MeshKit  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "meshkit/ParallelMesher.hpp"
00002 #include "meshkit/ModelEnt.hpp"
00003 #include "meshkit/ParExchangeMesh.hpp"
00005 #include "MKDefines.h"
00006 #include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
00007 #include "MBEntityType.h"
00008 #include "moab/Range.hpp"
00009 #include "moab/Types.hpp"
00011 #include "CGMParallelComm.hpp"
00012 #include "RefEntity.hpp"
00013 #include "RefVolume.hpp"
00014 #include "RefFace.hpp"
00015 #include "RefEdge.hpp"
00016 #include "RefVertex.hpp"
00017 #include "CADefines.hpp"
00018 #include "GeometryQueryTool.hpp"
00020 const bool debug_parallelmesher = false;
00022 namespace MeshKit 
00023 {
00024 // static registration of this mesh scheme
00025 moab::EntityType ParallelMesher_tps[] = {moab::MBVERTEX, moab::MBTRI, moab::MBTET, moab::MBMAXTYPE};
00026 const moab::EntityType* ParallelMesher::output_types()
00027   { return ParallelMesher_tps; }
00029 ParallelMesher::ParallelMesher(MKCore *mkcore, const MEntVector &me_vec)
00030   : MeshScheme(mkcore, me_vec)
00031 {
00032   // get information related to MOAB parallel communication
00033   m_mpcomm = moab::ParallelComm::get_pcomm(mk_core()->moab_instance(), 0);
00034   if (NULL == m_mpcomm) m_mpcomm = new moab::ParallelComm(mk_core()->moab_instance(), MPI_COMM_WORLD);
00035   m_rank = m_mpcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();
00037   // create tag
00038   iMesh::Error err = mk_core()->imesh_instance()->createTag("PARALLEL_UNIQUE_ID", 1, iBase_INTEGER, m_mPuniqueIDTag);
00039   IBERRCHK(err, "Trouble create a parallel unique id tag handle.");
00041   m_sEntity.resize(10);
00043   if (debug_parallelmesher) m_mpcomm->set_debug_verbosity(5);
00044 }
00046 ParallelMesher::~ParallelMesher()
00047 {
00048   delete m_mpcomm;
00049 }
00051 MeshOp *ParallelMesher::get_mesher(PARALLEL_OP_TYPE type)
00052 {
00053   MeshOpProxy* proxy = NULL;
00054   std::vector<MeshOpProxy *> proxies;
00055   if (type == MESH_VERTEX) {
00056     mk_core()->meshop_by_mesh_type(moab::MBVERTEX, proxies);
00057     proxy = *proxies.begin();  }
00058   else if (type == MESH_EDGE) {
00059     mk_core()->meshop_by_mesh_type(moab::MBEDGE, proxies);
00060     proxy = *proxies.begin();
00061   }
00062   else if (type == MESH_INTER_SURF || type == MESH_NINTER_SURF) {
00063     //mk_core()->meshop_by_mesh_type(moab::MBTRI, proxies);
00064     proxy = MKCore::meshop_proxy("CAMALTriAdvance");
00065   }
00066   else if (type == MESH_VOLUME) {
00067     //mk_core()->meshop_by_mesh_type(moab::MBTET, proxies);
00068     proxy = MKCore::meshop_proxy("CAMALTetMesher");
00069   }
00070   else if (type == EXCHANGE_VERTEX || type == EXCHANGE_EDGE) {
00071     proxy = MKCore::meshop_proxy("ParExchangeMesh");
00072   }
00073   else if (type == POST_RECV) {
00074     proxy = MKCore::meshop_proxy("ParPostRecv");
00075   }
00076   else if (type == SEND_POST_SURF_MESH) {
00077     proxy = MKCore::meshop_proxy("ParSendPostSurfMesh");
00078   }
00079   else if (type == RECV_SURF_MESH) {
00080     proxy = MKCore::meshop_proxy("ParRecvSurfMesh");
00081   }
00083   if (proxy == NULL) throw Error(MK_FAILURE, "Couldn't find a MeshOp capable of producing the given mesh type.");
00085   return mk_core()->construct_meshop(proxy);
00086 }
00088 void ParallelMesher::setup_this()
00089 {
00090   // make partitioned and send and receive model entity sets
00091   for (MEntSelection::iterator mit = mentSelection.begin();
00092        mit != mentSelection.end(); mit++) {
00093     ModelEnt *me_vol = (*mit).first;
00094     if (me_vol->dimension() != 3) throw Error(MK_BAD_INPUT, "Parallel mesher assigned to an entity with dimension != 3.");
00096     RefEntity* vol = reinterpret_cast<RefEntity*> (me_vol->geom_handle());
00097     TDParallel *td_par_vol = (TDParallel *) vol->get_TD(&TDParallel::is_parallel);
00098     if (td_par_vol == NULL) ECERRCHK(MK_FAILURE, "Volume should have partitioned information.");
00100     unsigned int charge_proc = td_par_vol->get_charge_proc();
00101     MEntVector children;
00103     // partititoned vols
00104     if (m_rank == charge_proc) {
