Actual source code: symbrdn.c

  1: #include <../src/ksp/ksp/utils/lmvm/symbrdn/symbrdn.h>
  2: #include <../src/ksp/ksp/utils/lmvm/dense/denseqn.h>
  3: #include <../src/ksp/ksp/utils/lmvm/diagbrdn/diagbrdn.h>
  4: #include <petsc/private/kspimpl.h>
  5: #include <petscdevice.h>

  7: const char *const MatLMVMSymBroydenScaleTypes[] = {"NONE", "SCALAR", "DIAGONAL", "USER", "MatLMVMSymBrdnScaleType", "MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALING_", NULL};

  9: /*
 10:   The solution method below is the matrix-free implementation of
 11:   Equation 8.6a in Dennis and More "Quasi-Newton Methods, Motivation
 12:   and Theory" (

 14:   Q[i] = (B_i)^{-1}*S[i] terms are computed ahead of time whenever
 15:   the matrix is updated with a new (S[i], Y[i]) pair. This allows
 16:   repeated calls of MatSolve without incurring redundant computation.

 18:   dX <- J0^{-1} * F

 20:   for i=0,1,2,...,k
 21:     # Q[i] = (B_i)^T{-1} Y[i]

 23:     rho = 1.0 / (Y[i]^T S[i])
 24:     alpha = rho * (S[i]^T F)
 25:     zeta = 1.0 / (Y[i]^T Q[i])
 26:     gamma = zeta * (Y[i]^T dX)

 28:     dX <- dX - (gamma * Q[i]) + (alpha * Y[i])
 29:     W <- (rho * S[i]) - (zeta * Q[i])
 30:     dX <- dX + (psi[i] * (Y[i]^T Q[i]) * (W^T F) * W)
 31:   end
 32: */
 33: static PetscErrorCode MatSolve_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B, Vec F, Vec dX)
 34: {
 35:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
 36:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
 37:   PetscInt     i, j;
 38:   PetscReal    numer;
 39:   PetscScalar  sjtpi, yjtsi, wtsi, yjtqi, sjtyi, wtyi, ytx, stf, wtf, stp, ytq;

 41:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 42:   /* Efficient shortcuts for pure BFGS and pure DFP configurations */
 43:   if (lsb->phi == 0.0) {
 44:     PetscCall(MatSolve_LMVMBFGS(B, F, dX));
 45:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 46:   }
 47:   if (lsb->phi == 1.0) {
 48:     PetscCall(MatSolve_LMVMDFP(B, F, dX));
 49:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 50:   }

 52:   VecCheckSameSize(F, 2, dX, 3);
 53:   VecCheckMatCompatible(B, dX, 3, F, 2);

 55:   if (lsb->needP) {
 56:     /* Start the loop for (P[k] = (B_k) * S[k]) */
 57:     for (i = 0; i <= lmvm->k; ++i) {
 58:       PetscCall(MatSymBrdnApplyJ0Fwd(B, lmvm->S[i], lsb->P[i]));
 59:       /* Compute the necessary dot products */
 60:       PetscCall(VecMDot(lmvm->S[i], i, lmvm->Y, lsb->workscalar));
 61:       for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
 62:         yjtsi = lsb->workscalar[j];
 63:         PetscCall(VecDot(lmvm->S[j], lsb->P[i], &sjtpi));
 64:         /* Compute the pure BFGS component of the forward product */
 65:         PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(lsb->P[i], -PetscRealPart(sjtpi) / lsb->stp[j], PetscRealPart(yjtsi) / lsb->yts[j], 1.0, lsb->P[j], lmvm->Y[j]));
 66:         /* Tack on the convexly scaled extras to the forward product */
 67:         if (lsb->phi > 0.0) {
 68:           PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(lsb->work, 1.0 / lsb->yts[j], -1.0 / lsb->stp[j], 0.0, lmvm->Y[j], lsb->P[j]));
 69:           PetscCall(VecDot(lsb->work, lmvm->S[i], &wtsi));
 70:           PetscCall(VecAXPY(lsb->P[i], lsb->phi * lsb->stp[j] * PetscRealPart(wtsi), lsb->work));
 71:         }
 72:       }
 73:       PetscCall(VecDot(lmvm->S[i], lsb->P[i], &stp));
 74:       lsb->stp[i] = PetscRealPart(stp);
 75:     }
 76:     lsb->needP = PETSC_FALSE;
 77:   }
 78:   if (lsb->needQ) {
 79:     /* Start the loop for (Q[k] = (B_k)^{-1} * Y[k]) */
 80:     for (i = 0; i <= lmvm->k; ++i) {
 81:       PetscCall(MatSymBrdnApplyJ0Inv(B, lmvm->Y[i], lsb->Q[i]));
 82:       /* Compute the necessary dot products */
 83:       PetscCall(VecMDot(lmvm->Y[i], i, lmvm->S, lsb->workscalar));
 84:       for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
 85:         sjtyi = lsb->workscalar[j];
 86:         PetscCall(VecDot(lmvm->Y[j], lsb->Q[i], &yjtqi));
 87:         /* Compute the pure DFP component of the inverse application*/
 88:         PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(lsb->Q[i], -PetscRealPart(yjtqi) / lsb->ytq[j], PetscRealPart(sjtyi) / lsb->yts[j], 1.0, lsb->Q[j], lmvm->S[j]));
 89:         /* Tack on the convexly scaled extras to the inverse application*/
 90:         if (lsb->psi[j] > 0.0) {
 91:           PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(lsb->work, 1.0 / lsb->yts[j], -1.0 / lsb->ytq[j], 0.0, lmvm->S[j], lsb->Q[j]));
 92:           PetscCall(VecDot(lsb->work, lmvm->Y[i], &wtyi));
 93:           PetscCall(VecAXPY(lsb->Q[i], lsb->psi[j] * lsb->ytq[j] * PetscRealPart(wtyi), lsb->work));
 94:         }
 95:       }
 96:       PetscCall(VecDot(lmvm->Y[i], lsb->Q[i], &ytq));
 97:       lsb->ytq[i] = PetscRealPart(ytq);
 98:       if (lsb->phi == 1.0) {
 99:         lsb->psi[i] = 0.0;
100:       } else if (lsb->phi == 0.0) {
101:         lsb->psi[i] = 1.0;
102:       } else {
103:         numer       = (1.0 - lsb->phi) * lsb->yts[i] * lsb->yts[i];
104:         lsb->psi[i] = numer / (numer + (lsb->phi * lsb->ytq[i] * lsb->stp[i]));
105:       }
106:     }
107:     lsb->needQ = PETSC_FALSE;
108:   }

