Source code for darshan.tests.test_heatmap_handling

import pytest
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_allclose
import pandas as pd

import darshan
from darshan.experimental.plots import heatmap_handling
from darshan.log_utils import get_log_path

[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="function") def dict_list(): # mock data structure created to test `heatmap_handling.get_rd_wr_dfs()` # generates a list of python dictionaries which each contain dataframes # for read/write events # create a small data set to store in a dataframe n_data_points = 10 start_arr = np.linspace(0, 3, n_data_points) end_arr = start_arr + 0.5 len_arr = np.arange(1, n_data_points + 1) offset_arr = np.arange(n_data_points) + n_data_points # use the data above to create a base dataframe to use # for creating the dictionary list base_df = pd.DataFrame( data=np.column_stack((start_arr, end_arr, len_arr, offset_arr)), columns=["length", "start_time", "end_time", "offset"], ) # initialize an empty list for storing dictionaries (containing dataframes) dict_list = [] # only iterate 3 times to keep data structure simple for i in range(1, 4): # create a dictionary with a rank index, a read segment (dataframe) # and a write segment (dataframe) _dict = {} # assign the rank using the index _dict["rank"] = i # for the read segment, multiply the dataframe data by the index so # each segment has distinguishable values _dict["read_segments"] = i * base_df # do the same for the write segments, but only for the middle iteration if i == 2: # again, assign a modified dataframe for uniqueness _dict["write_segments"] = i * (base_df + 10) else: # assign an empty dataframe for first and last iterations _dict["write_segments"] = pd.DataFrame() dict_list.append(_dict) return dict_list
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="function") def dict_list_no_writes(): # Similar to `dict_list`, this fixture is targeted at creating a # dictionary list for `heatmap_handling.get_rd_wr_dfs()` such that # the returned `write_df` is an empty dataframe # create a small data set to store in a dataframe n_data_points = 10 start_arr = np.linspace(0, 3, n_data_points) end_arr = start_arr + 0.5 len_arr = np.arange(1, n_data_points + 1) offset_arr = np.arange(n_data_points) + n_data_points # use the data above to create a base dataframe to use # for creating the dictionary list base_df = pd.DataFrame( data=np.column_stack((start_arr, end_arr, len_arr, offset_arr)), columns=["length", "start_time", "end_time", "offset"], ) # initialize an empty list for storing dictionaries (containing dataframes) dict_list = [] # only iterate 3 times to keep data structure simple for i in range(1, 4): # create a dictionary with a rank index, a read segment (dataframe) # and a write segment (dataframe) _dict = {} # assign the rank using the index _dict["rank"] = i # for the read segment, multiply the dataframe data by the index so # each segment has distinguishable values _dict["read_segments"] = i * base_df # for the write segments assign an empty dataframe _dict["write_segments"] = pd.DataFrame() dict_list.append(_dict) return dict_list
[docs]def test_get_rd_wr_dfs(dict_list): # regression test for `heatmap_handling.get_rd_wr_dfs()` rd_wr_dfs = heatmap_handling.get_rd_wr_dfs(dict_list=dict_list) # retrieve read/write dataframes from the dictionary read_df = rd_wr_dfs["read"] write_df = rd_wr_dfs["write"] # check that we get the correct data shape after # combining the read/write dataframes assert read_df.shape == (30, 4) assert write_df.shape == (10, 4) # check that the correct column names are generated. We expect "offset" # to be missing and "rank" to be added df_keys = ["length", "start_time", "end_time", "rank"] assert list(read_df.columns) == df_keys assert list(write_df.columns) == df_keys # verify the correct rank values are displayed. Since a read segment was # generated for each iteration, there should be ranks 1-3, and since # a write segment was only generated for the middle iteration we should # only get 2 assert_array_equal(np.unique(read_df["rank"].values), [1, 2, 3]) assert_array_equal(np.unique(write_df["rank"].values), [2]) # since we ignore the original row indices in the individual dataframes # make sure we get the correct indices (0-29) and (0-9) for read and write, # respectively assert_array_equal(read_df.index, np.arange(30)) assert_array_equal(write_df.index, np.arange(10))
