moab::GeomUtil Namespace Reference


class  VolMap
 Class representing a 3-D mapping function (e.g. shape function for volume element) More...
class  LinearHexMap
 Shape function for trilinear hexahedron. More...


enum  intersection_type {
 Plücker test for intersection between a ray and a triangle. More...


static void min_max_3 (double a, double b, double c, double &min, double &max)
static double dot_abs (const CartVect &u, const CartVect &v)
bool segment_box_intersect (CartVect box_min, CartVect box_max, const CartVect &seg_pt, const CartVect &seg_unit_dir, double &seg_start, double &seg_end)
bool first (const CartVect &a, const CartVect &b)
bool plucker_ray_tri_intersect (const CartVect vertices[3], const CartVect &origin, const CartVect &direction, double, double &dist_out, const double *nonneg_ray_len, const double *neg_ray_len, const int *orientation, intersection_type *type)
bool ray_tri_intersect (const CartVect vertices[3], const CartVect &ray_point, const CartVect &ray_unit_direction, double tolerance, double &t_out, const double *ray_length=0)
 Test for intersection between a ray and a triangle.
bool ray_box_intersect (const CartVect &box_min, const CartVect &box_max, const CartVect &ray_pt, const CartVect &ray_dir, double &t_enter, double &t_exit)
bool box_plane_overlap (const CartVect &plane_normal, double plane_coeff, CartVect box_min_corner, CartVect box_max_corner)
 Test if plane intersects axis-aligned box.
bool box_tri_overlap (const CartVect triangle_corners[3], const CartVect &box_center, const CartVect &box_half_dims)
 Test if triangle intersects axis-aligned box.
bool box_tri_overlap (const CartVect triangle_corners[3], const CartVect &box_min_corner, const CartVect &box_max_corner, double tolerance)
 Test if triangle intersects axis-aligned box.
bool box_elem_overlap (const CartVect *elem_corners, EntityType elem_type, const CartVect &box_center, const CartVect &box_half_dims)
 Test if the specified element intersects an axis-aligned box.
static CartVect quad_norm (const CartVect &v1, const CartVect &v2, const CartVect &v3, const CartVect &v4)
static CartVect tri_norm (const CartVect &v1, const CartVect &v2, const CartVect &v3)
bool box_linear_elem_overlap (const CartVect *elem_corners, EntityType elem_type, const CartVect &box_center, const CartVect &box_half_dims)
 Test if the specified element intersects an axis-aligned box.
bool box_linear_elem_overlap (const CartVect *elem_corners, EntityType elem_type, const CartVect &box_half_dims)
 Test if the specified element intersects an axis-aligned box.
bool box_hex_overlap (const CartVect *elem_corners, const CartVect &center, const CartVect &dims)
static bool box_tet_overlap_edge (const CartVect &dims, const CartVect &edge, const CartVect &ve, const CartVect &v1, const CartVect &v2)
bool box_tet_overlap (const CartVect *corners_in, const CartVect &center, const CartVect &dims)
void closest_location_on_tri (const CartVect &location, const CartVect *vertices, CartVect &closest_out)
 find closest location on triangle
void closest_location_on_tri (const CartVect &location, const CartVect *vertices, double tolerance, CartVect &closest_out, int &closest_topo)
 find closest topological location on triangle
void closest_location_on_polygon (const CartVect &location, const CartVect *vertices, int num_vertices, CartVect &closest_out)
 find closest location on polygon
void closest_location_on_box (const CartVect &min, const CartVect &max, const CartVect &point, CartVect &closest)
bool box_point_overlap (const CartVect &box_min_corner, const CartVect &box_max_corner, const CartVect &point, double tolerance)
bool boxes_overlap (const CartVect &box_min1, const CartVect &box_max1, const CartVect &box_min2, const CartVect &box_max2, double tolerance)
bool bounding_boxes_overlap (const CartVect *list1, int num1, const CartVect *list2, int num2, double tolerance)
bool nat_coords_trilinear_hex (const CartVect *corner_coords, const CartVect &x, CartVect &xi, double tol)
bool point_in_trilinear_hex (const CartVect *hex, const CartVect &xyz, double etol)
bool box_hex_overlap (const CartVect hexv[8], const CartVect &box_center, const CartVect &box_dims)
bool box_tet_overlap (const CartVect tet_corners[4], const CartVect &box_center, const CartVect &box_dims)

Enumeration Type Documentation

Plücker test for intersection between a ray and a triangle.

verticesNodes of the triangle.
ray_pointThe start point of the ray.
ray_unit_directionThe direction of the ray. Must be a unit vector.
toleranceAbsolute distance tolerance for point equality
t_outOutput: The distance along the ray from ray_point in the direction of ray_unit_direction at which the ray intersected the triangle.
nonneg_ray_lengthOptional: If non-null, a maximum length for the ray, converting this function to a segment-tri-intersect test.
neg_ray_lengthOptional: If non-null, a maximum length for the ray behind the origin, converting this function to a segment-tri-intersect test.
orientationOptional: Reject intersections without the specified orientation of ray with respect to triangle normal vector. Indicate desired orientation by passing 1 (forward), -1 (reverse), or 0 (no preference).
int_typeOptional Output: The type of intersection; used to identify edge/node intersections.
true if intersection, false otherwise.

Definition at line 106 of file GeomUtil.hpp.

Function Documentation

bool moab::GeomUtil::bounding_boxes_overlap ( const CartVect list1,
int  num1,
const CartVect list2,
int  num2,
double  tolerance 

Definition at line 1400 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  assert(num1>=1 && num2>=1);
  CartVect box_min1=list1[0], box_max1=list1[0];
  CartVect box_min2=list2[0], box_max2=list2[0];
  for (int i=1; i<num1; i++)
    for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
      double val=list1[i][k];
      if (box_min1[k] > val)
        box_min1[k] = val;
      if (box_max1[k] < val)
  for (int i=1; i<num2; i++)
    for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
      double val=list2[i][k];
      if (box_min2[k] > val)
        box_min2[k] = val;
      if (box_max2[k] < val)

  return boxes_overlap(box_min1, box_max1, box_min2, box_max2, tolerance);
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_elem_overlap ( const CartVect elem_corners,
EntityType  elem_type,
const CartVect box_center,
const CartVect box_half_dims 

Test if the specified element intersects an axis-aligned box.

Test if element intersects axis-aligned box. Use element-specific optimization if available, otherwise call box_general_elem_overlap.

elem_cornersThe coordinates of the element vertices
elem_typeThe toplogy of the element.
box_centerThe center of the axis-aligned box
box_half_dimsHalf of the width of the box in each axial direction.

