MeshKit  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*********************************************
00002  July 31,2013
00003 PostBL: Post-Mesh BOundary Layer Improved Algorithms 2
00004 Argonne National Laboratory
00005 *********************************************/
00007 #include "meshkit/PostBL.hpp"
00008 using namespace MeshKit;
00009 #include <string.h>
00011 void PostBL:: Algo2(){
00013     m_LogFile << "\nIn execute this : creating boundary layer elements.." <<  std::endl;
00014     // start the timer
00015     CClock Timer;
00016     clock_t sTime = clock();
00017     std::string szDateTime;
00018     Timer.GetDateTime (szDateTime);
00020     m_LogFile <<  "\nStarting out at : " << szDateTime << std::endl;
00021     m_LogFile <<  "\n Loading meshfile: " << m_MeshFile << ".." << std::endl;
00023     // load specified mesh file
00024     IBERRCHK(imesh->load(0, m_MeshFile.c_str(),0), *imesh);
00025     moab::Range all_elems, all_verts;
00026     MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_dimension(0, 3, all_elems,true),mb);
00027     if (all_elems.size() == 0)
00028         m_GD = 2;
00029     else if (all_elems.size() > 0)
00030         m_GD = 3;
00031     else
00032         exit(0);
00033     all_elems.clear();
00034     m_LogFile << "Geometric dimension of meshfile = "<< m_GD <<std::endl;
00036     // obtain existing tag handles
00037     moab::Tag GDTag, GIDTag, NTag, MTag, STag, FTag, MNTag, MatIDTag, BLNodeIDTag;
00038     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_handle("GEOM_DIMENSION", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, GDTag),mb);
00039     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_handle("NEUMANN_SET", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, NTag),mb);
00040     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_handle("MATERIAL_SET", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MTag),mb);
00041     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_handle("GLOBAL_ID", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, GIDTag),mb);
00042     // create smoothset and fixed tag for mesquite
00043     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_handle("SMOOTHSET", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, STag,
00044                                 moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE|moab::MB_TAG_CREAT),mb);
00045     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_handle("fixed", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, FTag,
00046                                 moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE|moab::MB_TAG_CREAT),mb);
00047     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_handle("mnode", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MNTag,
00048                                 moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE|moab::MB_TAG_CREAT),mb);
00049     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_handle("matid", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MatIDTag,
00050                                 moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE|moab::MB_TAG_CREAT),mb);
00051     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_handle("BLNODEID", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, BLNodeIDTag,
00052                                 moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE|moab::MB_TAG_CREAT),mb);
00054     // get all the entity sets with boundary layer geom dimension, neumann sets and material sets
00055     moab::Range sets, n_sets, m_sets;
00056     m_BLDim = m_GD - 1;
00058     const void* gdim[] = {&m_BLDim};
00060     MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, moab::MBENTITYSET, &GDTag,
00061                                               gdim, 1 , sets, moab::Interface::INTERSECT, false), mb);
00062     MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, moab::MBENTITYSET, &NTag, 0, 1 , n_sets),mb);
00063     MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, moab::MBENTITYSET, &MTag, 0, 1 , m_sets),mb);
00065     // Handling NeumannSets (if BL surf in input via NS)
00066     moab::Range::iterator set_it;
00067     moab::EntityHandle this_set = 0;
00068     for (set_it = n_sets.begin(); set_it != n_sets.end(); set_it++)  {
00070         this_set = *set_it;
00072         // get entity handle of NS specified in the input file
00073         int set_id;
00074         MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_data(NTag, &this_set, 1, &set_id), mb);
00075         if(set_id == m_NeumannSet)
00076             break;
00077         this_set = 0;
00078     }
00079     if (debug && m_NeumannSet != -1 && this_set != 0){
00080         m_LogFile <<  "Looking for NS with id " << m_NeumannSet <<
00081                       ". Total NS found are: "<< n_sets.size() << std::endl;
00082     }
00084     // For specified surface: get the  all the quads and nodes in a range
00085     moab::EntityHandle s1;
00086     moab::Range quads, nodes,edges, fixmat_ents;
00087     int dims; // variable to store global id of boundary layer specified in the input file
00089     // Method 1: INPUT by NeumannSet
00090     if(m_NeumannSet != -1 && this_set != 0){
00091         MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_dimension(this_set, m_BLDim, quads,true),mb);
00092         if (quads.size() <=0){
00093             m_LogFile <<  " No quads found, aborting.. " << std::endl;
00094             exit(0);
00095         }
00097         MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(quads, 0, false, nodes, moab::Interface::UNION),mb);
