MeshKit  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "meshkit/iGeom.hpp"
00002 #include "meshkit/iMesh.hpp"
00003 #include "meshkit/iRel.hpp"
00004 #include "moab/Core.hpp"
00005 #include "MBiMesh.hpp"
00006 #include "moab/CN.hpp"
00007 #include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
00008 #include "meshkit/MKCore.hpp"
00009 #include "meshkit/NoOp.hpp"
00010 #include "meshkit/ModelEnt.hpp"
00011 #include "meshkit/SizingFunction.hpp"
00012 #include "lemon/bfs.h"
00013 #include "lemon/adaptors.h"
00014 #include "MeshOpSet.hpp"
00015 #include "meshkit/MeshOpProxy.hpp"
00016 #include "meshkit/VertexMesher.hpp"
00017 #if HAVE_FBIGEOM
00018 #include "meshkit/FBiGeom.hpp"
00019 // this is defined in moab library...
00020 extern void FBiGeom_newGeomFromMesh( iMesh_Instance mesh, iBase_EntitySetHandle set,
00021                           const char *options, FBiGeom_Instance *geom,
00022                           int *err, int options_len);
00023 #endif
00024 namespace MeshKit 
00025 {
00027 // Declare these here rather than in a common header because 
00028 // we don't want to introduce any API dependences on anything
00029 // outside of core/ beyond what is absolutely necessary (these
00030 // two functions).  And it is unlikely that the signature of 
00031 // these functions will ever change.
00032 int register_algs_mesh_ops();
00033 int register_extern_mesh_ops();
00035 // Call functions to register MeshOp classes.  These two variables
00036 // are checked in the MKCore constructor soley to ensure that they
00037 // are not optimized away.
00038 const int have_algs_mesh_ops = register_algs_mesh_ops();
00039 const int have_extern_mesh_ops = register_extern_mesh_ops();
00041 bool MeshOpProxy::can_mesh( ModelEnt* entity ) const
00042   { return true; }
00044 MKCore::MKCore(iGeom *igeom, moab::Interface *moab, iMesh *imesh, iRel *irel,
00045                bool construct_missing_ifaces) 
00046         : vertexMesher(NULL)
00047 {
00048     // This error should never happen.  The primary purpose of this
00049     // check is to use the variables such that they are not optimized
00050     // away, thus ensuring that registration actually happens.
00051   if (!have_algs_mesh_ops || !have_extern_mesh_ops)
00052     throw Error(MK_MESHOP_NOT_FOUND, "Registration of mesh opts did not happen.");
00054   if (igeom) {
00055     iGeomInstances.push_back(igeom);
00056     iCreatedIgeoms.push_back(false);
00057   }
00059   if (moab) {
00060     moabInstances.push_back(moab);
00061     iCreatedMoabs.push_back(false);
00062   }
00064   if (imesh) {
00065     iMeshInstances.push_back(imesh);
00066     iCreatedImeshs.push_back(false);
00067   }
00069   if (irel) {
00070     iRelInstances.push_back(irel);
00071     iCreatedIrels.push_back(false);
00072   }
00074     // leave initialization of root/leaf nodes to hear (and not in MKGraph), so that we have an MKCore
00075     // to pass to MeshOp's constructor
00076     // make the leaf/root nodes, link them with an edge; don't need to initialize map to MeshOp, since
00077     // by default that's NULL
00078   rootNode = new NoOp(this);
00079   leafNode = new NoOp(this);
00080   //mkGraph.addArc(rootNode->get_node(), leafNode->get_node());
00082   init(construct_missing_ifaces);
00084   for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
00085     defaultMeshOps[i] = 0;
00086 }
00088 MKCore::~MKCore() 
00089 {
00090     // delete the graphnodes here, since they point back to me and depend on me being still here
00091   clear_graph();
00093   // delete the model entities, otherwise they would leak memory
00094   delete_model_entities();
00096   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iRelInstances.size(); i++) 
00097     if (iCreatedIrels[i]) delete iRelInstances[i];
00099   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iGeomInstances.size(); i++) 
00100     if (iCreatedIgeoms[i]) delete iGeomInstances[i];
00102   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < moabInstances.size(); i++) 
00103     if (iCreatedMoabs[i]) delete moabInstances[i];
00105   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iMeshInstances.size(); i++) 
00106     if (iCreatedImeshs[i]) delete iMeshInstances[i];
00108   for (std::vector<SizingFunction*>::iterator vit = sizingFunctions.begin(); vit != sizingFunctions.end(); vit++)
00109     if (*vit) delete *vit;
00110   sizingFunctions.clear();
00111 }
00113 void MKCore::init(bool construct_missing_ifaces) 
00114 {
00115   iBase_ErrorType err;
00117   if (iGeomInstances.empty() && construct_missing_ifaces) {
00118     iGeomInstances.push_back(new iGeom());
00119     iCreatedIgeoms.push_back(true);
00120   }
00122   if (moabInstances.empty() && construct_missing_ifaces) {
00123     moabInstances.push_back(new moab::Core());
00124     iCreatedMoabs.push_back(true);
00125   }
00127   if (iMeshInstances.empty() && construct_missing_ifaces) {
00128     iMeshInstances.push_back(new iMesh((iMesh_Instance)new MBiMesh(moabInstances[0])));
00129     iCreatedImeshs.push_back(true);
00130   }
00132   if (iRelInstances.empty() && construct_missing_ifaces) {
00133     iRelInstances.push_back(new iRel());
00134     iCreatedIrels.push_back(true);
00135   }
00137   if (iRelPairs.empty() && !iRelInstances.empty() && !iGeomInstances.empty() && !iMeshInstances.empty()) {
00138     iRelPairs.resize(1);
00139     err = iRelInstances[0]->createPair(iGeomInstances[0]->instance(),
00140                                        iRel::ENTITY, iRel::IGEOM_IFACE,
00141                                        iRel::ACTIVE,
00142                                        iMeshInstances[0]->instance(),
00143                                        iRel::SET, iRel::IMESH_IFACE,
00144                                        iRel::ACTIVE,
00145                                        iRelPairs[0]);
00146     IBERRCHK(err, "Failure to create relation pair.");
00147       // don't need to keep track of whether I created the pair, since it'll be deleted anyway when
00148       // the iRel instance is deleted.
00150       // FIXME: need a better scheme for finding any existing relation pairs or inferring them from 
00151       // imported model(s)
00152   }
00154   if (groupSetPairs.empty() && !iRelInstances.empty() && !iGeomInstances.empty() && !iMeshInstances.empty()) {
00155     groupSetPairs.resize(1);
00156     err = iRelInstances[0]->createPair(iGeomInstances[0]->instance(),
00157                                        iRel::SET, iRel::IGEOM_IFACE,
00158                                        iRel::ACTIVE,
00159                                        iMeshInstances[0]->instance(),
00160                                        iRel::SET, iRel::IMESH_IFACE,
00161                                        iRel::ACTIVE,
00162                                        groupSetPairs[0]);
00163     IBERRCHK(err, "Failure to create relation pair.");
00164   }
00166   if (iGeomModelTags.empty()) {
00167     iGeomModelTags.resize(1);
00168     // change the name of ModelEntity pointer tag, for iGeom, to
00169     // differentiate from the tag with the same name in Moab
00170     // for mesh-based geometry, the model ent tag from moab will conflict
00171     //  with igeom tag !!! "__MKModelEntityGeo" != "__MKModelEntity"
00172     err = iGeomInstances[0]->createTag("__MKModelEntityGeo", sizeof(MeshKit::ModelEnt*), iBase_BYTES,
00173                                        iGeomModelTags[0]);
00174     IBERRCHK(err, "Failure to create MKModelEnt tag in iGeom.");
00175   }
00177   moab::ErrorCode rval;
00178   if (moabModelTags.empty()) {
00179     ModelEnt *null_me = NULL;
00180     moabModelTags.resize(1);
00181     //rval = moabInstances[0]->tag_create("__MKModelEntity", sizeof(MeshKit::ModelEnt*), moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE,
00182     //                                    moab::MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, moabModelTags[0], &null_me);
00183     rval = moabInstances[0]->tag_get_handle("__MKModelEntity", sizeof(MeshKit::ModelEnt*), moab::MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, 
00184                                             moabModelTags[0], moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE|moab::MB_TAG_CREAT, &null_me);
00185     if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval) 
00186       MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance());
00187   }
00189   if (moabGeomDimTags.empty()) {
00190       // moab geometry dimension tag
00191     moabGeomDimTags.resize(1);
00192     //rval = moabInstances[0]->tag_create(GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, sizeof(int), moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE,