Definition at line 546 of file GeomUtil.cpp.


  switch (elem_type) {
    case MBTRI:
      return box_tri_overlap( elem_corners, center, dims );
    case MBTET:
      return box_tet_overlap( elem_corners, center, dims );
    case MBHEX:
      return box_hex_overlap( elem_corners, center, dims );
    case MBPOLYGON:
      return false;
      return box_linear_elem_overlap( elem_corners, elem_type, center, dims );
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_hex_overlap ( const CartVect  hexv[8],
const CartVect box_center,
const CartVect box_dims 
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_hex_overlap ( const CartVect elem_corners,
const CartVect center,
const CartVect dims 

Definition at line 764 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

    // Do Separating Axis Theorem:
    // If the element and the box overlap, then the 1D projections
    // onto at least one of the axes in the following three sets
    // must overlap (assuming convex polyhedral element).
    // 1) The normals of the faces of the box (the principal axes)
    // 2) The crossproduct of each element edge with each box edge
    //    (crossproduct of each edge with each principal axis)
    // 3) The normals of the faces of the element

  unsigned i, e, f;             // loop counters
  double dot, cross[2], tmp;
  CartVect norm;
  const CartVect corners[8] = { elem_corners[0] - center,
                                  elem_corners[1] - center,
                                  elem_corners[2] - center,
                                  elem_corners[3] - center,
                                  elem_corners[4] - center,
                                  elem_corners[5] - center,
                                  elem_corners[6] - center,
                                  elem_corners[7] - center };
    // test box face normals (principal axes)
  int not_less[3] = { 8, 8, 8 }; 
  int not_greater[3] = { 8, 8, 8 };
  int not_inside;
  for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { // for each element corner
    not_inside = 3;
    if (corners[i][0] < -dims[0])
    else if (corners[i][0] > dims[0])
    if (corners[i][1] < -dims[1])
    else if (corners[i][1] > dims[1])
    if (corners[i][2] < -dims[2])
    else if (corners[i][2] > dims[2])
    if (!not_inside)
      return true;
    // If all points less than min_x of box, then
    // not_less[0] == 0, and therfore
    // the following product is zero.
  if (not_greater[0] * not_greater[1] * not_greater[2] * 
         not_less[0] *    not_less[1] *    not_less[2] == 0)
    return false;
    // Test edge-edge crossproducts
  const unsigned edges[12][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 4 }, { 0, 3 },
                                  { 2, 3 }, { 2, 1 }, { 2, 6 },
                                  { 5, 6 }, { 5, 1 }, { 5, 4 },
                                  { 7, 4 }, { 7, 3 }, { 7, 6 } };
    // Edge directions for box are principal axis, so 
    // for each element edge, check along the cross-product
    // of that edge with each of the tree principal axes.
  for (e = 0; e < 12; ++e) { // for each element edge
      // get which element vertices bound the edge
    const CartVect& v0 = corners[ edges[e][0] ];
    const CartVect& v1 = corners[ edges[e][1] ];

      // X-Axis

      // calculate crossproduct: axis x (v1 - v0),
      // where v1 and v0 are edge vertices.
    cross[0] = v0[2] - v1[2];
    cross[1] = v1[1] - v0[1];
      // skip if parallel
    if ((cross[0]*cross[0] + cross[1]*cross[1]) >= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
      dot = fabs(cross[0] * dims[1]) + fabs(cross[1] * dims[2]);
      not_less[0] = not_greater[0] = 7;
      for (i = (edges[e][0]+1)%8; i != edges[e][0]; i = (i+1)%8) { // for each element corner
        tmp = cross[0] * corners[i][1] + cross[1] * corners[i][2];
        not_less[0] -= (tmp < -dot);
        not_greater[0] -= (tmp > dot);

      if (not_less[0] * not_greater[0] == 0)
        return false;

      // Y-Axis

      // calculate crossproduct: axis x (v1 - v0),
      // where v1 and v0 are edge vertices.
    cross[0] = v0[0] - v1[0];
    cross[1] = v1[2] - v0[2];
      // skip if parallel
    if ((cross[0]*cross[0] + cross[1]*cross[1]) >= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
      dot = fabs(cross[0] * dims[2]) + fabs(cross[1] * dims[0]);
      not_less[0] = not_greater[0] = 7;
      for (i = (edges[e][0]+1)%8; i != edges[e][0]; i = (i+1)%8) { // for each element corner
        tmp = cross[0] * corners[i][2] + cross[1] * corners[i][0];
        not_less[0] -= (tmp < -dot);
        not_greater[0] -= (tmp > dot);

      if (not_less[0] * not_greater[0] == 0)
        return false;

      // Z-Axis

      // calculate crossproduct: axis x (v1 - v0),
      // where v1 and v0 are edge vertices.
    cross[0] = v0[1] - v1[1];
    cross[1] = v1[0] - v0[0];
      // skip if parallel
    if ((cross[0]*cross[0] + cross[1]*cross[1]) >= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
      dot = fabs(cross[0] * dims[0]) + fabs(cross[1] * dims[1]);
      not_less[0] = not_greater[0] = 7;
      for (i = (edges[e][0]+1)%8; i != edges[e][0]; i = (i+1)%8) { // for each element corner
        tmp = cross[0] * corners[i][0] + cross[1] * corners[i][1];
        not_less[0] -= (tmp < -dot);
        not_greater[0] -= (tmp > dot);

      if (not_less[0] * not_greater[0] == 0)
        return false;
    // test element face normals
  const unsigned faces[6][4] = { { 0, 1, 2, 3 },
                                 { 0, 1, 5, 4 },
                                 { 1, 2, 6, 5 },
                                 { 2, 6, 7, 3 },
                                 { 3, 7, 4, 0 },
                                 { 7, 4, 5, 6 } };
  for (f = 0; f < 6; ++f) {
    norm = quad_norm( corners[faces[f][0]], 
                      corners[faces[f][3]] );
    dot = dot_abs(norm, dims);
    // for each element vertex
    not_less[0] = not_greater[0] = 8;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { 
      tmp = norm % corners[i];
      not_less[0] -= (tmp < -dot);
      not_greater[0] -= (tmp > dot);

    if (not_less[0] * not_greater[0] == 0)
      return false;

    // Overlap on all tested axes.
  return true;
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_linear_elem_overlap ( const CartVect elem_corners,
EntityType  elem_type,
const CartVect box_center,
const CartVect box_half_dims 

Test if the specified element intersects an axis-aligned box.

