00001 00006 #include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp" 00007 00008 #include "ReadDamsel.hpp" 00009 00010 #include "assert.h" 00011 #include "moab/Interface.hpp" 00012 #include "moab/Core.hpp" 00013 #include "moab/Range.hpp" 00014 #include "moab/Error.hpp" 00015 #include "moab/ReadUtilIface.hpp" 00016 #include "moab/FileOptions.hpp" 00017 #include "MBTagConventions.hpp" 00018 #include "EntitySequence.hpp" 00019 #include "Internals.hpp" 00020 #include "DenseTag.hpp" 00021 00022 namespace moab { 00023 00024 ReaderIface* ReadDamsel::factory( Interface* iface ) 00025 { return new ReadDamsel( iface ); } 00026 00027 ReadDamsel::ReadDamsel(Interface *impl) 00028 : mbImpl(impl), readMeshIface(NULL), mError(NULL), nativeParallel(false), myPcomm(NULL), mGlobalIdTag(0), 00029 dU() 00030 { 00031 init(); 00032 } 00033 00034 ReadDamsel::~ReadDamsel() 00035 { 00036 if (readMeshIface) mbImpl->release_interface(readMeshIface); 00037 if (mError) mbImpl->release_interface(mError); 00038 DMSLlib_finalize(dU.dmslLib); 00039 } 00040 00041 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::init() 00042 { 00043 mbImpl->query_interface(readMeshIface); 00044 assert(readMeshIface); 00045 00046 mbImpl->query_interface(mError); 00047 assert(mError); 00048 00049 return MB_SUCCESS; 00050 } 00051 00052 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::parse_options(const FileOptions &opts, 00053 bool ¶llel) 00054 { 00055 // Handle parallel options 00056 std::string junk; 00057 bool use_mpio = (MB_SUCCESS == opts.get_null_option("USE_MPIO")); 00058 ErrorCode rval = opts.match_option("PARALLEL", "READ_PART"); 00059 parallel = (rval != MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); 00060 nativeParallel = (rval == MB_SUCCESS); 00061 if (use_mpio && !parallel) { 00062 readMeshIface->report_error( "'USE_MPIO' option specified w/out 'PARALLEL' option" ); 00063 return MB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; 00064 } 00065 00066 return MB_SUCCESS; 00067 } 00068 00069 // ASSUMPTIONS: 00070 // Partition collection is a *flat* collection of handles for entities and other collections that 00071 // will be represented on a part 00072 00073 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::load_file( const char* filename, 00074 const EntityHandle* file_set, 00075 const FileOptions& opts, 00076 const ReaderIface::SubsetList* subset_list, 00077 const Tag* file_id_tag ) 00078 { 00079 ErrorCode rval; 00080 00081 rval = parse_options(opts, nativeParallel); 00082 if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) 00083 return rval; 00084 00085 // initialize damsel 00086 dU.dmslLib = DMSLlib_init(); 00087 00088 // create a damsel model 00089 dU.dmslModel = DMSLmodel_create(sizeof(EntityHandle) == 8 ? DAMSEL_HANDLE_TYPE_HANDLE64 : 00090 DAMSEL_HANDLE_TYPE_HANDLE32); 00091 00092 // model attach - need model id from make model, filename 00093 #ifdef USE_MPI 00094 MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; 00095 if (nativeParallel) { 00096 comm = myPcomm->proc_config().proc_comm(); 00097 } 00098 #endif 00099 00100 damsel_err_t err; 00101 err = DMSLmodel_attach(dU.dmslModel, filename, comm, NULL); 00102 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "DMSLmodel_attach failed."); 00103 err = DMSLmodel_populate(dU.dmslModel); 00104 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "DMSLmodel_populate failed."); 00105 00106 // STEP 0: GET COLLECTION, TAG, ENTITY INFOS FOR GLOBAL MODEL 00107 int num_containers = 0, num_tag_infos = 0, num_ent_infos = 0; 00108 DMSLmodel_get_tuple_count(dU.dmslModel, &num_containers, &num_tag_infos); 