Source code for darshan.tests.test_plot_common_access_table

import pytest

import pandas as pd
from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal

import darshan
from darshan.experimental.plots import plot_common_access_table
from darshan.log_utils import get_log_path

[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename, mod, expected_df", [ ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", "POSIX", # values from the old report (Perl) code pd.DataFrame([[262144, 32], [512, 9], [544, 5], [328, 3]]), ), ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", "MPI-IO", # values from the old report (Perl) code pd.DataFrame([[262144, 32], [512, 9], [544, 5], [328, 3]]), ), ( "ior_hdf5_example.darshan", "H5D", pd.DataFrame([[262144, 24]]), ), ( "nonmpi_dxt_anonymized.darshan", "POSIX", # values from the old report (Perl) code pd.DataFrame([[1024, 7692], [32, 276], [100, 269], [92, 265]]), ), ( "imbalanced-io.darshan", "POSIX", # values from the old report (Perl) code pd.DataFrame([[1048576, 100968], [8162, 14664], [512, 1003], [328, 545]]), ), ( "imbalanced-io.darshan", "MPI-IO", # values from the old report (Perl) code pd.DataFrame([[241664, 71400], [294912, 18806], [483328, 4862], [512, 1003]]), ), ( # "ground truth" log where 10 ranks wrote 1 byte each "hdf5_diagonal_write_1_byte_dxt.darshan", "H5D", pd.DataFrame([[1, 10]]), ), ( # "ground truth" log where 10 ranks wrote `10 * (1 + rank)` bytes # each (e.g. 10 bytes for rank 0, 20 bytes for rank 1, etc.) "hdf5_diagonal_write_bytes_range_dxt.darshan", "H5D", pd.DataFrame( [[10, 1], [20, 1], [30, 1], [40, 1], [50, 1], [60, 1], [70, 1], [80, 1], [90, 1], [100, 1]], ), ), ( # "ground truth" log where 10 ranks wrote 1 byte each and # 5 of the ranks called the `flush` operation. Results # should be the same as `hdf5_diagonal_write_1_byte_dxt.darshan` "hdf5_diagonal_write_half_flush_dxt.darshan", "H5D", pd.DataFrame([[1, 10]]), ), ( # "ground truth" log where 5 ranks wrote 1 byte each "hdf5_diagonal_write_half_ranks_dxt.darshan", "H5D", pd.DataFrame([[1, 5]]), ), ], ) def test_common_access_table(filename, mod, expected_df): log_path = get_log_path(filename=filename) expected_df.columns = ["Access Size", "Count"] with darshan.DarshanReport(log_path) as report: # collect the number of rows from the expected dataframe n_rows = expected_df.shape[0] actual_df = plot_common_access_table.plot_common_access_table(report=report, mod=mod, n_rows=n_rows).df assert_frame_equal(actual_df, expected_df)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("func, input_df, expected_df", [ # based on `ior_hdf5_example.darshan` `H5D` module data ( plot_common_access_table.remove_nonzero_rows, pd.DataFrame([[262144, 8], [262144, 8], [262144, 8], [0, 0], [0, 0]]), pd.DataFrame([[262144, 8], [262144, 8], [262144, 8]]), ), # check that single zeros in either column remain ( plot_common_access_table.remove_nonzero_rows, pd.DataFrame([[262144, 8], [262144, 8], [262144, 8], [1, 0], [0, 1]]), pd.DataFrame([[262144, 8], [262144, 8], [262144, 8], [1, 0], [0, 1]]), ), # based on `ior_hdf5_example.darshan` `H5D` module data ( plot_common_access_table.combine_access_sizes, pd.DataFrame([[262144, 