Caching tags on communicator II

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  MPE_GetTags - Returns tags that can be used in communication with a 

  Input Parameters:
. comm_in - Input communicator
. ntags   - Number of tags

  Output Parameters:
. comm_out - Output communicator.  May be 'comm_in'.
. first_tag - First tag available
int MPE_GetTags( comm_in, ntags, comm_out, first_tag )
MPI_Comm comm_in, *comm_out;
int      ntags, *first_tag;
int mpe_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
int tagval, *tagvalp, *maxval, flag;

if (MPE_Tag_keyval == MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID) {
    MPI_Keyval_create( MPI_NULL_COPY_FN, MPE_DelTag, 
		       &MPE_Tag_keyval, (void *)0 );

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