00098         if(m_GD == 3)
00099             MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(quads, 1, true, edges, moab::Interface::UNION),mb);
00101         if (debug) {
00102             m_LogFile <<  "Found NeumannSet with id : " << m_NeumannSet <<  std::endl;
00103             m_LogFile <<  "#Quads in this surface: " << quads.size() << std::endl;
00104             m_LogFile <<  "#Nodes in this surface: " << nodes.size() << std::endl;
00105             m_LogFile << "#New nodes to be created:" << m_Intervals*nodes.size() << std::endl;
00106         }
00107     }
00108     // Method 2: INPUT by surface id (geom dimension)
00109     else if (m_SurfId !=-1){
00110         for(moab::Range::iterator rit=sets.begin(); rit != sets.end(); ++rit){
00111             s1 = *rit;
00112             MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_data(GIDTag, &s1, 1, &dims),mb);
00114             if(dims == m_SurfId && m_SurfId != -1){
00115                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_dimension(s1, m_BLDim, quads,true),mb);
00116                 if (quads.size() <=0){
00117                     m_LogFile <<  " No quads found, aborting.. " << std::endl;
00118                     exit(0);
00119                 }
00121                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(quads, 0, false, nodes, moab::Interface::UNION),mb);
00122                 if(m_GD == 3)
00123                     MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(edges, 0, false, nodes, moab::Interface::UNION),mb);
00124                 if (debug) {
00125                     m_LogFile <<  "Found surface with id : " << m_SurfId <<  std::endl;
00126                     m_LogFile <<  "#Quads in this surface: " << quads.size() << std::endl;
00127                     m_LogFile <<  "#Nodes in this surface: " << nodes.size() << std::endl;
00128                     m_LogFile << "#New nodes to be created:" << m_Intervals*nodes.size() << std::endl;
00129                 }
00130             }
00131         }
00132     }
00134     if (quads.size() == 0 || nodes.size() == 0) {
00135         m_LogFile <<  "Invalid boundary layer specification, aborting.." <<  std::endl;
00136         exit(0);
00137     }
00139     // placeholder for storing smoothing entities
00140     moab::EntityHandle smooth_set;
00141     int s_id = 100;
00142     MBERRCHK(mb->create_meshset(moab::MESHSET_SET, smooth_set, 1), mb);
00143     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_set_data(STag, &smooth_set, 1, &s_id), mb);
00145     // placeholder for storing gd on new entities
00146     moab::EntityHandle geom_set;
00147     MBERRCHK(mb->create_meshset(moab::MESHSET_SET, geom_set, 1), mb);
00148     MBERRCHK(mb->tag_set_data(GDTag, &geom_set, 1, &m_GD), mb);
00150     // declare variables before starting BL creation
00151     std::vector <bool> node_status(false); // size of verts of bl surface
00152     node_status.resize(nodes.size());
00153     moab::Range hexes, hex_edge, quad_verts;
00154     double coords_new_quad[3];
00155     moab::EntityHandle hex, hex1;
00156     int qcount = 0;
00158     //size of the following is based on element type
00159     std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> conn, qconn, adj_qconn, tri_conn,
00160             new_vert(m_Intervals*nodes.size()), old_hex_conn, adj_hexes, adj_quads, adj_hex_nodes1;
00161     moab::CartVect surf_normal;
00163     // element on the boundary
00164     Range::iterator kter = quads.begin();
00166     std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> old_hex;
00167     MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(&(*kter), 1, m_GD, false, old_hex),mb);
00168     if((int) old_hex.size() == 0){
00169         m_LogFile << "unable to find adjacent hex for BL quad, aborting...";
00170         exit(0);
00171     }
00173     // allocate space for connectivity/adjacency during the first pass of this loop
00174     if(mb->type_from_handle(old_hex[0]) == MBHEX){
00175         m_Conn = 8;
00176         m_BElemNodes = 4;
00177         m_HConn = 8;
00178         //allocating based on element type
00179         conn.resize(m_Intervals*m_Conn), qconn.resize(m_BElemNodes), adj_qconn.resize(m_BElemNodes),
00180                 old_hex_conn.resize(m_Conn), adj_hex_nodes1.resize(m_Conn);
00181     }
00182     else if(mb->type_from_handle(old_hex[0]) == MBTET){
00183         m_Conn = 4;
00184         m_HConn = 6;
00185         m_BElemNodes = 3;
00186         //allocating based on element type - thrice the number of elements
00187         if(hybrid)
00188             conn.resize(m_Intervals*6);
00189         else
00190             conn.resize(2*m_Intervals*m_Conn);
00191         qconn.resize(m_BElemNodes), adj_qconn.resize(m_BElemNodes),
00192                 old_hex_conn.resize(m_Conn), adj_hex_nodes1.resize(m_Conn);
00193     }
00194     else if(mb->type_from_handle(old_hex[0]) == MBQUAD){
00195         m_Conn = 4;
00196         m_HConn = 4;
00197         m_BElemNodes = 2;
00198         //allocating based on element type
00199         conn.resize(m_Intervals*m_Conn), qconn.resize(m_BElemNodes), adj_qconn.resize(m_BElemNodes),
00200                 old_hex_conn.resize(m_Conn), adj_hex_nodes1.resize(m_Conn);
00201     }
00202     else if(mb->type_from_handle(old_hex[0]) == MBTRI){
00203         m_Conn = 3;
00204         m_HConn = 4;
00205         m_BElemNodes = 2;
00206         //allocating based on element type - twice the number of elements
00207         if(hybrid){
00208             m_HConn = 4;
