Actual source code: ex633d_db.c

petsc-3.4.5 2014-06-29
  1: static char help[] = "3D coupled Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equation for degenerate mobility and triangular elements.\n\
  2: Runtime options include:\n\
  3: -xmin <xmin>\n\
  4: -xmax <xmax>\n\
  5: -ymin <ymin>\n\
  6: -T <T>, where <T> is the end time for the time domain simulation\n\
  7: -dt <dt>,where <dt> is the step size for the numerical integration\n\
  8: -gamma <gamma>\n\
  9: -theta_c <theta_c>\n\n";

 11: /*
 12: ./ex633d_db -ksp_type fgmres -snes_vi_monitor -snes_atol 1.e-11 -snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor -VG 10000000  -pc_type mg -pc_mg_galerkin -log_summary -dt .000001 -mg_coarse_pc_type svd  -ksp_monitor_true_residual -ksp_rtol 1.e-9 -snes_linesearch_type basic -T .0020 -P_casc .0005 -snes_monitor_solution -da_refine 1
 13: ./ex633d_db -ksp_type fgmres -snes_vi_monitor -snes_atol 1.e-11 -snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -snes_linesearch_monitor -VG 10000000  -pc_type mg -pc_mg_galerkin -log_summary  -da_refine 1

 15:  */

 17:  #include petscsnes.h
 18:  #include petscdmda.h

 20: typedef struct {
 21:   PetscReal   dt,T; /* Time step and end time */
 22:   DM          da1,da1_clone,da2;
 23:   Mat         M;    /* Jacobian matrix */
 24:   Mat         M_0;
 25:   Vec         q,wv,cv,wi,ci,eta,cvi,DPsiv,DPsii,DPsieta,Pv,Pi,Piv,logcv,logci,logcvi,Riv;
 26:   Vec         work1,work2,work3,work4;
 27:   PetscScalar Dv,Di,Evf,Eif,A,kBT,kav,kai,kaeta,Rsurf,Rbulk,L,P_casc,VG; /* physics parameters */
 28:   PetscReal   xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax;
 29:   PetscInt    nx;
 30:   PetscBool   voidgrowth;
 31:   PetscBool   degenerate;
 32:   PetscBool   periodic;
 33:   PetscReal   smallnumber;
 34:   PetscReal   initv;
 35:   PetscReal   initeta;
 36: } AppCtx;

 38: PetscErrorCode GetParams(AppCtx*);
 39: PetscErrorCode SetRandomVectors(AppCtx*);
 40: PetscErrorCode SetVariableBounds(DM,Vec,Vec);
 41: PetscErrorCode SetUpMatrices(AppCtx*);
 42: PetscErrorCode UpdateMatrices(AppCtx*);
 43: PetscErrorCode FormFunction(SNES,Vec,Vec,void*);
 44: PetscErrorCode FormJacobian(SNES,Vec,Mat*,Mat*,MatStructure*,void*);
 45: PetscErrorCode SetInitialGuess(Vec,AppCtx*);
 46: PetscErrorCode Update_q(AppCtx*);
 47: PetscErrorCode Update_u(Vec,AppCtx*);
 48: PetscErrorCode DPsi(AppCtx*);
 49: PetscErrorCode Llog(Vec,Vec);
 50: PetscErrorCode CheckRedundancy(SNES,IS,IS*,DM);

 54: int main(int argc, char **argv)
 55: {
 57:   Vec            x,r;  /* olution and residual vectors */
 58:   SNES           snes; /* Nonlinear solver context */
 59:   AppCtx         user; /* Application context */
 60:   Vec            xl,xu; /* Upper and lower bounds on variables */
 61:   Mat            J;
 62:   PetscScalar    t=0.0;
 63:   PetscViewer    view_out, view_p, view_q, view_psi, view_mat;
 64:   PetscReal      bounds[] = {1000.0,-1000.,0.0,1.0,1000.0,-1000.0,0.0,1.0,1000.0,-1000.0};

 67:   PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv, (char*)0, help);

 70:   /* Get physics and time parameters */
 71:   GetParams(&user);

 73:   if (user.periodic) {

 78:   } else {
 79:     /* Create a 1D DA with dof = 5; the whole thing */
 82:     /* Create a 1D DA with dof = 1; for individual componentes */
 84:   }

 86:   /* Set Element type (rectangular) */
 87:   DMDASetElementType(user.da1,DMDA_ELEMENT_Q1);
 88:   DMDASetElementType(user.da2,DMDA_ELEMENT_Q1);

 90:   /* Set x and y coordinates */
 91:   DMDASetUniformCoordinates(user.da1,user.xmin,user.xmax,user.ymin,user.ymax, user.zmin,user.zmax);
 92:   DMDASetUniformCoordinates(user.da2,user.xmin,user.xmax,user.ymin,user.ymax, user.zmin,user.zmax);

 94:   /* Get global vector x from DM (da1) and duplicate vectors r,xl,xu */
 95:   DMCreateGlobalVector(user.da1,&x);
 96:   VecDuplicate(x,&r);
 97:   VecDuplicate(x,&xl);
 98:   VecDuplicate(x,&xu);
 99:   VecDuplicate(x,&user.q);

102:   /* Get global vector user->wv from da2 and duplicate other vectors */
103:   DMCreateGlobalVector(user.da2,&user.wv);
104:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&;
105:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.wi);
106:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&;
107:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.eta);
108:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.cvi);
109:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.DPsiv);
110:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.DPsii);
111:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.DPsieta);
112:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.Pv);
113:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.Pi);
114:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.Piv);
115:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.Riv);
116:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.logcv);
117:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.logci);
118:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.logcvi);
119:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.work1);
120:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.work2);
121:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.work3);
122:   VecDuplicate(user.wv,&user.work4);

