Source code for darshan.experimental.aggregators.create_timeline

from import *

[docs]def configure_groups(): """ Prepare a dictionary to lookup high level group ordering. """ from collections import OrderedDict order = 0.0 group_config = OrderedDict() group_config['H5F'] = {} group_config['H5D'] = {} group_config['MPIIO'] = {} group_config['DXT_MPIIO'] = {} group_config['STDIO'] = {} group_config['POSIX'] = {} group_config['DXT_POSIX'] = {} group_config['LUSTRE'] = {} # apply order for k,v in group_config.items(): v['order'] = order order += 1.0 return group_config
[docs]def purge_empty_nestedGroups(groups): for k,v in groups.items(): if 'nestedGroups' in v: if len(v['nestedGroups']) == 0: v.pop('nestedGroups', None) v.pop('showNested', None)
[docs]def normalize_mod(mod, inverse=False): mapping = { 'MPI-IO': 'MPIIO' } inverse_mapping = { 'MPIIO': 'MPI-IO' } if inverse and mod in inverse_mapping: return inverse_mapping[mod] if mod in mapping: return mapping[mod] return mod
[docs]def update_parent_item(self, groups, items, parent_id, start=None, end=None): item = None if parent_id in items: item = items[parent_id] else: items[parent_id] = { 'id': parent_id, 'group': parent_id, 'content': '', 'start': start, 'end': end } item = items[parent_id] if start < item['start']: item['start'] = start if end > item['end']: item['end'] = end
[docs]def summarized_items(self, groups, items, mod, nmod, rec, rec_id, group_id, parent_group): if mod in ['LUSTRE']: # skip, nothing to summarize return item_id = f'{group_id}' start = float('inf') end = float('-inf') drec = {} drec['fcounters'] = dict(zip(self.counters[mod]['fcounters'], rec['fcounters'])) # find min/max for starttime and endtime ops = ['OPEN', 'CLOSE'] if mod not in ['H5F']: # add the following ops for all but H5F, ... ops += ['READ', 'WRITE'] for op in ops: item_id = f'{group_id}:{op}' cur_start = drec['fcounters'][f'{nmod}_F_{op}_START_TIMESTAMP'] cur_end = drec['fcounters'][f'{nmod}_F_{op}_END_TIMESTAMP'] if cur_start < start: start = cur_start if cur_end > end: end = cur_end # add item if item_id not in items: items[item_id] = { 'id': item_id, 'group': group_id, 'content': '', 'start': start, 'end': end } # order by first access if start < groups[group_id]['order']: groups[group_id]['order'] = start update_parent_item(self, groups, items, parent_group, start=start, end=end)
[docs]def compress_pathname(pathname): max_len = 42 if len(pathname) < max_len: return pathname elems = pathname.split('/') #if len(elems[-1]) < max_len: # return elems[-1] snip = '...' return pathname[0:int((max_len-len(snip))/2)] + snip + elems[-1][-int((max_len-len(snip))/2):]
[docs]def create_timeline(self, group_by='mod,file,rank', action='attach,overwrite', summary_name='timeline' ): """ Generate/update a timeline from records of the current report state. Args: group_by (str): By which factor to group entries (default: rank) Allowed Parameters: rank, filename """ report = self groups = {} items = {} group_config = configure_groups() #start_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(['metadata']['job']['start_time'] ) for mod in report.modules: nmod = normalize_mod(mod) group_id = nmod groups[group_id] = { 'id': group_id, 'content': f'{group_id}', 'order': group_config[nmod]['order'], 'nestedGroups': [], # to be filled later 'showNested': False } for mod in report.modules: if mod in ['DXT_POSIX', 'DXT_MPIIO']: continue nmod = normalize_mod(mod) parent_group = nmod for rec in report.records[mod]: rec_id = rec['id'] group_id = f'{nmod}:{rec_id}' # add group if group_id not in groups: groups[group_id] = { 'id': group_id, 'content': '<b>' + compress_pathname(report.name_records[rec['id']]) + '</b><br>' + f'{group_id}' + '', 'order': float('inf'), 'title': report.name_records[rec['id']], 'nestedGroups': [], # to be filled later 'showNested': False } groups[parent_group]['nestedGroups'].append(group_id) # add items #detailed_items(groups, items, mod, nmod, rec, rec_id, group_id, parent_group) summarized_items(self, groups, items, mod, nmod, rec, rec_id, group_id, parent_group) purge_empty_nestedGroups(groups) # flatten dictionaries to list timeline = { 'groups': [v for k,v in groups.items()], 'items': [v for k,v in items.items()] } # overwrite existing summary entry if action == "attach,overwrite": self.summary[summary_name] = timeline return timeline