00209             conn.resize(m_Intervals*m_HConn);
00210         }
00211         else{
00212             tri_conn.resize(2*m_Intervals*m_Conn);
00213             conn.resize(2*m_Intervals*m_Conn);
00214         }
00215         qconn.resize(m_BElemNodes), adj_qconn.resize(m_BElemNodes),
00216                 old_hex_conn.resize(m_Conn), adj_hex_nodes1.resize(m_Conn);
00217     }
00218     else if(m_Conn == 0 || m_BElemNodes == 0){
00219         m_LogFile << "This mesh type is not supported by this tool" << std::endl;
00220         exit(0);
00221     }
00223     // Tag all nodes on outer boundary with a unique number
00224     int node_id = 0;
00225     std::vector<int> NId(nodes.size());
00226     for(moab::Range::iterator nodes_iter = nodes.begin(); nodes_iter != nodes.end(); nodes_iter++){
00227         NId[node_id] = node_id;
00228         MBERRCHK(mb->tag_set_data(BLNodeIDTag, &(*nodes_iter),1, &NId[node_id]), mb);
00229         ++node_id;
00230     }
00232     // Handling MaterialSet
00233     moab::Range::iterator mset_it;
00234     moab::EntityHandle mthis_set;
00235     int mset_id = 0, found = 0;
00236     for (mset_it = m_sets.begin(); mset_it != m_sets.end(); mset_it++)  {
00238         mthis_set = *mset_it;
00240         // get entity handle of MS specified in the input file
00241         MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_data(MTag, &mthis_set, 1, &mset_id), mb);
00243         // if no material set is specified, we'll have to resolve
00245         // else just set all the MNTag to 0
00247         if(mset_id == m_Material){
00248             found = 1;
00249             break;
00250         }
00251         else if(mset_id == fixmat){
00252             MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_dimension(mthis_set, m_GD, fixmat_ents ,true),mb);
00253         }
00255         // get all the nodes in the material and tag bl nodes
00256         moab::Range mat_nodes, mat_hexes;
00257         if(m_GD == 3){
00258             if(m_Conn == 8)
00259                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_type(mthis_set, moab::MBHEX, mat_hexes, true), mb);
00260             else if(m_Conn ==4)
00261                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_type(mthis_set, moab::MBTET, mat_hexes, true), mb);
00262         }
00263         else if(m_GD == 2){
00264             if(m_Conn == 4)
00265                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_type(mthis_set, moab::MBQUAD, mat_hexes, true), mb);
00266             else if(m_Conn == 3)
00267                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_type(mthis_set, moab::MBTRI, mat_hexes, true), mb);
00268         }
00269         // tag all the mat_hexes with matid
00270         std::vector<int> matID(mat_hexes.size(), mset_id);
00271         MBERRCHK(mb->tag_set_data(MatIDTag, mat_hexes, &matID[0]), mb);
00272         //
00273         MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(mat_hexes, 0, false, mat_nodes, Interface::UNION), mb);
00274         moab::Range mat_b_nodes = intersect(nodes, mat_nodes);
00276         //
00277         std::vector<int> bl_node_data(mat_b_nodes.size(), 0);
00278         std::vector<int> node_tag_data(mat_b_nodes.size(),-1);
00279         // don't error check, as it is supposed to give error when multiple material case is encountered
00280         mb->tag_get_data(MNTag, mat_b_nodes, &node_tag_data[0]);
00281         for(int i=0; i< (int)mat_b_nodes.size(); i++){
00282             // already a part of some material
00283             if(node_tag_data[i] != -1){
00284                 bl_node_data[i] = node_tag_data[i]+1;
00285             }
00286         }
00287         MBERRCHK(mb->tag_set_data(MNTag, mat_b_nodes, &bl_node_data[0]), mb);
00288         mat_hexes.clear();
00289         mat_b_nodes.clear();
00290         mat_nodes.clear();
00291         mthis_set = 0;
00292     } // end handling material set
00294     // if fixmat specified, filter old hex, we don't have to correct both sides of the boundary
00295     if (fixmat !=0 && (int) old_hex.size() > 1){
00296         moab::EntityHandle old_hex_set;
00297         MBERRCHK(mb->create_meshset(moab::MESHSET_SET, old_hex_set, 1), mb);
00298         MBERRCHK(mb->add_entities(old_hex_set,&old_hex[0], (int) old_hex.size()), mb);
00299         // TODO: Find a faster way of doing this
00300         MBERRCHK(mb->remove_entities(old_hex_set, fixmat_ents), mb);
00301         old_hex.clear();
00302         old_hex.empty();
00303         // the the old hex to be modified
00304         MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_dimension(old_hex_set, m_GD, old_hex), mb);
00305     }
00306     else if(fixmat ==0 && old_hex.size()>1){
00307         m_LogFile << "FIXMAT not defined, elements found on either side of specified BL surface, aborting...";
00308         exit(0);
00309     }
00311     MBERRCHK(mb->get_connectivity(&(*kter), 1, qconn),mb);
00312     MBERRCHK(mb->get_connectivity(&old_hex[0], 1, old_hex_conn),mb);
00313     // get the normal to the plane of the 2D mesh
00314     if(m_GD==2)
00315         get_normal_quad (old_hex_conn, surf_normal);
00316     if(found == 1 && m_Material !=999){
00317         m_LogFile << "Found material set with id " << m_Material << std::endl;
00318     }
00319     else if (m_Material !=999 && found == 0){
00320         // material set found, but non-existant. Now create this material set
00321         m_LogFile << "Creating material set with id " << m_Material << std::endl;
00322         MBERRCHK(mb->create_meshset(moab::MESHSET_SET, mthis_set, 1), mb);
00323         MBERRCHK(mb->tag_set_data(MTag, &mthis_set, 1, &m_Material), mb);
00324     }
00325     else if (m_Material == 999 && found == 0){
00326         //
00327         m_LogFile << "Use old materials for new boundary layer elements. No material specified." << std::endl;
00328     }
00329     else{
00330         m_LogFile << "Unhandled case" << std::endl;
00331         exit(0);
00332     }
00334     // COMPUTE NORMALS
00335     // get tag data and print
00336     std::vector<int> all_bl(nodes.size(), 0);
00337     mb->tag_get_data(MNTag, nodes, &all_bl[0]);
00338     int count = -1;
00339     for (Range::iterator kter = nodes.begin(); kter != nodes.end(); ++kter){
00340         ++count;
00341         // only one normal in case of single material
00342         double xdisp = 0.0, ydisp = 0.0, zdisp = 0.0;
00343         // check if node belongs to one or more materials
00344         if(all_bl[count] == 0){
00345             moab::Range adj_for_normal;
00346             MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(&(*kter), 1, m_BLDim, false, adj_for_normal, Interface::UNION), mb);
00347             //create the coordinates of the innermost node corresponding to this node
00348             moab::Range adj_for_norm = intersect(quads, adj_for_normal);
00349             // now compute the average normal direction for this vertex
00350             moab::CartVect rt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), v(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00352             for(Range::iterator qter = adj_for_norm.begin(); qter != adj_for_norm.end(); ++qter){
00353                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_connectivity(&(*qter), 1, adj_qconn),mb);
00355                 int side_number = 0, sense = 1, offset = 0;
00356                 MBERRCHK(mb->side_number(old_hex[0], (*qter), side_number, sense, offset), mb);
00358                 if(m_GD==3){
00359                     get_normal_quad (adj_qconn, v);
00360                     if(sense == 1){
00361                         // do nothing
00362                     }
00363                     else{
00364                         v=-v;
00365                     }
00366                 }
00367                 else if(m_GD==2){
00368                     if(sense == 1){
00369                         get_normal_edge(adj_qconn, surf_normal, v);
00370                     }
00371                     else{
00372                         get_normal_edge(adj_qconn, -surf_normal, v);
00373                     }
00374                 }
00375                 rt = rt + v;
00376             }
00377             if(rt.length() !=0){
00378                 xdisp=rt[0]/rt.length();
00379                 ydisp=rt[1]/rt.length();
00380                 zdisp=rt[2]/rt.length();
00381             }
00382             else{
00383                 xdisp=0.0;
00384                 ydisp=0.0;
00385                 zdisp=0.0;
00386             }
00387         }
00388         else if(all_bl[count] > 0 && fixmat != -1){ // node belongs to more than one material and fixmat specified
00389             // NODE B/W MATERIALS
00390             moab::Range adj_for_normal;
00391             MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(&(*kter), 1, m_BLDim, false, adj_for_normal, Interface::UNION), mb);
00392             //create the coordinates of the innermost node corresponding to this node
00393             moab::Range adj_for_norm = intersect(quads, adj_for_normal);
00394             // now compute the average normal direction for this vertex
00395             moab::CartVect rt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), v(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00397             for(Range::iterator qter = adj_for_norm.begin(); qter != adj_for_norm.end(); ++qter){
00398                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_connectivity(&(*qter), 1, adj_qconn),mb);
00400                 moab::Range this_quad_hex;
00401                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(&(*qter), 1, m_GD, false, this_quad_hex, moab::Interface::UNION),mb);
00402                 moab::Range quad_hex = intersect(fixmat_ents, this_quad_hex);
00404                 int side_number = 0, sense = 1, offset = 0;
00405                 Range::iterator hexter = quad_hex.begin();
00406                 MBERRCHK(mb->side_number(*hexter, (*qter), side_number, sense, offset), mb);
00408                 if(m_GD==3){
00409                     get_normal_quad (adj_qconn, v);
00410                     if(sense == 1 ){
00411                         v=-v;
00412                     }
00413                     else{
00414                         // do nothing
00415                     }
00416                 }
00417                 else if(m_GD==2){
00418                     if(sense == 1 ){
00419                         get_normal_edge(adj_qconn, -surf_normal, v);
00420                     }
00421                     else{
00422                         get_normal_edge(adj_qconn, surf_normal, v);
00423                     }
00424                 }
00425                 rt = rt + v;
00426             }
00427             if(rt.length() !=0){
00428                 xdisp=rt[0]/rt.length();
00429                 ydisp=rt[1]/rt.length();
00430                 zdisp=rt[2]/rt.length();
00431             }
00432             else{
00433                 xdisp=0.0;
00434                 ydisp=0.0;
00435                 zdisp=0.0;
00436             }
00437         }
