Another profiling example

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This version counts all calls and the number of bytes sent with MPI_Send, MPI_Bsend, or MPI_Isend.

#include "mpi.h"

{{foreachfn fn_name MPI_Send MPI_Bsend MPI_Isend}}
static long {{fn_name}}_nbytes_{{fileno}};{{endforeachfn}}

{{forallfn fn_name MPI_Init MPI_Finalize MPI_Wtime}}int {{fn_name}}_ncalls_{{fileno}};

{{fnall this_fn_name MPI_Finalize}}
  printf( "{{this_fn_name}} is being called.\n" );



{{fn fn_name MPI_Send MPI_Bsend MPI_Isend}}
  {{vardecl int typesize}}


  MPI_Type_size( {{datatype}}, (MPI_Aint *)&{{typesize}} );


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