110:   /* Start the outer iterations for ((B^{-1}) * dX) */
111:   PetscCall(MatSymBrdnApplyJ0Inv(B, F, dX));
112:   /* Get all the dot products we need */
113:   PetscCall(VecMDot(F, lmvm->k + 1, lmvm->S, lsb->workscalar));
114:   for (i = 0; i <= lmvm->k; ++i) {
115:     stf = lsb->workscalar[i];
116:     PetscCall(VecDot(lmvm->Y[i], dX, &ytx));
117:     /* Compute the pure DFP component */
118:     PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(dX, -PetscRealPart(ytx) / lsb->ytq[i], PetscRealPart(stf) / lsb->yts[i], 1.0, lsb->Q[i], lmvm->S[i]));
119:     /* Tack on the convexly scaled extras */
120:     PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(lsb->work, 1.0 / lsb->yts[i], -1.0 / lsb->ytq[i], 0.0, lmvm->S[i], lsb->Q[i]));
121:     PetscCall(VecDot(lsb->work, F, &wtf));
122:     PetscCall(VecAXPY(dX, lsb->psi[i] * lsb->ytq[i] * PetscRealPart(wtf), lsb->work));
123:   }
124:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
125: }

127: /*
128:   The forward-product below is the matrix-free implementation of
129:   Equation 16 in Dennis and Wolkowicz "Sizing and Least Change Secant
130:   Methods" (

132:   P[i] = (B_i)*S[i] terms are computed ahead of time whenever
133:   the matrix is updated with a new (S[i], Y[i]) pair. This allows
134:   repeated calls of MatMult inside KSP solvers without unnecessarily
135:   recomputing P[i] terms in expensive nested-loops.

137:   Z <- J0 * X

139:   for i=0,1,2,...,k
140:     # P[i] = (B_k) * S[i]

142:     rho = 1.0 / (Y[i]^T S[i])
143:     alpha = rho * (Y[i]^T F)
144:     zeta = 1.0 / (S[i]^T P[i])
145:     gamma = zeta * (S[i]^T dX)

147:     dX <- dX - (gamma * P[i]) + (alpha * S[i])
148:     W <- (rho * Y[i]) - (zeta * P[i])
149:     dX <- dX + (phi * (S[i]^T P[i]) * (W^T F) * W)
150:   end
151: */
152: static PetscErrorCode MatMult_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B, Vec X, Vec Z)
153: {
154:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
155:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
156:   PetscInt     i, j;
157:   PetscScalar  sjtpi, yjtsi, wtsi, stz, ytx, wtx, stp;

159:   PetscFunctionBegin;
160:   /* Efficient shortcuts for pure BFGS and pure DFP configurations */
161:   if (lsb->phi == 0.0) {
162:     PetscCall(MatMult_LMVMBFGS(B, X, Z));
163:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
164:   }
165:   if (lsb->phi == 1.0) {
166:     PetscCall(MatMult_LMVMDFP(B, X, Z));
167:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
168:   }

170:   VecCheckSameSize(X, 2, Z, 3);
171:   VecCheckMatCompatible(B, X, 2, Z, 3);