00438         else if(all_bl[count] > 0 && fixmat == -1){ // node belongs to more than one material and fixmat not specified
00439             // NODE ON BOUNDARY
00440             // get the edge that is not on the boundary and count how many such edges we have
00441             moab::Range adj_for_normal;
00442             int nEdgeDim = 1;
00443             MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(&(*kter), 1, nEdgeDim, true, adj_for_normal, Interface::UNION), mb);
00444             moab::Range edge_normal;
00445             if(m_GD == 2)
00446                 edge_normal = subtract(adj_for_normal, quads);
00447             else if(m_GD == 3)
00448                 edge_normal = subtract(adj_for_normal, edges);
00451             if(edge_normal.size() > 1){
00452                 double ncoord[3];
00453                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&(*kter), 1, ncoord),mb);
00455                 m_LogFile << "Work in progress !! :- MULTIPLE NORMALS ARE NEEDED AT" << ncoord[0]
00456                           << ", " << ncoord[1] << ", " << ncoord[2] << " #normals " << edge_normal.size() << std::endl;
00457                 exit(0);
00458             }
00459             else{
00460                 m_LogFile << "We've one edge seperating materials 1 NORMAL IS NEEDED" << edge_normal.size() << std::endl;
00461                 moab::Range edge_conn;
00462                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_connectivity(&(*edge_normal.begin()), 1, edge_conn),mb);
00463                 // now get the normal direction for this edge
00464                 moab::CartVect coords[2], bl_coord[1];
00465                 moab::CartVect AB;
00466                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&(*kter), 1, (double*) &bl_coord[0]), mb);
00467                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(edge_conn, (double*) &coords[0]), mb);
00468                 for(int d = 0; d<2; d++){
00469                     if(bl_coord[0][0] == coords[d][0] &&
00470                             bl_coord[0][1] == coords[d][1] &&
00471                             bl_coord[0][2] == coords[d][2]){
00472                         // do nothing
00473                     }
00474                     else{
00475                         AB = (bl_coord[0] - coords[d]);
00476                     }
00477                 }
00479                 xdisp=AB[0]/AB.length();
00480                 ydisp=AB[1]/AB.length();
00481                 zdisp=AB[2]/AB.length();
00482             }
00483         }
00484         else if(all_bl[count] < 0 ){
00485             m_LogFile << "Material must have associated with BLNode: Error, shouldn't have gotten here: " << count << std::endl;
00486         }
00489         // after the normal computation is done create new BL nodes
00490         double coords_bl_quad[3], move = 0.0;
00491         MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&(*kter), 1, coords_bl_quad),mb);
00493         double temp = 0;
00494         double num = m_Thickness*(m_Bias-1)*(pow(m_Bias, m_Intervals -1));
00495         double deno = pow(m_Bias, m_Intervals) - 1;
00496         if (deno !=0)
00497             temp = num/deno;
00498         else
00499             temp = m_Thickness/m_Intervals;
00501         // loop thru intervals to create BL nodes
00502         for(int j=0; j< m_Intervals; j++){
00504             move+= temp/pow(m_Bias,j);
00505             if (debug){
00506                 m_LogFile <<  " move:" << move;
00507             }
00508             // now compute the coords of the new vertex
00509             coords_new_quad[0] = coords_bl_quad[0]-move*xdisp;
00510             coords_new_quad[1] = coords_bl_quad[1]-move*ydisp;
00511             coords_new_quad[2] = coords_bl_quad[2]-move*zdisp;
00513             int nid = count*m_Intervals+j;
00514             // Possible TODO's
00515             //TODO: Check if this vertex is possible (detect possible collision with geometry)
00516             // TODO: See posibility of using ray tracing
00517             // TODO: Parallize: Profile T-junction model and try to device an algorithm
00518             // TODO: Modularize node creation part and use doxygen for all code and design of code, python design and test cases - current functions in code:
00519             // Setup this, Execute this -- break info sub functions and classes,
00520             // prepareIO --make this optional when using python,
00521             // get normal (2d and 3d) -- can be combined to one function
00522             // get det jacobian (hex elements) --needs check for other elements
00523             //
00524             MBERRCHK(mb->create_vertex(coords_new_quad, new_vert[nid]), mb);
00525             if (debug){
00526                 m_LogFile << std::setprecision (3) << std::scientific << " : created node:" << (nid + 1)
00527                           << " of " << new_vert.size() << " new nodes:- coords: " << coords_new_quad[0]
00528                           << ", " << coords_new_quad[1] << ", " << coords_new_quad[2]  << std::endl;
00529             }
00530         }
00531     }
00533     // swap nodal coordinates of input nodes with innermost BL nodes to push the bulk mesh
00534     count = -1;
00535     for (Range::iterator kter = nodes.begin(); kter != nodes.end(); ++kter){
00536         ++count;
00537         if(all_bl[count] == 0 ){
00538             double coords_new_quad[3];
00539             double coords_old_quad[3];
00541             int nid = (count+1)*m_Intervals - 1;
00542             MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&new_vert[nid], 1, coords_new_quad),mb);
