Please join us for the next Mochi quarterly meeting on Thursday, January 26, 2023, at 10am CT. Mochi quarterly meetings are a great opportunity to learn about community activities, share best practices, get help with problems, and find out what’s new in Mochi.
Please suggest agenda items on the Mochi slack space or the [email protected] mailing list.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+1 630-556-7958,,254649841# United States, Big Rock
Phone Conference ID: 254 649 841#
We plan to discuss the following topics at this meeting:
- Call for lightning presentations:
- Do you have something that you would like to present at the Mochi quarterly meeting? We would love to hear about interesting services you have built using Mochi technology, performance results, challenges and obstacles, or all of the above! It may be short notice for this meeting, but please let us know if you would like to share a presentation this week or request a slot for a future meeting.
- Elasticity support in Margo (Matthieu Dorier):
- Recent changes to Margo have introduced programmatic APIs for changing Margo configuration on the fly (in particular for adding, removing, or modifying Argobots execution streams). This is intended for use as a building block for elastic data services.
- The complete API can be found at https://github.com/mochi-hpc/mochi-margo/blob/main/include/margo-config.h
- Call for feedback on Mochi tutorial topics
- The Mochi team is planning to introduce new tutorial material this year (venues TBA).
- Upcoming tutorials will focus on hands-on exercises that use containers and Mochi service templates to get up and running quickly.
- What suggestions do you have for us on what points we should cover as we develop this new material?
- Examples of previous Mochi tutorials can be found at https://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mochi/tutorials/