124:   /* Get Jacobian matrix structure from the da for the entire thing, da1 */
125:   DMCreateMatrix(user.da1,MATAIJ,&user.M);
126:   /* Get the (usual) mass matrix structure from da2 */
127:   DMCreateMatrix(user.da2,MATAIJ,&user.M_0);

129:   SetInitialGuess(x,&user);

131:   /* Form the jacobian matrix and M_0 */
132:   SetUpMatrices(&user);

135:   MatDuplicate(user.M,MAT_DO_NOT_COPY_VALUES,&J);

137:   SNESCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&snes);
138:   SNESSetDM(snes,user.da1);

140:   SNESSetFunction(snes,r,FormFunction,(void*)&user);
141:   SNESSetJacobian(snes,J,J,FormJacobian,(void*)&user);

143:   SetVariableBounds(user.da1,xl,xu);
144:   /* SNESVISetRedundancyCheck(snes,(PetscErrorCode (*)(SNES,IS,IS*,void*))CheckRedundancy,user.da1_clone); */
145:   SNESVISetVariableBounds(snes,xl,xu);
146:   SNESSetFromOptions(snes);

148:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"file_out",FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view_out);
149:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"file_p",FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view_p);
150:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"file_q",FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view_q);
151:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"file_psi",FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view_psi);
152:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"file_mat",FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view_mat);

155:   /*
156:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"file_q",FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view_q);
157:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"file_mat",FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view_mat);

159:   VecView(user.q,view_q);
160:   MatView(user.M,view_mat);

162:   PetscViewerDestroy(&view_q);
163:   PetscViewerDestroy(&view_mat);
164:  */

168:   while (t<user.T) {
169:     char        filename[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
170:     PetscScalar a = 1.0;
171:     PetscInt    i;
172:     PetscViewer view;

175:     SNESSetFunction(snes,r,FormFunction,(void*)&user);
176:     SNESSetJacobian(snes,J,J,FormJacobian,(void*)&user);

178:     SetRandomVectors(&user);
179:     DPsi(&user);
180:     VecView(user.DPsiv,view_psi);
181:     VecView(user.DPsii,view_psi);
182:     VecView(user.DPsieta,view_psi);

184:     VecView(user.Pv,view_p);
185:     Update_q(&user);
186:     VecView(user.q,view_q);

188:     printf("after VecView\n");
189:     MatView(user.M,view_mat);

191:     printf("after MatView\n");

193:     SNESSolve(snes,NULL,x);

195:     VecView(x,view_out);

197:     PetscInt its;
198:     SNESGetIterationNumber(snes,&its);
199:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"SNESVI solver converged at t = %5.4g in %d iterations\n",t,its);

201:     Update_u(x,&user);
202:     /*
203:     for (i=0; i < (int)(user.T/a) ; i++) {
204:       if (t/a > i - user.dt/a && t/a < i + user.dt/a) {
205:         sprintf(filename,"output_%f",t);
206:         PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,filename,FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view);
207:         VecView(,view);
208:         VecView(,view);
209:         VecView(user.eta,view);
210:         PetscViewerDestroy(&view);
211:       }

213:     }
214:     */
215:     UpdateMatrices(&user);
216:     t    = t + user.dt;

218:   }

220:   PetscViewerDestroy(&view_out);
221:   PetscViewerDestroy(&view_p);
222:   PetscViewerDestroy(&view_q);
223:   PetscViewerDestroy(&view_psi);
224:   PetscViewerDestroy(&view_mat);
225:   VecDestroy(&x);
226:   VecDestroy(&r);
227:   VecDestroy(&xl);
228:   VecDestroy(&xu);
229:   VecDestroy(&user.q);
230:   VecDestroy(&user.wv);
231:   VecDestroy(&;
232:   VecDestroy(&user.wi);
233:   VecDestroy(&;
234:   VecDestroy(&user.eta);
235:   VecDestroy(&user.cvi);
236:   VecDestroy(&user.DPsiv);
237:   VecDestroy(&user.DPsii);
238:   VecDestroy(&user.DPsieta);
239:   VecDestroy(&user.Pv);
240:   VecDestroy(&user.Pi);
241:   VecDestroy(&user.Piv);
242:   VecDestroy(&user.Riv);
243:   VecDestroy(&user.logcv);
244:   VecDestroy(&user.logci);
245:   VecDestroy(&user.logcvi);
246:   VecDestroy(&user.work1);
247:   VecDestroy(&user.work2);
248:   VecDestroy(&user.work3);
249:   VecDestroy(&user.work4);
250:   MatDestroy(&user.M);
251:   MatDestroy(&user.M_0);
252:   DMDestroy(&user.da1);
253:   DMDestroy(&user.da1_clone);
254:   DMDestroy(&user.da2);
255:   SNESDestroy(&snes);

257:   printf("I am finalize \n");
258:   PetscFinalize();
259:   return 0;
260: }

264: PetscErrorCode Update_u(Vec X,AppCtx *user)
265: {
267:   PetscInt       i,n;
268:   PetscScalar    *xx,*wv_p,*cv_p,*wi_p,*ci_p,*eta_p;

271:   VecGetLocalSize(user->wv,&n);