00109 num_ent_infos = DMSLmodel_get_entity_count(dU.dmslModel); 00110 int num_coll_infos = DMSLmodel_get_collection_count(dU.dmslModel); 00111 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "DMSLmodel_get_collection_count failed."); 00112 if (-1 == num_containers || -1 == num_tag_infos || -1 == num_ent_infos) 00113 CHK_MB_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Bad count for containers/tags/ents."); 00114 00115 std::vector<damsel_entity_buf_type> ent_infos(num_ent_infos); 00116 std::vector<damsel_collection_buf_type> coll_infos(num_coll_infos); 00117 std::vector<damsel_tag_buf_type> tag_infos(num_tag_infos); 00118 std::vector<damsel_container_buf_type> cont_infos(num_containers); 00119 err = DMSLmodel_get_entity_infos(dU.dmslModel, &ent_infos[0]); 00120 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failure getting entity infos."); 00121 err = DMSLmodel_get_collection_infos(dU.dmslModel, &coll_infos[0]); 00122 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failure getting collection infos."); 00123 err = DMSLmodel_get_tag_infos(dU.dmslModel, &tag_infos[0]); 00124 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failure getting tag infos."); 00125 err = DMSLmodel_get_container_infos(dU.dmslModel, &cont_infos[0]); 00126 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failure getting container infos."); 00127 00128 // create MOAB-side tags for all damsel tags except pre-defined ones 00129 rval = process_tags(tag_infos); 00130 CHK_MB_ERR(rval, "Error processing tags."); 00131 00132 /* 00133 00134 if (nativeParallel) { 00135 // STEP 1: GET COLLECTION(S) REPRESENTING PARTITION: 00136 // input: tag name, optionally value; 00137 // output: container with file-side handles of collections satisfying those criteria 00138 // - get all handles/values for tag 00139 // - select handles matching criteria for tag value (will be collection handles) 00140 std::string partn_tag_name("PARALLEL_PARTITION"); 00141 damsel_handle partn_tag = DMSLselect_tag_by_name(dU.dmslModel, partn_tag_name.c_str()); 00142 // get all the parts with that tag regardless of value 00143 damsel_container part_handles = DMSLselect_handles_with_values(dU.dmslModel, partn_tag); 00144 00145 // STEP 2: GET HANDLES FOR TAGS WE NEED FOR THIS READER: 00146 // - "SET_CHARACTERISTIC" 00147 damsel_handle setchar_tag = DMSLselect_tag_by_name(dU.dmslModel, "SET_CHARACTERISTIC"); 00148 // - "PARENT_LIST" 00149 //damsel_handle plist_tag = DMSLselect_tag_by_name(dU.dmslModel, "PARENT_LIST"); 00150 // - "CHILD_LIST" 00151 //damsel_handle clist_tag = DMSLselect_tag_by_name(dU.dmslModel, "CHILD_LIST"); 00152 00153 // STEP 3: GET VALUES FOR "SET_CHARACTERISTIC" TAG ON PARTITION COLLECTIONS, 00154 // GET VECTOR- OR SET-TYPE FLAGS FOR PARTITION COLLECTIONS 00155 // (gives tracking flag for moab) 00156 int num_handles = DMSLcontainer_count(part_handles); 00157 std::vector<unsigned> char_tagvals(num_handles); 00158 // map the set chars 00159 err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(&char_tagvals[0], part_handles, &setchar_tag); 00160 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Problem calling DMSLmodel_map_tag"); 00161 00162 // execute the transfer 00163 err = DMSLmodel_transfer_sync(dU.dmslModel, DAMSEL_TRANSFER_TYPE_READ); 00164 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Problem calling DMSLmodel_transfer_sync"); 00165 00166 // STEP 4: READ/PROCESS PARTITION COLLECTION(S) 00167 // decide the handles I am responsible using round-robin for now 00168 // - GET TYPE, CONTENTS OF COLLECTION CONTENTS