00193     //                                    moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, moabGeomDimTags[0], 0, true);
00194     rval = moabInstances[0]->tag_get_handle(GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, moabGeomDimTags[0], 
00195                                             moab::MB_TAG_SPARSE|moab::MB_TAG_CREAT);
00196     if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval) 
00197       MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance());
00198   }
00200   // moab global id tag
00201   if (moabIDTags.empty()) {
00202     moabIDTags.resize(1);
00203     rval = moabInstances[0]->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, moabIDTags[0], 
00204                                             moab::MB_TAG_DENSE|moab::MB_TAG_CREAT);
00205     if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval) 
00206       MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance());
00207   }
00208 }
00210 unsigned int MKCore::add_igeom_instance(iGeom * igeom)
00211 {
00212   iBase_ErrorType err;
00213   iGeomInstances.push_back(igeom);
00214   unsigned int index = iGeomInstances.size()-1;
00215   iGeomModelTags.resize(index+1);
00216   // add the iGeomModelTag
00217   // it could exist already
00218   iGeom::TagHandle mkmodeltag;
00219   err = igeom->getTagHandle("__MKModelEntityGeo", mkmodeltag);
00220   if (iBase_SUCCESS == err)
00221   {
00222     iGeomModelTags[index]= mkmodeltag;
00223   }
00224   else
00225   {
00226     err = igeom->createTag("__MKModelEntityGeo", sizeof(MeshKit::ModelEnt*), iBase_BYTES,
00227                                              iGeomModelTags[index]);
00228     IBERRCHK(err, "Failure to create MKModelEnt tag in iGeom.");
00229   }
00232   return index;
00233 }
00235 void MKCore::populate_model_ents(int geom_index, 
00236                                  int mesh_index,
00237                                  int irel_index, bool only_geom)
00238 {
00239     // go through the geometry and mesh models (including geometry groups), and make sure they 
00240     // all have corresponding model entities; this 
00242   std::vector<iGeom::EntityHandle> ents;
00243   std::vector<ModelEnt*> new_ents;
00244   iBase_ErrorType err;
00245   ModelEnt *this_me;
00247   if (-1 != geom_index) {
00248     for (int dim = iBase_VERTEX; dim <= iBase_REGION; dim++) {
00249         // get geometry entities
00250       ents.clear();
00251       err = igeom_instance(geom_index)->getEntities(igeom_instance(geom_index)->getRootSet(), 
00252                                                     (iBase_EntityType)dim, ents);
00253       IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to get entities from iGeom.");
00255       for (std::vector<iGeom::EntityHandle>::iterator eit = ents.begin(); eit != ents.end(); eit++) {
00256           // get the modelent
00257         this_me = NULL;
00258         err = igeom_instance(geom_index)->getData(*eit, iGeomModelTags[geom_index], &this_me);
00259         if (NULL == this_me || iBase_TAG_NOT_FOUND == err) {
00260             // construct a new ModelEnt and set the geom ent to point to it
00261           this_me = new ModelEnt(this, *eit, geom_index, 0, mesh_index, irel_index);
00262           modelEnts[dim].push_back(this_me);
00264           //check whether there is the mesh related to this model entity
00265           if (irel_index != -1) {
00266             iMesh::EntitySetHandle msets;       
00267             err = irel_pair(irel_index)->getEntSetRelation(this_me->geom_handle(), 0, msets);
00268             IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to get imesh entity set from model entity.");
00269             int num = -1;
00270             err = imesh_instance(mesh_index)->getNumOfType(msets, (iBase_EntityType)dim, num);
00271             IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to get the mesh entities.");
00272             if (num > 0) {//there is the mesh related to this model entities
00273               this_me->set_meshed_state(COMPLETE_MESH);
00274             }
00275           }
00276         }
00277       }
00278     }
00280     std::vector<iGeom::EntitySetHandle> gsets;
00281     err = igeom_instance(geom_index)->getEntSets(igeom_instance(geom_index)->getRootSet(), -1, gsets);
00282     IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to get entity sets from iGeom.");