273:   VecGetArray(X,&xx);
274:   VecGetArray(user->wv,&wv_p);
275:   VecGetArray(user->cv,&cv_p);
276:   VecGetArray(user->wi,&wi_p);
277:   VecGetArray(user->ci,&ci_p);
278:   VecGetArray(user->eta,&eta_p);

281:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
282:     wv_p[i]  = xx[5*i];
283:     cv_p[i]  = xx[5*i+1];
284:     wi_p[i]  = xx[5*i+2];
285:     ci_p[i]  = xx[5*i+3];
286:     eta_p[i] = xx[5*i+4];
287:   }
288:   VecRestoreArray(X,&xx);
289:   VecRestoreArray(user->wv,&wv_p);
290:   VecRestoreArray(user->cv,&cv_p);
291:   VecRestoreArray(user->wi,&wi_p);
292:   VecRestoreArray(user->ci,&ci_p);
293:   VecRestoreArray(user->eta,&eta_p);
294:   return(0);
295: }

299: PetscErrorCode Update_q(AppCtx *user)
300: {
302:   PetscScalar    *q_p, *w1, *w2;
303:   PetscInt       i,n;

306:   VecPointwiseMult(user->Riv,user->eta,user->eta); /* Riv = eta.^2                             */
307:   VecScale(user->Riv,user->Rsurf);                 /* Riv = Rsurf * eta.^2                     */
308:   VecShift(user->Riv,user->Rbulk);                 /* Riv = Rbulk + Rsurf * eta.^2             */
309:   VecPointwiseMult(user->Riv,user->ci,user->Riv);  /* Riv = (Rbulk + Rsurf * eta.^2) * ci      */
310:   VecPointwiseMult(user->Riv,user->cv,user->Riv);  /* Riv = (Rbulk + Rsurf * eta.^2) * ci * cv */

312:   VecCopy(user->Riv,user->work1);
313:   VecScale(user->work1,user->dt);             /* work1 = dt * Riv              */
314:   VecAXPY(user->work1,-1.0,user->cv);         /* work1 = dt * Riv - cv         */
315:   MatMult(user->M_0,user->work1,user->work2); /* work2 = M_0 * (dt * Riv - cv) */

317:   VecGetArray(user->q,&q_p);
318:   VecGetArray(user->work1,&w1);
319:   VecGetArray(user->work2,&w2);
320:   VecGetLocalSize(user->wv,&n);
321:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) q_p[5*i]=w2[i];

323:   MatMult(user->M_0,user->DPsiv,user->work1);
324:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) q_p[5*i+1]=w1[i];

326:   VecCopy(user->Riv,user->work1);
327:   VecScale(user->work1,user->dt);
328:   VecAXPY(user->work1,-1.0,user->ci);
329:   MatMult(user->M_0,user->work1,user->work2);
330:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) q_p[5*i+2]=w2[i];

332:   MatMult(user->M_0,user->DPsii,user->work1);
333:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) q_p[5*i+3]=w1[i];

335:   VecCopy(user->DPsieta,user->work1);
336:   VecScale(user->work1,user->L);
337:   VecAXPY(user->work1,-1.0/user->dt,user->eta);
338:   MatMult(user->M_0,user->work1,user->work2);
339:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) q_p[5*i+4]=w2[i];

341:   VecRestoreArray(user->q,&q_p);
342:   VecRestoreArray(user->work1,&w1);
343:   VecRestoreArray(user->work2,&w2);
344:   return(0);
345: }

349: PetscErrorCode DPsi(AppCtx *user)
350: {
352:   PetscScalar    Evf=user->Evf,Eif=user->Eif,kBT=user->kBT,A=user->A;
353:   PetscScalar    *cv_p,*ci_p,*eta_p,*logcv_p,*logci_p,*logcvi_p,*DPsiv_p,*DPsii_p,*DPsieta_p;
354:   PetscInt       n,i;

357:   VecGetLocalSize(user->cv,&n);
358:   VecGetArray(user->cv,&cv_p);
359:   VecGetArray(user->ci,&ci_p);
360:   VecGetArray(user->eta,&eta_p);
361:   VecGetArray(user->logcv,&logcv_p);
362:   VecGetArray(user->logci,&logci_p);
363:   VecGetArray(user->logcvi,&logcvi_p);
364:   VecGetArray(user->DPsiv,&DPsiv_p);
365:   VecGetArray(user->DPsii,&DPsii_p);
366:   VecGetArray(user->DPsieta,&DPsieta_p);

368:   Llog(user->cv,user->logcv);
369:   Llog(user->ci,user->logci);

371:   VecCopy(user->cv,user->cvi);
372:   VecAXPY(user->cvi,1.0,user->ci);
373:   VecScale(user->cvi,-1.0);
374:   VecShift(user->cvi,1.0);
375:   Llog(user->cvi,user->logcvi);

377:   for (i=0; i<n; i++)
378:   {
379:     DPsiv_p[i] = (eta_p[i]-1.0)*(eta_p[i]-1.0)*(Evf + kBT*(logcv_p[i] - logcvi_p[i])) + eta_p[i]*eta_p[i]*2*A*(cv_p[i]-1);
380:     DPsii_p[i] = (eta_p[i]-1.0)*(eta_p[i]-1.0)*(Eif + kBT*(logci_p[i] - logcvi_p[i])) + eta_p[i]*eta_p[i]*2*A*ci_p[i];