CONTAINER 00169 // - allocate moab-side container (using count from container) 00170 // - MAP storage TO CONTAINER 00171 // - EXECUTE 00172 // ==> have list of all handles (entities + collections) represented on this proc 00173 00174 int tmp_num = num_handles / proc_size, extra = num_handles % proc_size; 00175 if (extra) tmp_num++; 00176 int my_num_handles = tmp_num; 00177 if (proc_rank >= extra) my_num_handles--; 00178 int first_ind = std::min(proc_rank,extra) * tmp_num + 00179 std::max(proc_rank-extra,0) * (tmp_num-1); 00180 00181 // - create moab entity sets for partition collection(s) 00182 EntityHandle start_handle; 00183 rval = readMeshIface->create_entity_sets(my_num_handles, &char_tagvals[first_ind], 0, start_handle); 00184 CHK_MB_ERR(rval, "Problem creating entity sets."); 00185 } 00186 else { 00187 00188 */ 00189 // initialize just by entity; each call to process_ent_info will: 00190 // a. create moab-side representation to read into 00191 // b. map those handles to damsel handles 00192 // c. map coords / connectivity storage to damsel equivalent 00193 // d. for each tag, map moab storage to damsel storage 00194 std::vector<damsel_entity_buf_type>::iterator eiit; 00195 00196 // process verts info first 00197 for (eiit = ent_infos.begin(); eiit != ent_infos.end(); eiit++) { 00198 if ((*eiit).entity_type == DAMSEL_ENTITY_TYPE_VERTEX) { 00199 rval = process_ent_info(*eiit); 00200 CHK_MB_ERR(rval, " "); 00201 } 00202 } 00203 00204 for (eiit = ent_infos.begin(); eiit != ent_infos.end(); eiit++) { 00205 if ((*eiit).entity_type != DAMSEL_ENTITY_TYPE_VERTEX) { 00206 rval = process_ent_info(*eiit); 00207 CHK_MB_ERR(rval, " "); 00208 } 00209 } 00210 00211 /* 00212 } 00213 00214 // process collections 00215 rval = process_coll_infos(coll_infos); 00216 CHK_MB_ERR(rval, " "); 00217 00218 // STEP 5: process into list of local info structs, each represents file-side struct and 00219 // portion of that struct 00220 // ASSUMPTION: each local info struct represents single entity type & # vertices or collection 00221 00222 // STEP 6: For each local info struct: 00223 00224 // STEP 6b: READ CONTAINER INTO LOCAL BUFFER 00225 // STEP 6c: create app representation of entities/vertices/collection, and damsel container for them, 00226 // and MAP APP HANDLE CONTAINER TO DAMSEL CONTAINER 00227 // STEP 6d: process vertices/entities/collection 00228 // 6d1: if vertices, continue 00229 // 6d2: if entities: 00230 // - MAP LOCAL CONNECTIVITY REP'N TO DAMSEL (might be tag, don't know yet) 00231 // 6d3: if collection: 00232 // - (everything in STEP 4 for this collection except for EXECUTE) 00233 // - might need to filter out things not represented on this rank 00234 // 6d4: if sparse tag: 00235 // - create app-side representation of sparse tag 00236 // - READ CONTAINER OF MODEL HANDLES INTO LOCAL BUFFER 00237 // - allocate app-side storage for tag values 00238 // - MAP APP STORAGE TO MODEL TAG + (implicit?) CONTAINER 00239 00240 // STEP 6e: process dense tags for the local info struct; for each dense tag: 00241 // - get app tag handle for model tag handle 00242 // - get app storage for app tag handle + container 00243 // - MAP APP STORAGE TO MODEL TAG + CONTAINER 00244 00245 // STEP 7: EXECUTE 00246 // - assign all mapped data 00247 // - translate all damsel handles to app handles 00248 // uninit damsel 00249 00250 */ 00251 00252 return MB_SUCCESS; 00253 } 00254 00255 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::read_tag_values( const char* file_name, 00256 const char* tag_name, 00257 const FileOptions& opts, 00258 std::vector<int>& tag_values_out, 