EQP 0.9 USERS' GUIDE William McCune Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory October 1997 (updated April 1999) 1. INTRODUCTION This document is a quick and dirty (and incomplete) guide to the use of EQP, a theorem prover for equational logic. EQP's important properties are: + It has associative-commutative (AC) unification and matching. + It has "basic paramodulation" and several other strategies. + It seems to work well on many theorems about lattice-like structures. + It proved the Robbins conjecture [5]. In many ways EQP is similar to Otter, including input format, functionality, and use. I hope that Otter users will find EQP easy to learn. EQP is not really meant for wide and general use, but it may be just the thing you need to solve your lattice problem. I expect that within a few years, Otter and EQP will be replaced (and subsumed) by a new program. See the EQP experiments paper [2] for an overview of EQP, including descriptions of the various strategies available in EQP. See the Otter manual [1] for for general information and details on EQP clause syntax. See the EQP web page [3] for further information on EQP. 2. COMPILING AND RUNNING EQP To compile EQP on a UNIX system, run "make eqp". For me, EQP (version 0.9c) compiles out-of-the-box on Linux 2.0.27 (gcc, FreeBSD 2.1.0 (gcc 2.6.3), AIX 4.2 (gcc, SunOS 4.1.4 (gcc 2.7.2), SunOS 5.5.1 (gcc I don't know if EQP has been compiled on Microsoft or Macintosh operating systems. To run EQP, put all of the input into a file, say problem.in, and run eqp09c < problem.in > problem.out 3. EQP INPUT Comments start with the first "%" on a line and continue to the end of the line. 3.1. Clauses EQP input clauses (which must be positive or negative equations with infix symbol "=" or "!=") have the same syntax as Otter 3.0.4 clauses, and I will not give the details here. See the Otter manual [1], available from the Otter Web page [4]. Or, see the example input files that accompany the source code. Here are a few things to note about clause syntax. + One can declare function symbols to be infix, with assumed associativity and precedence (in a similar way to to many Prolog systems). + Be careful about white space between a function symbol and an opening parenthesis. The rule is: if there is no white space, it is a function applied to arguments, e.g, "f(x,y)"; if there is whitespace, the opening parenthesis is the start of a new term, e.g., "x* (y*z)". The expression "x*(y*z)" is not a well formed term. In other places, white space is usually optional. I recommend including space around infix function symbols, e.g., "x * (y * z)". 3.2. The Rest of the Input File EQP's input is divided into two sections: commands, then lists of clauses. The commands section is terminated with "end_of_commands." 3.2.1. Commands set(). % Set a flag clear(). % Clear a flag assign(, ). % Assign a value to a parameter assoc_comm(). % Declare a symbol to be AC commutative(). % Declare a symbol to be commutative The preceding two commands apply to binary function symbols. lex(). % Order symbols lrpo_multiset_status(). % Give symbols multiset status The preceding two commands are used with the LRPO term ordering (which is activated with "set(lrpo)"). DO NOT USE LRPO WITH AC OR COMMUTATIVE SYMBOLS. Symbols in the list must have the correct number of arguments. op(, , ). The op() command is used to declare the symbol syntactic associativity and precedence of a symbol. This is for parsing and printing only. It is independent of the the assoc_comm() command. interpretation(, ). The preceding command is for use with semantic paramodulation. See interp.c. 3.2.2. Lists of Clauses Four list names are recognized: usable, sos, demodulators and passive. The use of the lists is the same as in Otter. A list of clauses looks like this: list(). end_of_list. 3.3. An Example Input File The following input file does not make much sense, but it is syntactically correct and uses all of the commands. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Start of input file set(para_pairs). clear(print_given). assign(pick_given_ratio, 4). op(400, xfy, *). op(500, xfx, #). assoc_comm(*). commutative(#). lex([a, b, c, d, e, g, h, f(_,_), _*_, _#_]). lrpo_multiset_status([f(_,_)]). end_of_commands. list(usable). a * b * c = d. e # (e # g) = h. end_of_list. list(sos). c = d. end_of_list. list(demodulators). r = s. end_of_list. list(passive). x # y != y # x. end_of_list. %%%%%%%%%%%%% End of input file 4. FLAGS AND PARAMETERS 4.1. Flags display_terms - default clear. If set, all output terms are printed in prefix form with full parenthesization (did I just create that word?!). check_arity - default set. If set, symbol overloading with multiple arities is not allowed. prolog_style_variables - default