[docs]def test_get_rd_wr_dfs_no_write(dict_list_no_writes): # based on `test_get_rd_wr_dfs`, regression test for # `heatmap_handling.get_rd_wr_dfs()` to cover case # where there are no write events found rd_wr_dfs = heatmap_handling.get_rd_wr_dfs(dict_list=dict_list_no_writes) # retrieve read/write dataframes from the dictionary read_df = rd_wr_dfs["read"] write_df = rd_wr_dfs["write"] # since there are no write dataframes we should get an empty write dataframe assert write_df.empty # check that we get the correct data shape after # combining the read dataframes assert read_df.shape == (30, 4) # check that the correct column names are generated. We expect "offset" # to be missing and "rank" to be added df_keys = ["length", "start_time", "end_time", "rank"] assert list(read_df.columns) == df_keys # verify the correct rank values are displayed. Since a read segment was # generated for each iteration, there should be ranks 1-3 assert_array_equal(np.unique(read_df["rank"].values), [1, 2, 3]) # since we ignore the original row indices in the individual dataframes # make sure we get the correct indices (0-29) for read assert_array_equal(read_df.index, np.arange(30))
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( # all 3 test cases are based on the outputs for # `tests/input/sample-dxt-simple.darshan`, which only has write data "ops, expected_df_dict", [ ( # check the result using both operations ["read", "write"], { "read": pd.DataFrame(), "write": pd.DataFrame( columns=["length", "start_time", "end_time", "rank"], data=np.array( [ [40, 0.10337884305045009, 0.10338771319948137, 0], [4000, 0.10421665315516293, 0.10423145908862352, 0], ] ), ), }, ), ( # check the result for only the "read" operation, should be empty ["read"], {"read": pd.DataFrame()}, ), ( # the results for only checking the "write" data should be the same # as checking both operations ["write"], { "write": pd.DataFrame( columns=["length", "start_time", "end_time", "rank"], data=np.array( [ [40, 0.10337884305045009, 0.10338771319948137, 0], [4000, 0.10421665315516293, 0.10423145908862352, 0], ] ), ), }, ), ], ) def test_get_single_df_dict(expected_df_dict, ops): # regression test for `heatmap_handling.get_single_df_dict()` with darshan.DarshanReport(get_log_path("sample-dxt-simple.darshan")) as report: actual_df_dict = heatmap_handling.get_single_df_dict( report=report, mod="DXT_POSIX", ops=ops ) # make sure we get the same key(s) ("read", "write") assert actual_df_dict.keys() == expected_df_dict.keys() # also check that we only get the key(s) we requested assert list(actual_df_dict.keys()) == ops if "read" in ops: # for the read case, check that we get an empty dataframe assert actual_df_dict["read"].empty if "write" in ops: # check that we get the same column names assert_array_equal( actual_df_dict["write"].columns, expected_df_dict["write"].columns, ) # verify the returned values are the same assert_allclose( actual_df_dict["write"].values, expected_df_dict["write"].values, )
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "log_file, mod, ops, expected_agg_data", [ # all 3 test cases are based on the outputs for # `tests/input/sample-dxt-simple.darshan`, which only has write data ( "sample-dxt-simple.darshan", "DXT_POSIX", ["read", "write"], np.array( [ [40, 0.10337884305045009, 0.10338771319948137, 0], [4000, 0.10421665315516293, 0.10423145908862352, 0], ] ), ), # for "read" case input None since there is no data to compare ("sample-dxt-simple.darshan", "DXT_POSIX", ["read"], None), ("sample-dxt-simple.darshan", "DXT_MPIIO", ["read"], None), ( "sample-dxt-simple.darshan", "DXT_POSIX", ["write"], np.array( [ [40, 0.10337884305045009, 0.10338771319948137, 0], [4000, 0.10421665315516293, 0.10423145908862352, 0], ] ), ), ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", "DXT_MPIIO", ["write"], np.array( [ [262144, 0.029964923858642578, 0.033110857009887695, 0], [262144, 0.03313708305358887, 0.03374886512756348, 0], [262144, 0.03376293182373047, 0.03420686721801758, 0], [262144, 0.03422093391418457, 0.1820380687713623, 0], [40, 0.22188901901245117, 0.23144793510437012, 0], [96, 0.2314610481262207, 0.23147892951965332, 0], [96, 0.23216795921325684, 0.2321760654449463, 0], [262144, 0.0299680233001709, 0.03130483627319336, 1], [262144, 0.03133583068847656, 0.18091988563537598, 1], [262144, 0.1809389591217041, 0.18172383308410645, 1], [262144, 0.18174386024475098, 0.18261194229125977, 1], [544, 0.2218928337097168, 0.23146295547485352, 1], [120, 0.23146700859069824, 0.23148202896118164, 1], [262144, 0.0299680233001709, 0.03239917755126953, 2], [262144, 0.03243207931518555, 0.03294110298156738, 2], [262144, 0.03295707702636719, 0.1809689998626709, 2], [262144, 0.18098902702331543, 0.2218320369720459, 2], [272, 0.22189807891845703, 0.23153114318847656, 2], [262144, 0.029965877532958984, 0.031455039978027344, 3], [262144, 0.03148388862609863, 0.03171586990356445, 3], [262144, 0.03172898292541504, 0.03197503089904785, 3], [262144, 0.03198695182800293, 0.032212018966674805, 3], [328, 0.2218940258026123, 0.23151302337646484, 3], ] ) ) ], ) def test_get_aggregate_data(log_file, expected_agg_data, mod, ops): # regression test for `heatmap_handling.get_aggregate_data()` log_file = get_log_path(log_file) with darshan.DarshanReport(log_file) as report: if ops == ["read"]: expected_msg = ( "No data available for selected module\\(s\\) and operation\\(s\\)." ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=expected_msg): # expect an error because there are no read segments # in sample-dxt-simple.darshan actual_agg_data = heatmap_handling.get_aggregate_data( report=report, mod=mod, ops=ops ) else: actual_agg_data = heatmap_handling.get_aggregate_data( report=report, mod=mod, ops=ops ) # for other cases, make sure the value arrays are identically valued assert_allclose(actual_agg_data.values, expected_agg_data)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "filepath, xbins, ops, expected_hmap_data", [ # iterate over 3 different darshan logs, various bin counts, and # combinations of operations, checking the heatmap data array # output for each case. # For `sample-dxt-simple.darshan` the selected # operations are not changed because there is no "read" data ( "sample-dxt-simple.darshan", 1, ["read", "write"], np.array([[4040, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ,0]]).reshape(16, 1), ), ( "sample-dxt-simple.darshan", 4, ["read", "write"], np.vstack(( np.array([[0, 0, 0, 4040]]), np.zeros((15, 4)))), ), ( "sample-dxt-simple.darshan", 10, ["read", "write"], np.vstack(( np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4040]]), np.zeros((15, 10)))), ), # `dxt.darshan` is complex enough to warrant changing the # selected operations ("dxt.darshan", 1, ["read"], np.array([[22517726]])), ( "dxt.darshan", 4, ["read"], np.array([[10214363, 0, 8070137, 4233226]]), ), ( "dxt.darshan", 10, ["read"], np.array([[10214363, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8070137, 0, 0, 4233226]]), ), ("dxt.darshan", 1, ["write"], np.array([[13021781]])), ( "dxt.darshan", 4, ["write"], np.array([[4381, 0, 10915913, 2101487]]), ), ( "dxt.darshan", 10, ["write"], np.array([[4381, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10915913, 0, 0, 2101487]]), ), ( "dxt.darshan", 1, ["read", "write"], np.array([[35539507]]), ), ( "dxt.darshan", 4, ["read", "write"], np.array([[10218744, 0, 18986050, 6334713]]), ), ( "dxt.darshan", 10, ["read", "write"], np.array([[10218744, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18986050, 0, 0, 6334713]]), ), # `ior_hdf5_example.darshan` is the only log with multiple ranks (4), # so it also gets different operation