Publications about or using FOAMAbbot, D. S. and R. T. Pierrehumbert, (2009) "Mudball: Surface Dust and Snowball Earth Deglaciation, J. Geo. Res., accepted Lee, S.Y., Poulsen, C. J., (2009) "Obliquity and precessional forcing of continental snow fall and melt: implications for orbital forcing of Pleistocene ice ages," Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, 2663-2674 Donnadieu, Y., Y. Goddéris and N. Boutte (2008) Exploring the climatic impact of the continental vegetation on the Mezosoic atmospheric CO2 and climate history", Climate of the Past, in review Goddéis, Y., Y. Donnadieu, M. Tombozafi and C. Dessert (2008)"Shield effect on continental weathering: implication for climatic evolution of the Earth at the geological timescale", Geoderma,145, 439-448. Kutzbach, J. E., Xiaodong Liu, Zhengyu Liu, Guangshan Chen (2008) "Simulation of the evolutionary response of global summer monsoons to orbital forcing over the past 280,000 years", Climate Dynamics, 30(6), 567-579. Le hir, G., Y. Donnadieu, Y. Goddéris, RT. Pierrehumbert, M. Macouin, GP. Halverson, A. Nédélec and G. Ramsten (2008) "The snowball Earth aftermath: exploring the limits of continental weathering processes", Earth And Planetary Science Letters, in review. Lee, S. Y. and C. J. Poulsen, (2008) "Amplification of obliquity forcing through mean annual and seasonal atmospheric feedbacks," Climates of the Past,4, 205-213. Notaro, M., Yi Wang, Z. Liu, R. Gallimore and S. Levis (2008) "Combined statistical and dynamical assessment of simulated vegetation-rainfall interactions in North Africa during the mid-Holocene," Global Change Biology, 14, 347-368, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01495.x. Notaro, M., and Z. Liu, (2008) "Joint statistical and dynamical assessment of simulated vegetation feedbacks on climate over the boreal forests." Climate Dynamics, 31, 691-712. Wang, Yi., M. Notaro, Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, S. Levis, and J. E. Kutzbach (2008) "Detecting vegetation precipitation feedbacks in mid-Holocene North Africa from two climate models," Climate of the Past, 4, 59-67. Yang, H., and L. Wang (2008) "Estimating the nonlinear response of tropical ocean to extratropical forcing in a coupled climate model." Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L15705, doi:10.1029/2008GL034256. Yang, H., and Q. Zhang (2008) "Anatomizing the Ocean Role in ENSO Changes under Global Warming". J. Climate, doi: 10.1175/2008JCLI2324.1. Yang, H., and F. Wang (2008) "Understanding the Ocean Temperature Change in Global warming: the Tropical Pacific." Tellus, in press. Liu, Z., Yi Wang and others (2007) "Simulating the transient evolution and abrupt change of Northern Africa atmosphere-ocean-terrestrial ecosystem in the Holocene," Quaternary Science Reviews, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.03.002. Liu, ZY, Y Liu, LX Wu, R Jacob, (March 2007) "Seasonal and long-term atmospheric responses to reemerging North Pacific ocean variability: A combined dynamical and statistical assessment," J. Climate, 20(6),:955-980. Notaro, M., and Z. Liu, (2007) "Potential impact of the Eurasian boreal forest on North Pacific climate variability," Journal of Climate, 20, 981-992. Notaro, M., S. Vavrus, and Z. Liu, (2007) "Global vegetation and climate change due to future increases in CO2 as projected by a fully coupled model with dynamic vegetation," Journal of Climate, 20, 70-90. Wu LX, He F, Liu ZY, et al.