OpenAD - Download/Build

WARNING! On Aug/12/2013 several subversion repositories including the top level OpenAD repository (see below) were switched to Argonne National Laboratory. While the repositories at Rice will remain available for the time being, they will no longer be updated. Therefore a fresh checkout of the sources following the steps below is recommended.


  1. Perl
  2. Python (version 2.5 or newer; not usable with Python version 3)
  3. gcc (with Fortran, needed for Open64 compile) with version 3.3.x or later
    known compiler issues:
  4. GNU make
  5. Subversion - optional, needed only for installing from source code repositories
  6. Mercurial - optional, needed only for installing from (development) source code repositories and the optional regression and example repositories
Aside from the subset of binaries for applying the tool to some test problems there are no precompiled binaries available. All of the components are publicly available for download as a tar file or for incremental updates and builds of the regression-tested version via Subversion/Mercurial.

Installing sources from tar file:

Tar files can be downloaded from a table of snapshots where we keep archives for the source and some binary installations with version information for each component.

The latest tar file was created on 2014-03-15 and can be downloaded as:
OpenAD_2014-03-15.tgz Download the OpenAD_<date>.tgz file and unpack it, for example using
tar -zxvf OpenAD_<date>.tgz

Then follow the build instructions.

Installing sources from source code repositories:

For the development of the OpenAD components uses Mercurial for version control (see the OpenAD wiki for details). Many systems do not have Mercurial installed and therefore we decided to replicate snapshots in subversion repositories hosted at Argonne National Lab/Rice University (except for the C/C++ front end which is not needed for the Fortran tool) and external sources such as boost and angle (see below). The main reason for using the Subversion repositories is to permit incremental source code updates and therefore incremental builds. There is a prefab skeleton environment for retrieving and building all components. It can be obtained with:
svn co OpenAD

then go into the directory which has just been  create by the svn command:
cd OpenAD

set the environment for building and using the tools for:
  • users of the sh family:
    source ./ 
  • users of the csh family:
    source ./setenv.csh
retrieve the other components into the prefab skeleton by executing:
To retrieve optional repositories for regression tests and code examples use openadUpdate with the -e -t flags; see the
Manual for details.

Build components:

After the sources are installed, perform the following build steps:
  1. change directory into the top level directory
    cd OpenAD
  2. set the environment for building and using the tools for
    • users of the sh family:
      source ./ 
    • users of the csh family:
      source ./setenv.csh
  3. All Makefiles are written in GNU-make style. Build all components by invoking:
If  OpenAD is installed from the subversion repositories one can update the sources to the latest version by rerunning the bin/openadUpdate script and repeat  build steps 1 - 3 to  incrementally rebuild the components. Note, that the configure scripts in the components OpenAnalysis and OpenADFortTk generate files containing absolute paths. Consequently, after moving a built OpenAD installation to a different spot in the filesystem one should do a make veryclean followed by make to obtain a clean build. Otherwise errors showing incorrect paths during attempted incremental rebuilds are likely.

If the automatic download with openadUpdate does not work one can change directory into the prefab skeleton, manually retrieve all components separately: