Actual source code: dflush.c

  1: /*
  2:        Provides the calling sequences for all the basic PetscDraw routines.
  3: */
  4: #include <petsc/private/drawimpl.h>

  6: /*@
  7:   PetscDrawFlush - Flushes graphical output.

  9:   Collective

 11:   Input Parameter:
 12: . draw - the drawing context

 14:   Level: beginner

 16: .seealso: `PetscDraw`, `PetscDrawClear()`
 17: @*/
 18: PetscErrorCode PetscDrawFlush(PetscDraw draw)
 19: {
 20:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 22:   PetscTryTypeMethod(draw, flush);
 23:   if (draw->saveonflush) PetscCall(PetscDrawSave(draw));
 24:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 25: }