#include "MBZoltan.hpp"
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "moab/ProgOptions.hpp"
#include "moab/ReorderTool.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <list>
#include <time.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
int | main (int argc, char *argv[]) |
Variables | |
const char | DEFAULT_ZOLTAN_METHOD [] = "RCB" |
const char | BRIEF_DESC [] = "Use Zoltan to partition MOAB meshes for use on parallel computers" |
std::ostringstream | LONG_DESC |
int main | ( | int | argc, |
char * | argv[] | ||
) |
Definition at line 27 of file mbpart.cpp.
{ int err = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); if (err) { std::cerr << "MPI_Init failed. Aborting." << std::endl; return 3; } Core moab; Interface& mb = moab; std::vector<int> set_l; LONG_DESC << "This utility invokes the MBZoltan component of MOAB/CGM" "to partition a mesh/geometry." << std::endl << "If no partitioning method is specified, the default is " "the Zoltan \"" << DEFAULT_ZOLTAN_METHOD << "\" method" << std::endl; ProgOptions opts(LONG_DESC.str(), BRIEF_DESC); int part_dim = 3; opts.addOpt<int>("dimension", "Specify dimension of entities to partition." " Default is largest in file.", &part_dim, ProgOptions::int_flag); std::string zoltan_method, parm_method, oct_method; opts.addOpt<std::string>("zoltan,z", "Specify Zoltan partition method. " "One of RR, RCB, RIB, HFSC, PHG, or Hypergraph (PHG and Hypergraph " "are synonymous).", &zoltan_method); opts.addOpt<std::string>("parmetis,p", "Specify Parmetis partition method.", &parm_method); opts.addOpt<std::string>("octpart,o", "Specify OctPart partition method.", &oct_method); bool no_write_sets = false, write_tags = false; opts.addOpt<void>("nosets,n", "Do not write partition as tagged sets (Default : write sets)", &no_write_sets); opts.addOpt<void>("tags,t", "Write partition by tagging entities", &write_tags); bool incl_closure = false; opts.addOpt<void>("include_closure,c", "Include element closure for part sets.", &incl_closure); double imbal_tol = 1.10; opts.addOpt<double>("imbalance,i", "Imbalance tolerance (used in PHG/Hypergraph method)", &imbal_tol); int power = -1; opts.addOpt<int>("power,m", "Generate multiple partitions, in powers of 2, up to 2^(pow)", &power); bool reorder = false; opts.addOpt<void>("reorder,R", "Reorder mesh to group entities by partition", &reorder); double part_geom_mesh_size = -1.0; opts.addOpt<double>("geom,g", "If partition geometry, specify mesh size.", &part_geom_mesh_size); bool part_surf = false; opts.addOpt<void>("surf,f", "Specify if partition geometry surface.", &part_surf); bool ghost = false; long num_parts; opts.addOpt<void>("ghost,H", "Specify if partition ghost geometry body."); int obj_weight = 0; opts.addOpt<int>("vertex_w,v", "Number of weights associated with a graph vertex."); int edge_weight = 0; opts.addOpt<int>("edge_w,e", "Number of weights associated with an edge."); opts.addOpt<std::vector<int> >("set_l,l", "Load material set(s) with specified ids (comma seperated) for partition"); opts.addRequiredArg<int>("#parts", "Number of parts in partition"); std::string input_file, output_file; opts.addRequiredArg<std::string>("input_file", "Mesh/geometry to partition", &input_file); opts.addRequiredArg<std::string>("output_file", "File to which to write partitioned mesh/geometry", &output_file); bool print_time = false; opts.addOpt<void>(",T", "Print CPU time for each phase.", &print_time); bool spherical_coords = false; opts.addOpt<void>("project_on_sphere,s", "use spherical coordinates for partitioning ", &spherical_coords); opts.parseCommandLine(argc, argv); MBZoltan *tool = NULL; // check if partition geometry, if it is, should get mesh size for the geometry if (part_geom_mesh_size != -1.0 && part_geom_mesh_size <= 0.0) { std::cerr << part_geom_mesh_size << ": invalid geometry partition mesh size." << std::endl; return 1; } if (part_geom_mesh_size < 0.) { // partition mesh tool = new MBZoltan(&mb, false, argc, argv); } else { // partition geometry #ifdef CGM CubitStatus status = InitCGMA::initialize_cgma(); if (CUBIT_SUCCESS != status) { std::cerr << "CGM couldn't be initialized." << std::endl; return 1; } GeometryQueryTool *gti = GeometryQueryTool::instance(); tool = new MBZoltan (&mb, false, argc, argv, gti); #else std::cerr << "CGM should be configured to partition geometry." << std::endl; return 1; #endif } if (zoltan_method.empty() && parm_method.empty() && oct_method.empty()) zoltan_method = DEFAULT_ZOLTAN_METHOD; if (!parm_method.empty()) zoltan_method = ZOLTAN_PARMETIS_METHOD; if (!oct_method.empty()) zoltan_method = ZOLTAN_OCTPART_METHOD; if (no_write_sets && !write_tags) no_write_sets = false; if (-1 == power) { num_parts = opts.getReqArg<int>("#parts"); power = 1; } else if (power < 1 || power > 18) { std::cerr << power << ": invalid power for multiple patitions. Expected value in [1,18]" << std::endl; return 1; } else { num_parts = 2; } if (part_dim < 0 || part_dim > 3) { std::cerr << part_dim << " : invalid dimension" << std::endl; return 1; } if (imbal_tol < 0.0) { std::cerr << imbal_tol << ": invalid imbalance tolerance" << std::endl; return 1; } bool load_msets = false; if (opts.getOpt("set_l,l", &set_l)) { load_msets = true; if (set_l.size() <= 0) { std::cerr << " No material set id's to load" << std::endl; return 1; } } clock_t t = clock(); const char* options = NULL; ErrorCode rval; if (part_geom_mesh_size > 0.) options = "FACET_DISTANCE_TOLERANCE=0.1"; std::cout << "Loading file " << input_file << "..." << std::endl; if (load_msets == false) { rval = mb.load_file(input_file.c_str(), 0, options); if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) { std::cerr << input_file << " : failed to read file." << std::endl; std::cerr << " Error code: " << mb.get_error_string(rval) << " (" << rval << ")" << std::endl; std::string errstr; mb.get_last_error(errstr); if (!errstr.empty()) std::cerr << " Error message: " << errstr << std::endl; return 2; } } // load the material set(s) else { rval = mb.load_mesh(input_file.c_str(), &set_l[0], (int) set_l.size()); if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) { std::cerr << input_file << " : failed to read file." << std::endl; std::cerr << " Error code: " << mb.get_error_string(rval) << " (" << rval << ")" << std::endl; std::string errstr; mb.get_last_error(errstr); if (!errstr.empty()) std::cerr << " Error message: " << errstr << std::endl; return 2; } } if (print_time) std::cout << "Read input file in " << (clock() - t) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl; for (int dim = part_dim; dim >= 0; --dim) { int n; rval = mb.get_number_entities_by_dimension(0, dim, n); if (MB_SUCCESS == rval && 0 != n) { part_dim = dim; break; } } if (part_dim < 0) { std::cerr << input_file << " : file does not contain any mesh entities" << std::endl; return 2; } ReorderTool reorder_tool(&moab); for (int p = 0; p < power; p++) { t = clock(); rval = tool->partition_mesh_geom(part_geom_mesh_size, num_parts, zoltan_method.c_str(), (!parm_method.empty() ? parm_method.c_str() : oct_method.c_str()), imbal_tol, !no_write_sets, write_tags, part_dim, obj_weight, edge_weight, part_surf, ghost, print_time, spherical_coords); if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) { std::cerr << "Partitioner failed!" << std::endl; std::cerr << " Error code: " << mb.get_error_string(rval) << " (" << rval << ")" << std::endl; std::string errstr; mb.get_last_error(errstr); if (!errstr.empty()) std::cerr << " Error message: " << errstr << std::endl; return 3; } if (print_time) std::cout << "Generated " << num_parts << " part partitioning in " << (clock() - t) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl; if (reorder && part_geom_mesh_size < 0.) { std::cout << "Reordering mesh for partition..." << std::endl; Tag tag, order; rval = mb.tag_get_handle("PARALLEL_PARTITION", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag); if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) { std::cerr << "Partitioner did not create PARALLEL_PARTITION tag" << std::endl; return 2; } t = clock(); if (!no_write_sets) { Range sets; mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, &tag, 0, 1, sets); rval = reorder_tool.handle_order_from_sets_and_adj(sets, order); } else { rval = reorder_tool.handle_order_from_int_tag(tag, -1, order); } if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) { std::cerr << "Failed to calculate reordering!" << std::endl; return 2; } rval = reorder_tool.reorder_entities(order); if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) { std::cerr << "Failed to perform reordering!" << std::endl; return 2; } mb.tag_delete(order); if (print_time) std::cout << "Reorderd mesh in " << (clock() - t) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl; } if (incl_closure) { rval = tool->include_closure(); if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) { std::cerr << "Closure inclusion failed." << std::endl; return 1; } } std::ostringstream tmp_output_file; if (power > 1) { // append num_parts to output filename std::string::size_type idx = output_file.find_last_of("."); if (idx == std::string::npos) { tmp_output_file << output_file << "_" << num_parts; if (part_geom_mesh_size < 0.) tmp_output_file << ".h5m"; else { std::cerr << "output file type is not specified." << std::endl; return 1; } } else { tmp_output_file << output_file.substr(0, idx) << "_" << num_parts << output_file.substr(idx); } } else tmp_output_file << output_file; t = clock(); std::cout << "Saving file to " << output_file << "..." << std::endl; if (part_geom_mesh_size < 0.) { rval = mb.write_file(tmp_output_file.str().c_str()); if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) { std::cerr << tmp_output_file << " : failed to write file." << std::endl; std::cerr << " Error code: " << mb.get_error_string(rval) << " (" << rval << ")" << std::endl; std::string errstr; mb.get_last_error(errstr); if (!errstr.empty()) std::cerr << " Error message: " << errstr << std::endl; return 2; } } else { #ifdef CGM std::string::size_type idx = output_file.find_last_of( "." ); int c_size = output_file.length() - idx; const char* file_type = NULL; if (, c_size, ".occ") == 0 ||, c_size, ".OCC") == 0) file_type = "OCC"; else if (, c_size, ".sab") == 0) file_type = "ACIS_SAB"; else if (, c_size, ".sat") == 0) file_type = "ACIS_SAT"; else { std::cerr << "File type for " << output_file.c_str() << " not supported." << std::endl; return 1; } int junk; DLIList<RefEntity*> ref_entity_list; CubitStatus status = CubitCompat_export_solid_model(ref_entity_list, tmp_output_file.str().c_str(), file_type, junk, CubitString(__FILE__)); if (CUBIT_SUCCESS != status) { std::cerr << "CGM couldn't export models." << std::endl; return 1; } #endif } if (print_time) std::cout << "Wrote \"" << tmp_output_file.str() << "\" in " << (clock() - t) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl; num_parts *= 2; } delete tool; return 0; }
const char BRIEF_DESC[] = "Use Zoltan to partition MOAB meshes for use on parallel computers" |
Definition at line 23 of file mbpart.cpp.
const char DEFAULT_ZOLTAN_METHOD[] = "RCB" |
Definition at line 19 of file mbpart.cpp.
std::ostringstream LONG_DESC |
Definition at line 25 of file mbpart.cpp.
Definition at line 21 of file mbpart.cpp.
Definition at line 20 of file mbpart.cpp.