(2007) "Atmospheric teleconnections of tropical Atlantic variability: Interhemispheric, tropical-extratropical, and cross-basin interactions," Journal of Climate 20, 856-870. Wu, Lixin, Z. Liu, C. Li, and Y. Sun, (2007) "Extratropical control of recent tropical Pacific decadal climate variability: a relay teleconnection," Climate Dynamics, 28, 99-112. Wyrwoll, Karl-Heinz, Zhengyu Liu, Guangshan Chen, John E. Kutzbach, Xiaodong Liu (2007) "Sensitivity of the Australian summer monsoon to tilt and precession forcing", Quaternary Science Review, 26, 3043-3057 Yi Wang, M. Notaro, Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, S. Levis, and J. E. Kutzbach (2007) "Detecting vegetation precipitation feedbacks in mid-Holocne North Africa from two climate models," Climate of the Past Discussion, 3, 961-975. Donnadieu Y., Y. Godderis, R. Pierrehumbert, Dromart G., Fluteau F. and R. Jacob, (2006) "A GEOCLIM simulation of climatic and biogeochemical consequences of Pangea breakup," G-cubed, 7, Q11019, doi:10.1029/2006GC001278. Donnadieu Y., R. Pierrehumbert, R. Jacob and F. Fluteau, (2006) "Modelling the primary control of paleogeography on Cretaceous climate," Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 248, 426-437. He F., Z. Liu and L. Wu, (2006)"The role of oceanic circulation for the decadal variability of the NAO," US CLIVAR Multidecadal to Centennial Global Climate Variability Workshop. Nov 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii. Lee, S.-Y., and Poulsen, C.J., (2006) "Sea ice control of Plio-Pleistocene tropical Pacific climate evolution," Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 248, 238-247. Liu, Xiaodong, Z. Liu, J. Kutzbach, S. Clemens and W. Prell, (2006) "Hemispheric Insolation Forcing of the Indian Ocean and Asian Monsoon: Local versus Remote Impacts,"J. Clim., 19(23), 6195-6208. Liu, Z., M. Notaro, J. Kutzbach, and N. Liu, (2006) "Assessing global vegetation-climate feedbacks from observations," Journal of Climate, 19, 787-814. Liu, Z., Y. Wang, R. Gallimore, M. Notaro, and I. C. Prentice, (2006) "On the cause of abrupt vegetation collapse in North Africa during the Holocene: Climate variability versus vegetation feedback," Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L22709. Poulsen, C.J., and Huynh, T.T., (2006) "Paleoceanography of the Mesozoic Pacific: A perspective from climate model simulations," in Haggart, J.W., Enkin, R.J., and Monger, J.W.H., eds., Paleogeography of the North American Cordillera: Evidence For and Against Large-Scale Displacements: Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper, 46, p. 13-28. Vavrus S., M. Notaro and Z. Liu, (2006) "A mechanism for abrupt climate change associated with tropical Pacific SSTs," J. Clim., 19, 242-256. Caballero, R. and P. Langen (2005) "The dynamic range of poleward energy tranport in an atmospheric general circulation model." Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L02705, doi:10.1029/2004GL021581. Gallimore, R., J. E. Kutzbach, R. L. Jacob (2005) "Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Vegetation Simulations for Modern and Mid-Holocene Climates: Role of Extratropical Vegetation Cover Feedbacks", Climate Dynamics, 25, 755-756, doi: 10.1007/s00382-005-0054-z. Huynh, T. T., C. J. Poulsen, (2005) "Rising atmospheric CO2 as a possible trigger for the end-Triassic mass extinction", Paleogeography, 217, 233-242. Lee, S.-Y., and Poulsen, C.J., (2005) "Tropical Pacific climate response to obliquity forcing in the Pleistocene," Paleoceanography, 20, doi:10.1029/2005PA001161. Liu ZY, Vavrus S, He F, et al. (2005) "Rethinking tropical ocean response to global warming: The enhanced equatorial warming," Journal of Climate, 184684-4700. Liu, Z., S. Shin, R. Webb, W. Lewis and B. Otto-Bliesner, (2005) Atmospheric CO2 forcing on glacial thermohaline and climate. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L02706, doi:10.1029/2004GL021929. Notaro, M., Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, S. J. Vavrus, J. E. Kutzbach, I. C. Prentice, R. L. Jacob (2005) "Simulated and Observed Pre-Industrial to Modern Vegetation and Climate Changes", J. Climate, 18, 3650-3671. Wu LX, He F, Liu ZY(2005) "Coupled ocean-atmosphere response to north tropical Atlantic SST: Tropical Atlantic dipole and ENSO," Geophysical Research Letters, 32, Art. No. L21712. Wu, L., Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, M. Notaro, and R. Jacob (2005) "Modeling surgery: A new way toward understanding Earth climate variability" Journal of Ocean University of China, 10, 306-314. Wu L. and Z. Liu, (2005) "North Atlantic decadal variability: air-sea coupling, oceanic memory, and potential northern hemisphere resonance." J. Clim., 18, 331-349. Yang, H. and Z. Liu, (2005) "Tropical-Extratropical Climate Interaction as Revealed in Idealized Coupled Climate Model Experiments." Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-005-0021-8. Yang, H., H. Jiang, and B. Tan, (2005) "Asymmetric impact of the North and South Pacific on the Equator in a coupled climate model". Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(5), L05604, doi: 10.1029/2004GL021925. Yang, H., Q. Zhang, Y. Zhong, S. Vavrus, and Z. Liu, (2005) "How does Extratropical Warming Affect ENSO?" Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(1), L01702, doi: 10.1029/2004GL021624. Zhang, Q., H. Yang, Y. Zhong, and D. Wang, (2005) "An Idealized Study of the Impact of Extratropical Climate Change on ENSO." Climate Dynamics, 25(7-8), 869-880, doi: 10.1007/s00382-005-0062-z Zhao, Y., P. Braconnot, O. Marti, S.P. Harrison, C. Hewitt, A. Kitoh, Z. Liu, U. Mikolajewicz, B. Otto-Bliesner and S. L. Weber, (2005) "A multi-model analysis of ocean feedback on the African and Indian monsoon during the mid-Holocene." Clim. Dyn., 25(7-8), 261-279, doi: 10.1007/s00382-005-0075-7 Branconnot, P., S.P. Harrison, S. Joussaume, C.D. Hewitt, A. Kitoh, J.E. Kutzbach, Z. Liu, B. Otto-Bliesner, J. Syktus, and N. Weber, (2004) "Evaluation of PMIP Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Simulations of the Mid-Holocene." Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, v.6, Battarbee R.W., Gasse F., and Stickley C.E. (eds.). Springer-Verlag. Liu, Z., L. Wu (2004). "Atmospheric response to the North Pacific SST: The role of ocean-atmosphere coupling." J. Climate, 17, p 1859-1882. CCR #838 Liu, Z., S. P. Harrison, J. Kutzbach, B. Otto-Bliesner, (2004) "Global monsoons in the mid-Holocene and oceanic feedback", Clim. Dynamics, 22, p. 157-182. Liu, Z., Q. Zhang and L. Wu, (2004) "The remote impact on tropical Atlantic climate variability: the dynamic assessment and statistical assessment." J. Clim., 17, 1529-1549 Pierrehumbert, R. (2004). "High levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide necessary for the termination of global glaciation." Nature, 429, p. 646-649. Poulsen, C. J. and R. Jacob (2004). "Factors that inhibit snowball Earth simulation." Paleoceanography, 19, PA4021, doi:10.1029/2004PA001056. Wu, L., Q. Zhang, and Z. Liu, (2004) "Understanding the tropical Atlantic variability using coupled modeling surgery." In Earth Climate: The Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction, C. Wang, S.-P. Xie and J.A. Carton (eds.), AGU Geophysical Monograph, 147, 157-170. Harrison, S., J. Kutzbach, Z. Liu, et. al. (2003). "Mid-Holocene climates of the Americas: a dynamical response to changed seasonality". Climate Dynamics, v.20, p663-688. Liu, Z. and H. Yang, (2003) "Extratropical control on tropical climate: atmospheric bridge and oceanic tunnel". Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(5), 1230, 10.1029/2002GL016492 Liu, Z., E. Brady, J. Lynch-Stieglitz (2003). "Global ocean response to orbital forcing in the Holocene" Paleoceanography, v.18(2), 1041, doi:10.1029/2002PA000819. Liu, Z., B. Otto-Bliesner, J. Kutzbach, L. Li, C. Shields (2003). "Coupled Climate Simulation of the Evolution of Global Monsoons in the Holocene", Journal of Climate, 16(15), 2472-2490. CCR #775 Poulsen, C. (2003) "Absence of a runaway ice-albedo feedback in the Neoproterozoic", Geology, 31, p.473-476 Poulsen, C., A. Gendaszek, R. Jacob (2003). "Did the rifting of the Atlantic Ocean cause the Cretaceous thermal maximum?". Geology, v.31, p115-118. Wu, L, Z. Liu (2003). "Decadal Variability in the North Pacific: the Eastern North Pacific Mode." J. Climate, v.16, p 3111-3131. CCR #816 Wu, L., and Z. Liu, (2003) "On the dynamics of North Atlantic decadal variability", Clivar Exchange, No.28. Wu, L., Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, R. Jacob, D. Lee, Y Zhong (2003) "Pacific Decadal Variability: the Tropical Pacific mode and the North Pacific mode", Journal of Climate, 16(8), 1101-1120. CCR #774 Liu, Z., L. Wu, R. Gallimore, and R. Jacob (2002). "Search for the Origins of Pacific Decadal Climate Variability". Geophys Res. Lett., 29(11). Poulsen, C., R. L. Jacob, R. T. Pierrehumbert and T.T. Huynh (2002). "Testing paleogeographic controls on a Neoproterozoic snowball Earth." Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(10). Wu, L., Z. Liu (2002). "Is tropical Atlantic Variability driven by the North Atlantic Oscillation?". Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(13) 10.1029/2002GL014939 Wu, L., Q. Zhang, Z. Liu (2002) "Searching for the Role of ENSO in Tropical Atlantic Variability using a Coupled GCM". CLIVAR Exchanges, No. 25, Vol. 7 3/4. Delire, Christine ; Behling, Pat ; Coe, Michael ; Foley, Jonathan A ; Jacob, Robert ; Kutzbach, John ; Liu, Zhengyu ; Vavrus, Steve, (2001), "Simulated response of the atmosphere-ocean system to deforestation in the Indonesian Archipelago." Geophys. Res. Lett., 28(10) , p. 2081 Jacob, R., C. Schafer, I. Foster, M. Tobis, and J. Anderson, (2001), "Computational Design and Performance of the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model, Version One," Proc. 2001 International Conference on Computational Science, eds. V. N. Alexandrov, J. J. Dongarra, C. J. K. Tan, Springer-Verlag, pp. 175-184. Also ANL/CGC-005-0401, April 2001. Available as [pdf] or [ps.Z] Poulsen, Christopher J.; Pierrehumbert, Raymond T.; Jacob, Robert L. (2001) "Impact of ocean dynamics on the simulation of the Neoproterozoic "snowball earth"". Geophys. Res. Lett., 28(8) , p. 1575 Wu, Lixin, Zhengyu Liu, R. Gallimore (2001). "Pacific Interdecadal Variability in a Coupled Model". Dynamics of Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations and Climate, China Meteorological Press, pp. 486-507. CCR #805 Liu, Z., J. Kutzbach, and L. Wu, (2000): "Modeling Climate Shift of El Nino Variability in the Holocene." Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(15), 2265-2268. Liu, Z., R. Jacob, J. Kutzbach, S. Harrison and J. Anderson, (1999): "Monsoon impact on El Nino in the Early Holocene", PAGES Newsletter,7(2), 16-1 Jacob, R., 1997, "Low Frequency Variability in a Simulated Atmosphere Ocean System", Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Tobis, M., C. Schafer, I. Foster, R. Jacob and J. Anderson, (1997). "FOAM: Expanding the Horizons of Climate Modeling", Proceedings of SC97, San Diego, CA: ACM/IEEE. W. L. Hibbard, J. Anderson, I. Foster, B. E. Paul, R. Jacob, C. Schafer, M.K. Tyree, 1996: "Exploring coupled atmosphere-ocean models using Vis5D", Int. J. of Supercomputer App. and High Performance Computing, 10, 211. |