
Show creation and query of structured mesh, serial or parallel, through MOAB's structured mesh interface. This is an example showing creation and query of a 3D structured mesh. In serial, a single N*N*N block of elements is created; in parallel, each proc gets an N*N*N block, with blocks arranged in a 1d column, sharing vertices and faces at their interfaces (proc 0 has no left neighbor and proc P-1 no right neighbor). Each square block of hex elements is then referenced by its ijk parameterization. 1D and 2D examples could be made simply by changing the dimension parameter passed into the MOAB functions.
This example :

  1. Instantiate MOAB and get the structured mesh interface
  2. Decide what the local parameters of the mesh will be, based on parallel/serial and rank.
  3. Create a N^d structured mesh, which includes (N+1)^d vertices and N^d elements.
  4. Get the vertices and elements from moab and check their numbers against (N+1)^d and N^d, resp.
  5. Loop over elements in d nested loops over i, j, k; for each (i,j,k):
    1. Get the element corresponding to (i,j,k)
    2. Get the connectivity of the element
    3. Get the coordinates of the vertices comprising that element
  6. Release the structured mesh interface and destroy the MOAB instance

To run: ./StructuredMeshSimple [d [N] ]
(default values so can run w/ no user interaction)

#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "moab/ScdInterface.hpp"
#include "moab/ProgOptions.hpp"
#include "moab/CN.hpp"
#ifdef USE_MPI
#include "moab_mpi.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace moab;

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
  int N = 10, dim = 3;

#ifdef USE_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  ProgOptions opts;
  opts.addOpt<int>(std::string("dim,d"), std::string("Dimension of mesh (default=3)"),
  opts.addOpt<int>(std::string(",n"), std::string("Number of elements on a side (default=10)"),
  opts.parseCommandLine(argc, argv);
    // 0. Instantiate MOAB and get the structured mesh interface
  Interface *mb = new Core();
  ScdInterface *scdiface;
  ErrorCode rval = mb->query_interface(scdiface); // get a ScdInterface object through moab instance
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    // 1. Decide what the local parameters of the mesh will be, based on parallel/serial and rank.
  int ilow = 0, ihigh = N;
  int rank = 0, nprocs = 1;
#ifdef USE_MPI
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  ilow = rank*N; ihigh = ilow + N;

    // 2. Create a N^d structured mesh, which includes (N+1)^d vertices and N^d elements.
  ScdBox *box;
  rval = scdiface->construct_box(HomCoord(ilow, (dim>1?0:-1), (dim>2?0:-1)), // use in-line logical tests to handle dimensionality
                                 HomCoord(ihigh, (dim>1?N:-1), (dim>2?N:-1)), 
                                 NULL, 0, // NULL coords vector and 0 coords (don't specify coords for now)
                                 box);    // box is the structured box object providing the parametric
                                          // structured mesh interface for this rectangle of elements
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    // 3. Get the vertices and elements from moab and check their numbers against (N+1)^d and N^d, resp.
  Range verts, elems;
  rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension(0, 0, verts); // first '0' specifies "root set", or entire MOAB instance, second the entity dimension being requested
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
  rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension(0, dim, elems);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

#define MYSTREAM(a) if (!rank) std::cout << a << std::endl
  if (pow(N,dim) == (int) elems.size() && pow(N+1,dim) == (int) verts.size()) { // expected #e and #v are N^d and (N+1)^d, resp.
#ifdef USE_MPI
    MYSTREAM("Proc 0: ");
    MYSTREAM("Created " << elems.size() << " " << CN::EntityTypeName(mb->type_from_handle(*elems.begin())) 
             << " elements and " << verts.size() << " vertices." << std::endl);
    std::cout << "Created the wrong number of vertices or hexes!" << std::endl;
    // 4. Loop over elements in 3 nested loops over i, j, k; for each (i,j,k):
  std::vector<double> coords(3*pow(N+1,dim));
  std::vector<EntityHandle> connect;
  for (int k = 0; k < (dim>2?N:1); k++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < (dim>1?N:1); j++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < N-1; i++) {
          // 4a. Get the element corresponding to (i,j,k)
        EntityHandle ehandle = box->get_element(i, j, k);
        if (0 == ehandle) return MB_FAILURE;
          // 4b. Get the connectivity of the element
        rval = mb->get_connectivity(&ehandle, 1, connect); // get the connectivity, in canonical order
        if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
          // 4c. Get the coordinates of the vertices comprising that element
        rval = mb->get_coords(, connect.size(),; // get the coordinates of those vertices
        if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    // 5. Release the structured mesh interface and destroy the MOAB instance
  mb->release_interface(scdiface); // tell MOAB we're done with the ScdInterface
  delete mb;

#ifdef USE_MPI

  return 0;
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