00259 const SubsetList* subset_list) 00260 { 00261 return MB_FAILURE; 00262 } 00263 00264 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::process_tags(std::vector<damsel_tag_buf_type> &tag_infos) 00265 { 00266 Tag tagh; 00267 ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS, tmp_rval; 00268 for (std::vector<damsel_tag_buf_type>::iterator tit = tag_infos.begin(); tit != tag_infos.end(); tit++) { 00269 if (DamselUtil::dtom_data_type[(*tit).tag_datatype] == MB_TYPE_OPAQUE) { 00270 std::cout << "Damsel reader encountered opaque tag." << std::endl; 00271 continue; 00272 } 00273 00274 tmp_rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle((*tit).name, 1, 00275 DamselUtil::dtom_data_type[(*tit).tag_datatype], 00276 tagh, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_DENSE); 00277 if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_rval) rval = tmp_rval; 00278 else { 00279 dU.tagMap.push_back(DamselUtil::tinfo(tagh, 0, MB_TAG_DENSE)); 00280 // also store predefined tags specially... 00281 if (!strncmp((*tit).name, "mbdmsl_", 7)) { 00282 // predefined tag name, store the handle 00283 if (!strcmp((*tit).name, "mbdmsl_XCOORDS")) 00284 dU.xcoordsTag = dU.tagMap.back(); 00285 else if (!strcmp((*tit).name, "mbdmsl_YCOORDS")) { 00286 dU.ycoordsTag = dU.tagMap.back(); 00287 } 00288 else if (!strcmp((*tit).name, "mbdmsl_ZCOORDS")) { 00289 dU.zcoordsTag = dU.tagMap.back(); 00290 } 00291 else if (!strcmp((*tit).name, "mbdmsl_COLL_FLAGS")) { 00292 dU.collFlagsTag = dU.tagMap.back(); 00293 } 00294 else if (!strcmp((*tit).name, "mbdmsl_PARENTS")) { 00295 dU.parentsTag = dU.tagMap.back(); 00296 } 00297 else if (!strcmp((*tit).name, "mbdmsl_CHILDREN")) { 00298 dU.childrenTag = dU.tagMap.back(); 00299 } 00300 else { 00301 rval = MB_FAILURE; 00302 continue; 00303 } 00304 } 00305 } 00306 } 00307 00308 return rval; 00309 } 00310 00311 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::process_ent_info(const damsel_entity_buf_type &einfo) 00312 { 00313 // create this chunk of entities 00314 EntityHandle *connect, start_handle; 00315 ErrorCode rval; 00316 damsel_err_t err; 00317 damsel_container app_cont; 00318 Range these_ents; 00319 00320 // check that there's only one contiguous run of file-side handles, fail if there isn't 00321 #ifndef NDEBUG 00322 Range fside_handles; 00323 rval = DamselUtil::container_to_range(dU.dmslModel, const_cast<damsel_container&>(einfo.entity_container), 00324 fside_handles); 00325 if (MB_SUCCESS != rval || fside_handles.size() != einfo.count || 00326 fside_handles.psize() != 1) 00327 return MB_FAILURE; 00328 #endif 00329 00330 if (einfo.entity_type != DAMSEL_ENTITY_TYPE_VERTEX) { 00331 // create the moab entities 00332 rval = readMeshIface->get_element_connect(einfo.count, einfo.vertices_per_entity, 00333 DamselUtil::dtom_entity_type[einfo.entity_type], 00334 0, start_handle, connect); 00335 CHK_MB_ERR(rval, " "); 00336 these_ents.insert(start_handle, start_handle+einfo.count-1); 00337 00338 // create an app-side sequence and map to file-side container 00339 app_cont = DMSLcontainer_create_sequence(dU.dmslModel, einfo.count, start_handle, 1); 00340 err = DMSLmodel_map_handles(app_cont, einfo.entity_container); 00341 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Error returned mapping entity handles."); 00342 00343 // map connectivity 00344 assert(DMSLcontainer_count(einfo.vertex_container) == (int)(einfo.vertices_per_entity*einfo.count)); 00345 rval = get_contents(dU.dmslModel, einfo.vertex_container, connect); 00346 CHK_MB_ERR(rval, "Error returned mapping connectivity."); 