moab::ParallelMergeMesh Class Reference

#include <ParallelMergeMesh.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ParallelMergeMesh (ParallelComm *pc, const double epsilon)
ErrorCode merge ()

Private Member Functions

ErrorCode PerformMerge ()
ErrorCode PopulateMySkinEnts (const EntityHandle meshset, int dim)
ErrorCode GetGlobalBox (double *gbox)
ErrorCode PopulateMyTup (double *gbox)
ErrorCode PopulateMyMatches ()
ErrorCode SortMyMatches ()
ErrorCode TagSharedElements (int dim)
void CleanUp ()
ErrorCode PartitionGlobalBox (double *gbox, double *lengths, int *parts)

Static Private Member Functions

static int PartitionSide (double sideLeng, double restLen, unsigned numProcs, bool altRatio)
static void SwapTuples (TupleList &tup, unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
static void SortTuplesByReal (TupleList &tup, double eps2=0)
static void PerformRealSort (TupleList &tup, unsigned long left, unsigned long right, double eps2, uint tup_mr)
static bool TupleGreaterThan (TupleList &tup, unsigned long vrI, unsigned long vrJ, double eps2, uint tup_mr)

Private Attributes

std::vector< RangemySkinEnts
double myEps
TupleList myTup
TupleList myMatches
gs_data::crystal_data myCD

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file ParallelMergeMesh.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

moab::ParallelMergeMesh::ParallelMergeMesh ( ParallelComm pc,
const double  epsilon 

Definition at line 19 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    myPcomm(pc), myEps(epsilon)
    myMB = pc->get_moab();

Member Function Documentation

Definition at line 579 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    //The reset operation is now safe and avoids a double free()
ErrorCode moab::ParallelMergeMesh::GetGlobalBox ( double *  gbox) [private]

Definition at line 149 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    ErrorCode rval;

    /*Get Bounding Box*/
    BoundBox box;
    if(mySkinEnts[0].size() != 0){
      rval = box.update(*myMB, mySkinEnts[0]);
      if(rval != MB_SUCCESS)
        return rval;

    //Invert the max
    box.bMax *= -1;

    /*Communicate to all processors*/
    MPI_Allreduce(&box, gbox, 6, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    /*Assemble Global Bounding Box*/
    //Flip the max back
    for(int i=3; i<6; i++){
      gbox[i] *= -1;
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 30 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    ErrorCode rval = PerformMerge();
    return rval;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelMergeMesh::PartitionGlobalBox ( double *  gbox,
double *  lengths,
int *  parts 
) [private]

Definition at line 284 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    //Determine the length of each side
    double xLen = gbox[3]-gbox[0];
    double yLen = gbox[4]-gbox[1];
    double zLen = gbox[5]-gbox[2];
    unsigned numProcs = myPcomm->size();
    //Partition sides from the longest to shortest lengths
    //If x is the longest side
    if(xLen >= yLen && xLen >= zLen){
      parts[0] = PartitionSide(xLen, yLen * zLen, numProcs, true);
      numProcs /= parts[0];
      //If y is second longest
      if(yLen >= zLen){
    parts[1] = PartitionSide(yLen, zLen, numProcs, false);
    parts[2] = numProcs/parts[1];
      //If z is the longer
    parts[2] = PartitionSide(zLen, yLen, numProcs, false);
    parts[1] = numProcs/parts[2];
    //If y is the longest side
    else if (yLen >= zLen){
      parts[1] = PartitionSide(yLen, xLen * zLen, numProcs, true);
      numProcs /= parts[1];
      //If x is the second longest
      if(xLen >= zLen){
    parts[0] = PartitionSide(xLen, zLen, numProcs, false);
    parts[2] = numProcs/parts[0];
      //If z is the second longest
    parts[2] = PartitionSide(zLen, xLen, numProcs, false);
    parts[0] = numProcs/parts[2];
    //If z is the longest side
      parts[2] = PartitionSide(zLen, xLen * yLen, numProcs, true);
      numProcs /= parts[2];
      //If x is the second longest
      if(xLen >= yLen){
    parts[0] = PartitionSide(xLen, yLen, numProcs, false);
    parts[1] = numProcs/parts[0];
      //If y is the second longest
    parts[1] = PartitionSide(yLen, xLen, numProcs, false);
    parts[0] = numProcs/parts[1];
    //Divide up each side to give the lengths
    lengths[0] = xLen/(double)parts[0];
    lengths[1] = yLen/(double)parts[1];
    lengths[2] = zLen/(double)parts[2];
    return MB_SUCCESS;
int moab::ParallelMergeMesh::PartitionSide ( double  sideLeng,
double  restLen,
unsigned  numProcs,
bool  altRatio 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 347 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    //If theres only 1 processor, then just return 1
    if(numProcs == 1){
      return 1;
    //Initialize with the ratio of 1 proc
    double ratio = -DBL_MAX;
    unsigned factor = 1;
    //We need to be able to save the last ratio and factor (for comparison)
    double oldRatio = ratio;
    double oldFactor = 1;
    //This is the ratio were shooting for
    double goalRatio = sideLen/restLen;