clear. If set, variables start with upper case. If clear, variables start with a member of [uvwxyz]. print_gen - default clear. If set, all generated clauses are printed to the output file. demod_history - default set. If set, demodulation steps are included in the justification of a clause. print_given - default set. If set, given clauses printed to the output file. print_pairs - default clear. If set, given pairs are printed to the output file. lrpo - default clear. If set, LRPO (lexicographic recursive path ordering is used to orient equations. DO NOT USE THIS IF YOUR INPUT CONTAINS AC of commutative symbols. para_pairs - default clear. If set, use the pair algorithm; that is, at each iteration of the main loop, select a PAIR of equations for application of paramodulation. If clear, use the given clause algorithm (as in Otter). print_forward_subsumed - default clear. If set, print a message when forward subsumption occurs. print_back_demod - default set. If set, print a message when back demodulation occurs. print_lists_at_end - default clear. If set, print all lists at the end of the search. no_demodulation - default clear. If set, do not add clauses to list(demodulators). However, if the user inputs clauses on list(demodulators), those clauses will always be used for demodulation. index_bt_demod - default set. This flag is relevant only if assoc_comm or commutative symbols have been declared; that is, only if backtrack unification/matching is in use. If set, demodulators are indexed. (If there are no assoc_comm or commutative symbols, demodulators are always indexed. index_ac_args - default set. This flag is relevant only if assoc_comm symbols have been declared. If set, a small amount of indexing is done on arguments of AC symbols. The indexing is done on number of arguments and number of nonvariable arguments. If clear, AC symbols are indexed as constants; that is, subterms are ignored. index_paramod - default set. IF ANY SYMBOLS ARE DECLARED assoc_comm OR commutative, THIS FLAG WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CLEARED, because FPA/Path indexing does not handle those properties. If set, use FPA/Path indexing for paramodulation. If clear, do not index for paramodulation. index_bd - default set. IF ANY SYMBOLS ARE DECLARED assoc_comm OR commutative, THIS FLAG WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CLEARED, because FPA/Path indexing does not handle those properties. If set, use FPA/Path indexing for back demodulation. If clear, do not index for back demodulation. index_bs - default set. IF ANY SYMBOLS ARE DECLARED assoc_comm OR commutative, THIS FLAG WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CLEARED, because FPA/Path indexing does not handle those properties. If set, use FPA/Path indexing for back subsumption. If clear, do not index for back subsumption. index_fs - default set. IF ANY SYMBOLS ARE DECLARED assoc_comm OR commutative, THIS FLAG WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CLEARED, because binding discrimination tree indexing does not handle those properties. If set, index for forward subsumption. If clear, do not index for forward subsumption. index_conflict - default set. IF ANY SYMBOLS ARE DECLARED assoc_comm OR commutative, THIS FLAG WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CLEARED, because FPA/Path indexing does not handle those properties. If set, use FPA/Path indexing for unit conflict. If clear, do not index for unit conflict. print_kept - default set. If set, inferred clauses that pass the retention tests are printed to the output file. print_new_demod - default set. If set, newly adjoined demodulators are printed to the output file. delay_back_demod - default clear. If set, back demodulate with a newly adjoined demodulator when (if) it is selected as a given clause rather than immediately when it is adjoined. WARNING: This flag has not been well tested and might not even be fully implemented. delay_new_demod - default clear. Not currently in use. demod_given - default clear. Not currently in use. back_demod_sos - default set. Not currently in use. ordered_paramod - default clear. This is relevant only if the flags index_paramod (e.g., there are no assoc_comm or commutative symbols) and lrpo are set. If set, paramodulation will not replace a term with an LRPO-larger term. ac_extend - default set. If set, extensions of AC-rooted equations are used for AC paramodulation. If clear, no extensions are used. functional_subsume - default clear. If set, apply functional subsumption, that is subsumption modulo functional substitution axioms. For example, a=b subsumes f(a)=f(b). basic_paramod - default clear. If set, apply the "basic" refinement of paramodulation. prime_paramod - default clear. If set, do not generate a paramodulant if any term in the substitution is reducible with the current set of demodulators. fpa_delete - default clear. If set, delete terms from the FPA/Path index when the containing clauses are disabled. One might think that we should always do so, but it can be a very expensive operation (because of naive implementation), and it does not hurt to leave them there. Recall that when a clause is no longer useful (back demodulated or back subsumed) it is disabled, but not actually deleted. 