Open64 (mfef90, whirl2f, and IR tools)  TAG: version-openad; SVN changeset: 916
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00003   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
00005   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006   under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
00007   published by the Free Software Foundation.
00009   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
00010   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
00014   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 
00015   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or 
00016   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if 
00017   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 
00018   other software, or any other product whatsoever.  
00020   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00021   with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
00022   Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pky,
00025   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
00029   For further information regarding this notice, see:
00033 */
00036 #ifndef wn_attr_INCLUDED
00037 #define wn_attr_INCLUDED
00038 /* ====================================================================
00039  * ====================================================================
00040  *
00041  *
00042  * Revision history:
00043  *  07-Mar-95 - Original Version
00044  *
00045  * Description:
00046  *
00047  * Access-macros and access-functions for obtaining attributes of 
00048  * WN trees for general use in translating WN to another language
00049  * form (e.g. to C or Fortran).  For the most part, this module
00050  * supplements common/com/wn_core.h.
00051  *
00052  * Macros yielding WN attributes:
00053  * ------------------------------
00054  *
00055  *   WN_agoto_addr:
00056  *      TODO: is this an address or an index into a table of 
00057  *      addresses?
00058  *
00059  *   WN_condbr_cond:
00060  *      The conditional expression controlling the branch.
00061  *
00062  *   WN_compgoto_num_cases:
00063  *   WN_switch_num_cases:
00064  *      The number of cases in a computed goto statement (C switch
00065  *      statement).
00066  *
00067  *   WN_compgoto_idx:
00068  *   WN_switch_idx:
00069  *      The expression, which value is the index into the goto table.
00070  *
00071  *   WN_compgoto_table:
00072  *   WN_switch_table:
00073  *      The block of gotos representing the goto table.
00074  *
00075  *   WN_compgoto_has_default_case:
00076  *   WN_switch_has_default_case:
00077  *      TRUE if the computed goto is blessed with a default case.
00078  *
00079  *   WN_num_var_refs:
00080  *      Return the number of references (LDID, STID, LDA) to the given
00081  *      ST in the given WN tree.
00082  *
00083  *   WN_is_constant_expr:
00084  *      Return TRUE if we have an OPR_INTCONST or an OPR_CONST; otherwise
00085  *      return FALSE.
00086  *
00087  * Macros yielding OPCODE information:
00088  * -----------------------------------
00089  *
00090  *   WN_opc_rtype:
00091  *      The OPC result type.
00092  *
00093  *   WN_opc_dtype:
00094  *      The OPC descriptor type.
00095  *
00096  *   WN_opc_operator:
00097  *      The OPC operator (OPR).
00098  *
00099  *   WN_opc_name:
00100  *      The OPC name in the form of a string.
00101  *
00102  *   INTR_is_adrtmp:
00103  *      An ADRTMP intrinsic opcode.
00104  *
00105  *   INTR_is_valtmp:
00106  *      An VALTMP intrinsic opcode.
00107  *
00108  * Functions yielding WN subtree information
00109  * ----------------------------------------
00110  *
00111  * WN_intrinsic_name:
00112  *      The name of the function or macro representing the intrinsic.
00113  *      Special handling is needed when the name is NULL.
00114  *
00115  * WN_intrinsic_return_ty:
00116  *      Map the intrinsic code to a return type.  If no return type
00117  *      is known, then use the result type of the OPCODE as the
00118  *      return type.
00119  *
00120  * WN_intrinsic_return_to_param:
00121  *      TRUE when the given return type is returned through the first
00122  *      parameter; FALSE when returning through pregs.
00123  *
00124  * Functions yielding WN subtree information
00125  * ----------------------------------------
00126  *
00127  *   WN_Get_PtrAdd_Intconst:
00128  *      Given the two operands of an ADD expression, see if this
00129  *      can be considered a pointer addition, and if it is return
00130  *      a pointer to an INTCONST that can be normalized w.r.t. the
00131  *      size of the pointed_ty; if the pointed_ty has size 1, then
00132  *      just return the integral expression operand when this should
00133  *      be considered a pointer addition; otherwise return NULL when
00134  *      this should not be considered a pointer addition.
00135  *
00136  *   WN_Tree_Type:
00137  *      The TY denoting the type of a WN expression.  For typeless
00138  *      WNs (e.g. statements), the TY will be "void" in C terminology.
00139  *      Similarly, there may be expression we cannot sensibly type,
00140  *      e.g. for MLOADs, in which case we return an inaccurate type.
00141  *      For MLOADs we return the type of a field at the given offset
00142  *      and of the given size, provided the size is known statically;
00143  *      otherwise we return the base-type.
00144  *
00145  * Functions modifying a WN subtree
00146  * --------------------------------
00147  *
00148  *   Remove_Skips:
00149  *      Removes any sequences of statements marked to be skipped by
00150  *      whirl2f or whirl2c (FLIST_SKIP_BEGIN/CLIST_SKIP_BEGIN).
00151  *
00152  *   Restore_Skips:
00153  *      Restores the modifications done in a call to Remove_Skips.