173:   if (lsb->needP) {
174:     /* Start the loop for (P[k] = (B_k) * S[k]) */
175:     for (i = 0; i <= lmvm->k; ++i) {
176:       PetscCall(MatSymBrdnApplyJ0Fwd(B, lmvm->S[i], lsb->P[i]));
177:       /* Compute the necessary dot products */
178:       PetscCall(VecMDot(lmvm->S[i], i, lmvm->Y, lsb->workscalar));
179:       for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
180:         yjtsi = lsb->workscalar[j];
181:         PetscCall(VecDot(lmvm->S[j], lsb->P[i], &sjtpi));
182:         /* Compute the pure BFGS component of the forward product */
183:         PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(lsb->P[i], -PetscRealPart(sjtpi) / lsb->stp[j], PetscRealPart(yjtsi) / lsb->yts[j], 1.0, lsb->P[j], lmvm->Y[j]));
184:         /* Tack on the convexly scaled extras to the forward product */
185:         if (lsb->phi > 0.0) {
186:           PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(lsb->work, 1.0 / lsb->yts[j], -1.0 / lsb->stp[j], 0.0, lmvm->Y[j], lsb->P[j]));
187:           PetscCall(VecDot(lsb->work, lmvm->S[i], &wtsi));
188:           PetscCall(VecAXPY(lsb->P[i], lsb->phi * lsb->stp[j] * PetscRealPart(wtsi), lsb->work));
189:         }
190:       }
191:       PetscCall(VecDot(lmvm->S[i], lsb->P[i], &stp));
192:       lsb->stp[i] = PetscRealPart(stp);
193:     }
194:     lsb->needP = PETSC_FALSE;
195:   }

197:   /* Start the outer iterations for (B * X) */
198:   PetscCall(MatSymBrdnApplyJ0Fwd(B, X, Z));
199:   /* Get all the dot products we need */
200:   PetscCall(VecMDot(X, lmvm->k + 1, lmvm->Y, lsb->workscalar));
201:   for (i = 0; i <= lmvm->k; ++i) {
202:     ytx = lsb->workscalar[i];
203:     PetscCall(VecDot(lmvm->S[i], Z, &stz));
204:     /* Compute the pure BFGS component */
205:     PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(Z, -PetscRealPart(stz) / lsb->stp[i], PetscRealPart(ytx) / lsb->yts[i], 1.0, lsb->P[i], lmvm->Y[i]));
206:     /* Tack on the convexly scaled extras */
207:     PetscCall(VecAXPBYPCZ(lsb->work, 1.0 / lsb->yts[i], -1.0 / lsb->stp[i], 0.0, lmvm->Y[i], lsb->P[i]));
208:     PetscCall(VecDot(lsb->work, X, &wtx));
209:     PetscCall(VecAXPY(Z, lsb->phi * lsb->stp[i] * PetscRealPart(wtx), lsb->work));
210:   }
211:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
212: }

214: static PetscErrorCode MatUpdate_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B, Vec X, Vec F)
215: {
216:   Mat_LMVM     *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
217:   Mat_SymBrdn  *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
218:   Mat_LMVM     *dbase;
219:   Mat_DiagBrdn *dctx;
220:   PetscInt      old_k, i;
221:   PetscReal     curvtol, ytytmp;
222:   PetscScalar   curvature, ststmp;

224:   PetscFunctionBegin;
225:   if (!lmvm->m) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
226:   if (lmvm->prev_set) {
227:     /* Compute the new (S = X - Xprev) and (Y = F - Fprev) vectors */
228:     PetscCall(VecAYPX(lmvm->Xprev, -1.0, X));
229:     PetscCall(VecAYPX(lmvm->Fprev, -1.0, F));

231:     /* Test if the updates can be accepted */
232:     PetscCall(VecDotNorm2(lmvm->Xprev, lmvm->Fprev, &curvature, &ytytmp));
233:     if (ytytmp < lmvm->eps) curvtol = 0.0;
234:     else curvtol = lmvm->eps * ytytmp;

236:     if (PetscRealPart(curvature) > curvtol) {
237:       /* Update is good, accept it */
238:       lsb->watchdog = 0;
239:       lsb->needP = lsb->needQ = PETSC_TRUE;
240:       old_k                   = lmvm->k;
241:       PetscCall(MatUpdateKernel_LMVM(B, lmvm->Xprev, lmvm->Fprev));
242:       /* If we hit the memory limit, shift the yts, yty and sts arrays */
243:       if (old_k == lmvm->k) {
244:         for (i = 0; i <= lmvm->k - 1; ++i) {
245:           lsb->yts[i] = lsb->yts[i + 1];
246:           lsb->yty[i] = lsb->yty[i + 1];
247:           lsb->sts[i] = lsb->sts[i + 1];
248:         }
249:       }
250:       /* Update history of useful scalars */
251:       PetscCall(VecDot(lmvm->S[lmvm->k], lmvm->S[lmvm->k], &ststmp));
252:       lsb->yts[lmvm->k] = PetscRealPart(curvature);
253:       lsb->yty[lmvm->k] = ytytmp;
254:       lsb->sts[lmvm->k] = PetscRealPart(ststmp);
255:       /* Compute the scalar scale if necessary */
256:       if (lsb->scale_type == MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_SCALAR) PetscCall(MatSymBrdnComputeJ0Scalar(B));
257:     } else {
258:       /* Update is bad, skip it */
259:       ++lmvm->nrejects;
260:       ++lsb->watchdog;
261:     }
262:   } else {
263:     switch (lsb->scale_type) {
265:       dbase = (Mat_LMVM *)lsb->D->data;
266:       dctx  = (Mat_DiagBrdn *)dbase->ctx;
267:       PetscCall(VecSet(dctx->invD, lsb->delta));
268:       break;
270:       lsb->sigma = lsb->delta;
271:       break;
273:       lsb->sigma = 1.0;
274:       break;
275:     default:
276:       break;
277:     }
278:   }