4.2. PARAMETERS max_mem - range [-1 .. INT_MAX], default 8000. This is the limit, in kilobytes, on dynamically allocated memory. A value of -1 means that there is no limit. max_weight - range [-INT_MAX .. INT_MAX], default INT_MAX. This is the weight limit for kept clauses. The weight is symbol count (the total number of constant, variable, function, and predicate symbols). There are weight lists as in Otter. max_given - range [0 .. INT_MAX], default INT_MAX. The search will stop after this many given clauses of given pairs. weight_function - range [0 .. INT_MAX], default 0. This is for orienting equality literals. There are currently two choices: 0 means to use symbol count (see Section 5), and 1 is a special-purpose polynomial ordering for ring problems (see the source code). It should not be difficult to add your own function by writing a little C code. max_proofs - range [1 .. INT_MAX], default 1. The search will stop after this many proofs have been found. report_given - range [1 .. INT_MAX], default INT_MAX. Statistics are sent to the output file at intervals of this many seconds. ac_superset_limit - range [-1 .. INT_MAX], default -1. This controls the "heuristic" super restriction on AC unifiers. -1 means no restriction, 0 means super-0, etc. See [2] for details. max_seconds - range [0 .. INT_MAX], default INT_MAX. The search will stop after this many seconds. pick_given_ratio - range [-1 .. INT_MAX], default -1. This is the shortest-first to breadth-first selection ratio. It applies to both the given clause algorithm (para_pairs clear) and the pair algorithm (para_pairs set). See [2] for details. fpa_depth - range [0 .. INT_MAX], default 8. This is the indexing depth for FPA/Path indexing. 0 means to index on the root symbol only. pair_index_size - range [1 .. 100], default 50. This is the size of the pair index. You probably won't need to change it (I never have). max_variables - range [0 .. INT_MAX], default INT_MAX. This is a limit on the number of (distinct) variables for kept clauses. That is, if the value is 2, then derived clauses with more than 2 variables will be deleted. 5. TERM ORDERING Term ordering is very important for many equational problems. In particular it is used to orient equations and to decide if equations should be rewrite rules (demodulators). When no symbols are declared to be assoc_comm (AC) or commutative (C), I recommend using the LRPO ordering (via set(lrpo)). (LRPO is okay with associativity and/or commutativity as axioms.) EQP's term ordering with symbols declared to be AC or C is quite weak. If symbols are declared to be AC or C, do not use LRPO. (There are LRPO orderings that work with AC and C symbols, but none are implemented in EQP.) The default term ordering (and the one I have used for almost all of my AC work so far) is simple: t1 > t2 if t1 has more symbols than t2 and no variable has more occurrences in t2 than in t1. This is clearly a simplification ordering, because each application of a demodulator t1=t2, with t1 > t2, reduces the number of symbols. However, this ordering is not very powerful and it will probably not be useful if you are looking for a complete set of reductions. (My view is that for theorem proving, it is not particularly important to try to make all equations into rewrite rules.) Also, this order cannot be used to expand terms with definitions. In order to prove some of the benchmark ring theory problems, I coded Stickel's polynomial ordering (see Stickel's 1984 CADE paper). which is activated with assign(weight_function, 1). One can easily add new polynomial orderings (or other kinds of orderings) by adding new C code to EQP. References 1. W. McCune, Otter 3.0 Reference Manual and Guide. Tech. Report ANL-94/6, Argonne National Laboratory, 1994. (Also available from http://www.mcs.anl.gov/AR/otter/.) 2. W. McCune, 33 Basic Test Problems: A Practical Evaluation of Some Paramodulation Strategies. Chapter 5 in "Automated Reasoning and its Applications: Essays in Honor of Larry Wos", ed. R. Veroff, MIT Press (1997). 3. W. McCune, EQP Web page, http://www.mcs.anl.gov/AR/eqp/. 4. W. McCune, Otter Web page, http://www.mcs.anl.gov/AR/otter/. 5. W. McCune, Solution of the Robbins Problem. To appear in Journal of Automated Reasoning, 1997.