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Feature Story | Mathematics and Computer Science

Congratulations for jobs well done!

Two staff members from Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division  received awards from the UChicago Argonne, LLC, Board of Governors on August 15, 2013.

Lois Curfman McInnes, a senior computational scientist, received a Distinguished Performance Award. Internationally renowned for her outstanding technical contributions and leadership in high-performance computing and computational science, Lois has played a key role in the development of the scalable nonlinear solvers used in PETSc. Her leadership has also been key to numerous federal projects, including a DOE SciDAC application project in magnetically confined fusion energy; a DOE SciDAC center for technology for advanced scientific component software; and a DOE SciDAC-e program, conducted with the Center for Materials Science of Nuclear Fuels, which led to the current FASTMath Institute.

Judith Stickels

Judith Stickels received an Outstanding Service Award for her numerous contributions to Argonne. Currently as building operations manager for the Theory and Computing Sciences building, Judy manages the operations of seven floors, with several different divisions, facilities, and institutes and more than 750 offices. In handling with efficiency, reliability, and good humor what are often Herculean tasks, she has furthered Argonne’s goals of enabling world-class science in a world-class facility.