    //Calculate the divisor and numerator power
    //This avoid if statements in the loop and is useful since both calculations are similar
    double divisor, p;
      divisor = (double)numProcs * sideLen;
      p = 3;
      divisor = (double)numProcs;
      p = 2;
    //Find each possible factor
    for (unsigned i = 2; i <= numProcs/2; i++){
      //If it is a factor...
      if (numProcs % i == 0){
    //We need to save the past factor
    oldRatio = ratio;
    oldFactor = factor;
    //There are 2 different ways to calculate the ratio:
    //Comparing 1 side to 2 sides: (i*i*i)/(numProcs*x)
    //Justification:  We have a ratio x:y:z (side Lengths) == a:b:c (procs).  So a=kx, b=ky, c=kz.
    //Also, abc=n (numProcs) => bc = n/a.  Also, a=kx => k=a/x => 1/k=x/a
    //And so x/(yz) == (kx)/(kyz) == (kx)/(kykz(1/k)) == a/(bc(x/a)) == a/((n/a)(x/a)) == a^3/(nx).
    //Comparing 1 side to 1 side: (i*i)/numprocs
    //Justification: i/(n/i) == i^2/n
    ratio = pow((double)i, p)/divisor;
    factor = i;
    //Once we have passed the goal ratio, we can break since we'll only move away from the goal ratio
    if(ratio >= goalRatio){
    //If we havent reached the goal ratio yet, check out factor = numProcs
    if(ratio < goalRatio){
      oldRatio = ratio;
      oldFactor = factor;
      factor = numProcs;
      ratio = pow((double)numProcs, p)/divisor;
    //Figure out if our oldRatio is better than ratio
    if(fabs(ratio - goalRatio) > fabs(oldRatio-goalRatio)){
      factor = oldFactor;
    //Return our findings
    return factor;

Definition at line 38 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    //Get the mesh dimension
    int dim;
    ErrorCode rval = myMB->get_dimension(dim);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;
    //Get the local skin elements
    rval = PopulateMySkinEnts(0,dim);
    //If there is only 1 proc, we can return now
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS || myPcomm->size() == 1){
      return rval;

    //Determine the global bounding box
    double gbox[6];
    rval = GetGlobalBox(gbox);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;

    /* Assemble The Destination Tuples */
    //Get a list of tuples which contain (toProc, handle, x,y,z)
    rval = PopulateMyTup(gbox);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;

    /* Gather-Scatter Tuple
       -tup comes out as (remoteProc,handle,x,y,z) */

    //1 represents dynamic tuple, 0 represents index of the processor to send to
    myCD.gs_transfer(1, myTup, 0);

    /* Sort By X,Y,Z
       -Utilizes a custom quick sort incoroporating eplison*/

    //Initilize another tuple list for matches

    //ID the matching tuples
    rval = PopulateMyMatches();
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;

    //We can free up the tuple myTup now

    /*Gather-Scatter Again*/
    //1 represents dynamic list, 0 represents proc index to send tuple to
    //We can free up the crystal router now

    //Sort the matches tuple list

    //Tag the shared elements
    rval = TagSharedElements(dim);

    //Free up the matches tuples
    return rval;
void moab::ParallelMergeMesh::PerformRealSort ( TupleList tup,
unsigned long  left,
unsigned long  right,
double  eps2,
uint  tup_mr 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 653 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    //If list size is only 1 or 0 return
    if(left+1 >= right){
    unsigned long swap = left, tup_l = left*tup_mr, 
      tup_t = tup_l + tup_mr;