Uses MBCN and separating axis theorem for general algorithm that works for all fixed-size elements (not poly*).

elem_cornersThe coordinates of the element vertices
elem_typeThe toplogy of the element.
box_centerThe center of the axis-aligned box
box_half_dimsHalf of the width of the box in each axial direction.

Definition at line 580 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  CartVect corners[8];
  const unsigned num_corner = CN::VerticesPerEntity( type );
  assert( num_corner <= sizeof(corners)/sizeof(corners[0]) );
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_corner; ++i)
    corners[i] = elem_corners[i] - box_center;
  return box_linear_elem_overlap( corners, type, box_halfdims );
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_linear_elem_overlap ( const CartVect elem_corners,
EntityType  elem_type,
const CartVect box_half_dims 

Test if the specified element intersects an axis-aligned box.

Uses MBCN and separating axis theorem for general algorithm that works for all fixed-size elements (not poly*). Box and element vertices must be translated such that box center is at origin.

elem_cornersThe coordinates of the element vertices, in local coordinate system of box.
elem_typeThe toplogy of the element.
box_half_dimsHalf of the width of the box in each axial direction.

Definition at line 594 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

    // Do Separating Axis Theorem:
    // If the element and the box overlap, then the 1D projections
    // onto at least one of the axes in the following three sets
    // must overlap (assuming convex polyhedral element).
    // 1) The normals of the faces of the box (the principal axes)
    // 2) The crossproduct of each element edge with each box edge
    //    (crossproduct of each edge with each principal axis)
    // 3) The normals of the faces of the element

  unsigned e, f;             // loop counters
  int i;
  double dot, cross[2], tmp;
  CartVect norm;
  int indices[4]; // element edge/face vertex indices
    // test box face normals (principal axes)
  const int num_corner = CN::VerticesPerEntity( type );
  int not_less[3] = { num_corner, num_corner, num_corner }; 
  int not_greater[3] = { num_corner, num_corner, num_corner };
  int not_inside;
  for (i = 0; i < num_corner; ++i) { // for each element corner
    not_inside = 3;
    if (elem_corners[i][0] < -dims[0])
    else if (elem_corners[i][0] > dims[0])
    if (elem_corners[i][1] < -dims[1])
    else if (elem_corners[i][1] > dims[1])
    if (elem_corners[i][2] < -dims[2])
    else if (elem_corners[i][2] > dims[2])
    if (!not_inside)
      return true;
    // If all points less than min_x of box, then
    // not_less[0] == 0, and therfore
    // the following product is zero.
  if (not_greater[0] * not_greater[1] * not_greater[2] * 
         not_less[0] *    not_less[1] *    not_less[2] == 0)
    return false;
    // Test edge-edge crossproducts
    // Edge directions for box are principal axis, so 
    // for each element edge, check along the cross-product
    // of that edge with each of the tree principal axes.
  const unsigned num_edge = CN::NumSubEntities( type, 1 );
  for (e = 0; e < num_edge; ++e) { // for each element edge
      // get which element vertices bound the edge
    CN::SubEntityVertexIndices( type, 1, e, indices );

      // X-Axis

      // calculate crossproduct: axis x (v1 - v0),
      // where v1 and v0 are edge vertices.
    cross[0] = elem_corners[indices[0]][2] - elem_corners[indices[1]][2];
    cross[1] = elem_corners[indices[1]][1] - elem_corners[indices[0]][1];
      // skip if parallel
    if ((cross[0]*cross[0] + cross[1]*cross[1]) >= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
      dot = fabs(cross[0] * dims[1]) + fabs(cross[1] * dims[2]);
      not_less[0] = not_greater[0] = num_corner - 1;
      for (i = (indices[0]+1)%num_corner; i != indices[0]; i = (i+1)%num_corner) { // for each element corner
        tmp = cross[0] * elem_corners[i][1] + cross[1] * elem_corners[i][2];
        not_less[0] -= (tmp < -dot);
        not_greater[0] -= (tmp > dot);

      if (not_less[0] * not_greater[0] == 0)
        return false;

      // Y-Axis

      // calculate crossproduct: axis x (v1 - v0),
      // where v1 and v0 are edge vertices.
    cross[0] = elem_corners[indices[0]][0] - elem_corners[indices[1]][0];
    cross[1] = elem_corners[indices[1]][2] - elem_corners[indices[0]][2];
      // skip if parallel
    if ((cross[0]*cross[0] + cross[1]*cross[1]) >= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
      dot = fabs(cross[0] * dims[2]) + fabs(cross[1] * dims[0]);
      not_less[0] = not_greater[0] = num_corner - 1;
      for (i = (indices[0]+1)%num_corner; i != indices[0]; i = (i+1)%num_corner) { // for each element corner
        tmp = cross[0] * elem_corners[i][2] + cross[1] * elem_corners[i][0];
        not_less[0] -= (tmp < -dot);
        not_greater[0] -= (tmp > dot);

      if (not_less[0] * not_greater[0] == 0)
        return false;

      // Z-Axis

      // calculate crossproduct: axis x (v1 - v0),
      // where v1 and v0 are edge vertices.
    cross[0] = elem_corners[indices[0]][1] - elem_corners[indices[1]][1];
    cross[1] = elem_corners[indices[1]][0] - elem_corners[indices[0]][0];
      // skip if parallel
    if ((cross[0]*cross[0] + cross[1]*cross[1]) >= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
      dot = fabs(cross[0] * dims[0]) + fabs(cross[1] * dims[1]);
      not_less[0] = not_greater[0] = num_corner - 1;
      for (i = (indices[0]+1)%num_corner; i != indices[0]; i = (i+1)%num_corner) { // for each element corner
        tmp = cross[0] * elem_corners[i][0] + cross[1] * elem_corners[i][1];
        not_less[0] -= (tmp < -dot);
        not_greater[0] -= (tmp > dot);

      if (not_less[0] * not_greater[0] == 0)
        return false;
    // test element face normals
  const unsigned num_face = CN::NumSubEntities( type, 2 );
  for (f = 0; f < num_face; ++f) {
    CN::SubEntityVertexIndices( type, 2, f, indices );
    switch (CN::SubEntityType( type, 2, f )) {
      case MBTRI:
        norm = tri_norm( elem_corners[indices[0]], 
                         elem_corners[indices[2]] );
      case MBQUAD:
        norm = quad_norm( elem_corners[indices[0]], 
                          elem_corners[indices[3]] );
    dot = dot_abs(norm, dims);
    // for each element vertex
    not_less[0] = not_greater[0] = num_corner;
    for (i = 0; i < num_corner; ++i) { 
      tmp = norm % elem_corners[i];
      not_less[0] -= (tmp < -dot);
      not_greater[0] -= (tmp > dot);

    if (not_less[0] * not_greater[0] == 0)
      return false;

    // Overlap on all tested axes.
  return true;
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_plane_overlap ( const CartVect plane_normal,
double  plane_coeff,
CartVect  box_min_corner,
CartVect  box_max_corner 

Test if plane intersects axis-aligned box.