00544             MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&(*kter), 1, coords_old_quad),mb);
00546             MBERRCHK(mb->set_coords(&(*kter), 1, coords_new_quad),mb);
00548             MBERRCHK(mb->set_coords(&new_vert[nid], 1, coords_old_quad),mb);
00549             if (debug) {
00550                 m_LogFile << std::setprecision (3) << std::scientific << " : NID:" << (nid)
00551                           << coords_old_quad[0]
00552                           << ", " << coords_old_quad[1] << ", " << coords_old_quad[2] << " OLD:- coords: NEW" << coords_new_quad[0]
00553                           << ", " << coords_new_quad[1] << ", " << coords_new_quad[2]  << std::endl;
00554             }
00555         }
00556         else if(all_bl[count] > 0 && fixmat != -1){ // node belongs to more than one material and fixmat specified
00557             // NODE B/W MATERIALS
00558             double coords_new_quad[3];
00559             double coords_old_quad[3];
00561             int nid = (count+1)*m_Intervals - 1;
00562             MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&new_vert[nid], 1, coords_new_quad),mb);
00564             MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&(*kter), 1, coords_old_quad),mb);
00566             MBERRCHK(mb->set_coords(&(*kter), 1, coords_new_quad),mb);
00568             MBERRCHK(mb->set_coords(&new_vert[nid], 1, coords_old_quad),mb);
00570             m_LogFile << std::setprecision (3) << std::scientific << "FM : NID:" << (nid)
00571                       << coords_old_quad[0]
00572                       << ", " << coords_old_quad[1] << ", " << coords_old_quad[2] << " OLD:- coords: NEW" << coords_new_quad[0]
00573                       << ", " << coords_new_quad[1] << ", " << coords_new_quad[2]  << std::endl;
00575             // now find the hex in fixmat_ents that was affected by this swap and UNswap the coords
00576             moab::Range fhex;
00577             MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(&(*kter), 1, m_GD, false, fhex, Interface::UNION), mb);
00578             moab::Range fmhex= intersect(fhex,fixmat_ents);
00579             std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> fmconn;
00580             for(Range::iterator fmter = fmhex.begin(); fmter != fmhex.end(); ++fmter){
00581                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_connectivity(&(*fmter), 1, fmconn),mb);
00582                 for(int i=0; i < (int)fmconn.size(); i++){
00583                     if((*kter) == fmconn[i]){
00584                         //we have a node to unswap or reset connectivity for fixmat
00585                         fmconn[i] = new_vert[nid];
00586                     }
00587                 }
00588                 MBERRCHK(mb->set_connectivity(*fmter, &fmconn[0], fmconn.size()), mb);
00589                 //                MBERRCHK(mb->add_adjacencies((*fmter), hexes, true), mb);
00590                 //                MBERRCHK(mb->add_adjacencies((*fmter), fixmat_ents, true), mb);
00592             }
00594             m_LogFile << " We're here in MM case, now go along the edge --- have fun in the process !!" << std::endl;
00595             // material boundary - get edge direction and length
00597             //  find_min_edge_length(adj_qconn_r, qconn[i], nodes, m_MinEdgeLength);
00599             // check to see if this is a fixmat case
00600         }
00601         else if(all_bl[count] > 0 && fixmat == -1){ // node belongs to more than one material and fixmat not specified
00602             // NODE ON BOUNDARY
00603             double coords_new_quad[3];
00604             double coords_old_quad[3];
00606             int nid = (count+1)*m_Intervals - 1;
00607             MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&new_vert[nid], 1, coords_new_quad),mb);
00609             MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&(*kter), 1, coords_old_quad),mb);
00611             MBERRCHK(mb->set_coords(&(*kter), 1, coords_new_quad),mb);
00613             MBERRCHK(mb->set_coords(&new_vert[nid], 1, coords_old_quad),mb);
00615             m_LogFile << std::setprecision (3) << std::scientific << " : NID:" << (nid)
00616                       << coords_old_quad[0]
00617                       << ", " << coords_old_quad[1] << ", " << coords_old_quad[2] << " OLD:- coords: NEW" << coords_new_quad[0]
00618                       << ", " << coords_new_quad[1] << ", " << coords_new_quad[2]  << std::endl;
00619         }
00620     }
00622     // check for the volume of penultimate elements if -ve volume encountered. Report.
00623     count = -1;
00624     // Try to move another layer attached to it.
00625     for (Range::iterator kter = nodes.begin(); kter != nodes.end(); ++kter){
00626         ++count;
00627         for(int j=0; j< m_Intervals; j++){
00628             int nid = count*m_Intervals+j;
00629             double coords_new_quad[3];
00630             MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&new_vert[nid], 1, coords_new_quad),mb);
00631             m_LogFile << std::setprecision (3) << std::scientific << " : NID:" << (nid)
00632                       << " of " << new_vert.size() << " new nodes:- coords: " << coords_new_quad[0]
00633                       << ", " << coords_new_quad[1] << ", " << coords_new_quad[2]  << std::endl;
00634         }
00635     }
00636     // shoot multiple normals for multiple materials case only.
00638     // This can be used of regular case also how to invoke it. mention in algorithm
00640     // mention local and global smoothing.