382:     DPsieta_p[i] = 2.0*(eta_p[i]-1.0)*(Evf*cv_p[i] + Eif*ci_p[i] + kBT*(cv_p[i]* logcv_p[i] + ci_p[i]* logci_p[i] + (1-cv_p[i]-ci_p[i])*logcvi_p[i])) + 2.0*eta_p[i]*A*((cv_p[i]-1.0)*(cv_p[i]-1.0) + ci_p[i]*ci_p[i]);
383:   }

385:   VecRestoreArray(user->cv,&cv_p);
386:   VecRestoreArray(user->ci,&ci_p);
387:   VecRestoreArray(user->eta,&eta_p);
388:   VecGetArray(user->logcv,&logcv_p);
389:   VecGetArray(user->logci,&logci_p);
390:   VecGetArray(user->logcvi,&logcvi_p);
391:   VecRestoreArray(user->DPsiv,&DPsiv_p);
392:   VecRestoreArray(user->DPsii,&DPsii_p);
393:   VecRestoreArray(user->DPsieta,&DPsieta_p);
394:   return(0);
395: }

400: PetscErrorCode Llog(Vec X, Vec Y)
401: {
403:   PetscScalar    *x,*y;
404:   PetscInt       n,i;

407:   VecGetArray(X,&x);
408:   VecGetArray(Y,&y);
409:   VecGetLocalSize(X,&n);
410:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
411:     if (x[i] < 1.0e-12) y[i] = log(1.0e-12);
412:     else y[i] = log(x[i]);
413:   }
414:   return(0);
415: }

419: PetscErrorCode SetInitialGuess(Vec X,AppCtx *user)
420: {
421:   /******************** 3D ********************/
423:   PetscInt       n,i,j,Xda,Yda,Zda;
424:   PetscScalar    *xx,*cv_p,*ci_p,*wv_p,*wi_p,*eta_p;
425:   PetscViewer    view_out;

427:   /* needed for the void growth case */
428:   PetscScalar       cv_v=1.0,cv_m=0.122,ci_v=0.0,ci_m=.00069,eta_v=1.0,eta_m=0.0,h,lambda;
429:   PetscScalar       xmid,ymid,zmid;
430:   PetscInt          nele,nen,idx[8];
431:   const PetscInt    *ele;
432:   PetscScalar       x[8],y[8],z[8];
433:   Vec               coords;
434:   const PetscScalar *_coords;
435:   PetscViewer       view;
436:   PetscScalar       xwidth = user->xmax - user->xmin, ywidth = user->ymax - user->ymin, zwidth = user->zmax - user->zmin;

439:   VecGetLocalSize(X,&n);

441:   if (user->voidgrowth) {
442:     DMDAGetInfo(user->da2,NULL,&Xda,&Yda,&Zda,NULL,NULL,
443:                        NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
444:     DMGetCoordinatesLocal(user->da2,&coords);
445:     VecGetArrayRead(coords,&_coords);

447:     if (user->periodic) h = (user->xmax-user->xmin)/Xda;
448:     else h = (user->xmax-user->xmin)/(Xda-1.0);

450:     xmid   = (user->xmax + user->xmin)/2.0;
451:     ymid   = (user->ymax + user->ymin)/2.0;
452:     zmid   = (user->zmax + user->zmin)/2.0;
453:     lambda = 4.0*h;

455:     DMDAGetElements(user->da2,&nele,&nen,&ele); /* number of local elements, number of element nodes, the local indices of the elements' vertices */
456:     for (i=0; i < nele; i++) {
457:       for (j = 0; j<8; j++) {
458:         idx[j] = ele[8*i + j];
459:         x[j]   = _coords[3*idx[j]];
460:         y[j]   = _coords[3*idx[j]+1];
461:         z[j]   = _coords[3*idx[j]+2];
462:       }

464:       PetscInt    k;
465:       PetscScalar vals_cv[8],vals_ci[8],vals_eta[8],s,hhr,r;
466:       for (k=0; k < 8; k++) {
467:         s = PetscSqrtScalar((x[k] - xmid)*(x[k] - xmid) + (y[k] - ymid)*(y[k] - ymid) + (z[k] - zmid)*(z[k] - zmid));
468:         if (s < xwidth*(5.0/64.0)) {
469:           vals_cv[k]  = cv_v;
470:           vals_ci[k]  = ci_v;
471:           vals_eta[k] = eta_v;
472:         } else if (s>= xwidth*(5.0/64.0) && s<= xwidth*(7.0/64.0)) {
473:           /*r = (s - xwidth*(6.0/64.0))/(0.5*lambda);*/
474:           r           = (s - xwidth*(6.0/64.0))/(xwidth/64.0);
475:           hhr         = 0.25*(-r*r*r + 3*r + 2);
476:           vals_cv[k]  = cv_m + (1.0 - hhr)*(cv_v - cv_m);
477:           vals_ci[k]  = ci_m + (1.0 - hhr)*(ci_v - ci_m);
478:           vals_eta[k] = eta_m + (1.0 - hhr)*(eta_v - eta_m);
479:         } else {
480:           vals_cv[k]  = cv_m;
481:           vals_ci[k]  = ci_m;
482:           vals_eta[k] = eta_m;
483:         }
484:       }

486:       VecSetValuesLocal(user->cv,8,idx,vals_cv,INSERT_VALUES);
487:       VecSetValuesLocal(user->ci,8,idx,vals_ci,INSERT_VALUES);
488:       VecSetValuesLocal(user->eta,8,idx,vals_eta,INSERT_VALUES);
489:     }
490:     VecAssemblyBegin(user->cv);
491:     VecAssemblyEnd(user->cv);
492:     VecAssemblyBegin(user->ci);
493:     VecAssemblyEnd(user->ci);
494:     VecAssemblyBegin(user->eta);
495:     VecAssemblyEnd(user->eta);