Test for intersection between an unbounded plane and an axis-aligned box.

plane_normalVector in plane normal direction (need *not* be a unit vector). The N in the plane equation: N . X + D = 0
plane_coeffThe scalar 'D' term in the plane equation: N . X + D = 0
box_min_cornerThe smallest coordinates of the box along each axis. The corner of the box for which all three coordinate values are smaller than those of any other corner. The X, Y, Z values for the planes normal to those axes and bounding the box on the -X, -Y, and -Z sides respectively.
box_max_cornerThe largest coordinates of the box along each axis. The corner of the box for which all three coordinate values are larger than those of any other corner. The X, Y, Z values for the planes normal to those axes and bounding the box on the +X, +Y, and +Z sides respectively.
true if overlap, false otherwise.

Definition at line 408 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  if (normal[0] < 0.0)
    std::swap( min[0], max[0] );
  if (normal[1] < 0.0)
    std::swap( min[1], max[1] );
  if (normal[2] < 0.0)
    std::swap( min[2], max[2] );
  return (normal % min <= -d) && (normal % max >= -d);
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_point_overlap ( const CartVect box_min_corner,
const CartVect box_max_corner,
const CartVect point,
double  tolerance 

Definition at line 1372 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  CartVect closest;
  closest_location_on_box( box_min_corner, box_max_corner, point, closest );
  closest -= point;
  return closest % closest < tolerance * tolerance;
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_tet_overlap ( const CartVect  tet_corners[4],
const CartVect box_center,
const CartVect box_dims 
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_tet_overlap ( const CartVect corners_in,
const CartVect center,
const CartVect dims 

Definition at line 979 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

    // Do Separating Axis Theorem:
    // If the element and the box overlap, then the 1D projections
    // onto at least one of the axes in the following three sets
    // must overlap (assuming convex polyhedral element).
    // 1) The normals of the faces of the box (the principal axes)
    // 2) The crossproduct of each element edge with each box edge
    //    (crossproduct of each edge with each principal axis)
    // 3) The normals of the faces of the element

    // Translate problem such that box center is at origin.
  const CartVect corners[4] = { corners_in[0] - center,
                                  corners_in[1] - center,
                                  corners_in[2] - center,
                                  corners_in[3] - center };

    // 0) Check if any vertex is within the box
  if (fabs(corners[0][0]) <= dims[0] &&
      fabs(corners[0][1]) <= dims[1] &&
      fabs(corners[0][2]) <= dims[2])
    return true;
  if (fabs(corners[1][0]) <= dims[0] &&
      fabs(corners[1][1]) <= dims[1] &&
      fabs(corners[1][2]) <= dims[2])
    return true;
  if (fabs(corners[2][0]) <= dims[0] &&
      fabs(corners[2][1]) <= dims[1] &&
      fabs(corners[2][2]) <= dims[2])
    return true;
  if (fabs(corners[3][0]) <= dims[0] &&
      fabs(corners[3][1]) <= dims[1] &&
      fabs(corners[3][2]) <= dims[2])
    return true;

    // 1) Check for overlap on each principal axis (box face normal)
    // X
  if (corners[0][0] < -dims[0] &&
      corners[1][0] < -dims[0] &&
      corners[2][0] < -dims[0] &&
      corners[3][0] < -dims[0])
    return false;
  if (corners[0][0] >  dims[0] &&
      corners[1][0] >  dims[0] &&
      corners[2][0] >  dims[0] &&
      corners[3][0] >  dims[0])
    return false;
    // Y
  if (corners[0][1] < -dims[1] &&
      corners[1][1] < -dims[1] &&
      corners[2][1] < -dims[1] &&
      corners[3][1] < -dims[1])
    return false;
  if (corners[0][1] >  dims[1] &&
      corners[1][1] >  dims[1] &&
      corners[2][1] >  dims[1] &&
      corners[3][1] >  dims[1])
    return false;
    // Z
  if (corners[0][2] < -dims[2] &&
      corners[1][2] < -dims[2] &&
      corners[2][2] < -dims[2] &&
      corners[3][2] < -dims[2])
    return false;
  if (corners[0][2] >  dims[2] &&
      corners[1][2] >  dims[2] &&
      corners[2][2] >  dims[2] &&
      corners[3][2] >  dims[2])
    return false;
    // 3) test element face normals
  CartVect norm;
  double dot, dot1, dot2;
  const CartVect v01 = corners[1] - corners[0];
  const CartVect v02 = corners[2] - corners[0];
  norm = v01 * v02;
  dot = dot_abs(norm, dims);
  dot1 = norm % corners[0];
  dot2 = norm % corners[3];
  if (dot1 > dot2)
    std::swap(dot1, dot2);
  if (dot2 < -dot || dot1 > dot)
    return false;
  const CartVect v03 = corners[3] - corners[0];
  norm = v03 * v01;
  dot = dot_abs(norm, dims);
  dot1 = norm % corners[0];
  dot2 = norm % corners[2];
  if (dot1 > dot2)
    std::swap(dot1, dot2);
  if (dot2 < -dot || dot1 > dot)
    return false;
  norm = v02 * v03;
  dot = dot_abs(norm, dims);
  dot1 = norm % corners[0];
  dot2 = norm % corners[1];
  if (dot1 > dot2)
    std::swap(dot1, dot2);
  if (dot2 < -dot || dot1 > dot)
    return false;
  const CartVect v12 = corners[2] - corners[1];
  const CartVect v13 = corners[3] - corners[1];
  norm = v13 * v12;
  dot = dot_abs(norm, dims);
  dot1 = norm % corners[0];
  dot2 = norm % corners[1];
  if (dot1 > dot2)
    std::swap(dot1, dot2);
  if (dot2 < -dot || dot1 > dot)
    return false;

