
Example program that shows the use case for performing tag data exchange between parallel processors in order to sync data on shared entities. The reduction operation on tag data is also shown where the user can perform any of the actions supported by MPI_Op on data residing on shared entities.
This example :

  1. Initialize MPI and instantiate MOAB
  2. Get user options: Input mesh file name, tag name (default: USERTAG), tag value (default: 1.0)
  3. Create the root and partition sets
  4. Instantiate ParallelComm and read the mesh file in parallel using appropriate options
  5. Create two tags: USERTAG_EXC (exchange) and USERTAG_RED (reduction)
  6. Set tag data and exchange shared entity information between processors
    1. Get entities in all dimensions and set local (current rank, dimension) dependent data for exchange tag (USERTAG_EXC)
    2. Perform exchange of tag data so that data on shared entities are synced via ParallelCommunicator.
  7. Set tag data and reduce shared entity information between processors using MPI_SUM
    1. Get higher dimensional entities in the current partition and set local (current rank) dependent data for reduce tag (USERTAG_EXC)
    2. Perform the reduction operation (MPI_SUM) on shared entities via ParallelCommunicator.
  8. Destroy the MOAB instance and finalize MPI

To run:
mpiexec -n 2 ./ReduceExchangeTags <mesh_file> <tag_name> <tag_value>
mpiexec -n 2 ./ReduceExchangeTags ../MeshFiles/unittest/64bricks_1khex.h5m USERTAG 100

#include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp"
#include "MBParallelConventions.h"
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using namespace moab;

// Error routines for use with MOAB API
#define CHKERR(CODE, MSG)                                 \
  do {                                                    \
    if (MB_SUCCESS != (CODE)) {                           \
      std::string errstr;  mbi->get_last_error(errstr);   \
      std::cerr << errstr << std::endl;                   \
      std::cerr << MSG << std::endl;                      \
      MPI_Finalize();                                     \
    }                                                     \
  } while(false)

// Error routines for use with MPI API
#define MPICHKERR(CODE, MSG)                              \
  do {                                                    \
    if (0 != CODE) {                                      \
      std::cerr << MSG << std::endl;                      \
      MPI_Finalize();                                     \
    }                                                     \
  } while(false)

#define dbgprint(MSG)                                \
  do {                                              \
      if (!rank) std::cerr << MSG << std::endl;     \
  } while(false)

#define dbgprintall(MSG)                                      \
  do {                                                        \
      std::cerr << "[" << rank << "]: " << MSG << std::endl;  \
  } while(false)

// Function to parse input parameters
ErrorCode get_file_options(int argc, char **argv,
                           std::string& filename,
                           std::string& tagName,
                           double&      tagValues)
  // get mesh filename
  if (argc > 1) filename = std::string(argv[1]);
  else filename = std::string(MESH_DIR) + std::string("/64bricks_1khex.h5m");

  // get tag selection options
  if (argc > 2) tagName = std::string(argv[2]);
  else tagName = "USERTAG";

  if (argc > 3)  tagValues = atof(argv[3]);
  else tagValues = 1.0;

  return MB_SUCCESS;

// Start of main test program
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ErrorCode err;
  int ierr, rank;
  std::string filename, tagName;
  double tagValue;
  MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

  // Print usage if not enough arguments
  if (argc < 1) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: ";
    std::cerr << argv[0] << " <file_name> <tag_name> <tag_value>" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "file_name    : mesh file name" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "tag_name     : name of tag to add to mesh" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "tag_value    : a double valued string to set for highest-dimensional entities in the mesh for the named tag" << std::endl;

    ierr = MPI_Finalize();
    MPICHKERR(ierr, "MPI_Finalize failed; Aborting");

    return 1;

  // Initialize MPI first
  ierr = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPICHKERR(ierr, "MPI_Init failed");

  ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPICHKERR(ierr, "MPI_Comm_rank failed");

  dbgprint( "********** reduce_exchange_tags **********\n" );

