Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * CslamUtils.hpp
00003  *
00004  *  Created on: Oct 3, 2012
00005  */
00007 #ifndef CSLAMUTILS_HPP_
00008 #define CSLAMUTILS_HPP_
00010 #include "moab/CartVect.hpp"
00011 #include "moab/Core.hpp"
00012 #include "moab/Interface.hpp"
00014 // maximum number of edges on each convex polygon of interest
00015 #define MAXEDGES 10
00016 #define MAXEDGES2 20 // used for coordinates in plane
00018 #define CORRTAGNAME "__correspondent"
00020 namespace moab
00021 {
00022 double dist2(double * a, double * b);
00023 double area2D(double *a, double *b, double *c);
00024 int borderPointsOfXinY2(double * X, int nX, double * Y, int nY, double * P, int side[MAXEDGES], double epsilon_area);
00025 int SortAndRemoveDoubles2(double * P, int & nP, double epsilon);
00026 // the marks will show what edges of blue intersect the red
00028 int EdgeIntersections2(double * blue, int nsBlue, double * red, int nsRed,
00029     int markb[MAXEDGES], int markr[MAXEDGES], double * points, int & nPoints);
00031 // vec utils related to gnomonic projection on a sphere
00033 // vec utils
00034 /*
00035  *
00036  * position on a sphere of radius R
00037  * if plane specified, use it; if not, return the plane, and the point in the plane
00038  * there are 6 planes, numbered 1 to 6
00039  * plane 1: x=R, plane 2: y=R, 3: x=-R, 4: y=-R, 5: z=-R, 6: z=R
00040  *
00041  * projection on the plane will preserve the orientation, such that a triangle, quad pointing
00042  * outside the sphere will have a positive orientation in the projection plane
00043  * this is similar logic to /cesm1_0_4/models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/homme/share/coordinate_systems_mod.F90
00044  *    method: function cart2face(cart3D) result(face_no)
00045  */
00046 void decide_gnomonic_plane(const CartVect & pos, int & oPlane);
00047 // point on a sphere is projected on one of six planes, decided earlier
00048 int gnomonic_projection(const CartVect & pos, double R, int plane, double & c1, double & c2);
00049 // given the position on plane (one out of 6), find out the position on sphere
00050 int reverse_gnomonic_projection(const double & c1, const double & c2, double R, int plane,
00051     CartVect & pos);
00053 /*
00054  *   other methods to convert from spherical coord to cartesian, and back
00055  *   A spherical coordinate triple is (R, lon, lat)
00056  *   should we store it as a CartVect? probably not ...
00057  *   /cesm1_0_4/models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/homme/share/coordinate_systems_mod.F90
00058  *
00059      enforce three facts:
00060     ! ==========================================================
00061     ! enforce three facts:
00062     !
00063     ! 1) lon at poles is defined to be zero
00064     !
00065     ! 2) Grid points must be separated by about .01 Meter (on earth)
00066     !    from pole to be considered "not the pole".
00067     !
00068     ! 3) range of lon is { 0<= lon < 2*pi }
00069     !
00070     ! 4) range of lat is from -pi/2 to pi/2; -pi/2 or pi/2 are the poles, so there the lon is 0
00071     !
00072     ! ==========================================================
00073  */
00075 struct SphereCoords{
00076   double R, lon, lat;
00077 };
00079 SphereCoords cart_to_spherical(CartVect &) ;
00081 CartVect spherical_to_cart (SphereCoords &) ;
00083 /*
00084  *  create a mesh used mainly for visualization for now, with nodes corresponding to
00085  *   GL points, a so-called refined mesh, with NP nodes in each direction.
00086  *   input: a range of quads (coarse), and  a desired order (NP is the number of points), so it
00087  *   is order + 1
00088  *
00089  *   output: a set with refined elements; with proper input, it should be pretty
00090  *   similar to a Homme mesh read with ReadNC
00091  */
00092 //ErrorCode SpectralVisuMesh(Interface * mb, Range & input, int NP, EntityHandle & outputSet, double tolerance);
00094 /*
00095  * given an entity set, get all nodes and project them on a sphere with given radius
00096  */
00097 ErrorCode ProjectOnSphere(Interface * mb, EntityHandle set, double R);
00099 bool point_in_interior_of_convex_polygon (double * points, int np, double pt[2]);
00101 /*
00102  * utilities to compute area of a polygon on which all edges are arcs of great circles on a sphere
00103  */
00104 /*
00105  * this will compute the spherical angle ABC, when A, B, C are on a sphere of radius R
00106  *  the radius will not be needed, usually, just for verification the points are indeed on that sphere
00107  *  the center of the sphere is at origin (0,0,0)
00108  *  this angle can be used in Girard's theorem to compute the area of a spherical polygon
00109  */
00110 double spherical_angle(double * A, double * B, double * C, double Radius);
00112 // this could be larger than PI, because of orientation; useful for non-convex polygons
00113 double oriented_spherical_angle(double * A, double * B, double * C);
00115 double area_spherical_triangle(double *A, double *B, double *C, double Radius);
00117 double area_spherical_polygon (double * A, int N, double Radius);
00119 double area_spherical_triangle_lHuiller(double * A, double * B, double * C, double Radius);
00121 double area_spherical_polygon_lHuiller (double * A, int N, double Radius);
00123 double area_on_sphere(Interface * mb, EntityHandle set, double R);
00125 double area_on_sphere_lHuiller(Interface * mb, EntityHandle set, double R);
00127 double distance_on_great_circle(CartVect & p1, CartVect & p2);
00129 void departure_point_case1(CartVect & arrival_point, double t, double delta_t, CartVect & departure_point);
00131 void velocity_case1(CartVect & arrival_point, double t, CartVect & velo);
00132 // break the nonconvex quads into triangles; remove the quad from the set? yes.
00133 // maybe radius is not needed;
00134 //
00135 ErrorCode enforce_convexity(Interface * mb, EntityHandle set, int rank = 0);
00137 // looking at DP tag, create the spanning quads, write a file (with rank) and
00138 // then delete the new entities (vertices) and the set of quads
00139 ErrorCode create_span_quads(Interface * mb, EntityHandle euler_set, int rank);
00141 // distance along a great circle on a sphere of radius 1
00142 double distance_on_sphere(double la1, double te1, double la2, double te2);
00143 // page 4 Nair Lauritzen paper
00144 // param will be: (la1, te1), (la2, te2), b, c; hmax=1, r=1/2
00145 double quasi_smooth_field(double lam, double tet, double * params);
00146 // page 4
00147 double smooth_field(double lam, double tet, double * params);
00148 // page 5
00149 double slotted_cylinder_field(double lam, double tet, double * params);
00151 double area_spherical_element(Interface * mb, EntityHandle  elem, double R);
00154 }
00155 #endif /* CSLAMUTILS_HPP_ */
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