    // 2) test edge-edge cross products
  const CartVect v23 = corners[3] - corners[2];
  return box_tet_overlap_edge( dims, v01, corners[0], corners[2], corners[3] )
      && box_tet_overlap_edge( dims, v02, corners[0], corners[1], corners[3] )
      && box_tet_overlap_edge( dims, v03, corners[0], corners[1], corners[2] )
      && box_tet_overlap_edge( dims, v12, corners[1], corners[0], corners[3] )
      && box_tet_overlap_edge( dims, v13, corners[1], corners[0], corners[2] )
      && box_tet_overlap_edge( dims, v23, corners[2], corners[0], corners[1] );
static bool moab::GeomUtil::box_tet_overlap_edge ( const CartVect dims,
const CartVect edge,
const CartVect ve,
const CartVect v1,
const CartVect v2 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 935 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  double dot, dot1, dot2, dot3, min, max;
    // edge x X
  if (fabs(edge[1]*edge[2]) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
    dot = fabs(edge[2]) * dims[1] + fabs(edge[1]) * dims[2];
    dot1 = edge[2] * ve[1] - edge[1] * ve[2];
    dot2 = edge[2] * v1[1] - edge[1] * v1[2];
    dot3 = edge[2] * v2[1] - edge[1] * v2[2];
    min_max_3( dot1, dot2, dot3, min, max );
    if (max < -dot || min > dot)
      return false;
    // edge x Y
  if (fabs(edge[1]*edge[2]) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
    dot = fabs(edge[2]) * dims[0] + fabs(edge[0]) * dims[2];
    dot1 = -edge[2] * ve[0] + edge[0] * ve[2];
    dot2 = -edge[2] * v1[0] + edge[0] * v1[2];
    dot3 = -edge[2] * v2[0] + edge[0] * v2[2];
    min_max_3( dot1, dot2, dot3, min, max );
    if (max < -dot || min > dot)
      return false;
    // edge x Z
  if (fabs(edge[1]*edge[2]) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
    dot = fabs(edge[1]) * dims[0] + fabs(edge[0]) * dims[1];
    dot1 = edge[1] * ve[0] - edge[0] * ve[1];
    dot2 = edge[1] * v1[0] - edge[0] * v1[1];
    dot3 = edge[1] * v2[0] - edge[0] * v2[1];
    min_max_3( dot1, dot2, dot3, min, max );
    if (max < -dot || min > dot)
      return false;

  return true;
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_tri_overlap ( const CartVect  triangle_corners[3],
const CartVect box_center,
const CartVect box_half_dims 

Test if triangle intersects axis-aligned box.

Test if a triangle intersects an axis-aligned box.

triangle_cornersThe corners of the triangle.
box_centerThe center of the box.
box_hanf_dimsThe distance along each axis, respectively, from the box_center to the boundary of the box.
true if overlap, false otherwise.

Definition at line 441 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

    // translate everthing such that box is centered at origin
  const CartVect v0( vertices[0] - box_center );
  const CartVect v1( vertices[1] - box_center );
  const CartVect v2( vertices[2] - box_center );

  // do case 1) tests
  if (v0[0] > box_dims[0] && v1[0] > box_dims[0] && v2[0] > box_dims[0])
    return false;
  if (v0[1] > box_dims[1] && v1[1] > box_dims[1] && v2[1] > box_dims[1])
    return false;
  if (v0[2] > box_dims[2] && v1[2] > box_dims[2] && v2[2] > box_dims[2])
    return false;
  if (v0[0] < -box_dims[0] && v1[0] < -box_dims[0] && v2[0] < -box_dims[0])
    return false;
  if (v0[1] < -box_dims[1] && v1[1] < -box_dims[1] && v2[1] < -box_dims[1])
    return false;
  if (v0[2] < -box_dims[2] && v1[2] < -box_dims[2] && v2[2] < -box_dims[2])
    return false;
    // compute triangle edge vectors
  const CartVect e0( vertices[1] - vertices[0] );
  const CartVect e1( vertices[2] - vertices[1] );
  const CartVect e2( vertices[0] - vertices[2] );
    // do case 3) tests 
  double fex, fey, fez, p0, p1, p2, rad;
  fex = fabs(e0[0]);
  fey = fabs(e0[1]);
  fez = fabs(e0[2]);
  p0 = e0[2]*v0[1] - e0[1]*v0[2];
  p2 = e0[2]*v2[1] - e0[1]*v2[2];
  rad = fez * box_dims[1] + fey * box_dims[2];
  CHECK_RANGE( p0, p2, rad );
  p0 = -e0[2]*v0[0] + e0[0]*v0[2];
  p2 = -e0[2]*v2[0] + e0[0]*v2[2];
  rad = fez * box_dims[0] + fex * box_dims[2];
  CHECK_RANGE( p0, p2, rad );
  p1 = e0[1]*v1[0] - e0[0]*v1[1];
  p2 = e0[1]*v2[0] - e0[0]*v2[1];
  rad = fey * box_dims[0] + fex * box_dims[1];
  CHECK_RANGE( p1, p2, rad );
  fex = fabs(e1[0]);
  fey = fabs(e1[1]);
  fez = fabs(e1[2]);
  p0 = e1[2]*v0[1] - e1[1]*v0[2];
  p2 = e1[2]*v2[1] - e1[1]*v2[2];
  rad = fez * box_dims[1] + fey * box_dims[2];
  CHECK_RANGE( p0, p2, rad );
  p0 = -e1[2]*v0[0] + e1[0]*v0[2];
  p2 = -e1[2]*v2[0] + e1[0]*v2[2];
  rad = fez * box_dims[0] + fex * box_dims[2];
  CHECK_RANGE( p0, p2, rad );
  p0 = e1[1]*v0[0] - e1[0]*v0[1];
  p1 = e1[1]*v1[0] - e1[0]*v1[1];
  rad = fey * box_dims[0] + fex * box_dims[1];
  CHECK_RANGE( p0, p1, rad );
  fex = fabs(e2[0]);
  fey = fabs(e2[1]);
  fez = fabs(e2[2]);
  p0 = e2[2]*v0[1] - e2[1]*v0[2];
  p1 = e2[2]*v1[1] - e2[1]*v1[2];
  rad = fez * box_dims[1] + fey * box_dims[2];
  CHECK_RANGE( p0, p1, rad );
  p0 = -e2[2]*v0[0] + e2[0]*v0[2];
  p1 = -e2[2]*v1[0] + e2[0]*v1[2];
  rad = fez * box_dims[0] + fex * box_dims[2];
  CHECK_RANGE( p0, p1, rad );
  p1 = e2[1]*v1[0] - e2[0]*v1[1];
  p2 = e2[1]*v2[0] - e2[0]*v2[1];
  rad = fey * box_dims[0] + fex * box_dims[1];
  CHECK_RANGE( p1, p2, rad );
  // do case 2) test
  CartVect n = e0 * e1;
  return box_plane_overlap( n, -(n % v0), -box_dims, box_dims );
bool moab::GeomUtil::box_tri_overlap ( const CartVect  triangle_corners[3],
const CartVect box_min_corner,
const CartVect box_max_corner,
double  tolerance 

Test if triangle intersects axis-aligned box.

