This is the annual posting of the Hammer FAQ, please send additions, comments or incoherent drivel to sysop [email protected] [Formatting was done without permission by [email protected]]

The hammer, topper, or blade from hell [tm] can be used to

a) really impress people who have never played ultimate;
b) test the disc reading abilites of new players;
c) ensure a 911 situation on an end zone huck; or
d) get a disc to a reciever positioned directly behind a defender.

if you chose (d) move on

The drawback of the hammer are

a) it doesn't work well into the wind;
b) it is difficult to catch;
c) it curves in only one direction; or
d) people who throw it think they can overcome a), b) and c).

if you chose (d) move on

(sexism alert) Men generally can throw hammers further than womyn because they have been throwing other sporting objects overhand ever since David nailed Golieth ( yes really ... biblical scholars assure me that the slingshot in question was not a forked tree branch with a piece of inner tube attached. It was a single piece of leather and was thrown much like the modern day hammer)

The asthetics of the hammer IMHO feel much like the forehand except that it is thrown upside down over your head...not as crazy as it sounds. The pressure you feel on your middle finger is waht gives the disc its spin which keeps it flat and make it go further.

DLH never take the swing when a hammer is available