Please join us for the next Mochi quarterly meeting on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at 10am CT. Mochi quarterly meetings are a great opportunity to learn about community activities, share best practices, get help with problems, and find out what’s new in Mochi.
Please suggest agenda items on the Mochi slack space or the [email protected] mailing list.
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Mochi updates and agenda items
- Upcoming publications:
- Matthieu Dorier, Philip Carns, Robert Ross, Shane Snyder, Rob Latham, Amal Gueroudji, George Amvrosiadis, Chuck Cranor, Jerome Soumagne, “Extending the Mochi Methodology to Enable Dynamic HPC Data Services,” to appear at the 5th Workshop on Extreme-Scale Storage and Analysis (ESSA 2024) in May, 2024.
- Recent publications and presentations:
- P. Carns, M. Dorier, R. Latham, R. B. Ross, S. Snyder and J. Soumagne, “Mochi: A Case Study in Translational Computer Science for High-Performance Computing Data Management,” in Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 35-41, July-Aug. 2023, doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2023.3326436.
- Philip Carns. “Harnessing Programmable Devices in the Data Path with Composable Services”. Short presentation at the Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing workshop (JLESC16), April 17, 2024. PDF
- Philip Carns. “HPC Storage: Adapting to Change”. Keynote presentation at the 3rd Workshop on Re-envisioning Extreme-Scale I/O for Emerging Hybrid HPC Workloads (REX-IO), October 31, 2023. PDF
- Software updates:
- Mochi-abt-io 0.7.0 was released in February 2024. This package provides an Argobots-aware abstraction of of common POSIX I/O functions to enable efficient, highly-concurrent I/O in Mochi services. The 0.7.0 release features support for the high-performance liburing Linux I/O interface. Documentation on how to to use this feature is available on the Mochi readthedocs page.
- Mochi-flock 0.1.0 was released in April 2024. It is a new component meant to replace SSG for group membership in Mochi services. The initial release includes Bedrock integration and support for static groups.
- Mochi-margo 0.16.0 was released in April 2024. Margo is the core Mochi component that combines Mercury RPCs and Argobots lightweight threads into a coherent data service programming model. The 0.16.0 release features improve timer support with a particular emphasis on more robust handling of cancelled timers.
- Argobots 1.2 was released in March 2024. Argobots is the foundational user-level threading package used by Mochi. The 1.2 release features a large collection of bug fixes, performance enhancements, and new elasticity features. Mochi has relied on a stable 1.2 release candidate as the preferred version of Argobots prior to this release; most users should not notice any changes.