00105       m_sEntity[MESH_VOLUME].insert(me_vol); // volume
00106       if (debug_parallelmesher) print_geom_info(me_vol, 3, true);
00108       // get non-interface surfaces
00109       children.clear();
00110       me_vol->get_adjacencies(2, children);
00111       for (MEntVector::iterator cit = children.begin(); cit != children.end(); cit++) {
00112         RefEntity* child = reinterpret_cast< RefEntity* > ((*cit)->geom_handle());
00113         TDParallel *td_par_child = (TDParallel *) child->get_TD(&TDParallel::is_parallel);
00114         if (td_par_child == NULL) {
00115           m_sEntity[MESH_NINTER_SURF].insert(*cit);
00116         }
00117       }
00118     }
00120     // get child interface entities
00121     for (int i = 2; i > -1; i--) {
00122       children.clear();
00123       me_vol->get_adjacencies(i, children);
00125       for (MEntVector::iterator cit = children.begin(); cit != children.end(); cit++) {
00126         RefEntity* child = reinterpret_cast< RefEntity* > ((*cit)->geom_handle());
00127         TDParallel *td_par_child = (TDParallel *) child->get_TD(&TDParallel::is_parallel);
00128         if (td_par_child != NULL) {
00129           check_partition(td_par_child, *cit, i);
00130           if (debug_parallelmesher) print_geom_info(*cit, i, m_rank == td_par_child->get_charge_proc());
00131         }
00132       }
00133     }
00134   }
00136   add_parallel_mesh_op(MESH_VERTEX);
00137   add_parallel_mesh_op(EXCHANGE_VERTEX);
00138   add_parallel_mesh_op(MESH_EDGE);
00139   add_parallel_mesh_op(EXCHANGE_EDGE);
00140   add_parallel_mesh_op(MESH_INTER_SURF);
00141   add_parallel_mesh_op(SEND_POST_SURF_MESH);
00142   add_parallel_mesh_op(MESH_NINTER_SURF);
00143   add_parallel_mesh_op(RECV_SURF_MESH);
00144   add_parallel_mesh_op(MESH_VOLUME);
00146   if (debug_parallelmesher) {
00147     for (PARALLEL_OP_TYPE type = MESH_VERTEX; type <= MESH_VOLUME;) {
00148       std::cout << "# of parallel mesh type " << type << "="
00149                 << m_sEntity[type].size() << std::endl;
00150       type = static_cast<PARALLEL_OP_TYPE> (type + 1);
00151     }
00152   }
00153 }
00155 void ParallelMesher::check_partition(TDParallel* td_par, ModelEnt* me, int dim)
00156 {
00157   bool b_partitioned = false;
00158   unsigned int charge_p = td_par->get_charge_proc();
00159   if (m_rank == charge_p) { // charge processor
00160     if (dim == 2) {
00161       m_sEntity[MESH_INTER_SURF].insert(me);
00162       m_sEntity[SEND_POST_SURF_MESH].insert(me);
00163       m_sEntity[RECV_SURF_MESH].insert(me);
00164     }
00165     else if (dim == 1) {
00166       m_sEntity[MESH_EDGE].insert(me);
00167       m_sEntity[EXCHANGE_EDGE].insert(me);
00168     }
00169     else if (dim == 0) {
00170       m_sEntity[MESH_VERTEX].insert(me);
00171       m_sEntity[EXCHANGE_VERTEX].insert(me);
00172     }
00173     b_partitioned = true;
00174   }
00175   else {
00176     DLIList<int>* shared_procs = td_par->get_shared_proc_list();
00177     int n_shared = shared_procs->size();
00178     for (int i = 0; i < n_shared; i++) {
00179       if (m_rank == (unsigned int)shared_procs->get_and_step()) { // shared processor
00180         if (dim == 2) {
00181           m_sEntity[SEND_POST_SURF_MESH].insert(me);
00182           m_sEntity[RECV_SURF_MESH].insert(me);
00183         }
00184         else if (dim == 1) {
00185           m_sEntity[EXCHANGE_EDGE].insert(me);
00186         }
00187         else if (dim == 0) {
00188           m_sEntity[EXCHANGE_VERTEX].insert(me);
00189         }
00190         b_partitioned = true;
00191         break;
00192       }
00193     }
00194   }
00196   // set geometry unique id to corresponding surface entityset
00197   if (b_partitioned) {
00198     unsigned int unique_id = td_par->get_unique_id();
00199     iBase_EntitySetHandle entityset = reinterpret_cast<iBase_EntitySetHandle> ((me)->mesh_handle());
00200     iMesh::Error err = mk_core()->imesh_instance()->setEntSetIntData(entityset, m_mPuniqueIDTag, unique_id);
00201     IBERRCHK(err, "Couldn't set geometry unique id to corresponding mesh entityset.");
00202   }
00203 }