280:   /* Update the scaling */
281:   if (lsb->scale_type == MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_DIAGONAL) PetscCall(MatLMVMUpdate(lsb->D, X, F));

283:   if (lsb->watchdog > lsb->max_seq_rejects) {
284:     PetscCall(MatLMVMReset(B, PETSC_FALSE));
285:     if (lsb->scale_type == MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_DIAGONAL) PetscCall(MatLMVMReset(lsb->D, PETSC_FALSE));
286:   }

288:   /* Save the solution and function to be used in the next update */
289:   PetscCall(VecCopy(X, lmvm->Xprev));
290:   PetscCall(VecCopy(F, lmvm->Fprev));
291:   lmvm->prev_set = PETSC_TRUE;
292:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
293: }

295: static PetscErrorCode MatCopy_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B, Mat M, MatStructure str)
296: {
297:   Mat_LMVM    *bdata = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
298:   Mat_SymBrdn *blsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)bdata->ctx;
299:   Mat_LMVM    *mdata = (Mat_LMVM *)M->data;
300:   Mat_SymBrdn *mlsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)mdata->ctx;
301:   PetscInt     i;

303:   PetscFunctionBegin;
304:   mlsb->phi   = blsb->phi;
305:   mlsb->needP = blsb->needP;
306:   mlsb->needQ = blsb->needQ;
307:   for (i = 0; i <= bdata->k; ++i) {
308:     mlsb->stp[i] = blsb->stp[i];
309:     mlsb->ytq[i] = blsb->ytq[i];
310:     mlsb->yts[i] = blsb->yts[i];
311:     mlsb->psi[i] = blsb->psi[i];
312:     PetscCall(VecCopy(blsb->P[i], mlsb->P[i]));
313:     PetscCall(VecCopy(blsb->Q[i], mlsb->Q[i]));
314:   }
315:   mlsb->scale_type      = blsb->scale_type;
316:   mlsb->alpha           = blsb->alpha;
317:   mlsb->beta            = blsb->beta;
318:   mlsb->rho             = blsb->rho;
319:   mlsb->delta           = blsb->delta;
320:   mlsb->sigma_hist      = blsb->sigma_hist;
321:   mlsb->watchdog        = blsb->watchdog;
322:   mlsb->max_seq_rejects = blsb->max_seq_rejects;
323:   switch (blsb->scale_type) {
325:     mlsb->sigma = blsb->sigma;
326:     break;
328:     PetscCall(MatCopy(blsb->D, mlsb->D, SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN));
329:     break;
331:     mlsb->sigma = 1.0;
332:     break;
333:   default:
334:     break;
335:   }
336:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
337: }

339: static PetscErrorCode MatReset_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B, PetscBool destructive)
340: {
341:   Mat_LMVM     *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
342:   Mat_SymBrdn  *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
343:   Mat_LMVM     *dbase;
344:   Mat_DiagBrdn *dctx;

346:   PetscFunctionBegin;
347:   lsb->watchdog = 0;
348:   lsb->needP = lsb->needQ = PETSC_TRUE;
349:   if (lsb->allocated) {
350:     if (destructive) {
351:       PetscCall(VecDestroy(&lsb->work));
352:       PetscCall(PetscFree6(lsb->stp, lsb->ytq, lsb->yts, lsb->yty, lsb->sts, lsb->workscalar));
353:       PetscCall(PetscFree(lsb->psi));
354:       PetscCall(VecDestroyVecs(lmvm->m, &lsb->P));
355:       PetscCall(VecDestroyVecs(lmvm->m, &lsb->Q));
356:       switch (lsb->scale_type) {
358:         PetscCall(MatLMVMReset(lsb->D, PETSC_TRUE));
359:         break;
360:       default:
361:         break;
362:       }
363:       lsb->allocated = PETSC_FALSE;
364:     } else {
365:       PetscCall(PetscMemzero(lsb->psi, lmvm->m));
366:       switch (lsb->scale_type) {
368:         lsb->sigma = lsb->delta;
369:         break;
371:         PetscCall(MatLMVMReset(lsb->D, PETSC_FALSE));
372:         dbase = (Mat_LMVM *)lsb->D->data;
373:         dctx  = (Mat_DiagBrdn *)dbase->ctx;
374:         PetscCall(VecSet(dctx->invD, lsb->delta));
375:         break;
377:         lsb->sigma = 1.0;
378:         break;
379:       default:
380:         break;
381:       }
382:     }
383:   }
384:   PetscCall(MatReset_LMVM(B, destructive));
385:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
386: }

388: static PetscErrorCode MatAllocate_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B, Vec X, Vec F)
389: {
390:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
391:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;