497:     DMDARestoreElements(user->da2,&nele,&nen,&ele);
498:     VecRestoreArrayRead(coords,&_coords);

500:   } else {

502:     VecSet(user->cv,6.9e-4);
503:     VecSet(user->ci,6.9e-4);
504:     VecSet(user->eta,0.0);
505:   }

507:   DPsi(user);
508:   VecCopy(user->DPsiv,user->wv);
509:   VecCopy(user->DPsii,user->wi);

511:   VecGetArray(X,&xx);
512:   VecGetArray(user->cv,&cv_p);
513:   VecGetArray(user->ci,&ci_p);
514:   VecGetArray(user->eta,&eta_p);
515:   VecGetArray(user->wv,&wv_p);
516:   VecGetArray(user->wi,&wi_p);
517:   for (i=0; i<n/5; i++) {
518:     xx[5*i]  =wv_p[i];
519:     xx[5*i+1]=cv_p[i];
520:     xx[5*i+2]=wi_p[i];
521:     xx[5*i+3]=ci_p[i];
522:     xx[5*i+4]=eta_p[i];
523:   }

525:   PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"file_initial",FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view_out);
526:   VecView(user->wv,view_out);
527:   VecView(user->cv,view_out);
528:   VecView(user->wi,view_out);
529:   VecView(user->ci,view_out);
530:   VecView(user->eta,view_out);
531:   PetscViewerDestroy(&view_out);

533:   VecRestoreArray(X,&xx);
534:   VecRestoreArray(user->cv,&cv_p);
535:   VecRestoreArray(user->ci,&ci_p);
536:   VecRestoreArray(user->wv,&wv_p);
537:   VecRestoreArray(user->wi,&wi_p);
538:   VecRestoreArray(user->eta,&eta_p);
539:   return(0);
540: }

544: PetscErrorCode SetRandomVectors(AppCtx *user)
545: {
547:   PetscInt       i,n,count=0;
548:   PetscScalar    *w1,*w2,*Pv_p,*eta_p;

550:   /* static PetscViewer viewer=0; */
551:   static PetscRandom rand = 0;
552:   static PetscInt    step = 0;

555:   if (!rand) {
556:     PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&rand);
557:     PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rand);
558:   }

560:   VecSetRandom(user->work1,rand);
561:   VecSetRandom(user->work2,rand);
562:   VecGetArray(user->work1,&w1);
563:   VecGetArray(user->work2,&w2);
564:   VecGetArray(user->Pv,&Pv_p);
565:   VecGetArray(user->eta,&eta_p);
566:   VecGetLocalSize(user->work1,&n);
567:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
568:     if (eta_p[i]>=0.8 || w1[i]>user->P_casc) Pv_p[i]=0;
569:     else {
570:       Pv_p[i] = w2[i]*user->VG;
571:       count   = count + 1;
572:     }
573:   }
574:   step++;

576:   VecCopy(user->Pv,user->Pi);
577:   VecScale(user->Pi,0.9);
578:   VecPointwiseMult(user->Piv,user->Pi,user->Pv);
579:   VecRestoreArray(user->work1,&w1);
580:   VecRestoreArray(user->work2,&w2);
581:   VecRestoreArray(user->Pv,&Pv_p);
582:   VecRestoreArray(user->eta,&eta_p);
583:   printf("Number of radiations count %d out of total mesh points n %d\n",count,n);
584:   return(0);
585: }

589: PetscErrorCode FormFunction(SNES snes,Vec X,Vec F,void *ctx)
590: {
592:   AppCtx         *user=(AppCtx*)ctx;

595:   MatMultAdd(user->M,X,user->q,F);
596:   return(0);
597: }

601: PetscErrorCode FormJacobian(SNES snes,Vec X,Mat *J,Mat *B,MatStructure *flg,void *ctx)
602: {
604:   AppCtx         *user=(AppCtx*)ctx;

608:   MatCopy(user->M,*J,*flg);
609:   MatAssemblyBegin(*J,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
610:   MatAssemblyEnd(*J,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
611:   return(0);
612: }

616: PetscErrorCode SetVariableBounds(DM da,Vec xl,Vec xu)
617: {
619:   PetscScalar    ****l,****u;
620:   PetscInt       xs,xm,ys,ym,zs,zm;
621:   PetscInt       k,j,i;

624:   DMDAVecGetArrayDOF(da,xl,&l);
625:   DMDAVecGetArrayDOF(da,xu,&u);

627:   DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);

629:   for (k = zs; k < zs + zm; k++) {
630:     for (j=ys; j<ys+ym; j++) {
631:       for (i=xs; i < xs+xm; i++) {
632:         l[k][j][i][0] = -SNES_VI_INF;
633:         l[k][j][i][1] = 0.0;
634:         l[k][j][i][2] = -SNES_VI_INF;
635:         l[k][j][i][3] = 0.0;
636:         l[k][j][i][4] = 0.0;
637:         u[k][j][i][0] = SNES_VI_INF;
638:         u[k][j][i][1] = 1.0;
639:         u[k][j][i][2] = SNES_VI_INF;
640:         u[k][j][i][3] = 1.0;
641:         u[k][j][i][4] = 1.0;
642:       }
643:     }
644:   }

646:   DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF(da,xl,&l);
647:   DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF(da,xu,&u);
648:   return(0);
649: }