00347 } 00348 else { 00349 // get the number of coordinate arrays 00350 int num_ctags = 0; 00351 damsel_handle xcoord_dtag = DMSLselect_tag_by_name(dU.dmslModel, "mbdmsl_XCOORDS"); 00352 if (xcoord_dtag) num_ctags++; 00353 damsel_handle ycoord_dtag = DMSLselect_tag_by_name(dU.dmslModel, "mbdmsl_YCOORDS"); 00354 if (ycoord_dtag) num_ctags++; 00355 damsel_handle zcoord_dtag = DMSLselect_tag_by_name(dU.dmslModel, "mbdmsl_ZCOORDS"); 00356 if (zcoord_dtag) num_ctags++; 00357 00358 // should have one vertex per entity 00359 assert(einfo.vertices_per_entity == 1); 00360 std::vector<double*> coord_arrays; 00361 rval = readMeshIface->get_node_coords(num_ctags, einfo.count, 0, start_handle, coord_arrays); 00362 CHK_MB_ERR(rval, " "); 00363 00364 these_ents.insert(start_handle, start_handle+einfo.count-1); 00365 00366 // create an app-side sequence and map to file-side container 00367 app_cont = DMSLcontainer_create_sequence(dU.dmslModel, start_handle, einfo.count, 1); 00368 err = DMSLmodel_map_handles(app_cont, einfo.entity_container); 00369 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Trouble mapping entity handles."); 00370 00371 // map the coords storage 00372 if (xcoord_dtag != 0) { 00373 err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(coord_arrays[0], app_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.xcoordsTag.mTagh); 00374 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Trouble mapping x coordinate tag."); 00375 } 00376 if (ycoord_dtag != 0) { 00377 err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(coord_arrays[1], app_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.ycoordsTag.mTagh); 00378 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Trouble mapping y coordinate tag."); 00379 } 00380 if (zcoord_dtag != 0) { 00381 err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(coord_arrays[2], app_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.zcoordsTag.mTagh); 00382 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Trouble mapping z coordinate tag."); 00383 } 00384 } 00385 00386 // save mapping from moab entity to einfo 00387 dmHandleRMap.insert(DMSLcontainer_handle_at_position(einfo.entity_container, 0), start_handle, einfo.count); 00388 00389 rval = process_entity_tags(einfo.tag_count, einfo.tag_handle_container, app_cont, these_ents); 00390 00391 return rval; 00392 } 00393 00394 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::process_entity_tags(int count, damsel_container tag_container, 00395 damsel_container app_cont, Range &these_ents) 00396 { 00397 // process tags on these entities 00398 ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS; 00399 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { 00400 damsel_handle dtagh = DMSLcontainer_handle_at_position(tag_container, i); 00401 00402 // don't do conventional tags here 00403 std::vector<DamselUtil::tinfo>::iterator vit = 00404 std::find_if(dU.tagMap.begin(), dU.tagMap.end(), DamselUtil::DtagP<DamselUtil::tinfo>(dtagh)); 00405 00406 if ((*vit).tagType == MB_TAG_ANY) continue; 00407 else if (vit == dU.tagMap.end()) 00408 CHK_MB_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Failed to find tag."); 00409 00410 Tag tagh = (*vit).mTagh; 00411 assert(tagh); 00412 void *tag_data; 00413 int ecount = these_ents.size(); 00414 rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(tagh, these_ents.begin(), these_ents.end(), ecount, tag_data); 00415 CHK_MB_ERR(rval, "Problem getting tag iterator."); 00416 assert(ecount == (int)these_ents.size()); 00417 damsel_err_t