00283     for (std::vector<iGeom::EntitySetHandle>::iterator vit = gsets.begin();
00284          vit != gsets.end(); vit++) {
00285       this_me = NULL;
00286       err = igeom_instance(geom_index)->getEntSetData(*vit, iGeomModelTags[geom_index], &this_me);
00287       if (NULL == this_me || iBase_TAG_NOT_FOUND == err) {
00288           // construct a new ModelEnt and set the geom ent to point to it
00289         this_me = new ModelEnt(this, *vit, geom_index, 0, mesh_index, irel_index);
00290         modelEnts[4].push_back(this_me);
00291       }
00292     }
00293   }
00295   if (-1 != mesh_index && !only_geom) {
00296     moab::Tag dum_tag = moab_geom_dim_tag(mesh_index);
00297     moab::Range geom_sets;
00298     moab::ErrorCode rval = moab_instance(mesh_index)->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, &dum_tag, NULL, 1,
00299                                                                                    geom_sets);
00300     MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance(mesh_index));
00301     for (moab::Range::iterator rit = geom_sets.begin(); rit != geom_sets.end(); rit++) {
00302         // get the modelent
00303       this_me = NULL;
00304       rval = moab_instance(mesh_index)->tag_get_data(moabModelTags[mesh_index], &(*rit), 1, &this_me);
00305       if (NULL == this_me || MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND == rval) {
00306             // construct a new ModelEnt and set the geom ent to point to it
00307         this_me = new ModelEnt(this, (iGeom::EntityHandle)NULL, geom_index, *rit, mesh_index, irel_index);
00308         int dim = this_me->dimension();
00309         modelEnts[dim].push_back(this_me);
00310       }
00311     }
00312   }
00313   // if there are no model ents after parsing through geometry entities or mesh sets, create at least one
00314   // model entity, with the existing mesh inside, and with a dimension decided upon the highest degree
00315   // this is useful for loading a mesh for qslim, if there are no sets available to start with
00316   if (-1 != mesh_index) {
00317   // first test if there are no ments so far
00318     int nments = 0;
00319     for (int k=0; k<5; k++)
00320     {
00321       nments += modelEnts[k].size();
00322     }
00323     if (nments > 0)
00324       return; // do not force creation of a model ent, we have at least one and we should be fine
00325     // put all ents we have so far in one set
00326     // we know that none of the sets we have so far is a geo set (we would have gotten at least
00327     // one model ent)
00328     // so, get all sets first
00329     moab::ErrorCode rval;
00330     for (int dimension=3; dimension >=1; dimension--)
00331     {
00332       moab::Range ents;
00333       rval = moab_instance(mesh_index)->get_entities_by_dimension(0, dimension, ents);
00334       MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance(mesh_index));
00335       if (ents.empty())
00336         continue;
00337       // put all ents in one moab set, and create one ModelEnt with it, of given dimension
00338       moab::EntityHandle newSet;
00339       rval = moab_instance(mesh_index)->create_meshset(moab::MESHSET_SET, newSet);
00340       MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance(mesh_index));
00341       rval = moab_instance(mesh_index)->add_entities(newSet, ents);
00342       MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance(mesh_index));
00343       // also, set the geom dimension
00344       rval = moab_instance(mesh_index)->tag_set_data(moab_geom_dim_tag(mesh_index), &newSet, 1, &dimension);
00345       MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance(mesh_index));
00346       this_me = new ModelEnt(this, (iGeom::EntityHandle)NULL, geom_index, newSet, mesh_index, irel_index);
00347       modelEnts[dimension].push_back(this_me);
00348       return;// get out if we created one model ent
00349     }
00350   }
00351 }
00353 void MKCore::load_geometry_mesh(const char *geom_filename, 
00354                                 const char *mesh_filename, 
00355                                 const char *geom_options,
00356                                 const char *mesh_options,
00357                                 int geom_index, 
00358                                 int mesh_index, 
00359                                 int irel_index, 