  // Create the moab instance
  Interface *mbi = new Core();
  CHKERR(NULL == mbi, "MOAB constructor failed");

  // Get the input options
  err = get_file_options(argc, argv, filename, tagName, tagValue);
  CHKERR(err, "get_file_options failed");

  // Print out the input parameters
  dbgprint( " Input Parameters - " );
  dbgprint( "   Filenames: " << filename );
  dbgprint( "   Tag: Name=" << tagName << " Value=" << tagValue << std::endl );

  // Create root sets for each mesh.  Then pass these
  // to the load_file functions to be populated.
  EntityHandle rootset, partnset;
  err = mbi->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, rootset);
  CHKERR(err, "Creating root set failed");
  err = mbi->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, partnset);
  CHKERR(err, "Creating partition set failed");

  // Create the parallel communicator object with the partition handle associated with MOAB
  ParallelComm *parallel_communicator = ParallelComm::get_pcomm( mbi, partnset, &comm );

  // Load the file from disk with given options
  err = mbi->load_file( filename.c_str(), &rootset, read_options.c_str() );
  CHKERR(err, "MOAB::load_file failed");

  // Create two tag handles: Exchange and Reduction operations
  dbgprint( "-Creating tag handle " << tagName << "..." );
  Tag tagReduce, tagExchange;
    std::stringstream sstr;
    // Create the exchange tag: default name = USERTAG_EXC
    sstr << tagName << "_EXC";
    err = mbi->tag_get_handle(sstr.str().c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tagExchange, MB_TAG_CREAT|MB_TAG_DENSE, &tagValue);
    CHKERR(err, "Retrieving tag handles failed");

    // Create the exchange tag: default name = USERTAG_RED
    sstr.str(""); sstr << tagName << "_RED";
    err = mbi->tag_get_handle(sstr.str().c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tagReduce, MB_TAG_CREAT|MB_TAG_DENSE, &tagValue);
    CHKERR(err, "Retrieving tag handles failed");

  // Perform exchange tag data
  dbgprint( "-Exchanging tags between processors " );
    Range partEnts, dimEnts;
    for (int dim = 0; dim <= 3; dim++) {
      // Get all entities of dimension = dim
      err = mbi->get_entities_by_dimension(rootset, dim, dimEnts, false);

      std::vector<int> tagValues(dimEnts.size(), static_cast<int>(tagValue)*(rank+1)*(dim+1));
      // Set local tag data for exchange
      err = mbi->tag_set_data(tagExchange, dimEnts, &tagValues[0]);
      CHKERR(err, "Setting local tag data failed during exchange phase");
      // Merge entities into parent set

    // Exchange tags between processors
    err = parallel_communicator->exchange_tags(tagExchange, partEnts);
    CHKERR(err, "Exchanging tags between processors failed");

  // Perform reduction of tag data
  dbgprint( "-Reducing tags between processors " );
    Range partEnts;
    // Get all higher dimensional entities belonging to current partition
    err = parallel_communicator->get_part_entities(partEnts);
    CHKERR(err, "ParallelComm::get_part_entities failed");

    // Output what is in current partition sets
    dbgprintall( "Number of Partitioned entities: " <<  partEnts.size() );

    // Set local tag data for reduction
    std::vector<double> tagValues(partEnts.size(), tagValue*(rank+1));
    err = mbi->tag_set_data(tagReduce, partEnts, &tagValues[0]);
    CHKERR(err, "Setting local tag data failed during reduce phase");

    Range dummy;
    // Reduce tag data using MPI_SUM on the interface between partitions
    err = parallel_communicator->reduce_tags(tagReduce, MPI_SUM, dummy/*partEnts*/);
    CHKERR(err, "Reducing tags between processors failed");
  // Write out to output file to visualize reduction/exchange of tag data
  mbi->write_file("test.h5m", "H5M", "PARALLEL=WRITE_PART");

  // Done, cleanup
  delete mbi;

  dbgprint( "\n********** reduce_exchange_tags DONE! **********" );
  return 0;
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