653: PetscErrorCode GetParams(AppCtx *user)
654: {
656:   PetscBool      flg;

659:   /* Set default parameters */
660:   user->xmin    = 0.0; user->xmax = 64.0;
661:   user->ymin    = 0.0; user->ymax = 64.0;
662:   user->zmin    = 0.0; user->zmax = 64.0;
663:   user->Dv      = 1.0; user->Di=1.0;
664:   user->Evf     = 0.8; user->Eif = 0.8;
665:   user->A       = 1.0;
666:   user->kBT     = 0.11;
667:   user->kav     = 1.0; user->kai = 1.0; user->kaeta = 1.0;
668:   user->Rsurf   = 10.0; user->Rbulk = 0.0;
669:   user->L       = 10.0; user->P_casc = 0.05;
670:   user->T       = 1.0e-2;    user->dt = 1.0e-4;
671:   user->VG      = 100.0;
672:   user->initv   = .0001;
673:   user->initeta = 0.0;

675:   user->degenerate = PETSC_FALSE;
676:   /* void growth */
677:   user->voidgrowth = PETSC_FALSE;

679:   PetscOptionsGetReal(NULL,"-xmin",&user->xmin,&flg);
680:   PetscOptionsGetReal(NULL,"-xmax",&user->xmax,&flg);
681:   PetscOptionsGetReal(NULL,"-T",&user->T,&flg);
682:   PetscOptionsGetReal(NULL,"-dt",&user->dt,&flg);
683:   PetscOptionsBool("-degenerate","Run with degenerate mobility\n","None",user->degenerate,&user->degenerate,&flg);
684:   PetscOptionsReal("-smallnumber","Small number added to degenerate mobility\n","None",user->smallnumber,&user->smallnumber,&flg);
685:   PetscOptionsBool("-voidgrowth","Use initial conditions for void growth\n","None",user->voidgrowth,&user->voidgrowth,&flg);
686:   return(0);
687: }

692: PetscErrorCode SetUpMatrices(AppCtx *user)
693: {
695:   PetscInt       nele,nen,i,j,n;
696:   const PetscInt *ele;
697:   PetscScalar    dt=user->dt,hx,hy,hz;

699:   PetscInt    idx[8];
700:   PetscScalar eM_0[8][8],eM_2[8][8];
701:   PetscScalar cv_sum, ci_sum;
702:   PetscScalar tp_cv, tp_ci;

704:   Mat         M  =user->M;
705:   Mat         M_0=user->M_0;
706:   PetscInt    Xda,Yda,Zda;
707:   PetscScalar *cv_p,*ci_p;
708:   Vec         cvlocal,cilocal;

711:   DMGetLocalVector(user->da2,&cvlocal);
712:   DMGetLocalVector(user->da2,&cilocal);
713:   DMGlobalToLocalBegin(user->da2,user->cv,INSERT_VALUES,cvlocal);
714:   DMGlobalToLocalEnd(user->da2,user->cv,INSERT_VALUES,cvlocal);
715:   DMGlobalToLocalBegin(user->da2,user->ci,INSERT_VALUES,cilocal);
716:   DMGlobalToLocalEnd(user->da2,user->ci,INSERT_VALUES,cilocal);

718:   VecGetArray(cvlocal,&cv_p);
719:   VecGetArray(cilocal,&ci_p);

721:   MatGetLocalSize(M,&n,NULL);

724:   if (Xda!=Yda) printf("Currently different Xda and Yda are not supported");
725:   if (user->periodic) {
726:     hx = (user->xmax-user->xmin)/Xda;
727:     hy = (user->ymax-user->ymin)/Yda;
728:     hz = (user->zmax-user->zmin)/Zda;
729:   } else {
730:     hx = (user->xmax-user->xmin)/(Xda-1.0);
731:     hy = (user->ymax-user->ymin)/(Yda-1.0);
732:     hz = (user->zmax-user->zmin)/(Zda-1.0);
733:   }

735:   /** blocks of M_0 **/
736:   for (i = 0; i<8; i++) eM_0[i][i] = 1;

738:   eM_0[0][1] = 0.5; eM_0[0][2] = 0.25; eM_0[0][3] = 0.5; eM_0[0][4] = 0.5; eM_0[0][5] = 0.25; eM_0[0][6] = 0.125; eM_0[0][7] = 0.25;
739:   eM_0[1][2] = 0.5; eM_0[1][3] = 0.25; eM_0[1][4] = 0.25;eM_0[1][5] = 0.5; eM_0[1][6] = 0.25; eM_0[1][7] = 0.125;
740:   eM_0[2][3] = 0.5; eM_0[2][4] = 0.125;eM_0[2][5] = 0.25;eM_0[2][6] = 0.5;eM_0[2][7] = 0.25;
741:   eM_0[3][4] = 0.25;eM_0[3][5] = 0.125;eM_0[3][6] = 0.25;eM_0[3][7] = 0.5;
742:   eM_0[4][5] = 0.5; eM_0[4][6] = 0.25; eM_0[4][7] = 0.5;
743:   eM_0[5][6] = 0.5; eM_0[5][7] = 0.25;
744:   eM_0[6][7] = 0.5;

746:   for (i = 0; i<8; i++) {
747:     for (j =0; j<8; j++) {
748:       if (i>j) eM_0[i][j] = eM_0[j][i];
749:     }
750:   }
752:   for (i = 0; i<8; i++) {
753:     for (j =0; j<8; j++) {
754:       eM_0[i][j] = hx*hy*hz/27.0 * eM_0[i][j];
755:     }
756:   }