393:   PetscFunctionBegin;
394:   PetscCall(MatAllocate_LMVM(B, X, F));
395:   if (!lsb->allocated) {
396:     PetscCall(VecDuplicate(X, &lsb->work));
397:     if (lmvm->m > 0) {
398:       PetscCall(PetscMalloc6(lmvm->m, &lsb->stp, lmvm->m, &lsb->ytq, lmvm->m, &lsb->yts, lmvm->m, &lsb->yty, lmvm->m, &lsb->sts, lmvm->m, &lsb->workscalar));
399:       PetscCall(PetscCalloc1(lmvm->m, &lsb->psi));
400:       PetscCall(VecDuplicateVecs(X, lmvm->m, &lsb->P));
401:       PetscCall(VecDuplicateVecs(X, lmvm->m, &lsb->Q));
402:     }
403:     switch (lsb->scale_type) {
405:       PetscCall(MatLMVMAllocate(lsb->D, X, F));
406:       break;
407:     default:
408:       break;
409:     }
410:     lsb->allocated = PETSC_TRUE;
411:   }
412:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
413: }

415: static PetscErrorCode MatDestroy_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B)
416: {
417:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
418:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;

420:   PetscFunctionBegin;
421:   if (lsb->allocated) {
422:     PetscCall(VecDestroy(&lsb->work));
423:     PetscCall(PetscFree6(lsb->stp, lsb->ytq, lsb->yts, lsb->yty, lsb->sts, lsb->workscalar));
424:     PetscCall(PetscFree(lsb->psi));
425:     PetscCall(VecDestroyVecs(lmvm->m, &lsb->P));
426:     PetscCall(VecDestroyVecs(lmvm->m, &lsb->Q));
427:     lsb->allocated = PETSC_FALSE;
428:   }
429:   PetscCall(MatDestroy(&lsb->D));
430:   PetscCall(PetscFree(lmvm->ctx));
431:   PetscCall(MatDestroy_LMVM(B));
432:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
433: }

435: static PetscErrorCode MatSetUp_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B)
436: {
437:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
438:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
439:   PetscInt     n, N;

441:   PetscFunctionBegin;
442:   PetscCall(MatSetUp_LMVM(B));
443:   if (!lsb->allocated) {
444:     PetscCall(VecDuplicate(lmvm->Xprev, &lsb->work));
445:     if (lmvm->m > 0) {
446:       PetscCall(PetscMalloc6(lmvm->m, &lsb->stp, lmvm->m, &lsb->ytq, lmvm->m, &lsb->yts, lmvm->m, &lsb->yty, lmvm->m, &lsb->sts, lmvm->m, &lsb->workscalar));
447:       PetscCall(PetscCalloc1(lmvm->m, &lsb->psi));
448:       PetscCall(VecDuplicateVecs(lmvm->Xprev, lmvm->m, &lsb->P));
449:       PetscCall(VecDuplicateVecs(lmvm->Xprev, lmvm->m, &lsb->Q));
450:     }
451:     switch (lsb->scale_type) {
453:       PetscCall(MatGetLocalSize(B, &n, &n));
454:       PetscCall(MatGetSize(B, &N, &N));
455:       PetscCall(MatSetSizes(lsb->D, n, n, N, N));
456:       PetscCall(MatSetUp(lsb->D));
457:       break;
458:     default:
459:       break;
460:     }
461:     lsb->allocated = PETSC_TRUE;
462:   }
463:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
464: }

466: PetscErrorCode MatView_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B, PetscViewer pv)
467: {
468:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
469:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
470:   PetscBool    isascii;

472:   PetscFunctionBegin;
473:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)pv, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &isascii));
474:   if (isascii) {
475:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(pv, "Scale type: %s\n", MatLMVMSymBroydenScaleTypes[lsb->scale_type]));
476:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(pv, "Scale history: %" PetscInt_FMT "\n", lsb->sigma_hist));
477:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(pv, "Scale params: alpha=%g, beta=%g, rho=%g\n", (double)lsb->alpha, (double)lsb->beta, (double)lsb->rho));
478:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(pv, "Convex factors: phi=%g, theta=%g\n", (double)lsb->phi, (double)lsb->theta));
479:   }
480:   PetscCall(MatView_LMVM(B, pv));
481:   if (lsb->scale_type == MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_DIAGONAL) PetscCall(MatView(lsb->D, pv));
482:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
483: }

485: PetscErrorCode MatSetFromOptions_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B, PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
486: {
487:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
488:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;

490:   PetscFunctionBegin;
491:   PetscCall(MatSetFromOptions_LMVM(B, PetscOptionsObject));
492:   PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionsObject, "Restricted/Symmetric Broyden method for approximating SPD Jacobian actions (MATLMVMSYMBRDN)");
493:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeReal("-mat_lmvm_phi", "(developer) convex ratio between BFGS and DFP components of the update", "", lsb->phi, &lsb->phi, NULL, 0.0, 1.0));
494:   PetscCall(MatSetFromOptions_LMVMSymBrdn_Private(B, PetscOptionsObject));
495:   PetscOptionsHeadEnd();
496:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
497: }

499: PetscErrorCode MatSetFromOptions_LMVMSymBrdn_Private(Mat B, PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
500: {
501:   Mat_LMVM                  *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
502:   Mat_SymBrdn               *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
503:   Mat_LMVM                  *dbase;
504:   Mat_DiagBrdn              *dctx;
505:   MatLMVMSymBroydenScaleType stype = lsb->scale_type;
506:   PetscBool                  flg;

