
Set the fields for a bare minimal Interval Record


int SLOG_Irec_SetMinRec(       SLOG_intvlrec_t  *intvlrec,
                         const SLOG_rectype_t    rectype,
                         const SLOG_intvltype_t  intvltype,
                         const SLOG_bebit_t      bebit_0,
                         const SLOG_bebit_t      bebit_1,
                         const SLOG_starttime_t  starttime,
                         const SLOG_duration_t   duration,
                         const SLOG_nodeID_t     orig_node_id,
                         const SLOG_cpuID_t      orig_cpu_id,
                         const SLOG_threadID_t   orig_thread_id,
                         const SLOG_iaddr_t      instr_addr,
                         ... )

Modified Input Variables

intvlrec - pointer to the internal interval record to be modified.

Unmodified Input Variables

rectype - interval record's record field which determines if the record is a FIXED record or VARIABLE record, this in turns will determine the number of association and the number of sets of MPI call arguments.
intvltype - interval record's interval type field.
bebit_0 - interval record's first bebit.
bebit_1 - interval record's second bebit.
starttime - interval record's start time.
duration - interval record's life time.
orig_node_id - interval record's origin node ID.
orig_cpu_id - interval record's origin cpu ID.
orig_thread_id - interval record's origin thread ID.
instr_addr - interval record's instr_addr integer pointer.
... - destination task labels for Message Record ( optional ) : dest_node_id - interval record's destination node ID. dest_cpu_id - interval record's destination cpu ID. dest_thread_id - interval record's destination thread ID.

Modified Output Variables

returned value - integer return status.

Usage Notes on this subroutine

The subroutine initializes an allocated internal interval record data structure. So the routine must be called before appending the record to the SLOG file. The rectype may be a Message Record type.

Include File Needed


Notes on SLOG return status code

There are 5 allowed SLOG returned status codes. They include SLOG_SUCCESS, SLOG_FAIL and SLOG_EOF. Their actual values are defined in slog.h

SLOG_SUCCESS is returned when no error is encountered.

SLOG_FAIL is returned when error is encounted.

SLOG_EOF is returned when End of file is encounted.

There are also SLOG_TRUE and SLOG_FALSE which are sued as boolean values, in particular they are used in boolean functions which are usually named as IsXXXXX(), AreXXXXX() and HasXXXXX().