00205 void ParallelMesher::print_geom_info(ModelEnt* me, const int dim,
00206                                      const bool local)
00207 {
00208   RefEntity* ent = reinterpret_cast<RefEntity*> (me->geom_handle());
00209   CubitVector edge_geom = ent->center_point();
00210   moab::EntityHandle entityset = me->mesh_handle();
00211   TDParallel *td_par = (TDParallel *) ent->get_TD(&TDParallel::is_parallel);
00212   std::cout << "Partitioned_dim=" << dim;
00213   if (local) std::cout << ",local";
00214   else std::cout << ",remote";
00215   std::cout << ",geom_center=" << edge_geom.x()
00216             << " "<< edge_geom.y() << " " << edge_geom.z() << ", meshset="
00217             << entityset << ",uid=" << td_par->get_unique_id()
00218             << ",id=" << ent->id() << std::endl;
00219 }
00221 void ParallelMesher::add_parallel_mesh_op(PARALLEL_OP_TYPE type, bool after)
00222 {
00223   bool inserted = false;
00224   MeshOp *mesher = NULL;
00225   std::vector<MeshOp*> meshops;
00226   MEntSet::iterator iter = m_sEntity[type].begin();
00227   MEntSet::iterator end_iter = m_sEntity[type].end();
00229   for (; iter != end_iter; iter++) {
00230     bool found = false;
00231     if (!mesher) mesher = get_mesher(type); // get a mesher if we haven't already
00232     meshops.clear();
00233     (*iter)->get_meshops(meshops);
00234     int n_meshops = meshops.size();
00236     if (n_meshops > 0) {
00237       for (int i = 0; i < n_meshops; i++) {
00238         if (meshops[i] == mesher) {
00239           found = true;
00240           break;
00241         }
00242       }
00243     }
00245     if (!found) { // if no specified meshop
00246       // add this entity to it, and if first, make sure it's added upstream
00247       mesher->add_modelent(*iter);
00248       if (!inserted) {
00249         if (after) mk_core()->insert_node(mesher, mk_core()->leaf_node(), this);
00250         else mk_core()->insert_node(mesher, this);
00251         inserted = true;
00252       }
00253     }
00254   }
00255 }
00257 void ParallelMesher::execute_this()
00258 {
00259 }
00261 void ParallelMesher::print_mesh()
00262 {
00263   moab::ErrorCode rval;
00264   int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
00265   moab::EntityHandle tmp_hs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
00266   unsigned char pstat;
00267   int num_ps;
00268   moab::Range entities;
00270   for (moab::EntityType type = MBVERTEX; type != MBMAXTYPE; type++) {
00271     entities.clear();
00272     rval = mk_core()->moab_instance()->get_entities_by_type(0, type, entities);
00273     MBERRCHK(rval, mk_core()->moab_instance());
00275     for (moab::Range::iterator rit = entities.begin(); rit != entities.end(); rit++) {
00276       rval = m_mpcomm->get_sharing_data(*rit, tmp_procs, tmp_hs, pstat, num_ps);
00277       MBERRCHK(rval, mk_core()->moab_instance());
00279       if (type != MBENTITYSET) {
00280         std::cout << "ParallelMesher::entity=" << *rit << ", type=" << type;
00281         if (type == MBVERTEX) {
00282           double coord[3];
00283           rval = mk_core()->moab_instance()->get_coords(&(*rit), 1, coord);
00284           MBERRCHK(rval, mk_core()->moab_instance());
00285           std::cout << ", coords=" << coord[0] << " " << coord[1] << " " << coord[2];
00286         }
00287         else {
00288           std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> connect;
00289           rval = mk_core()->moab_instance()->get_connectivity(&(*rit), 1, connect);
00290           MBERRCHK(rval, mk_core()->moab_instance());
00291           int n_conn = connect.size();
00292           std::cout << ", connect=";
00293           for (int j = 0; j < n_conn; j++) {
00294             std::cout << connect[j] << " ";
00295           }
00296         }
00298         std::cout << ", shared_info=";
00299         for (int ii = 0; ii < num_ps; ii++) {
00300           std::cout << tmp_procs[ii] << ":" << tmp_hs[ii] << ", ";
00301         }
00302         std::cout << std::endl;
00303       }
00304     }
00305   }    
00306 }
00307 } // namespace MeshKit
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