CS521: Object Oriented Modeling and Design (Fall 2007)

Tuesday, 6:25-9:05 WH 113, MC

Professor: Hong Zhang

Web Page: www.mcs.anl.gov/~hzhang/teach/cs521

Email: [email protected] (use [cs521- section number] in subject line and meaningful subject statement)

Office Hours and Location: Tuesday 4:00 - 5:00pm, SB229C

Course Description: Students will develop a working knowledge of object oriented modeling and design techniques, primarily those found in UML. An integrated design, development and testing process is presented which features requirements tracing, pattern based reusable design, automatic code generation, design based test plan generation and an evolutionary approach to software development maturity. Students develop familiarity with this software development process through a take-home application design project and other homework assignments.


Prerequisites: CS425 (Database Organization)

Requirements: Proficient in a programming language, but want to learn more about the technical aspects of analysis and design of complex software systems.


Grading: Homeworks (60%), project (20%), exam (20%).


Tentative Topics:

Recommended Readings:

Academic Honesty: Any indication of copying project or homework or any behavior during exams that could be considered copying or cheating will result in an immediate zero on the assignment/exam for all parties involved.The student’s advisor/department and the Dean will be notified.Cheating on assignments is defined to be copying from someone else or providing someone else copies of your answers.Do not show your assignments to anyone else!You may answer questions on project or homework asked by other students.

Lateness: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due day.Assignments turned in late will automatically have 50% deducted each day.No assignments will be accepted three days or later after the due date.

Lecture Notes and Assignments: blackboard.iit.edu

Homework and Project Submission:
� � � Hard copies only. Put your name (Last, First) and section number on the top of your work.
����� We Do Not accept email submission. Questions- call IITV (312) 567 3457 ext 2. It is open till 7 pm.