bufsize,
00279                                      WN         *lhs,
00280                                      mINT64      istore_ofst, 
00281                                      TY_IDX      istore_addr_ty, 
00282                                      TYPE_ID     istore_mtype);
00284 extern void W2F_Translate_Wn(FILE *outfile, WN *wn);
00285 extern void W2F_Translate_Wn_Str(char *strbuf, UINT bufsize, WN *wn);
00287 extern void
00288 W2F_Translate_Purple_Main(FILE *outfile, WN *pu, const char *region_name);
00290 extern void W2F_Outfile_Init(void);
00291 extern void W2F_Outfile_Translate_Pu(WN *pu);
00292 extern void W2F_Outfile_Fini(void);
00294 extern void W2F_Cleanup(void);
00296 typedef map<TY_IDX, ST_IDX> TyIdxToStIdxMap;
00297 extern TyIdxToStIdxMap tyidx_modidx;
00299 #ifdef __cplusplus
00300 }
00301 #endif
00302 #endif /* w2f_driver_INCLUDED */
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