Test if a triangle intersects an axis-aligned box.

triangle_cornersThe corners of the triangle.
box_min_cornerThe smallest coordinates of the box along each axis. The corner of the box for which all three coordinate values are smaller than those of any other corner. The X, Y, Z values for the planes normal to those axes and bounding the box on the -X, -Y, and -Z sides respectively.
box_max_cornerThe largest coordinates of the box along each axis. The corner of the box for which all three coordinate values are larger than those of any other corner. The X, Y, Z values for the planes normal to those axes and bounding the box on the +X, +Y, and +Z sides respectively.
toleranceThe tolerance used in the intersection test. The box size is increased by this amount before the intersection test.
true if overlap, false otherwise.

Definition at line 534 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  const CartVect box_center = 0.5 * (box_max_corner + box_min_corner);
  const CartVect box_hf_dim = 0.5 * (box_max_corner - box_min_corner);
  return box_tri_overlap( triangle_corners,
                          box_hf_dim + CartVect(tolerance) );
bool moab::GeomUtil::boxes_overlap ( const CartVect box_min1,
const CartVect box_max1,
const CartVect box_min2,
const CartVect box_max2,
double  tolerance 

Definition at line 1383 of file GeomUtil.cpp.


  for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
    double b1min=box_min1[k], b1max=box_max1[k];
    double b2min=box_min2[k], b2max=box_max2[k];
    if ( b1min - tolerance > b2max)
      return false;
    if (b2min - tolerance > b1max )
      return false;
  return true;
void moab::GeomUtil::closest_location_on_box ( const CartVect min,
const CartVect max,
const CartVect point,
CartVect closest 

Definition at line 1362 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  closest[0] = point[0] < min[0] ? min[0] : point[0] > max[0] ? max[0] : point[0];
  closest[1] = point[1] < min[1] ? min[1] : point[1] > max[1] ? max[1] : point[1];
  closest[2] = point[2] < min[2] ? min[2] : point[2] > max[2] ? max[2] : point[2];
void moab::GeomUtil::closest_location_on_polygon ( const CartVect location,
const CartVect vertices,
int  num_vertices,
CartVect closest_out 

find closest location on polygon

Find closest location on polygon

locationInput position to evaluate from
verticesArray of corner vertex coordinates.
num_verticesLength of 'vertices' array.
closest_outResult position

Definition at line 1296 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  const int n = num_vertices;
  CartVect d, p, v;
  double shortest_sqr, dist_sqr, t_closest, t;
  int i, e;
    // Find closest edge of polygon.
  e = n - 1;
  v = vertices[0] - vertices[e];
  t_closest = (v % (location - vertices[e])) / (v % v);
  if (t_closest < 0.0)
    d = location - vertices[e];
  else if (t_closest > 1.0)
    d = location - vertices[0];
    d = location - vertices[e] - t_closest * v;
  shortest_sqr = d % d;
  for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
    v = vertices[i+1] - vertices[i];
    t = (v % (location - vertices[i])) / (v % v);
    if (t < 0.0)
      d = location - vertices[i];
    else if (t > 1.0)
      d = location - vertices[i+1];
      d = location - vertices[i] - t * v;
    dist_sqr = d % d;
    if (dist_sqr < shortest_sqr) {
      e = i;
      shortest_sqr = dist_sqr;
      t_closest = t;
    // If we are beyond the bounds of the edge, then
    // the point is outside and closest to a vertex
  if (t_closest <= 0.0) {
    closest_out = vertices[e];
  else if (t_closest >= 1.0) {
    closest_out = vertices[(e+1)%n];
    // Now check which side of the edge we are one
  const CartVect v0 = vertices[e] - vertices[(e+n-1)%n];
  const CartVect v1 = vertices[(e+1)%n] - vertices[e];
  const CartVect v2 = vertices[(e+2)%n] - vertices[(e+1)%n];
  const CartVect norm = (1.0 - t_closest) * (v0 * v1) + t_closest * (v1 * v2);
    // if on outside of edge, result is closest point on edge
  if ((norm % ((vertices[e] - location) * v1)) <= 0.0) { 
    closest_out = vertices[e] + t_closest * v1;
    // Inside.  Project to plane defined by point and normal at
    // closest edge
  const double D = -(norm % (vertices[e] + t_closest * v1));
  closest_out = (location - (norm % location + D) * norm)/(norm % norm);
void moab::GeomUtil::closest_location_on_tri ( const CartVect location,
const CartVect vertices,
CartVect closest_out 

find closest location on triangle

Find closest location on linear triangle.

locationInput position to evaluate from
verticesArray of three corner vertex coordinates.
closest_outResult position