508:   PetscFunctionBegin;
509:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-mat_lmvm_beta", "(developer) exponential factor in the diagonal J0 scaling", "", lsb->beta, &lsb->beta, NULL));
510:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeReal("-mat_lmvm_theta", "(developer) convex ratio between BFGS and DFP components of the diagonal J0 scaling", "", lsb->theta, &lsb->theta, NULL, 0.0, 1.0));
511:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeReal("-mat_lmvm_rho", "(developer) update limiter in the J0 scaling", "", lsb->rho, &lsb->rho, NULL, 0.0, 1.0));
512:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeReal("-mat_lmvm_alpha", "(developer) convex ratio in the J0 scaling", "", lsb->alpha, &lsb->alpha, NULL, 0.0, 1.0));
513:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-mat_lmvm_sigma_hist", "(developer) number of past updates to use in the default J0 scalar", "", lsb->sigma_hist, &lsb->sigma_hist, NULL, 1));
514:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsEnum("-mat_lmvm_scale_type", "(developer) scaling type applied to J0", "MatLMVMSymBrdnScaleType", MatLMVMSymBroydenScaleTypes, (PetscEnum)stype, (PetscEnum *)&stype, &flg));
515:   if (flg) PetscCall(MatLMVMSymBroydenSetScaleType(B, stype));
516:   if (lsb->scale_type == MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_DIAGONAL) {
517:     const char *prefix;

519:     PetscCall(MatGetOptionsPrefix(B, &prefix));
520:     PetscCall(MatSetOptionsPrefix(lsb->D, prefix));
521:     PetscCall(MatAppendOptionsPrefix(lsb->D, "J0_"));
522:     PetscCall(MatSetFromOptions(lsb->D));
523:     dbase            = (Mat_LMVM *)lsb->D->data;
524:     dctx             = (Mat_DiagBrdn *)dbase->ctx;
525:     dctx->delta_min  = lsb->delta_min;
526:     dctx->delta_max  = lsb->delta_max;
527:     dctx->theta      = lsb->theta;
528:     dctx->rho        = lsb->rho;
529:     dctx->alpha      = lsb->alpha;
530:     dctx->beta       = lsb->beta;
531:     dctx->sigma_hist = lsb->sigma_hist;
532:   }
533:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
534: }

536: PetscErrorCode MatCreate_LMVMSymBrdn(Mat B)
537: {
538:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm;
539:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb;

541:   PetscFunctionBegin;
542:   PetscCall(MatCreate_LMVM(B));
543:   PetscCall(PetscObjectChangeTypeName((PetscObject)B, MATLMVMSYMBROYDEN));
544:   PetscCall(MatSetOption(B, MAT_SPD, PETSC_TRUE));
545:   PetscCall(MatSetOption(B, MAT_SPD_ETERNAL, PETSC_TRUE));
546:   B->ops->view           = MatView_LMVMSymBrdn;
547:   B->ops->setfromoptions = MatSetFromOptions_LMVMSymBrdn;
548:   B->ops->setup          = MatSetUp_LMVMSymBrdn;
549:   B->ops->destroy        = MatDestroy_LMVMSymBrdn;

551:   lmvm                = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
552:   lmvm->square        = PETSC_TRUE;
553:   lmvm->ops->allocate = MatAllocate_LMVMSymBrdn;
554:   lmvm->ops->reset    = MatReset_LMVMSymBrdn;
555:   lmvm->ops->update   = MatUpdate_LMVMSymBrdn;
556:   lmvm->ops->mult     = MatMult_LMVMSymBrdn;
557:   lmvm->ops->solve    = MatSolve_LMVMSymBrdn;
558:   lmvm->ops->copy     = MatCopy_LMVMSymBrdn;

560:   PetscCall(PetscNew(&lsb));
561:   lmvm->ctx      = (void *)lsb;
562:   lsb->allocated = PETSC_FALSE;
563:   lsb->needP = lsb->needQ = PETSC_TRUE;
564:   lsb->phi                = 0.125;
565:   lsb->theta              = 0.125;
566:   lsb->alpha              = 1.0;
567:   lsb->rho                = 1.0;
568:   lsb->beta               = 0.5;
569:   lsb->sigma              = 1.0;
570:   lsb->delta              = 1.0;
571:   lsb->delta_min          = 1e-7;
572:   lsb->delta_max          = 100.0;
573:   lsb->sigma_hist         = 1;
574:   lsb->scale_type         = MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_DIAGONAL;
575:   lsb->watchdog           = 0;
576:   lsb->max_seq_rejects    = lmvm->m / 2;

578:   PetscCall(MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)B), &lsb->D));
579:   PetscCall(MatSetType(lsb->D, MATLMVMDIAGBROYDEN));
580:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
581: }

583: /*@
584:   MatLMVMSymBroydenSetDelta - Sets the starting value for the diagonal scaling vector computed
585:   in the SymBrdn approximations (also works for BFGS and DFP).