8], [262144, 8], [262144, 8]]), pd.DataFrame([[262144, 24]]), ), # synthetic case with multiple identical access sizes ( plot_common_access_table.combine_access_sizes, pd.DataFrame([[10, 1], [10, 2], [20, 1], [20, 2], [20, 3]]), pd.DataFrame([[10, 3], [20, 6]]), ), # based on `ior_hdf5_example.darshan` `POSIX` module data ( plot_common_access_table.get_most_common_access_sizes, pd.DataFrame([[544, 5], [512, 9], [262144, 32], [328, 3]]), pd.DataFrame([[262144, 32], [512, 9], [544, 5], [328, 3]]), ), # synthetic case with > 4 access sizes ( plot_common_access_table.get_most_common_access_sizes, pd.DataFrame([[1, 1], [2, 10], [3, 4], [4, 9], [5, 5], [6, 2], [7, 3]]), pd.DataFrame([[2, 10], [4, 9], [5, 5], [3, 4]]), ), # case where there are < 4 access sizes, based on # `ior_hdf5_example.darshan` `H5D` module data ( plot_common_access_table.get_most_common_access_sizes, pd.DataFrame([[262144, 24]]), pd.DataFrame([[262144, 24]]), ), ] ) def test_misc_funcs(func, input_df, expected_df): # tests functions that make slight modifications to dataframes input_df.columns = ["Access Size", "Count"] expected_df.columns = ["Access Size", "Count"] actual_df = func(df=input_df) assert_frame_equal(actual_df, expected_df)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_df, col_name, expected_df", [ # based on `ior_hdf5_example.darshan` `POSIX` module data ( pd.DataFrame( data=[[262144, 512, 544, 328]], columns=[ "POSIX_ACCESS1_ACCESS", "POSIX_ACCESS2_ACCESS", "POSIX_ACCESS3_ACCESS", "POSIX_ACCESS4_ACCESS", ], ), "Access Size", pd.DataFrame( data=[[262144], [512], [544], [328]], columns=["Access Size"], ), ), # based on `ior_hdf5_example.darshan` `POSIX` module data ( pd.DataFrame( data=[[32, 9, 5, 3]], columns=[ "POSIX_ACCESS1_COUNT", "POSIX_ACCESS2_COUNT", "POSIX_ACCESS3_COUNT", "POSIX_ACCESS4_COUNT", ], ), "Count", pd.DataFrame( data=[[32], [9], [5], [3]], columns=["Count"], ), ), # synthetic case to test multiple rows and columns ( pd.DataFrame( data=[[1, 4, 7, 10], [2, 5, 8, 11], [3, 6, 9, 12]], columns=["col1", "col2", "col3", "col4"], ), "TEST", pd.DataFrame( data=[[i] for i in range(1, 13)], columns=["TEST"], ), ), ] ) def test_collapse_access_cols(input_df, col_name, expected_df): actual_df = plot_common_access_table.collapse_access_cols(df=input_df, col_name=col_name) assert_frame_equal(actual_df, expected_df)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("mod_df, mod, expected_df", [ ( pd.DataFrame( data=[ [17, 178, 356, 890, 0, 35, 15, 1, 0], [17, 192, 13266432, 13284480, 96, 7688, 3, 2, 2], [17, 128, 8192, 16384, 0, 50, 15, 1, 0], ], columns=[ "POSIX_OPENS", "POSIX_ACCESS1_ACCESS", "POSIX_ACCESS2_ACCESS", "POSIX_ACCESS3_ACCESS", "POSIX_ACCESS4_ACCESS", "POSIX_ACCESS1_COUNT", "POSIX_ACCESS2_COUNT", "POSIX_ACCESS3_COUNT", "POSIX_ACCESS4_COUNT", ], ), "POSIX", pd.DataFrame( data=[ [178, 35], [192, 7688], [128, 50], [356, 15], [13266432, 3], [8192, 15], [890, 1], [13284480, 2], [16384, 1], [0, 0], [96, 2], [0, 0], ], columns=["Access Size", "Count"], ), ), ] ) def test_get_access_count_df(mod_df, mod, expected_df): actual_df = plot_common_access_table.get_access_count_df(mod_df=mod_df, mod=mod) assert_frame_equal(actual_df, expected_df)