00360                                 bool relate_too,
00361                                 bool populate_too) 
00362 {
00363   if (geom_filename) {
00364     iBase_ErrorType err = igeom_instance(geom_index)->load(geom_filename, geom_options);
00365     IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to load geometry model.");
00366   }
00368   if (mesh_filename) {
00369     moab::ErrorCode rval = moabInstances[mesh_index]->load_file(mesh_filename, NULL, mesh_options);
00370     MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance());
00371   }
00373   if (relate_too) {
00374     assert(irel_pair(irel_index));
00375     iRel::Error err = irel_pair(irel_index)->inferAllRelations();
00376     IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to infer relations.");
00377   }
00379   if (populate_too) {
00380     populate_model_ents(geom_index, mesh_index, irel_index);
00381   }
00382 }
00384 void MKCore::load_geometry(const char *filename, const char *options, int geom_index, 
00385                            int mesh_index, int irel_index, bool relate_too, bool populate_too) 
00386 {
00387   iBase_ErrorType err = igeom_instance(geom_index)->load(filename, options);
00388   IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to load geometry model.");
00390   if (relate_too) {
00391     assert(irel_pair(irel_index));
00392     iRel::Error err = irel_pair(irel_index)->inferAllRelations();
00393     IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to infer relations.");
00394   }
00396   if (populate_too) populate_model_ents(geom_index, mesh_index, irel_index, true);// only geometry
00397 }
00399 void MKCore::load_mesh(const char *filename, const char *options, 
00400                        int geom_index, int mesh_index, int irel_index, 
00401                        bool relate_too, bool populate_too) 
00402 {
00403   moab::ErrorCode rval = moabInstances[mesh_index]->load_file(filename, NULL, options);
00404   MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance(mesh_index));
00406   if (relate_too) {
00407     assert(irel_pair(irel_index));
00408     iRel::Error err = irel_pair(irel_index)->inferAllRelations();
00409     IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to infer relations.");
00410   }
00412   if (populate_too) populate_model_ents(geom_index, mesh_index, irel_index);
00413 }
00415 void MKCore::save_geometry(const char *filename, const char *options, int geom_index) 
00416 {
00417   iBase_ErrorType err = igeom_instance(geom_index)->save(filename, options);
00418   IBERRCHK(err, "Failed to save geometry model.");
00419 }
00421 void MKCore::save_mesh(const char *filename, const char *options, int index)
00422 {
00423   moab::ErrorCode rval = moab_instance(index)->write_file(filename, NULL, options);
00424   MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance(index));
00425 }
00427 void MKCore::save_mesh_from_model_ents(const char *filename,
00428     MEntVector & ments, const char *options, int index)
00429 {
00430   // first, extract moab ent sets from the ments vector
00431   moab::Range output_sets;
00432   for (unsigned int i=0; i<ments.size(); i++)
00433   {
00434     moab::EntityHandle mset;
00435     if ((mset = ments[i]->mesh_handle()))
00436       output_sets.insert(mset);
00437   }
00438   moab::ErrorCode rval = moab_instance(index)->write_file(
00439       filename, NULL, options, output_sets);
00440   MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance(index));
00441 }
00443 void MKCore::get_entities_by_dimension(int dim, MEntVector &model_ents,
00444     int igindx)
00445 {
00446   int start = dim, end = dim;
00447   if (iBase_ALL_TYPES == dim) {
00448     start = 0;
00449     end = iBase_REGION;
00450   }
00451   for (dim = start; dim <= end; dim++)
00452   {
00453     if (igindx < 0)
00454     {
00456         std::copy(modelEnts[dim].begin(), modelEnts[dim].end(), std::back_inserter(model_ents));
00457     }
00458     else
00459     {
00460       // retrieve only the model ents with the desired igeom index
00461       for (unsigned int i=0; i<modelEnts[dim].size(); i++)
00462       {
00463         ModelEnt * ment = modelEnts[dim][i];
00464         if (ment->iGeomIndex() == igindx)
00465         {
00466           model_ents.push_back(ment);
00467         }
00468       }
00469     }
00470   }
00471 }
00473 void MKCore::get_entities_by_handle(MEntVector &model_ents) 
