Actual source code: mlocalref.c

  1: #include <petsc/private/matimpl.h>

  3: typedef struct {
  4:   Mat       Top;
  5:   PetscBool rowisblock;
  6:   PetscBool colisblock;
  7:   PetscErrorCode (*SetValues)(Mat, PetscInt, const PetscInt[], PetscInt, const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], InsertMode);
  8:   PetscErrorCode (*SetValuesBlocked)(Mat, PetscInt, const PetscInt[], PetscInt, const PetscInt[], const PetscScalar[], InsertMode);
  9: } Mat_LocalRef;

 11: /* These need to be macros because they use sizeof */
 12: #define IndexSpaceGet(buf, nrow, ncol, irowm, icolm) \
 13:   do { \
 14:     if (nrow + ncol > (PetscInt)PETSC_STATIC_ARRAY_LENGTH(buf)) { \
 15:       PetscCall(PetscMalloc2(nrow, &irowm, ncol, &icolm)); \
 16:     } else { \
 17:       irowm = &buf[0]; \
 18:       icolm = &buf[nrow]; \
 19:     } \
 20:   } while (0)

 22: #define IndexSpaceRestore(buf, nrow, ncol, irowm, icolm) \
 23:   do { \
 24:     if (nrow + ncol > (PetscInt)PETSC_STATIC_ARRAY_LENGTH(buf)) PetscCall(PetscFree2(irowm, icolm)); \
 25:   } while (0)

 27: static void BlockIndicesExpand(PetscInt n, const PetscInt idx[], PetscInt bs, PetscInt idxm[])
 28: {
 29:   PetscInt i, j;
 30:   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 31:     for (j = 0; j < bs; j++) idxm[i * bs + j] = idx[i] * bs + j;
 32:   }
 33: }

 35: static PetscErrorCode MatSetValuesBlockedLocal_LocalRef_Block(Mat A, PetscInt nrow, const PetscInt irow[], PetscInt ncol, const PetscInt icol[], const PetscScalar y[], InsertMode addv)
 36: {
 37:   Mat_LocalRef *lr = (Mat_LocalRef *)A->data;
 38:   PetscInt      buf[4096], *irowm = NULL, *icolm; /* suppress maybe-uninitialized warning */

 40:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 41:   if (!nrow || !ncol) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 42:   IndexSpaceGet(buf, nrow, ncol, irowm, icolm);
 43:   PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(A->rmap->mapping, nrow, irow, irowm));
 44:   PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(A->cmap->mapping, ncol, icol, icolm));
 45:   PetscCall((*lr->SetValuesBlocked)(lr->Top, nrow, irowm, ncol, icolm, y, addv));
 46:   IndexSpaceRestore(buf, nrow, ncol, irowm, icolm);
 47:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 48: }

 50: static PetscErrorCode MatSetValuesBlockedLocal_LocalRef_Scalar(Mat A, PetscInt nrow, const PetscInt irow[], PetscInt ncol, const PetscInt icol[], const PetscScalar y[], InsertMode addv)
 51: {
 52:   Mat_LocalRef *lr = (Mat_LocalRef *)A->data;
 53:   PetscInt      rbs, cbs, buf[4096], *irowm, *icolm;

 55:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 56:   PetscCall(MatGetBlockSizes(A, &rbs, &cbs));
 57:   IndexSpaceGet(buf, nrow * rbs, ncol * cbs, irowm, icolm);
 58:   BlockIndicesExpand(nrow, irow, rbs, irowm);
 59:   BlockIndicesExpand(ncol, icol, cbs, icolm);
 60:   PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(A->rmap->mapping, nrow * rbs, irowm, irowm));
 61:   PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(A->cmap->mapping, ncol * cbs, icolm, icolm));
 62:   PetscCall((*lr->SetValues)(lr->Top, nrow * rbs, irowm, ncol * cbs, icolm, y, addv));
 63:   IndexSpaceRestore(buf, nrow * rbs, ncol * cbs, irowm, icolm);
 64:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 65: }

 67: static PetscErrorCode MatSetValuesLocal_LocalRef_Scalar(Mat A, PetscInt nrow, const PetscInt irow[], PetscInt ncol, const PetscInt icol[], const PetscScalar y[], InsertMode addv)
 68: {
 69:   Mat_LocalRef *lr = (Mat_LocalRef *)A->data;
 70:   PetscInt      buf[4096], *irowm, *icolm;

