Questions and Bug Reports

The FPMPI e-mail,  [email protected],  is intended for users to
  • report bugs,
  • ask for clarification,
  • ask for help in tracking down bugs, and
  • request new features within FPMPI.

Please do not send maintenance requests to the individual FPMPI authors; all e-mail to [email protected] is automatically distributed to all of the FPMPI authors, so our response time using this address will be fastest.

Before sending a bug report, please consult the following:

to determine whether a fix or work-around to the problem already exists.

Guidelines for Bug Reports

The more information that you convey about a bug, the easier it will be for us to target the problem. We suggest providing the following information:

  • If the problem involves installation, send the entire log file from running make.
  • Machine type: (e.g., sun4)
  • OS Version: (run uname -a to get the version number)
  • MPI implementation: (e.g., MPICH, LAM, IBM, SGI)
  • Compiler: (e.g., Gnu C, Gnu g++, native C)
  • Problem description: Also, please cut and paste error messages from the compiler, program, etc.