Package petsc4py :: Module PETSc :: Class DMComposite
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Class DMComposite

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from DM: BoundaryType, PolytopeType, Type

Instance Methods [hide private]
a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__new__(S, ...)
addDM(self, DM dm, *args)
Add DM to composite
create(self, comm=None)
gather(self, Vec gvec, imode, lvecs)
Gather split local vectors into coupled global vector
getAccess(self, Vec gvec, locs=None)
Get access to specified parts of global vector.
Get tuple of sub-DMs contained in the DMComposite
Get number of sub-DMs contained in the DMComposite
Get number of sub-DMs contained in the DMComposite
scatter(self, Vec gvec, lvecs)
Scatter coupled global vector into split local vectors

Inherited from DM: adaptLabel, adaptMetric, addCoarsenHook, addField, appendOptionsPrefix, clearDS, clearFields, clearLabelStratum, clearLabelValue, clone, coarsen, coarsenHierarchy, convert, copyDS, copyDisc, copyFields, createDS, createDefaultSF, createFieldDecomposition, createGlobalVec, createGlobalVector, createInjection, createInterpolation, createLabel, createLocalVec, createLocalVector, createMassMatrix, createMat, createMatrix, createRestriction, createSectionSF, createSubDM, destroy, getAppCtx, getAuxiliaryVec, getBasicAdjacency, getBlockSize, getBoundingBox, getCoarsenLevel, getCoordinateDM, getCoordinateDim, getCoordinateSection, getCoordinates, getCoordinatesLocal, getDS, getDefaultGlobalSection, getDefaultSF, getDefaultSection, getDimension, getField, getFieldAdjacency, getGlobalSection, getGlobalVec, getLGMap, getLabel, getLabelIdIS, getLabelName, getLabelOutput, getLabelSize, getLabelValue, getLocalBoundingBox, getLocalVec, getMatrix, getNumFields, getNumLabels, getOptionsPrefix, getPointSF, getRefineLevel, getSection, getSectionSF, getStratumIS, getStratumSize, getType, globalToLocal, hasLabel, load, localToGlobal, localToLocal, localizeCoordinates, projectCoordinates, refine, refineHierarchy, removeLabel, restoreGlobalVec, restoreLocalVec, setAppCtx, setAuxiliaryVec, setBasicAdjacency, setCoordinateDim, setCoordinates, setCoordinatesLocal, setDefaultGlobalSection, setDefaultSF, setDefaultSection, setDimension, setField, setFieldAdjacency, setFromOptions, setGlobalSection, setKSPComputeOperators, setLabelOutput, setLabelValue, setMatType, setNumFields, setOptionsPrefix, setPointSF, setRefineLevel, setSNESFunction, setSNESJacobian, setSection, setSectionSF, setType, setUp, setVecType, view, viewFromOptions

Inherited from Object: __copy__, __deepcopy__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__, __nonzero__, compose, decRef, getAttr, getClassId, getClassName, getComm, getDict, getName, getRefCount, getTabLevel, incRef, incrementTabLevel, query, setAttr, setName, setTabLevel, stateGet, stateIncrease, stateSet

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from DM: appctx, ds

Inherited from Object: classid, comm, fortran, handle, klass, name, prefix, refcount, type

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__new__(S, ...)

Returns: a new object with type S, a subtype of T
Overrides: object.__new__

create(self, comm=None)

Overrides: DM.create

getAccess(self, Vec gvec, locs=None)


Get access to specified parts of global vector.

Use via 'with' context manager (PEP 343).