 72:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 73:   IndexSpaceGet(buf, nrow, ncol, irowm, icolm);
 74:   /* If the row IS defining this submatrix was an ISBLOCK, then the unblocked LGMapApply is the right one to use.  If
 75:    * instead it was (say) an ISSTRIDE with a block size > 1, then we need to use LGMapApplyBlock */
 76:   if (lr->rowisblock) {
 77:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(A->rmap->mapping, nrow, irow, irowm));
 78:   } else {
 79:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(A->rmap->mapping, nrow, irow, irowm));
 80:   }
 81:   /* As above, but for the column IS. */
 82:   if (lr->colisblock) {
 83:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(A->cmap->mapping, ncol, icol, icolm));
 84:   } else {
 85:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(A->cmap->mapping, ncol, icol, icolm));
 86:   }
 87:   PetscCall((*lr->SetValues)(lr->Top, nrow, irowm, ncol, icolm, y, addv));
 88:   IndexSpaceRestore(buf, nrow, ncol, irowm, icolm);
 89:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 90: }

 92: /* Compose an IS with an ISLocalToGlobalMapping to map from IS source indices to global indices */
 93: static PetscErrorCode ISL2GCompose(IS is, ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog, ISLocalToGlobalMapping *cltog)
 94: {
 95:   const PetscInt *idx;
 96:   PetscInt        m, *idxm;
 97:   PetscInt        bs;
 98:   PetscBool       isblock;

100:   PetscFunctionBegin;
103:   PetscAssertPointer(cltog, 3);
104:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)is, ISBLOCK, &isblock));
105:   if (isblock) {
106:     PetscInt lbs;

108:     PetscCall(ISGetBlockSize(is, &bs));
109:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockSize(ltog, &lbs));
110:     if (bs == lbs) {
111:       PetscCall(ISGetLocalSize(is, &m));
112:       m = m / bs;
113:       PetscCall(ISBlockGetIndices(is, &idx));
114:       PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(m, &idxm));
115:       PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(ltog, m, idx, idxm));
116:       PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is), bs, m, idxm, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, cltog));
117:       PetscCall(ISBlockRestoreIndices(is, &idx));
118:       PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
119:     }
120:   }
121:   PetscCall(ISGetLocalSize(is, &m));
122:   PetscCall(ISGetIndices(is, &idx));
123:   PetscCall(ISGetBlockSize(is, &bs));
124:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(m, &idxm));
125:   if (ltog) {
126:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(ltog, m, idx, idxm));
127:   } else {
128:     PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(idxm, idx, m));
129:   }
130:   PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is), bs, m, idxm, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, cltog));
131:   PetscCall(ISRestoreIndices(is, &idx));
132:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
133: }

135: static PetscErrorCode ISL2GComposeBlock(IS is, ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog, ISLocalToGlobalMapping *cltog)
136: {
137:   const PetscInt *idx;
138:   PetscInt        m, *idxm, bs;

140:   PetscFunctionBegin;
143:   PetscAssertPointer(cltog, 3);
144:   PetscCall(ISBlockGetLocalSize(is, &m));
145:   PetscCall(ISBlockGetIndices(is, &idx));
146:   PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockSize(ltog, &bs));
147:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(m, &idxm));
148:   if (ltog) {
149:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(ltog, m, idx, idxm));
150:   } else {
151:     PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(idxm, idx, m));
152:   }
153:   PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is), bs, m, idxm, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, cltog));
154:   PetscCall(ISBlockRestoreIndices(is, &idx));
155:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
156: }

158: static PetscErrorCode MatDestroy_LocalRef(Mat B)
159: {
160:   PetscFunctionBegin;
161:   PetscCall(PetscFree(B->data));
162:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
163: }

165: /*@
166:   MatCreateLocalRef - Gets a logical reference to a local submatrix, for use in assembly, that is to set values into the matrix

168:   Not Collective

170:   Input Parameters:
171: + A     - full matrix, generally parallel
172: . isrow - Local index set for the rows
173: - iscol - Local index set for the columns

175:   Output Parameter:
176: . newmat - new serial `Mat`

178:   Level: developer

180:   Notes:
181:   Most will use `MatGetLocalSubMatrix()` which returns a real matrix corresponding to the local
182:   block if it available, such as with matrix formats that store these blocks separately.

184:   The new matrix forwards `MatSetValuesLocal()` and `MatSetValuesBlockedLocal()` to the global system.
185:   In general, it does not define `MatMult()` or any other functions.  Local submatrices can be nested.

