



How to setup a CVS Check Out

Note: If you are planning on setting up a cvs checkout of the AG Toolkit, you should be familiar with the configuration of the toolkit. Since you will be setting the software up in an environment with software setup differently than the standard packaged releases the ag team (and the larger ag community) will be significantly hindered in helping you find problems in your installation.

These instructions do not include how to build the media tools, or how to build a "package" that can be installed. Those instructions are found elsewhere. The result is that using the toolkit via these prescribed directions will not launch media tools on linux.

Version 2.3


1. Install the 2.3 release package
2. Check out the code from cvs with tag r_2_3_final, for example, to C:\software\AccessGrid
3. Set your python path to point to C:\software\AccessGrid
4. To test, cd to C:\software\AccessGrid\bin and run the venue client.


1. Have Globus 2.4.3 installed, instructions for that are elsewhere.
(you only *need* the globus-data-management-client bundle)
2. Choose a destination directory, e.g. /sandbox/agtk, make it if necessary.
3. Under /sandbox/agtk, make two directorys, packages, and inst
4. cd to packages and get the following packages:

SOAPpy (and wstools) from Source Forge CVS
fpconst latest package
pyOpenSSL from our CVS
pyGlobus from LBL CVS

5.install fpconst (e.g. into /sandbox/agtk/inst), then set your PYTHONPATH to /sandbox/agtk/inst/lib/python2.3/site-packages
6. install SOAPpy and pyOpenSSL into /sandbox/agtk/inst.
7. install pyGlobus
into /sandbox/agtk/inst, you'll need SWIG to do this.
7. cd to /sandbox/agtk and checkout the AGTk from cvs.
8. cd to AccessGrid and run 'python tools\ -a .'

Now each time you want to use the CVS installation you need to do two things.

1. set your PYTHONPATH to /sandbox/agtk/inst/lib/python2.3/site-packages, then
2. source either /sandbox/agtk/AccessGrid/ or env-init.csh

An example of this process is located on a separate page.

Current CVS Snapshot

First, make sure you have AGTk version 2.3 installed. To get additional dependencies, please follow these instructions:

Get ZSI from CVS

cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/pywebsvcs login

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/pywebsvcs co -P -r serialize-dom-scheme zsi

cd zsi/ZSI

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/pywebsvcs co -P wstools

In the zsi directory, run python install

Make sure you have ssl support in the python 2.3 socket library

Get the python 2.3 distribution on (ActiveState does not include ssl support). Note that the package does not include the win32 extensions; these must be installed separately, and can be downloaded from here (for python 2.3):

Get Bajjer Release 0.2.3

cd Bajjer-0.2.3

python install

Checking out the toolkit

setenv CVSROOT :pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/fl

cvs login (hit enter if asked for a password)

cvs checkout AccessGrid

cvs checkout ag-media

Running CvsSetup script

cd AccessGrid/tools

python -a ..

Depending on shell, run env-init.x to setup your environment variables.

Running the toolkit

The Argonne team is currently not running a 3.0 server so you will have to run your own.

To get text working, you need to run a jabber server and edit the textHost option in the VenueServer.cfg file to point at your server. We are running jabberd 1.4.3 with the conference part for group chat installed as well.

The personal node option for running the Venue Client does not work. You will have to run the service manager and node service separately.



For more information: [email protected]