00474 {
00475   get_entities_by_dimension(iBase_ALL_TYPES, model_ents);
00476 }
00478 int MKCore::add_sizing_function(SizingFunction *sf) 
00479 {
00480   sizingFunctions.push_back(sf);
00481   return sizingFunctions.size()-1;
00482 }
00484 void MKCore::remove_sizing_function(int index, bool delete_too) 
00485 {
00486   if (index >= (int)sizingFunctions.size() || !sizingFunctions[index]) 
00487     throw Error(MK_BAD_INPUT, "No sizing function with that index.");
00489   if (delete_too) delete sizingFunctions[index];
00491   sizingFunctions[index] = NULL;
00492 }
00494 SizingFunction *MKCore::sizing_function(double size, bool create_if_missing) 
00495 {
00496   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizingFunctions.size(); i++)
00497     if (sizingFunctions[i]->size() == size) return sizingFunctions[i];
00499     // if we got here, either create one or return NULL
00500   if (!create_if_missing) return NULL;
00502   return new SizingFunction(this, -1, size);
00503 }
00505 void MKCore::register_meshop(MeshOpProxy* proxy) 
00506 {
00507   MeshOpSet::instance().register_mesh_op(proxy);
00508 }
00510 MeshOpProxy* MKCore::meshop_proxy(const char *op_name) 
00511 {
00512   return MeshOpSet::instance().mesh_op(op_name);
00513 }
00515 MeshOpProxy* MKCore::meshop_proxy(unsigned index) 
00516 {
00517   return MeshOpSet::instance().mesh_op(index);
00518 }
00520 unsigned MKCore::num_meshops()
00521 {
00522   return MeshOpSet::instance().mesh_ops().size();
00523 }
00525 unsigned int MKCore::meshop_index(const char *op_name) 
00526 {
00527   return MeshOpSet::instance().index(op_name);
00528 }
00530 void MKCore::set_default_meshop(const char *op_name, unsigned short dims) 
00531 {
00532   set_default_meshop( meshop_proxy( op_name ), dims );
00533 }
00535 void MKCore::set_default_meshop(unsigned index, unsigned short dims) 
00536 {
00537   set_default_meshop( meshop_proxy( index ), dims );
00538 }
00540 MeshOpProxy* MKCore::get_default_meshop( unsigned dimension )
00541 {
00542     // If default hasn't been explicity set, set it to the first
00543     // available algorithm
00544   if (!defaultMeshOps[dimension]) {
00545     const MeshOpSet::OpList& list = MeshOpSet::instance().mesh_ops( dimension );
00546     if (list.empty()) 
00547       throw Error(MK_NOT_FOUND, "No MeshOp available for dimension %u", dimension);
00548     defaultMeshOps[dimension] = list.front();
00549   }
00551   return defaultMeshOps[dimension];
00552 }
00554 void MKCore::set_default_meshop(MeshOpProxy* mesh_op, unsigned short dims) 
00555 {
00556     // check the specified dimension(s) against the types the meshop can mesh
00557   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
00558     if ((dims & (1u << i)) && !mesh_op->can_mesh(iBase_EntityType(i)))
00559       throw Error(MK_BAD_INPUT, "Specified MeshOp type cannot generate elements of specified dimension.");
00561     // set as default for specified dimensions
00562   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
00563     if (dims & (1u << i))
00564       defaultMeshOps[i] = mesh_op;
00565 }
00567 void MKCore::meshop_by_mesh_type(moab::EntityType tp, std::vector<MeshOpProxy*> &ops) 
00568 {
00569   unsigned dim = moab::CN::Dimension(tp);
00570   const MeshOpSet::OpList& listOps = MeshOpSet::instance().mesh_ops( dim );
00571   for (MeshOpSet::iterator i = listOps.begin(); i != listOps.end(); ++i) {
00572     const moab::EntityType* listTypes = (*i)->output_types();
00573     for (int j = 0; listTypes[j] != moab::MBMAXTYPE; ++j) {
00574       if (listTypes[j] == tp) {
00575         ops.push_back(*i);
00576         break;
00577       }
00578     }
00579   }
00580 }
00582 void MKCore::meshop_by_dimension(int dim, std::vector<MeshOpProxy*> &ops) 
00583 {
00584   const MeshOpSet::OpList& list = MeshOpSet::instance().mesh_ops( dim );
00585   std::copy( list.begin(), list.end(), std::back_inserter(ops) );
00586 }
00588 void MKCore::meshop_by_modelent(ModelEnt * const ent, std::vector<MeshOpProxy*> &ops) 
00589 {
00590   const MeshOpSet::OpList& list = MeshOpSet::instance().mesh_ops( ent->dimension() );
00591   for (MeshOpSet::iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i) 
00592     if ((*i)->can_mesh(ent))
00593       ops.push_back(*i);
00594 }
00596 MeshOp *MKCore::construct_meshop(std::string op_name, const MEntVector &me_vec) 
00597 {