187: .seealso: [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MATSUBMATRIX`, `MatCreateSubMatrixVirtual()`, `MatSetValuesLocal()`, `MatSetValuesBlockedLocal()`, `MatGetLocalSubMatrix()`, `MatCreateSubMatrix()`
188: @*/
189: PetscErrorCode MatCreateLocalRef(Mat A, IS isrow, IS iscol, Mat *newmat)
190: {
191:   Mat_LocalRef *lr;
192:   Mat           B;
193:   PetscInt      m, n;
194:   PetscBool     islr;

196:   PetscFunctionBegin;
200:   PetscAssertPointer(newmat, 4);
201:   PetscCheck(A->rmap->mapping, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE, "Matrix must have local to global mapping provided before this call");
202:   *newmat = NULL;

204:   PetscCall(MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF, &B));
205:   PetscCall(ISGetLocalSize(isrow, &m));
206:   PetscCall(ISGetLocalSize(iscol, &n));
207:   PetscCall(MatSetSizes(B, m, n, m, n));
208:   PetscCall(PetscObjectChangeTypeName((PetscObject)B, MATLOCALREF));
209:   PetscCall(MatSetUp(B));

211:   B->ops->destroy = MatDestroy_LocalRef;

213:   PetscCall(PetscNew(&lr));
214:   B->data = (void *)lr;

216:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A, MATLOCALREF, &islr));
217:   if (islr) {
218:     Mat_LocalRef *alr = (Mat_LocalRef *)A->data;
219:     lr->Top           = alr->Top;
220:   } else {
221:     /* This does not increase the reference count because MatLocalRef is not allowed to live longer than its parent */
222:     lr->Top = A;
223:   }
224:   {
225:     ISLocalToGlobalMapping rltog, cltog;
226:     PetscInt               arbs, acbs, rbs, cbs;

228:     /* We will translate directly to global indices for the top level */
229:     lr->SetValues        = MatSetValues;
230:     lr->SetValuesBlocked = MatSetValuesBlocked;

232:     B->ops->setvalueslocal = MatSetValuesLocal_LocalRef_Scalar;

234:     PetscCall(ISL2GCompose(isrow, A->rmap->mapping, &rltog));
235:     if (isrow == iscol && A->rmap->mapping == A->cmap->mapping) {
236:       PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)rltog));
237:       cltog = rltog;
238:     } else {
239:       PetscCall(ISL2GCompose(iscol, A->cmap->mapping, &cltog));
240:     }
241:     /* Remember if the ISes we used to pull out the submatrix are of type ISBLOCK.  Will be used later in
242:      * MatSetValuesLocal_LocalRef_Scalar. */
243:     PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)isrow, ISBLOCK, &lr->rowisblock));
244:     PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)iscol, ISBLOCK, &lr->colisblock));
245:     PetscCall(MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping(B, rltog, cltog));
246:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(&rltog));
247:     PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(&cltog));

249:     PetscCall(MatGetBlockSizes(A, &arbs, &acbs));
250:     PetscCall(ISGetBlockSize(isrow, &rbs));
251:     PetscCall(ISGetBlockSize(iscol, &cbs));
252:     /* Always support block interface insertion on submatrix */
253:     PetscCall(PetscLayoutSetBlockSize(B->rmap, rbs));
254:     PetscCall(PetscLayoutSetBlockSize(B->cmap, cbs));
255:     if (arbs != rbs || acbs != cbs || (arbs == 1 && acbs == 1)) {
256:       /* Top-level matrix has different block size, so we have to call its scalar insertion interface */
257:       B->ops->setvaluesblockedlocal = MatSetValuesBlockedLocal_LocalRef_Scalar;
258:     } else {
259:       /* Block sizes match so we can forward values to the top level using the block interface */
260:       B->ops->setvaluesblockedlocal = MatSetValuesBlockedLocal_LocalRef_Block;

262:       PetscCall(ISL2GComposeBlock(isrow, A->rmap->mapping, &rltog));
263:       if (isrow == iscol && A->rmap->mapping == A->cmap->mapping) {
264:         PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)rltog));
265:         cltog = rltog;
266:       } else {
267:         PetscCall(ISL2GComposeBlock(iscol, A->cmap->mapping, &cltog));
268:       }
269:       PetscCall(MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping(B, rltog, cltog));
270:       PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(&rltog));
271:       PetscCall(ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(&cltog));
272:     }
273:   }
274:   *newmat = B;
275:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
276: }