758:   /** blocks of M_2 **/

760:   for (i = 0; i<8; i++) eM_2[i][i] = 12;

762:   eM_2[0][1] = 0; eM_2[0][2] = -3; eM_2[0][3] = 0;  eM_2[0][4] = 0;  eM_2[0][5] = -3; eM_2[0][6] = -3; eM_2[0][7] = -3;
763:   eM_2[1][2] = 0; eM_2[1][3] = -3; eM_2[1][4] = -3; eM_2[1][5] = 0;  eM_2[1][6] = -3; eM_2[1][7] = -3;
764:   eM_2[2][3] = 0; eM_2[2][4] = -3; eM_2[2][5] = -3; eM_2[2][6] = 0;  eM_2[2][7] = -3;
765:   eM_2[3][4] = -3;eM_2[3][5] = -3; eM_2[3][6] = -3; eM_2[3][7] = 0;
766:   eM_2[4][5] = 0; eM_2[4][6] = -3; eM_2[4][7] = 0;
767:   eM_2[5][6] = 0; eM_2[5][7] = -3;
768:   eM_2[6][7] = 0;

770:   for (i = 0; i<8; i++) {
771:     for (j =0; j<8; j++) {
772:       if (i>j) eM_2[i][j] = eM_2[j][i];
773:     }
774:   }

776:   for (i = 0; i<8; i++) {
777:     for (j =0; j<8; j++) {
778:       eM_2[i][j] = hx*hy*hz/36.0 * eM_2[i][j];
779:     }
780:   }

782:   /* Get local element info */
783:   DMDAGetElements(user->da1,&nele,&nen,&ele);
784:   PetscInt    row,cols[16],r,row_M_0,cols3[8];
785:   PetscScalar vals[16],vals_M_0[8],vals3[8];

787:   for (i=0;i < nele;i++) {
788:     for (j=0; j<8; j++) idx[j] = ele[8*i + j];

790:     for (r=0;r<8;r++) {
791:       row_M_0 = idx[r];
792:       for (j=0; j<8; j++) vals_M_0[j]=eM_0[r][j];

794:       MatSetValuesLocal(M_0,1,&row_M_0,8,idx,vals_M_0,ADD_VALUES);

796:       tp_cv = 0.0;
797:       tp_ci = 0.0;
798:       for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
799:         tp_cv = tp_cv + cv_p[idx[j]];
800:         tp_ci = tp_ci + ci_p[idx[j]];
801:       }

803:       cv_sum = tp_cv * user->Dv/user->kBT;
804:       ci_sum = tp_ci * user->Di/user->kBT;

806:       row = 5*idx[r];
807:       for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
808:         cols[j]     = 5 * idx[j];
809:         vals[j]     = dt*eM_2[r][j]*cv_sum;
810:         cols[j + 8] = 5 * idx[j] + 1;
811:         vals[j + 8] = eM_0[r][j];
812:       }

814:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 1st dof */

816:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,16,cols,vals,ADD_VALUES);

818:       row = 5*idx[r]+1;
819:       for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
820:         cols[j]     = 5 * idx[j];
821:         vals[j]     = -eM_0[r][j];
822:         cols[j + 8] = 5 * idx[j] + 1;
823:         vals[j + 8] = user->kav*eM_2[r][j];
824:       }

826:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 2nd dof */
827:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,16,cols,vals,ADD_VALUES);

829:       row = 5*idx[r]+2;
830:       for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
831:         cols[j]     = 5 * idx[j] + 2;
832:         vals[j]     = dt*eM_2[r][j]*ci_sum;
833:         cols[j + 8] = 5 * idx[j] + 3;
834:         vals[j + 8] = eM_0[r][j];
835:       }

837:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 3rd dof */
838:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,16,cols,vals,ADD_VALUES);

840:       row = 5*idx[r]+3;
841:       for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
842:         cols[j]     = 5 * idx[j] + 2;
843:         vals[j]     = -eM_0[r][j];
844:         cols[j + 8] = 5 * idx[j] + 3;
845:         vals[j + 8] = user->kai*eM_2[r][j];
846:       }

848:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 4th dof */
849:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,16,cols,vals,ADD_VALUES);

851:       row = 5*idx[r]+4;
852:       for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
853:         cols3[j] = 5 * idx[j] + 4;
854:         vals3[j] = eM_0[r][j]/dt + user->L*user->kaeta*eM_2[r][j];
855:       }

857:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 5th dof */
858:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,8,cols3,vals3,ADD_VALUES);
859:     }
860:   }

863:   VecRestoreArray(cvlocal,&cv_p);
864:   VecRestoreArray(cilocal,&ci_p);

866:   DMRestoreLocalVector(user->da2,&cvlocal);
867:   DMRestoreLocalVector(user->da2,&cilocal);

869:   MatAssemblyBegin(M_0,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
870:   MatAssemblyEnd(M_0,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

872:   MatAssemblyBegin(M,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
873:   MatAssemblyEnd(M,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

875:   DMDARestoreElements(user->da1,&nele,&nen,&ele);
876:   return(0);
877: }

882: PetscErrorCode UpdateMatrices(AppCtx *user)
883: {
885:   PetscInt       nele,nen,i,j,n,Xda,Yda,Zda;
886:   const PetscInt *ele;

888:   PetscInt    idx[8];
889:   PetscScalar eM_2[8][8],h;
890:   Mat         M=user->M;
891:   PetscScalar *cv_p,*ci_p,cv_sum,ci_sum;
892:   /* newly added */
893:   Vec cvlocal,cilocal;

