



Organization of the CVS repository
(applies to 2.x generally, though some parts remain relevant to 3.x)

The code from cvs is organized into the following modules:

  1. AccessGrid
  2. ag-media
  3. pyOpenSSL (which should be built against the latest OpenSSL)
  4. pyGlobus
  5. WinGlobus
  6. ag-packaging (this is an alias to a sub-part of the AccessGrid module)
  7. ag-all (this alias includes 8 & 9)
  8. ag-globus (this alias includes 4 & 5)
  9. ag-build (this alias includes 1, 2, & 3)
  10. ag-dist-win (this alias includes 2, 3, 6 & 8)
  11. ag-dist-linux (this alias includes 2, 3, & 6)

Browsing the CVS repository

The Access Grid CVS archive is available via ViewCVS for browsing.

Getting the code from CVS


Unix - Anonymous CVS Access

To get a current copy of the Access Grid Toolkit source code using anonymous, read-only CVS access:

   setenv CVSROOT :pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/fl
   cvs login

For 2.x source, specify the r_2_3_final tag:
   cvs checkout -r r_2_3_final AccessGrid       
For 3.x source, don't specify a tag:
   cvs checkout AccessGrid

No password is required.

Note the following with respect to tags and branches in the Access Grid CVS repository:  
  • r_2_branch:  refers to the Access Grid 2.x branch; use of this tag will retrieve the latest AG2 code from the repository
  • r_2_3_final: incorrectly refers to the AG2 branch instead of the AG2.3 release code; this tag will eventually be moved to refer to the release code, but is being left for a short while to avoid inconveniencing anyone relying on it.  If you need access to the AG2.3 code, it would be best to retrieve it by date instead of tag (11 Sept 2004)
The following tags refer to their respective releases.
  • r_2_4_final
  • r_3_0_final


Windows - Anonymous CVS Access

The following instructions are intended for use with WinCVS 1.3.

To get a current copy of the Access Grid Toolkit source code using anonymous, read-only CVS access:

  1. Specify the CVS Repository in the WinCVS preferences dialog box.
    This is available from the Admin->Preferences Menu (Ctrl-F1).
    For the CVSROOT enter "[email protected]:/cvs/fl". For the Authentication setting choose "pserver".
  2. To check out a copy of the code, choose the Checkout module
    command from the Create menu. For the module name, enter
    "ag-all", "ag-build", "ag-globus", or "AccessGrid".

No password is required.

Running CVS Code

Note: If you are planning to set up a CVS checkout of the AG Toolkit, you should be familiar with the configuration of the toolkit. Since you will be setting the software up in an environment different from the standard packaged releases, the AG developers (and the larger AccessGrid community) will be significantly hindered in helping you find problems in your installation.

These instructions do not include how to build the media tools, or how to build a "package" that can be installed. Those instructions are found elsewhere. The result is that using the toolkit via these prescribed directions will not launch media tools on Linux.

Version 2.x


1. Install the 2.x release package
2. Check out the code from cvs with tag r_2_3_final, for example, to C:\software\AccessGrid (instructions are given above)
3. Set your python path to point to C:\software\AccessGrid

    set PYTHONPATH=C:\software\accessgrid

4. To test, cd to C:\software\AccessGrid\bin and run


1. Have Globus 2.4.3 installed, instructions for that are elsewhere.
(you only *need* the globus-data-management-client bundle)
2. Choose a destination directory, e.g. /sandbox/agtk, creating it if necessary.
3. Under /sandbox/agtk, make two directories: packages and inst
4. cd to packages and get the following packages:

SOAPpy (and wstools) from Source Forge CVS
fpconst latest package
pyOpenSSL from our CVS
pyGlobus from LBL CVS

5.install fpconst (e.g. into /sandbox/agtk/inst), then set your PYTHONPATH to /sandbox/agtk/inst/lib/python2.3/site-packages
6. install SOAPpy and pyOpenSSL into /sandbox/agtk/inst.
7. install pyGlobus
into /sandbox/agtk/inst, you'll need SWIG to do this.
7. cd to /sandbox/agtk and checkout the AGTk from cvs.
8. cd to AccessGrid and run 'python tools\ -a .'

Now each time you want to use the CVS installation you need to do two things.

1. set your PYTHONPATH to /sandbox/agtk/inst/lib/python2.3/site-packages, then
2. source either /sandbox/agtk/AccessGrid/ or env-init.csh

An example of this process is located on a separate page.

Current CVS Snapshot

Install the dependencies as specified below.  Note that some of the dependencies (common, bonjour, m2crypto) require SWIG version 1.3.24 in particular.

Python SSL Support
Get the python 2.3 distribution on (ActiveState does not include ssl support).

Win32 Extensions
Note that the package does not include the win32 extensions; these must be installed separately, and can be downloaded from here:

ZSI (cvs)

cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/pywebsvcs login

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/pywebsvcs co -P -r serialize-dom-scheme zsi

cd zsi/ZSI
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/pywebsvcs co -P wstools

In the zsi directory, run python install

Bajjer (0.2.4)
cd Bajjer-0.2.3
python install

Twisted (2.1)
See for download and installation instructions

Zope Interface (3.01+)
See for download and installation instructions

common (FuturesLab CVS)
CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/fl
module: common
cd common; make
cd examples/_common
python build
python install

Copy to site-packages directory

Apple Bonjour
Already installed on OSX; needed for Windows and Linux

Bonjour Python module
CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/fl
module: bonjour
cd bonjour
python build
python install

OpenSSL (0.9.7g, 0.9.8)

pyOpenSSL_AG (Futures Lab CVS)
CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/fl
module: pyOpenSSL
cd pyOpenSSL
python build
python install

m2crypto (subversion)
See for checkout and installation instructions

Checking out the AccessGrid toolkit

export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/fl

cvs login (hit enter if asked for a password)

cvs checkout AccessGrid

cvs checkout ag-media

Running CvsSetup script

cd AccessGrid/tools

python -a ..

Depending on shell, run env-init.x to setup your environment variables.

Running the toolkit

The Argonne team is currently not running a 3.0 server so you will have to run your own.  Currently, venue servers use the server for text chat.


For more information: [email protected]