Generalizing the Process Identifier

Up: Sending and Receiving messages Next: MPI Basic Send/Receive Previous: Delimiting Scope of Communication

  • Collective operations typically operated on all processes (although some systems provide subgroups).
  • This is too restrictive (e.g., need minimum over a column or a sum across a row, of processes)
  • MPI provides groups of processes
    -- initial ``all'' group
    -- group management routines (build, delete groups)

  • All communication (not just collective operations) takes place in groups.
  • A group and a context are combined in a communicator.
  • Source/destination in send/receive operations refer to rank in group associated with a given communicator. MPI_ANY_SOURCE permitted in a receive.

    Up: Sending and Receiving messages Next: MPI Basic Send/Receive Previous: Delimiting Scope of Communication