587:   Input Parameters:
588: + B     - `MATLMVM` matrix
589: - delta - initial value for diagonal scaling

591:   Level: intermediate

593: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `MATLMVMSYMBROYDEN`
594: @*/
595: PetscErrorCode MatLMVMSymBroydenSetDelta(Mat B, PetscScalar delta)
596: {
597:   Mat_LMVM *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
598:   PetscBool is_bfgs, is_dfp, is_symbrdn, is_symbadbrdn, is_dbfgs, is_ddfp, is_dqn;
599:   PetscReal del_min, del_max, del_buf;

601:   PetscFunctionBegin;
602:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)B, MATLMVMBFGS, &is_bfgs));
603:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)B, MATLMVMDBFGS, &is_dbfgs));
604:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)B, MATLMVMDDFP, &is_ddfp));
605:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)B, MATLMVMDQN, &is_dqn));
606:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)B, MATLMVMDFP, &is_dfp));
607:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)B, MATLMVMSYMBROYDEN, &is_symbrdn));
608:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)B, MATLMVMSYMBADBROYDEN, &is_symbadbrdn));

610:   if (is_bfgs || is_dfp || is_symbrdn || is_symbadbrdn) {
611:     Mat_SymBrdn *lsb = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;

613:     lsb     = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
614:     del_min = lsb->delta_min;
615:     del_max = lsb->delta_max;
616:   } else if (is_dbfgs || is_ddfp || is_dqn) {
617:     Mat_DQN      *lqn     = (Mat_DQN *)lmvm->ctx;
618:     Mat_LMVM     *dbase   = (Mat_LMVM *)lqn->diag_qn->data;
619:     Mat_DiagBrdn *diagctx = (Mat_DiagBrdn *)dbase->ctx;

621:     del_min = diagctx->delta_min;
622:     del_max = diagctx->delta_max;
623:   } else {
624:     SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)B), PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "diagonal scaling only available for SymBrdn-derived types (DBFGS, BFGS, DDFP, DFP, SymBrdn, SymBadBrdn");
625:   }

627:   del_buf = PetscAbsReal(PetscRealPart(delta));
628:   del_buf = PetscMin(del_buf, del_max);
629:   del_buf = PetscMax(del_buf, del_min);
630:   if (is_dbfgs || is_ddfp || is_dqn) {
631:     Mat_DQN      *lqn     = (Mat_DQN *)lmvm->ctx;
632:     Mat_LMVM     *dbase   = (Mat_LMVM *)lqn->diag_qn->data;
633:     Mat_DiagBrdn *diagctx = (Mat_DiagBrdn *)dbase->ctx;

635:     diagctx->delta = del_buf;
636:   } else {
637:     Mat_SymBrdn *lsb = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;

639:     lsb        = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
640:     lsb->delta = del_buf;
641:   }
642:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
643: }

645: /*@
646:   MatLMVMSymBroydenSetScaleType - Sets the scale type for symmetric Broyden-type updates.

648:   Input Parameters:
649: + B     - the `MATLMVM` matrix
650: - stype - scale type, see `MatLMVMSymBroydenScaleType`

652:   Options Database Key:
653: . -mat_lmvm_scale_type <none,scalar,diagonal> - set the scaling type

655:   Level: intermediate

657:   MatLMVMSymBrdnScaleTypes\:
658: +   `MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_NONE` - initial Hessian is the identity matrix
659: .   `MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_SCALAR` - use the Shanno scalar as the initial Hessian
660: -   `MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_DIAGONAL` - use a diagonalized BFGS update as the initial Hessian

662: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `MATLMVMSYMBROYDEN`, `MatCreateLMVMSymBroyden()`, `MatLMVMSymBroydenScaleType`
663: @*/
664: PetscErrorCode MatLMVMSymBroydenSetScaleType(Mat B, MatLMVMSymBroydenScaleType stype)
665: {
666:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
667:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;

669:   PetscFunctionBegin;
671:   lsb->scale_type = stype;
672:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
673: }

675: /*@
676:   MatCreateLMVMSymBroyden - Creates a limited-memory Symmetric Broyden-type matrix used
677:   for approximating Jacobians.

679:   Collective

681:   Input Parameters:
682: + comm - MPI communicator, set to `PETSC_COMM_SELF`
683: . n    - number of local rows for storage vectors
684: - N    - global size of the storage vectors

686:   Output Parameter:
687: . B - the matrix

689:   Options Database Keys:
690: + -mat_lmvm_phi        - (developer) convex ratio between BFGS and DFP components of the update
691: . -mat_lmvm_scale_type - (developer) type of scaling applied to J0 (none, scalar, diagonal)
692: . -mat_lmvm_theta      - (developer) convex ratio between BFGS and DFP components of the diagonal J0 scaling
693: . -mat_lmvm_rho        - (developer) update limiter for the J0 scaling
694: . -mat_lmvm_alpha      - (developer) coefficient factor for the quadratic subproblem in J0 scaling
695: . -mat_lmvm_beta       - (developer) exponential factor for the diagonal J0 scaling
696: - -mat_lmvm_sigma_hist - (developer) number of past updates to use in J0 scaling

698:   Level: intermediate

700:   Notes:
701:   It is recommended that one use the `MatCreate()`, `MatSetType()` and/or `MatSetFromOptions()`
702:   paradigm instead of this routine directly.

704:   L-SymBrdn is a convex combination of L-DFP and
705:   L-BFGS such that SymBrdn = (1 - phi)*BFGS + phi*DFP. The combination factor
706:   phi is restricted to the range [0, 1], where the L-SymBrdn matrix is guaranteed
707:   to be symmetric positive-definite.