00598   return construct_meshop( meshop_proxy(op_name.c_str()), me_vec );
00599 }
00601 MeshOp *MKCore::construct_meshop(unsigned int dim, const MEntVector &me_vec) 
00602 {
00603   if (dim == 0) {
00604     if (!vertexMesher) {
00605       vertexMesher = new VertexMesher(this, me_vec);
00606       vertexMesher->set_name("VertexMesher");
00607     }
00608     else 
00609       for (MEntVector::const_iterator i = me_vec.begin(); i != me_vec.end(); ++i)
00610         vertex_mesher()->add_modelent( *i );
00611     return vertex_mesher();
00612   }
00613   else 
00614     return construct_meshop( get_default_meshop(dim), me_vec );
00615 }
00617 MeshOp *MKCore::construct_meshop(MeshOpProxy* proxy, const MEntVector &me_vec) 
00618 {
00619   return proxy->create( this, me_vec );
00620 }
00621 #if HAVE_FBIGEOM
00622 // this method takes the model from moab modelRootSet (0 by default means all)
00623 // also, assumes the first moab instance from MKCore, and the first iMesh instance
00624 int MKCore::initialize_mesh_based_geometry(iBase_EntitySetHandle modelRootSet)
00625 {
00626   // initialize the FBiGeom, in a different way
00627   iMesh * imeshMK = imesh_instance(); // this is MeshKit::iMesh class
00628   iMesh_Instance mesh = imeshMK->instance();
00629   FBiGeom_Instance geom;
00631   //iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set = reinterpret_cast<iBase_EntitySetHandle>(modelRootSet);
00632   std::string opts("SMOOTH;");
00633      // new constructor
00634   int err;
00635   // this does the initialization of smoothing (heavy duty computation)
00636   FBiGeom_newGeomFromMesh(mesh, modelRootSet, opts.c_str(), &geom, &err, opts.length());
00637   if (err!=0)
00638     return -1; // error
00639   FBiGeom * fbigeom = new FBiGeom(geom);
00641   int index = add_igeom_instance((iGeom*)fbigeom);
00642   // use this index to populate
00643   populate_model_ents(index, 0, -1, true);
00644   return index;
00646 }
00648 void MKCore::remove_mesh_based_geometry(int index)
00649 {
00650   // first, check if the index does make sense
00651   if (index <0 || index >= (int)iGeomInstances.size())
00652     throw Error(MK_BAD_INPUT, "Specified index too big for FBiGeom.");
00653   FBiGeom * fbIGeom = reinterpret_cast<FBiGeom*>(iGeomInstances[index]);
00654   unsigned int sz = iGeomInstances.size();
00655   delete fbIGeom;
00656   fbIGeom = NULL;
00657   for (unsigned int i=index; i<sz-1; i++)
00658   {
00659     iGeomInstances[i] = iGeomInstances[i+1];
00660   }
00661   iGeomInstances.resize(sz-1);
00662 }
00663 #endif
00665 void MKCore::delete_model_entities()
00666 {
00668   std::vector<ModelEnt*> tmp_ents;
00669   for (int dim = 0; dim <= iBase_REGION; dim++) {
00670     unsigned int sz = modelEnts[dim].size();
00671     for (unsigned int i=0; i<sz; i++)
00672        delete modelEnts[dim][i];
00673     modelEnts[dim].clear();
00674   }
00675 }
00677 void MKCore::delete_all()
00678 {
00679   // clear mk, geometry and mesh
00680   clear_graph();
00681   delete_model_entities();
00682   moab_instance()->delete_mesh();
00683   igeom_instance()->deleteAll();
00684 }
00686 void MKCore::create_mbg_model_entities(moab::EntityHandle modelRootSet, bool geometry)
00687 {
00688   if (geometry)
00689   {
00690     //
00691   }
00692   else
00693   {
00694     moab::Tag dum_tag = moab_geom_dim_tag();// default 0, no issues here
00695     moab::Range geom_sets;
00696     // the enclosing set is the only difference from populate method above
00697     moab::ErrorCode rval = moab_instance()->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(modelRootSet, MBENTITYSET, &dum_tag, NULL, 1,
00698                                                                                    geom_sets);
00699     MBERRCHK(rval, moab_instance());
00700     for (moab::Range::iterator rit = geom_sets.begin(); rit != geom_sets.end(); rit++) {
00701       // get the modelent
00703           // construct a new ModelEnt and set the geom ent to point to it
00704       // assume mesh index 0, as always, and no relations yet
00705       ModelEnt * this_me = new ModelEnt(this, (iGeom::EntityHandle)NULL, 0, *rit, 0, -1);
00706       int dim = this_me->dimension();// will get it from moab set, actually
00707       modelEnts[dim].push_back(this_me);
00708     }
00709   }
00710 }
00711 } // namespace meshkit
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