Definition at line 1133 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

{                                                     // ops      comparisons
  const CartVect sv( vertices[1] - vertices[0] );   // +3 = 3
  const CartVect tv( vertices[2] - vertices[0] );   // +3 = 6
  const CartVect pv( vertices[0] - location );      // +3 = 9
  const double ss = sv % sv;                          // +5 = 14
  const double st = sv % tv;                          // +5 = 19
  const double tt = tv % tv;                          // +5 = 24
  const double sp = sv % pv;                          // +5 = 29
  const double tp = tv % pv;                          // +5 = 34
  const double det = ss*tt - st*st;                   // +3 = 37
  double s = st*tp - tt*sp;                           // +3 = 40
  double t = st*sp - ss*tp;                           // +3 = 43
  if (s+t < det) {                                    // +1 = 44, +1 = 1
    if (s < 0) {                                      //          +1 = 2
      if (t < 0) {                                    //          +1 = 3
        // region 4
        if (sp < 0) {                                 //          +1 = 4
          if (-sp > ss)                               //          +1 = 5
            closest_out = vertices[1];                //      44       5
            closest_out = vertices[0] - (sp/ss) * sv; // +7 = 51,      5
        else if (tp < 0) {                            //          +1 = 5
          if (-tp > tt)                               //          +1 = 6
            closest_out = vertices[2];                //      44,      6
            closest_out = vertices[0] - (tp/tt) * tv; // +7 = 51,      6
        else {
          closest_out = vertices[0];                  //      44,      5
      else {
        // region 3
        if (tp >= 0)                                  //          +1 = 4
          closest_out = vertices[0];                  //      44,      4
        else if (-tp >= tt)                           //          +1 = 5
          closest_out = vertices[2];                  //      44,      5
          closest_out = vertices[0] - (tp/tt) * tv;   // +7 = 51,      5
    else if (t < 0) {                                 //          +1 = 3
      // region 5;
      if (sp >= 0.0)                                  //          +1 = 4
        closest_out = vertices[0];                    //      44,      4
      else if (-sp >= ss)                             //          +1 = 5
        closest_out = vertices[1];                    //      44       5
        closest_out = vertices[0] - (sp/ss) * sv;     // +7 = 51,      5
    else {
      // region 0
      const double inv_det = 1.0 / det;               // +1 = 45
      s *= inv_det;                                   // +1 = 46
      t *= inv_det;                                   // +1 = 47
      closest_out = vertices[0] + s*sv + t*tv;        //+12 = 59,      3  
  else {
    if (s < 0) {                                      //          +1 = 2
      // region 2
      s = st + sp;                                    // +1 = 45
      t = tt + tp;                                    // +1 = 46
      if (t > s) {                                    //          +1 = 3
        const double num = t - s;                     // +1 = 47
        const double den = ss - 2*st + tt;            // +3 = 50
        if (num > den)                                //          +1 = 4
          closest_out = vertices[1];                  //      50,      4
        else {
          s = num/den;                                // +1 = 51
          t = 1 - s;                                  // +1 = 52
          closest_out = s*vertices[1] + t*vertices[2];// +9 = 61,      4
      else if (t <= 0)                                //          +1 = 4
        closest_out = vertices[2];                    //      46,      4
      else if (tp >= 0)                               //          +1 = 5
        closest_out = vertices[0];                    //      46,      5
        closest_out = vertices[0] - (tp/tt) * tv;     // +7 = 53,      5
    else if (t < 0) {                                 //          +1 = 3
      // region 6
      t = st + tp;                                    // +1 = 45
      s = ss + sp;                                    // +1 = 46
      if (s > t) {                                    //          +1 = 4
        const double num = t - s;                     // +1 = 47
        const double den = tt - 2*st + ss;            // +3 = 50
        if (num > den)                                //          +1 = 5
          closest_out = vertices[2];                  //      50,      5
        else {
          t = num/den;                                // +1 = 51
          s = 1 - t;                                  // +1 = 52
          closest_out = s*vertices[1] + t*vertices[2];// +9 = 61,      5
      else if (s <= 0)                                //          +1 = 5
        closest_out = vertices[1];                    //      46,      5
      else if (sp >= 0)                               //          +1 = 6
        closest_out = vertices[0];                    //      46,      6
        closest_out = vertices[0] - (sp/ss) * sv;     // +7 = 53,      6
    else {
      // region 1
      const double num = tt + tp - st - sp;           // +3 = 47
      if (num <= 0) {                                 //          +1 = 4
        closest_out = vertices[2];                    //      47,      4
      else {
        const double den = ss - 2*st + tt;            // +3 = 50
        if (num >= den)                               //          +1 = 5
          closest_out = vertices[1];                  //      50,      5
        else {
          s = num/den;                                // +1 = 51
          t = 1 - s;                                  // +1 = 52
          closest_out = s*vertices[1] + t*vertices[2];// +9 = 61,      5
void moab::GeomUtil::closest_location_on_tri ( const CartVect location,
const CartVect vertices,
double  tolerance,
CartVect closest_out,
int &  closest_topo 

find closest topological location on triangle

Find closest location on linear triangle.

locationInput position to evaluate from
verticesArray of three corner vertex coordinates.
toleranceTolerance to use when comparing to corners and edges
closest_outResult position
closest_topoClosest topological entity 0-2 : vertex index 3-5 : edge beginning at closest_topo - 3 6 : triangle interior

Definition at line 1260 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  const double tsqr = tolerance*tolerance;
  int i;
  CartVect pv[3], ev, ep;
  double t;

  closest_location_on_tri( location, vertices, closest_out );
  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    pv[i] = vertices[i] - closest_out;
    if ((pv[i] % pv[i]) <= tsqr) {
      closest_topo = i;
  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    ev = vertices[(i+1)%3] - vertices[i];
    t = (ev % pv[i]) / (ev % ev);
    ep = closest_out - (vertices[i] + t * ev);
    if ((ep % ep) <= tsqr) {
      closest_topo = i+3;
  closest_topo = 6;
static double moab::GeomUtil::dot_abs ( const CartVect u,
const CartVect v 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 64 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  { return fabs(u[0]*v[0]) + fabs(u[1]*v[1]) + fabs(u[2]*v[2]); }
bool moab::GeomUtil::first ( const CartVect a,
const CartVect b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 111 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  if(a[0] < b[0]) {
    return true;
  } else if(a[0] == b[0]) {
    if(a[1] < b[1]) {
      return true;
    } else if(a[1] == b[1]) {
      if(a[2] < b[2]) {
    return true;
      } else {
        return false;
    } else {
      return false;
  } else {
    return false;
static void moab::GeomUtil::min_max_3 ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c,
double &  min,
double &  max 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 41 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  if (a < b) {
    if (a < c) {
      min = a;
      max = b > c ? b : c;
    else {
      min = c;
      max = b;
  else if (b < c) {
    min = b;
    max = a > c ? a : c;
  else {
    min = c;
    max = a;
bool moab::GeomUtil::nat_coords_trilinear_hex ( const CartVect corner_coords,
const CartVect x,
CartVect xi,
double  tol 

Definition at line 1521 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  return LinearHexMap( corner_coords ).solve_inverse( x, xi, tol );
bool moab::GeomUtil::plucker_ray_tri_intersect ( const CartVect  vertices[3],
const CartVect origin,
const CartVect direction,
double  ,
double &  dist_out,
const double *  nonneg_ray_len,
const double *  neg_ray_len,
const int *  orientation,
intersection_type *  type 

Definition at line 144 of file GeomUtil.cpp.


  const CartVect raya = direction;
  const CartVect rayb = direction*origin;

  // edge 0
  double pip0;
  if(first(vertices[0],vertices[1])) {
    const CartVect edge0a = vertices[1]-vertices[0];
    const CartVect edge0b = edge0a*vertices[0];
    pip0 = raya % edge0b + rayb % edge0a;
  } else {
    const CartVect edge0a = vertices[0]-vertices[1];
    const CartVect edge0b = edge0a*vertices[1];
    pip0 = raya % edge0b + rayb % edge0a;
    pip0 = -pip0;

  // try to exit early
  if(orientation && (*orientation)*pip0 > 0) {
    if(type) *type = NONE;
    return false;