709:   To use the L-SymBrdn matrix with other vector types, the matrix must be
710:   created using MatCreate() and MatSetType(), followed by `MatLMVMAllocate()`.
711:   This ensures that the internal storage and work vectors are duplicated from the
712:   correct type of vector.

714: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `MatCreate()`, `MATLMVM`, `MATLMVMSYMBROYDEN`, `MatCreateLMVMDFP()`, `MatCreateLMVMSR1()`,
715:           `MatCreateLMVMBFGS()`, `MatCreateLMVMBrdn()`, `MatCreateLMVMBadBrdn()`
716: @*/
717: PetscErrorCode MatCreateLMVMSymBroyden(MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt n, PetscInt N, Mat *B)
718: {
719:   PetscFunctionBegin;
720:   PetscCall(KSPInitializePackage());
721:   PetscCall(MatCreate(comm, B));
722:   PetscCall(MatSetSizes(*B, n, n, N, N));
723:   PetscCall(MatSetType(*B, MATLMVMSYMBROYDEN));
724:   PetscCall(MatSetUp(*B));
725:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
726: }

728: PetscErrorCode MatSymBrdnApplyJ0Fwd(Mat B, Vec X, Vec Z)
729: {
730:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
731:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;

733:   PetscFunctionBegin;
734:   if (lmvm->J0 || lmvm->user_pc || lmvm->user_ksp || lmvm->user_scale) {
735:     lsb->scale_type = MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_USER;
736:     PetscCall(MatLMVMApplyJ0Fwd(B, X, Z));
737:   } else {
738:     switch (lsb->scale_type) {
740:       PetscCall(VecAXPBY(Z, 1.0 / lsb->sigma, 0.0, X));
741:       break;
743:       PetscCall(MatMult(lsb->D, X, Z));
744:       break;
746:     default:
747:       PetscCall(VecCopy(X, Z));
748:       break;
749:     }
750:   }
751:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
752: }

754: PetscErrorCode MatSymBrdnApplyJ0Inv(Mat B, Vec F, Vec dX)
755: {
756:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
757:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;

759:   PetscFunctionBegin;
760:   if (lmvm->J0 || lmvm->user_pc || lmvm->user_ksp || lmvm->user_scale) {
761:     lsb->scale_type = MAT_LMVM_SYMBROYDEN_SCALE_USER;
762:     PetscCall(MatLMVMApplyJ0Inv(B, F, dX));
763:   } else {
764:     switch (lsb->scale_type) {
766:       PetscCall(VecAXPBY(dX, lsb->sigma, 0.0, F));
767:       break;
769:       PetscCall(MatSolve(lsb->D, F, dX));
770:       break;
772:     default:
773:       PetscCall(VecCopy(F, dX));
774:       break;
775:     }
776:   }
777:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
778: }

780: PetscErrorCode MatSymBrdnComputeJ0Scalar(Mat B)
781: {
782:   Mat_LMVM    *lmvm = (Mat_LMVM *)B->data;
783:   Mat_SymBrdn *lsb  = (Mat_SymBrdn *)lmvm->ctx;
784:   PetscInt     i, start;
785:   PetscReal    a, b, c, sig1, sig2, signew;

787:   PetscFunctionBegin;
788:   if (lsb->sigma_hist == 0) {
789:     signew = 1.0;
790:   } else {
791:     start  = PetscMax(0, lmvm->k - lsb->sigma_hist + 1);
792:     signew = 0.0;
793:     if (lsb->alpha == 1.0) {
794:       for (i = start; i <= lmvm->k; ++i) signew += lsb->yts[i] / lsb->yty[i];
795:     } else if (lsb->alpha == 0.5) {
796:       for (i = start; i <= lmvm->k; ++i) signew += lsb->sts[i] / lsb->yty[i];
797:       signew = PetscSqrtReal(signew);
798:     } else if (lsb->alpha == 0.0) {
799:       for (i = start; i <= lmvm->k; ++i) signew += lsb->sts[i] / lsb->yts[i];
800:     } else {
801:       /* compute coefficients of the quadratic */
802:       a = b = c = 0.0;
803:       for (i = start; i <= lmvm->k; ++i) {
804:         a += lsb->yty[i];
805:         b += lsb->yts[i];
806:         c += lsb->sts[i];
807:       }
808:       a *= lsb->alpha;
809:       b *= -(2.0 * lsb->alpha - 1.0);
810:       c *= lsb->alpha - 1.0;
811:       /* use quadratic formula to find roots */
812:       sig1 = (-b + PetscSqrtReal(b * b - 4.0 * a * c)) / (2.0 * a);
813:       sig2 = (-b - PetscSqrtReal(b * b - 4.0 * a * c)) / (2.0 * a);
814:       /* accept the positive root as the scalar */
815:       if (sig1 > 0.0) {
816:         signew = sig1;
817:       } else if (sig2 > 0.0) {
818:         signew = sig2;
819:       } else {
820:         SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)B), PETSC_ERR_CONV_FAILED, "Cannot find positive scalar");
821:       }
822:     }
823:   }
824:   lsb->sigma = lsb->rho * signew + (1.0 - lsb->rho) * lsb->sigma;
825:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
826: }