00154  *
00155  * ====================================================================
00156  * ====================================================================
00157  */
00159 typedef mINT64    STAB_OFFSET;
00161 #define WN_agoto_addr(wn) WN_kid0(wn)
00163 #define WN_condbr_cond(wn) WN_kid0(wn)
00165 #define WN_compgoto_num_cases(wn) WN_num_entries(wn)
00166 #define WN_compgoto_idx(wn) WN_kid0(wn)
00167 #define WN_compgoto_table(wn) WN_kid1(wn)
00168 #define WN_compgoto_has_default_case(wn) (WN_kid_count(wn) == 3)
00170 #define WN_switch_num_cases(wn) WN_num_entries(wn)
00171 #define WN_switch_has_default_case(wn) (WN_kid_count(wn) == 3)
00173 extern UINT WN_num_var_refs(WN *wn, const ST *st, STAB_OFFSET st_ofst);
00175 #define WN_opc_rtype(wn) WN_rtype(wn)
00176 #define WN_opc_operator(wn) WN_operator(wn)
00177 #define WN_opc_dtype(wn) WN_desc(wn)
00178 #define WN_opc_name(wn) OPCODE_name(WN_opcode(wn))
00180 #define WN_is_constant_expr(wn) \
00181    (WN_opc_operator(wn) == OPR_INTCONST || WN_opc_operator(wn) == OPR_CONST)
00183 #define INTR_is_adrtmp(intrn) \
00184    ((intrn) == INTRN_U4I1ADRTMP || \
00185     (intrn) == INTRN_U4I2ADRTMP || \
00186     (intrn) == INTRN_U4I4ADRTMP || \
00187     (intrn) == INTRN_U4I8ADRTMP || \
00188     (intrn) == INTRN_U4F4ADRTMP || \
00189     (intrn) == INTRN_U4F8ADRTMP || \
00190     (intrn) == INTRN_U4FQADRTMP || \
00191     (intrn) == INTRN_U4C4ADRTMP || \
00192     (intrn) == INTRN_U4C8ADRTMP || \
00193     (intrn) == INTRN_U4CQADRTMP || \
00194     (intrn) == INTRN_U4VADRTMP  || \
00195     (intrn) == INTRN_U8I1ADRTMP || \
00196     (intrn) == INTRN_U8I2ADRTMP || \
00197     (intrn) == INTRN_U8I4ADRTMP || \
00198     (intrn) == INTRN_U8I8ADRTMP || \
00199     (intrn) == INTRN_U8F4ADRTMP || \
00200     (intrn) == INTRN_U8F8ADRTMP || \
00201     (intrn) == INTRN_U8FQADRTMP || \
00202     (intrn) == INTRN_U8C4ADRTMP || \
00203     (intrn) == INTRN_U8C8ADRTMP || \
00204     (intrn) == INTRN_U8CQADRTMP || \
00205     (intrn) == INTRN_U8VADRTMP)
00207 #define INTR_is_valtmp(intrn) \
00208    ((intrn) == INTRN_I4VALTMP || \
00209     (intrn) == INTRN_I8VALTMP || \
00210     (intrn) == INTRN_F4VALTMP || \
00211     (intrn) == INTRN_F8VALTMP || \
00212     (intrn) == INTRN_FQVALTMP || \
00213     (intrn) == INTRN_C4VALTMP || \
00214     (intrn) == INTRN_C8VALTMP || \
00215     (intrn) == INTRN_CQVALTMP)
00217 #define WN_Skip_Parm(arg) \
00218    ((arg)!=NULL && WN_opc_operator(arg) == OPR_PARM? WN_kid0(arg) : arg)
00220 extern TY_IDX Get_Field_Type(TY_IDX base, int field_id);
00222 extern const char * WN_intrinsic_name(INTRINSIC intr_opc);
00223 extern TY_IDX WN_intrinsic_return_ty(OPCODE    wn_opc,
00224                                      INTRINSIC intr_opc,
00225                                      const WN *call);
00226 extern BOOL WN_intrinsic_return_to_param(TY_IDX return_ty);
00228 extern WN *WN_Get_PtrAdd_Intconst(WN    *wn0, 
00229                                   WN    *wn1, 
00230                                   TY_IDX pointed_ty);
00231 extern TY_IDX WN_Tree_Type(const WN *wn);
00234 typedef struct
00235 {
00236    WN   *parent; /* Block node containing an xLIST_SKIP_BEGIN pragma */
00237    WN   *first;  /* First node to be skipped */
00238    WN   *last;   /* Last node to be skipped */
00239 } W2CF_SKIP_ITEM;
00241 extern void Remove_Skips(WN             *ablock,
00242                          W2CF_SKIP_ITEM *skip_info,
00243                          INT            *next_info_idx,
00244                          INT             max_info_idx,
00245                          BOOL            clist);
00247 extern void Restore_Skips(const W2CF_SKIP_ITEM *skip_info,
00248                           INT                   number_of_items,
00249                           BOOL                  clist);
00251 #endif /* wn_attr_INCLUDED */
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