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Article | Mathematics and Computer Science

MCS Division features two events at Argonne in association with EuroMPI/USA 2017

In association with the EuroMPI/USA 2017 Conference, researchers from the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division coorganized two events  held at Argonne’s Theory and Computing Sciences building on Sept. 25, 2017.

Celebrating 25 Years of MPI: This full-day symposium, co-chaired by Rusty Lusk, Argonne Distinguished Fellow in the MCS Division, brought together many of those who have participated in the development of the Message Passing Interface. The speakers reviewed the historical beginnings of MPI, discuss its strengths and weaknesses, and try to predict the future.

Skills to Thrive: Careers in HPC”: This workshop, coorganized by Misbah Mubarak, an MCS Division postdoctoral appointee, focused on the issue of work-life balance – a challenging issue for both women and men in the fast-paced and demanding field of high-performance computing. As part of the workshop, Paul Hovland, deputy division director and senior computer scientist in the MCS Division, co-led an afternoon panel on Approaches for Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace.”

For more information on these events and EuroMPI/USA, see the website.