combinations ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", 1, ["read"], np.array([[1051088], [1050472], [1050472], [1050472]]), ), ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", 10, ["read"], np.array( [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1051088, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 107988.68001937, 942483.31998063], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1050472, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1050472, 0], ] ), ), ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", 1, ["write"], np.array( [ [1048808], [1049240], [1048848], [1048904], ] ), ), ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", 10, ["write"], np.array( [ [ 0, 808091.3650729951, 41175.65189967951, 41175.6518996795, 41175.6518996795, 41175.65189967952, 41175.65189967947, 34606.37542860738, 0, 232, ], [ 0, 288603.1671221, 40689.00335231, 40689.00335231, 40689.00335231, 40689.00335231, 40689.00335231, 556527.81611634, 0, 664, ], [ 0, 548158.6819154, 41120.86590861, 41120.86590861, 41120.86590861, 41120.86590861, 41120.86590861, 63152.77796803, 149027.37037175, 82904.84020176, ], [0, 1048576, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 328], ] ), ), ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", 1, ["read", "write"], np.array( [ [2099896], [2099712], [2099320], [2099376], ] ), ), ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", 10, ["read", "write"], np.array( [ [ 0, 827385.0734944909, 50822.506110427385, 50822.50611042739, 50822.50611042739, 50822.50611042737, 17900.90206379957, 30.830417529761142, 1051289.1695824703, 0, ], [ 0, 307668.84624124144, 50221.842911882275, 50221.84291188228, 50221.84291188228, 50221.84291188226, 540019.7821112294, 418.49887595643366, 108234.18114341467, 942483.3199806289, ], [ 0, 567426.7192208751, 50754.88456134755, 50754.88456134756, 50754.88456134756, 50754.884561347535, 141846.72456250372, 136490.77078712088, 1050536.24718411, 0, ], [ 0, 1048576, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 251.0322619047617, 1050548.9677380952, 0, ], ] ), ), ], ) def test_get_heatmap_df( filepath, expected_hmap_data, xbins, ops, ): # regression test for `heatmap_handling.get_heatmap_df()` # generate the report and use it to obtain the aggregated data filepath = get_log_path(filepath) with darshan.DarshanReport(filepath) as report: agg_df = heatmap_handling.get_aggregate_data( report=report, mod="DXT_POSIX", ops=ops ) nprocs = report.metadata["job"]["nprocs"] # run the aggregated data through the heatmap data code actual_hmap_data = heatmap_handling.get_heatmap_df(agg_df=agg_df, xbins=xbins, nprocs=nprocs) if "sample-dxt-simple.darshan" in filepath: # check the data is conserved assert actual_hmap_data.values.sum() == 4040 # make sure the output array is the correct shape assert actual_hmap_data.shape == (16, xbins) # make sure the output data contains identical values assert_allclose(actual_hmap_data.values, expected_hmap_data) elif "dxt.darshan" in filepath: # make sure the output array is the correct shape assert actual_hmap_data.shape == (1, xbins) # make sure the output data contains identical values assert_allclose(actual_hmap_data.values, expected_hmap_data) # for each combination of operations, make sure the sum is correct if len(ops) == 2: assert actual_hmap_data.values.sum() == 35539507 elif ops[0] == "read": assert actual_hmap_data.values.sum() == 22517726 elif ops[0] == "write": assert actual_hmap_data.values.sum() == 13021781 elif "ior_hdf5_example.darshan" in filepath: # make sure the output array is the correct shape assert actual_hmap_data.shape == (4, xbins) # make sure the output data contains identical values assert_allclose(actual_hmap_data.values, expected_hmap_data) # for each combination of operations, make sure the sum is correct if len(ops) == 2: assert actual_hmap_data.values.sum() == 8398304 elif ops[0] == "read": assert actual_hmap_data.values.sum() == 4202504 elif ops[0] == "write": assert actual_hmap_data.values.sum() == 4195800