00642     //    qcount = -1;
00643     //    int flag[quads.size()];
00645     // Now start creating New elements
00646     for (Range::iterator kter = quads.begin(); kter != quads.end(); ++kter){
00647         qcount++;
00648         //        if(flag[qcount] != 1){
00650         MBERRCHK(mb->get_connectivity(&(*kter), 1, qconn),mb);
00651         double one_node_in_quad[3];
00652         for (int i=0; i<m_BElemNodes; i++){
00654             int node_tag_id = 0;
00655             MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_data(BLNodeIDTag, &qconn[i], 1, &node_tag_id) ,mb);
00656             MBERRCHK(mb->get_coords(&qconn[i], 1, one_node_in_quad),mb);
00657             m_LogFile << std::setprecision (3) << std::scientific << " new nodes:- coords: " << one_node_in_quad[0]
00658                       << ", " << one_node_in_quad[1] << ", " << one_node_in_quad[2]  << std::endl;
00660             //populate the connectivity after creating nodes for this BL node
00661             for(int j=0; j< m_Intervals; j++){
00662                 if(m_Conn == 8 && m_BElemNodes == 4){ // hex
00663                     int nid = node_tag_id*m_Intervals + j;
00664                     if(m_Intervals == 1){
00665                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = qconn[i];
00666                         conn[m_Conn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid];
00667                     }
00668                     else if(j==0){
00669                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = qconn[i];
00670                         conn[m_Conn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2];
00671                     }
00672                     else if(j==(m_Intervals-1)){
00673                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = new_vert[nid - m_Intervals + 1];
00674                         conn[m_Conn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid];
00675                     }
00676                     else {
00677                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2*j -1];
00678                         conn[m_Conn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2*j -2];
00679                     }
00680                 }
00681                 else if(m_Conn == 4 && m_BElemNodes == 2){ // Quads
00682                     int nid = node_tag_id*m_Intervals+j;
00683                     if(m_Intervals == 1){
00684                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = new_vert[nid];
00685                         conn[m_Conn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = qconn[m_BElemNodes-i-1];
00686                     }
00687                     else if(j==0){
00688                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = qconn[m_BElemNodes-i-1];
00689                         conn[m_Conn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2];
00690                     }
00691                     else if(j==(m_Intervals-1)){
00692                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = new_vert[nid];
00693                         conn[m_Conn*j + m_BElemNodes + 1 -i] = new_vert[nid - m_Intervals + 1];
00694                     }
00695                     else {
00696                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2*j -2];
00697                         conn[m_Conn*j + m_BElemNodes + 1 -i] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2*j -1];
00698                     }
00699                 }
00700                 else if(m_Conn == 4 && m_BElemNodes == 3 && hybrid == true){ // make wedges aka prisms for tet mesh
00701                     int nid = node_tag_id*m_Intervals+j;
00702                     if(m_Intervals == 1){
00703                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = qconn[i];
00704                         conn[m_Conn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid];
00705                     }
00706                     else if(j==0){
00707                         conn[m_HConn*j +i] = qconn[i];
00708                         conn[m_HConn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2];
00709                     }
00710                     else if(j==(m_Intervals-1)){
00711                         conn[m_HConn*j +i] = new_vert[nid - m_Intervals + 1];
00712                         conn[m_HConn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid];
00713                     }
00714                     else {
00715                         conn[m_HConn*j +i] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2*j -1];
00716                         conn[m_HConn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2*j -2];
00717                     }
00718                 }
00719                 else if(m_Conn == 3 && m_BElemNodes == 2){ // make quads for tri mesh
00720                     int nid = node_tag_id*m_Intervals+j;
00721                     if(m_Intervals == 1){
00722                         conn[m_Conn*j +i] = new_vert[nid];
00723                         conn[m_Conn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = qconn[m_BElemNodes-i-1];
00724                     }
00725                     else if(j==0){
00726                         conn[m_HConn*j +i] = qconn[m_BElemNodes-i-1];
00727                         conn[m_HConn*j + i+m_BElemNodes] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2];
00728                     }
00729                     else if(j==(m_Intervals-1)){
00730                         conn[m_HConn*j +i] = new_vert[nid];
00731                         conn[m_HConn*j + m_BElemNodes + 1 - i] = new_vert[nid - m_Intervals + 1];
00732                     }
00733                     else {
00734                         conn[m_HConn*j +i] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2*j -2];
00735                         conn[m_HConn*j + m_BElemNodes + 1 - i] = new_vert[nid + m_Intervals - 2*j -1];
00736                     }
00737                 }
00738             }
00739         }
00741         //TODO: Set Connectivity of tet's, break prisms into 3 tets, Another loop is required.
00742         if(m_Conn == 3 && m_BElemNodes == 2 && hybrid == false){
00743             for(int c=0; c<m_Intervals; c++){
00744                 if(tri_sch == 1){
00745                     // lower triangle
00746                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2] =     conn[c*m_HConn + 0];
00747                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 1] = conn[c*m_HConn + 1];
00748                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 2] = conn[c*m_HConn + 2];
00749                     // upper triangl