896:   DMGetLocalVector(user->da2,&cvlocal);
897:   DMGetLocalVector(user->da2,&cilocal);
898:   DMGlobalToLocalBegin(user->da2,user->cv,INSERT_VALUES,cvlocal);
899:   DMGlobalToLocalEnd(user->da2,user->cv,INSERT_VALUES,cvlocal);
900:   DMGlobalToLocalBegin(user->da2,user->ci,INSERT_VALUES,cilocal);
901:   DMGlobalToLocalEnd(user->da2,user->ci,INSERT_VALUES,cilocal);

903:   VecGetArray(cvlocal,&cv_p);
904:   VecGetArray(cilocal,&ci_p);

906:   /* Create the mass matrix M_0 */
907:   MatGetLocalSize(M,&n,NULL);

910:   if (Xda!=Yda) printf("Currently different Xda and Yda are not supported");
911:   if (user->periodic) h = (user->xmax-user->xmin)/Xda;
912:   else h = (user->xmax-user->xmin)/(Xda-1.0);

914:   /* Get local element info */
915:   DMDAGetElements(user->da1,&nele,&nen,&ele);

917:   for (i=0; i<nele; i++) {
918:     for (j=0; j<8; j++) idx[j] = ele[8*i + j];

920:     PetscInt    r,row,cols[8];
921:     PetscScalar vals[8];

923:     for (r=0; r<8; r++) {
924:       row = 5*idx[r];
925:       for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
926:         cols[j] = 5*idx[j];
927:         vals[j] = 0.0;
928:       }

930:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 1st dof */
931:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,8,cols,vals,INSERT_VALUES);

933:       row = 5*idx[r]+2;
934:       for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
935:         cols[j] = 5*idx[j]+2;
936:         vals[j] = 0.0;
937:       }

939:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 3nd dof */
940:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,8,cols,vals,INSERT_VALUES);
941:     }
942:   }

944:   MatAssemblyBegin(M,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
945:   MatAssemblyEnd(M,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

947:   /** blocks of M_2 **/

949:   for (i = 0; i<8; i++) eM_2[i][i] = 12;

951:   eM_2[0][1] = 0; eM_2[0][2] = -3; eM_2[0][3] = 0;  eM_2[0][4] = 0;  eM_2[0][5] = -3; eM_2[0][6] = -3; eM_2[0][7] = -3;
952:   eM_2[1][2] = 0; eM_2[1][3] = -3; eM_2[1][4] = -3; eM_2[1][5] = 0;  eM_2[1][6] = -3; eM_2[1][7] = -3;
953:   eM_2[2][3] = 0; eM_2[2][4] = -3; eM_2[2][5] = -3; eM_2[2][6] = 0;  eM_2[2][7] = -3;
954:   eM_2[3][4] = -3;eM_2[3][5] = -3; eM_2[3][6] = -3; eM_2[3][7] = 0;
955:   eM_2[4][5] = 0; eM_2[4][6] = -3; eM_2[4][7] = 0;
956:   eM_2[5][6] = 0; eM_2[5][7] = -3;
957:   eM_2[6][7] = 0;

959:   for (i = 0; i<8; i++) {
960:     for (j =0; j<8; j++) {
961:       if (i>j) eM_2[i][j] = eM_2[j][i];
962:     }
963:   }

965:   for (i = 0; i<8; i++) {
966:     for (j =0; j<8; j++) {
967:       eM_2[i][j] = h*h*h/36.0 * eM_2[i][j];
968:     }
969:   }

971:   for (i=0;i<nele;i++) {
972:     for (j=0; j<8; j++) idx[j] = ele[8*i + j];

974:     PetscInt    row,cols[8],r;
975:     PetscScalar vals[8];

977:     for (r=0;r<8;r++) {

979:       if (user->degenerate) {
980:         cv_sum = (2.0*user->smallnumber + cv_p[idx[0]] + cv_p[idx[1]])*user->Dv/(2.0*user->kBT);
981:         ci_sum = (2.0*user->smallnumber + ci_p[idx[0]] + ci_p[idx[1]])*user->Di/(2.0*user->kBT);
982:       } else {
983:         cv_sum = user->initv*user->Dv/user->kBT;
984:         ci_sum = user->initv*user->Di/user->kBT;
985:       }

987:       row = 5*idx[r];
988:       for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
989:         cols[j] = 5*idx[j];
990:         vals[j] = user->dt*eM_2[r][j]*cv_sum;
991:       }

993:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 1st dof */
994:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,8,cols,vals,ADD_VALUES);

996:       row = 5*idx[r]+2;
997:       for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
998:         cols[j] = 5*idx[j]+2;
999:         vals[j] = user->dt*eM_2[r][j]*ci_sum;
1000:       }

1002:       /* Insert values in matrix M for 3nd dof */
1003:       MatSetValuesLocal(M,1,&row,8,cols,vals,ADD_VALUES);
1004:     }
1005:   }

1007:   VecRestoreArray(cvlocal,&cv_p);
1008:   VecRestoreArray(cilocal,&ci_p);
1009:   DMRestoreLocalVector(user->da2,&cvlocal);
1010:   DMRestoreLocalVector(user->da2,&cilocal);

1012:   MatAssemblyBegin(M,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1013:   MatAssemblyEnd(M,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1014:   DMDARestoreElements(user->da1,&nele,&nen,&ele);
1015:   return(0);
1016: }