    //Swap the median with the left position for a (hopefully) better split
    SwapTuples(tup, left, (left+right)/2);

    //Partition the data
    for(unsigned long t=left+1;t<right;t++){
      //If the left value(pivot) is greater than t_val, swap it into swap
      if(TupleGreaterThan(tup,tup_l,tup_t,eps, tup_mr)){
    SwapTuples(tup, swap,t);

    //Swap so that position swap is in the correct position

    //Sort left and right of swap
    PerformRealSort(tup, left  ,swap, eps, tup_mr);
    PerformRealSort(tup, swap+1,right,eps, tup_mr);

Definition at line 414 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    //Counters for accessing tuples more efficiently
    unsigned long i = 0, mat_i=0, mat_ul=0, j=0, tup_r=0;
    double eps2 = myEps*myEps;

    uint tup_mi, tup_ml, tup_mul, tup_mr;
    myTup.getTupleSize(tup_mi, tup_ml, tup_mul, tup_mr);

    bool canWrite = myMatches.get_writeEnabled();
    if(!canWrite) myMatches.enableWriteAccess();

      //Proximity Comparison
      double xi = myTup.vr_rd[tup_r], 
    yi = myTup.vr_rd[tup_r+1],
    zi = myTup.vr_rd[tup_r+2];

      bool done = false;
    j++; tup_r += tup_mr;
    if(j >= myTup.get_n()){
    CartVect cv(myTup.vr_rd[tup_r]-xi,
    if(cv.length_squared() > eps2){
      done = true;
      //Allocate the tuple list before adding matches
      while(myMatches.get_n()+(j-i)*(j-i-1) >= myMatches.get_max()){
    myMatches.resize(myMatches.get_max() ? 
             myMatches.get_max() + myMatches.get_max()/2 + 1 : 
      //We now know that tuples [i to j) exclusive match.  
      //If n tuples match, n*(n-1) match tuples will be made
      //tuples are of the form (proc1,proc2,handle1,handle2)
      if(i+1 < j){
    int kproc = i*tup_mi;
    unsigned long khand = i*tup_mul;
    for(unsigned long k = i; k<j; k++){
      int lproc = kproc+tup_mi;
      unsigned long lhand = khand+tup_mul;
      for(unsigned long l=k+1; l<j; l++){
        lproc += tup_mi;
        lhand += tup_mul;
      kproc += tup_mi;
      khand += tup_mul;
    }//End for(int k...
      i = j;
    }//End while(i+1<tup.n)

    if(!canWrite) myMatches.disableWriteAccess();
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelMergeMesh::PopulateMySkinEnts ( const EntityHandle  meshset,
int  dim 
) [private]

Definition at line 110 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    /*Merge Mesh Locally*/
    //Get all dim dimensional entities
    Range ents;
    ErrorCode rval = myMB->get_entities_by_dimension(meshset,dim,ents);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;

    //Merge Mesh Locally
    MergeMesh merger(myMB, false);
    //We can return if there is only 1 proc
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS || myPcomm->size() == 1){
      return rval;

    //Rebuild the ents range
    rval = myMB->get_entities_by_dimension(0,dim,ents);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;

    /*Get Skin
      -Get Range of all dimensional entities
      -skinEnts[i] is the skin entities of dimension i*/  
    Skinner skinner(myMB);
    for(int skin_dim = dim; skin_dim >= 0; skin_dim--){
      rval = skinner.find_skin(meshset,ents,skin_dim,mySkinEnts[skin_dim]);
      if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
    return rval;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelMergeMesh::PopulateMyTup ( double *  gbox) [private]

Definition at line 176 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    /*Figure out how do partition the global box*/
    double lengths[3];
    int parts[3];
    ErrorCode rval = PartitionGlobalBox(gbox, lengths, parts);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;

    /* Get Skin Coordinates, Vertices */
    double *x = new double[mySkinEnts[0].size()]; 
    double *y = new double[mySkinEnts[0].size()]; 
    double *z = new double[mySkinEnts[0].size()];
    rval = myMB->get_coords(mySkinEnts[0],x,y,z);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      //Prevent Memory Leak
      delete []x; delete []y; delete []z;
      return rval;