00750                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 3] = conn[c*m_HConn + 2];
00751                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 4] = conn[c*m_HConn + 3];
00752                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 5] = conn[c*m_HConn + 0];
00753                 }
00754                 else if(tri_sch == 2){
00755                     // lower triangle
00756                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2] =     conn[c*m_HConn + 0];
00757                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 1] = conn[c*m_HConn + 1];
00758                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 2] = conn[c*m_HConn + 2];
00759                     // upper triangle
00760                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 3] = conn[c*m_HConn + 2];
00761                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 4] = conn[c*m_HConn + 3];
00762                     tri_conn[m_Conn*c*2 + 5] = conn[c*m_HConn + 0];
00763                 }
00764             }
00765         }
00767         // create boundary layer hexes
00768         for(int j=0; j< m_Intervals; j++){
00769             //double j_hex = 0.0;
00770             //  get_det_jacobian(conn, j*m_Conn, j_hex);
00771             if(m_Conn == 8){
00772                 MBERRCHK(mb->create_element(MBHEX, &conn[j*m_Conn], m_Conn, hex),mb);
00773             }
00774             else if(m_Conn==4 && m_GD ==3 && hybrid == true){
00775                 MBERRCHK(mb->create_element(MBPRISM, &conn[j*6], 6, hex),mb);
00776             }
00777             else if(m_Conn==4 && m_GD ==2){
00778                 MBERRCHK(mb->create_element(MBQUAD, &conn[j*m_Conn], m_Conn, hex),mb);
00779             }
00780             else if(m_Conn==3 && m_GD ==2 && hybrid == true){
00781                 MBERRCHK(mb->create_element(MBQUAD, &conn[j*m_HConn], m_HConn, hex),mb);
00782             }
00783             else if(m_Conn==3 && m_GD ==2 && hybrid == false){
00784                 MBERRCHK(mb->create_element(MBTRI, &tri_conn[j*m_Conn*2], m_Conn, hex),mb);
00785                 MBERRCHK(mb->create_element(MBTRI, &tri_conn[j*m_Conn*2+3], m_Conn, hex1),mb);
00786                 //       MBERRCHK(mb->add_entities(mthis_set, &hex1, 1), mb);
00787                 //        MBERRCHK(mb->add_entities(smooth_set, &hex1, 1), mb);
00788             }
00789             // add this hex to a block
00790             moab::Range adj_hex_for_mat;
00791             // int hmat_id = 0;
00793             if(mthis_set == 0){
00794                 //               std::vector<int> hmat_id(qconn.size(), 0);
00795                 //                MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_data(MNTag, &qconn[0], 1, &hmat_id) ,mb);
00796                 //        MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(&qconn[0], 1, m_GD, false, adj_hex_for_mat, moab::Interface::INTERSECT), mb);
00797                 MBERRCHK(mb->get_adjacencies(&(*kter), 1, m_GD, false, adj_hex_for_mat, moab::Interface::INTERSECT), mb);
00798                 MBERRCHK(mb->add_adjacencies(hex, adj_hex_for_mat, true), mb);
00800                 std::vector<int> hmat_id(adj_hex_for_mat.size(), 0);
00802                 // this will lead to an error, so no error checking, new adj hexes don't have matidtag
00803                 mb->tag_get_data(MatIDTag, adj_hex_for_mat, &hmat_id[0]);//, mb);
00804                 for(int p=0; p< (int)hmat_id.size(); p++){
00805                     if(hmat_id[p] !=0){
00806                         // this is our mat id for this hex
00807                         moab::EntityHandle mat_set = 0;
00808                         for (set_it = m_sets.begin(); set_it != m_sets.end(); set_it++)  {
00809                             mat_set = *set_it;
00810                             int set_id;
00811                             MBERRCHK(mb->tag_get_data(MTag, &mat_set, 1, &set_id), mb);
00812                             if(set_id == hmat_id[p])
00813                                 break;
00814                         }
00815                         MBERRCHK(mb->add_entities(mat_set, &hex, 1), mb);
00816                         if(m_Conn==3 && m_GD ==2 && hybrid == false)
00817                             MBERRCHK(mb->add_entities(mthis_set, &hex1, 1), mb);
00818                     }
00819                 }
00822                 //    here find the material set for this hex
00824                 //                m_LogFile << "Find out the material that this hex corresponds to?? bailing out" << std::endl;
00825                 //                exit(0);
00826             }
00827             else {
00828                 MBERRCHK(mb->add_entities(mthis_set, &hex, 1), mb);
00829                 if(m_Conn==3 && m_GD ==2 && hybrid == false)
00830                     MBERRCHK(mb->add_entities(mthis_set, &hex1, 1), mb);
00832             }
00833             // mark entities for smoothing
00834             //                MBERRCHK(mb->add_entities(smooth_set, &hex, 1), mb);
00835             // add geom dim tag
00836             MBERRCHK(mb->add_entities(geom_set, &hex, 1), mb);
00837             //              // TODO: Add Local Smooting
00838         }
00840     }
00842     //    all_elems.clear();
00843     //    moab::Range skin_verts;
00844     //    MBERRCHK(mb->get_entities_by_dimension(0, 3, all_elems,true),mb);
00846     //    moab::Skinner skinner(mb);
00847     //    skinner.find_skin(0, all_elems, 0, skin_verts);
00849     //    m_LogFile << "setting 'fixed'' tag = 1 on verts in the skin = " <<  skin_verts.size() << std::endl;
00851     //    // set fixed tag = 1 on all skin verts
00852     //    std::vector<int> all_skin_data(skin_verts.size(), 1);
00853     //    MBERRCHK(mb->tag_set_data(FTag, skin_verts, &all_skin_data[0]), mb);
00855     m_LogFile << "\nTotal Jacobian calls/Min/Max: " << m_JacCalls << ", " << m_JLo << ", " << m_JHi << std::endl;
00857     // save the final boundary layer mesh
00858     MBERRCHK(mb->write_mesh(m_OutFile.c_str()),mb);
00859     m_LogFile <<  "\n\nWrote Mesh File: " << m_OutFile << std::endl;
00860     // get the current date and time
00861     Timer.GetDateTime (szDateTime);
00862     m_LogFile << "Ending at : " << szDateTime;
00863     // report/compute the elapsed time
00864     m_LogFile <<  "Elapsed wall clock time: " << Timer.DiffTime ()
00865                << " seconds or " << (Timer.DiffTime ())/60.0 << " mins\n";
00866     m_LogFile <<  "AL2 Total CPU time used: " << (double) (clock() - sTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC \
00867                << " seconds" << std::endl;
00869 }
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