err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(tag_data, app_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&tagh); 00418 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, " "); 00419 } 00420 00421 return rval; 00422 } 00423 00424 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::get_contents(damsel_model m, damsel_container c, Range &ents) { 00425 EntityHandle eh; 00426 if (DMSLcontainer_get_type(c) == DAMSEL_HANDLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_SEQUENCE) { 00427 damsel_handle start; 00428 size_t count, stride; 00429 damsel_err_t err = DMSLcontainer_sequence_get_contents(m, c, &start, &count, &stride); 00430 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, " "); 00431 if (stride == 1) { 00432 while (count) { 00433 // get start in rangemap 00434 RangeMap<damsel_handle, EntityHandle, 0>::iterator beg = dmHandleRMap.lower_bound(start); 00435 if (beg == dmHandleRMap.end()) return MB_SUCCESS; 00436 unsigned long diff = std::max((*beg).begin-start, (damsel_handle)0); 00437 unsigned long num = std::min(count-diff, (size_t)(*beg).count); 00438 ents.insert((*beg).begin+diff, (*beg).begin+diff+num-1); 00439 count -= (diff + num); 00440 beg++; 00441 } 00442 } 00443 else { 00444 for (int i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) { 00445 if (dmHandleRMap.find(start+i, eh)) ents.insert(eh); 00446 } 00447 } 00448 } 00449 else if (DMSLcontainer_get_type(c) == DAMSEL_HANDLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_VECTOR) { 00450 damsel_handle *handle_ptr; 00451 size_t count; 00452 damsel_err_t err = DMSLcontainer_vector_get_contents(m, c, &handle_ptr, &count); 00453 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Trouble getting vector contents."); 00454 for (int i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) { 00455 if (dmHandleRMap.find(handle_ptr[i], eh)) ents.insert(eh); 00456 } 00457 } 00458 else if (DMSLcontainer_get_type(c) == DAMSEL_HANDLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_TREE) { 00459 damsel_handle_ptr node_ptr = NULL; 00460 damsel_container cont = NULL; 00461 while (DMSLcontainer_tree_get_contents(m, c, &node_ptr, &cont) == DMSL_OK && 00462 cont) { 00463 ErrorCode rval = get_contents(m, c, ents); 00464 if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval; 00465 } 00466 } 00467 00468 return MB_SUCCESS; 00469 } 00470 00471 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::get_contents(damsel_model m, damsel_container c, EntityHandle *ents) { 00472 EntityHandle eh; 00473 int ind = 0; 00474 00475 if (DMSLcontainer_get_type(c) == DAMSEL_HANDLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_SEQUENCE) { 00476 damsel_handle start; 00477 size_t count, stride; 00478 damsel_err_t err = DMSLcontainer_sequence_get_contents(m, c, &start, &count, &stride); 00479 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, " "); 00480 if (stride == 1) { 00481 while (count) { 00482 // get start in rangemap 00483 RangeMap<damsel_handle, EntityHandle, 0>::iterator beg = dmHandleRMap.lower_bound(start); 00484 if (beg == dmHandleRMap.end()) return MB_SUCCESS; 00485 unsigned int diff = std::max((*beg).begin-start, (damsel_handle)0); 00486 unsigned int num = std::min(count-diff, (size_t)(*beg).count); 00487 for (EntityHandle hdl = (*beg).begin+diff; hdl <= (int)(*beg).begin+diff+num-1; hdl++) 00488 ents[ind++] = hdl; 00489 count -= (diff + num); 00490 beg++; 00491 } 00492 } 00493 else { 00494 for (int i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) { 00495 if (dmHandleRMap.find(start+i, eh)) ents[i] = eh; 00496 } 00497 } 00498 } 00499 else if (DMSLcontainer_get_type(c) == DAMSEL_HANDLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_VECTOR) { 00500 damsel_handle_ptr handle_ptr; 00501 size_t count; 00502 damsel_err_t err = DMSLcontainer_vector_get_contents(m, c, &handle_ptr, &count); 00503 CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failed to get vector contents."); 00504 for (int i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) { 00505 if (dmHandleRMap.find(handle_ptr[i], eh)) ents[i] = eh; 00506 } 00507 } 00508 else if (DMSLcontainer_get_type(c) == DAMSEL_HANDLE_CONTAINER_TYPE_TREE) { 00509 damsel_handle_ptr node_ptr = NULL; 00510 damsel_container cont = NULL; 00511 while (DMSLcontainer_tree_get_contents(m, c, &node_ptr, &cont) == DMSL_OK && 00512 cont) { 00513 ErrorCode rval = get_contents(m, cont, ents); 00514 if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval; 00515 unsigned int num = DMSLcontainer_count(cont); 00516 ents += num; 00517 } 00518 } 00519 00520 return MB_SUCCESS; 00521 } 00522 00523 /* 00524 00525 ErrorCode ReadDamsel::process_coll_infos(std::vector<damsel_collection_buf_type> &coll_infos) 00526 { 00527 ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS, tmp_rval; 00528 EntityHandle seth; 00529 std::vector<subrange> handle_subranges; 00530 for (std::vector<damsel_collection_buf_type>::iterator cit = coll_infos.begin(); cit != coll_infos.end(); cit++) { 00531 // make the set 00532 tmp_rval = mbImpl->create_meshset(((*cit).type == DAMSEL_HANDLE_COLLECTION_TYPE_SET ? MESHSET_SET : MESHSET_ORDERED), 00533 seth); 00534 if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_rval) rval = tmp_rval; 00535 // make datastructures to pass things to process_entity_tags 00536 Range tmp_range(seth, seth); 00537 damsel_container ch = DMSLcontainer_create_sequence(dU.dmslModel, seth, 1, 1); 00538 00539 // get the tags on this set 00540 tmp_rval = process_entity_tags((*cit).tag_count, (*cit).tag_handle_container, ch, tmp_range); 00541 if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_rval) rval = tmp_rval; 00542 00543 // process the set contents 00544 if ((*cit).type == DAMSEL_HANDLE_COLLECTION_TYPE_SET) { 00545 Range ents; 00546 tmp_rval = get_contents(dU.dmslModel, (*cit).contents, ents); 00547 if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_rval) rval = tmp_rval; 00548 else if (!ents.empty()) { 00549 tmp_rval = mbImpl->add_entities(seth, ents); 00550 if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_rval) rval = tmp_rval; 00551 } 00552 } 00553 else { 00554 std::vector<EntityHandle> ents(DMSLcontainer_count((*cit).contents)); 00555 tmp_rval = get_contents(dU.dmslModel, (*cit).contents, &ents[0]); 00556 if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_rval) rval = tmp_rval; 00557 else if (!ents.empty()) { 00558 tmp_rval = mbImpl->add_entities(seth, &ents[0], ents.size()); 00559 if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_rval) rval = tmp_rval; 00560 } 00561 } 00562 00563 // get the file handle for this collection, and map it to moab's set handle 00564 damsel_handle collh = (damsel_handle)(*((*cit).collection_handle)); 00565 if (handle_subranges.empty() || seth != (*handle_subranges.rbegin()).seth+1 || 00566 collh != (*handle_subranges.rbegin()).collh+1) { 00567 handle_subranges.push_back(subrange(collh, seth, 1)); 00568 } 00569 else (*handle_subranges.rbegin()).count++; 00570 } 00571 00572 for (std::vector<subrange>::iterator vit = handle_subranges.begin(); vit != handle_subranges.end(); vit++) 00573 dmHandleRMap.insert((*vit).collh, (*vit).seth, (*vit).count); 00574 00575 return rval; 00576 } 00577 00578 00579 */ 00580 00581 }