    //Initialize variable to be used in the loops
    std::vector<int> toProcs;
    int xPart, yPart, zPart, xEps, yEps, zEps, baseProc;
    unsigned long long tup_i=0, tup_ul=0, tup_r=0, count=0;
    //These are boolean to determine if the vertice is on close enought to a given border
    bool xDup, yDup, zDup;
    bool canWrite = myTup.get_writeEnabled();
    if(!canWrite) myTup.enableWriteAccess();
    //Go through each vertice
    for(Range::iterator it = mySkinEnts[0].begin(); it != mySkinEnts[0].end(); it++){
      xDup = false; yDup = false; zDup = false;
      //Figure out which x,y,z partition the element is in.
      xPart = static_cast<int>(floor((x[count]-gbox[0])/lengths[0]));
      xPart = (xPart<parts[0]?xPart:parts[0]-1);//Make sure it stays within the bounds

      yPart = static_cast<int>(floor((y[count]-gbox[1])/lengths[1]));
      yPart = (yPart<parts[1]?yPart:parts[1]-1);//Make sure it stays within the bounds

      zPart = static_cast<int>(floor((z[count]-gbox[2])/lengths[2]));
      zPart = (zPart<parts[2]?zPart:parts[2]-1);//Make sure it stays within the bounds

      //Figure out the partition with the addition of Epsilon
      xEps = static_cast<int>(floor((x[count]-gbox[0]+myEps)/lengths[0]));
      yEps = static_cast<int>(floor((y[count]-gbox[1]+myEps)/lengths[1]));
      zEps = static_cast<int>(floor((z[count]-gbox[2]+myEps)/lengths[2]));

      //Figure out if the vertice needs to be sent to multiple procs
      xDup = (xPart != xEps && xEps < parts[0]);
      yDup = (yPart != yEps && yEps < parts[1]);
      zDup = (zPart != zEps && zEps < parts[2]);

      //Add appropriate processors to the vector
      baseProc = xPart+ yPart * parts[0] + zPart * parts[0] * parts[1]; 
    toProcs.push_back(baseProc + 1);//Get partition to the right
    //Partition up 1
    toProcs.push_back(baseProc + parts[0]);
    //Partition above 1
    toProcs.push_back(baseProc + parts[0] * parts[1]);
      if(xDup && yDup){
    //Partition up 1 and right 1
    toProcs.push_back(baseProc + parts[0] + 1);
      if(xDup && zDup){
    //Partition right 1 and above 1
    toProcs.push_back(baseProc + parts[0] * parts[1] + 1);
      if(yDup && zDup){
    //Partition up 1 and above 1
    toProcs.push_back(baseProc + parts[0] * parts[1] + parts[0]);
      if(xDup && yDup && zDup){
    //Partition right 1, up 1, and above 1
    toProcs.push_back(baseProc + parts[0] * parts[1] + parts[0] + 1);
      //Grow the tuple list if necessary
      while(myTup.get_n() + toProcs.size() >= myTup.get_max()){
    myTup.resize(myTup.get_max() ? 
             myTup.get_max() + myTup.get_max()/2 + 1 
             : 2);

      //Add each proc as a tuple
      for(std::vector<int>::iterator proc = toProcs.begin();
      proc != toProcs.end();
    myTup.vi_wr[tup_i++] = *proc;
    myTup.vul_wr[tup_ul++] = *it;
    myTup.vr_wr[tup_r++] = x[count];
    myTup.vr_wr[tup_r++] = y[count];
    myTup.vr_wr[tup_r++] = z[count];
    if(!canWrite) myTup.disableWriteAccess();
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 488 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    TupleList::buffer buf(mySkinEnts[0].size());
    //Sorts are necessary to check for doubles
    //Sort by remote handle
    //Sort by matching proc
    //Sort by local handle
    return MB_SUCCESS;
void moab::ParallelMergeMesh::SortTuplesByReal ( TupleList tup,
double  eps2 = 0 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 588 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    bool canWrite = tup.get_writeEnabled();
    if(!canWrite) tup.enableWriteAccess();

    uint mi, ml, mul, mr;
    PerformRealSort(tup, 0, tup.get_n(), eps, mr);

    if(!canWrite) tup.disableWriteAccess();
void moab::ParallelMergeMesh::SwapTuples ( TupleList tup,
unsigned long  a,
unsigned long  b 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 602 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    if(a==b) return;

    uint mi, ml, mul, mr;
    tup.getTupleSize(mi, ml, mul, mr);

    //Swap mi
    unsigned long a_val = a*mi, b_val=b*mi;
    for(unsigned long i=0; i< mi;i++){
      sint t =tup.vi_rd[a_val];
      tup.vi_wr[a_val] = tup.vi_rd[b_val];
      tup.vi_wr[b_val] = t; 
    //Swap ml
    a_val = a*ml;
    b_val = b*ml;
    for(unsigned long i=0; i< ml;i++){
      slong t =tup.vl_rd[a_val];
      tup.vl_wr[a_val] = tup.vl_rd[b_val];
      tup.vl_wr[b_val] = t;
    //Swap mul
    a_val = a*mul;
    b_val = b*mul;
    for(unsigned long i=0; i< mul;i++){
      ulong t =tup.vul_rd[a_val];
      tup.vul_wr[a_val] = tup.vul_rd[b_val];
      tup.vul_wr[b_val] = t; 
    //Swap mr
    a_val = a*mr;
    b_val = b*mr;
    for(unsigned long i=0; i< mr;i++){
      realType t =tup.vr_rd[a_val];
      tup.vr_wr[a_val] = tup.vr_rd[b_val];
      tup.vr_wr[b_val] = t; 

Definition at line 503 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    //Manipulate the matches list to tag vertices and entities
    //Set up proc ents
    Range proc_ents;
    ErrorCode rval;

    // get the entities in the partition sets
    for (Range::iterator rit = myPcomm->partitionSets.begin(); rit != myPcomm->partitionSets.end(); rit++) {
      Range tmp_ents;
      rval = myMB->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, tmp_ents, true);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval){
    return rval;
    if (myMB->dimension_from_handle(*proc_ents.rbegin()) !=
    myMB->dimension_from_handle(*proc_ents.begin())) {
      Range::iterator lower = proc_ents.lower_bound(CN::TypeDimensionMap[0].first),
    upper = proc_ents.upper_bound(CN::TypeDimensionMap[dim-1].second);
      proc_ents.erase(lower, upper);

    //This vector doesnt appear to be used but its in resolve_shared_ents
    int maxp = -1;
    std::vector<int> sharing_procs(MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
    std::fill(sharing_procs.begin(), sharing_procs.end(), maxp);

    // get ents shared by 1 or n procs
    std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<EntityHandle> > proc_nranges;
    Range proc_verts;
    rval = myMB->get_adjacencies(proc_ents, 0, false, proc_verts,
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;

    rval = myPcomm->tag_shared_verts(myMatches, proc_nranges, proc_verts);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;
    // get entities shared by 1 or n procs
    rval = myPcomm->get_proc_nvecs(dim,dim-1, &mySkinEnts[0],proc_nranges);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;
    // create the sets for each interface; store them as tags on
    // the interface instance
    Range iface_sets;
    rval = myPcomm->create_interface_sets(proc_nranges);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;
    // establish comm procs and buffers for them
    std::set<unsigned int> procs;
    rval = myPcomm->get_interface_procs(procs, true);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;

    // resolve shared entity remote handles; implemented in ghost cell exchange
    // code because it's so similar
    rval = myPcomm->exchange_ghost_cells(-1, -1, 0, true, true);
    if(rval != MB_SUCCESS){
      return rval;
    // now build parent/child links for interface sets
    rval = myPcomm->create_iface_pc_links();
    return rval;
bool moab::ParallelMergeMesh::TupleGreaterThan ( TupleList tup,
unsigned long  vrI,
unsigned long  vrJ,
double  eps2,
uint  tup_mr 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 688 of file ParallelMergeMesh.cpp.

    unsigned check=0;
    while(check < tup_mr){
      //If the values are the same
      if(fabs(tup.vr_rd[vrI+check]-tup.vr_rd[vrJ+check]) <= eps){
      //If I greater than J 
      else if(tup.vr_rd[vrI+check] > tup.vr_rd[vrJ+check]){
    return true;
      //If J greater than I
    return false;
    //All Values are the same
    return false;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 35 of file ParallelMergeMesh.hpp.

Definition at line 33 of file ParallelMergeMesh.hpp.

Definition at line 34 of file ParallelMergeMesh.hpp.

Definition at line 36 of file ParallelMergeMesh.hpp.

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