  // edge 1
  double pip1;
  if(first(vertices[1],vertices[2])) {
    const CartVect edge1a = vertices[2]-vertices[1];
    const CartVect edge1b = edge1a*vertices[1];
    pip1 = raya % edge1b + rayb % edge1a;
  } else {
    const CartVect edge1a = vertices[1]-vertices[2];
    const CartVect edge1b = edge1a*vertices[2];
    pip1 = raya % edge1b + rayb % edge1a;
    pip1 = -pip1;

  // try to exit early
  if(orientation) {
    if( (*orientation)*pip1 > 0) {
      if(type) *type = NONE;
      return false;
  // If the orientation is not specified, all pips must be the same sign or zero.
  } else if( (0.0<pip0 && 0.0>pip1) || (0.0>pip0 && 0.0<pip1) ) {
    if(type) *type = NONE;
    return false;

  // edge 2
  double pip2;
  if(first(vertices[2],vertices[0])) {
    const CartVect edge2a = vertices[0]-vertices[2];
    const CartVect edge2b = edge2a*vertices[2];
    pip2 = raya % edge2b + rayb % edge2a;
  } else {
    const CartVect edge2a = vertices[2]-vertices[0];
    const CartVect edge2b = edge2a*vertices[0];
    pip2 = raya % edge2b + rayb % edge2a;
    pip2 = -pip2;

  // try to exit early
  if(orientation) {
    if( (*orientation)*pip2 > 0) {
      if(type) *type = NONE;
      return false;
  // If the orientation is not specified, all pips must be the same sign or zero.
  } else if( (0.0<pip1 && 0.0>pip2) || (0.0>pip1 && 0.0<pip2) ||
             (0.0<pip0 && 0.0>pip2) || (0.0>pip0 && 0.0<pip2) ) {
    if(type) *type = NONE;
    return false;

  // check for coplanar case to avoid dividing by zero
  if(0==pip0 && 0==pip1 && 0==pip2) {
    //std::cout << "plucker: coplanar" << std::endl;
    if(type) *type = NONE;
    return false;

  // get the distance to intersection
  const double inverse_sum = 1.0/(pip0+pip1+pip2);
  assert(0.0 != inverse_sum);
  const CartVect intersection(pip0*inverse_sum*vertices[2]+ 

  // To minimize numerical error, get index of largest magnitude direction.
  int idx = 0;
  double max_abs_dir = 0;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    if( fabs(direction[i]) > max_abs_dir ) {
      idx = i;
      max_abs_dir = fabs(direction[i]);
  const double dist = (intersection[idx]-origin[idx])/direction[idx];

  // is the intersection within distance limits?
  if(nonneg_ray_len && *nonneg_ray_len<dist) {
    if(type) *type = NONE;
    return false;
  if(neg_ray_len && *neg_ray_len>=dist) {
    if(type) *type = NONE;
    return false;

  // Unless a neg_ray_len is used, don't return negative distances
  } else if (!neg_ray_len && 0>dist) {
    if(type) *type = NONE;
    return false;
  dist_out = dist;
  // check for special cases
  if(0==pip0 || 0==pip1 || 0==pip2) {
    if       (0==pip0 && 0==pip1) {
      //std::cout << "plucker: node1" << std::endl;
      if(type) *type = NODE1;
      return true;
    } else if(0==pip1 && 0==pip2) {
      //std::cout << "plucker: node2" << std::endl;
      if(type) *type = NODE2;
      return true;
    } else if(0==pip2 && 0==pip0) {
      //std::cout << "plucker: node0" << std::endl;
      if(type) *type = NODE0;
      return true;
    } else if(0==pip0) {
      //std::cout << "plucker: edge0" << std::endl;
      if(type) *type = EDGE0;
      return true;
    } else if(0==pip1) {
      //std::cout << "plucker: edge1" << std::endl;
      if(type) *type = EDGE1;
      return true;
    } else if(0==pip2) {
      //std::cout << "plucker: edge2" << std::endl;
      if(type) *type = EDGE2;
      return true;

  // if here, ray intersects interior of tri
  if(type) *type = INTERIOR;
  return true;
bool moab::GeomUtil::point_in_trilinear_hex ( const CartVect hex,
const CartVect xyz,
double  etol 

Definition at line 1530 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  CartVect xi;
  return nat_coords_trilinear_hex( hex, xyz, xi, etol )
      && fabs(xi[0])-1 < etol 
      && fabs(xi[1])-1 < etol 
      && fabs(xi[2])-1 < etol;
static CartVect moab::GeomUtil::quad_norm ( const CartVect v1,
const CartVect v2,
const CartVect v3,
const CartVect v4 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 568 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

{ return (-v1+v2+v3-v4) * (-v1-v2+v3+v4); }
bool moab::GeomUtil::ray_box_intersect ( const CartVect box_min,
const CartVect box_max,
const CartVect ray_pt,
const CartVect ray_dir,
double &  t_enter,
double &  t_exit 

Find range of overlap between ray and axis-aligned box.

box_minBox corner with minimum coordinate values
box_maxBox corner with minimum coordinate values
ray_ptCoordinates of start point of ray
ray_dirDirectionion vector for ray such that the ray is defined by r(t) = ray_point + t * ray_vect for t > 0.
t_enterOutput: if return value is true, this value is the parameter location along the ray at which the ray entered the leaf. If return value is false, then this value is undefined.
t_exitOutput: if return value is true, this value is the parameter location along the ray at which the ray exited the leaf. If return value is false, then this value is undefined.
true if ray intersects leaf, false otherwise.

Definition at line 355 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  const double epsilon = 1e-12;
  double t1, t2;

  // Use 'slabs' method from 13.6.1 of Akenine-Moller
  t_enter = 0.0;
  t_exit  = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
  // Intersect with each pair of axis-aligned planes bounding
  // opposite faces of the leaf box
  bool ray_is_valid = false; // is ray direction vector zero?
  for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) {
    if (fabs(ray_dir[axis]) < epsilon) { // ray parallel to planes
      if (ray_pt[axis] >= box_min[axis] &&
          ray_pt[axis] <= box_max[axis])
        return false;
      // find t values at which ray intersects each plane
    ray_is_valid = true;
    t1 = (box_min[axis] - ray_pt[axis]) / ray_dir[axis];
    t2 = (box_max[axis] - ray_pt[axis]) / ray_dir[axis];
      // t_enter = max( t_enter_x, t_enter_y, t_enter_z )
      // t_exit  = min( t_exit_x, t_exit_y, t_exit_z )
      //   where
      // t_enter_x = min( t1_x, t2_x );
      // t_exit_x  = max( t1_x, t2_x )
    if (t1 < t2) {
      if (t_enter < t1)
        t_enter = t1;
      if (t_exit > t2)
        t_exit = t2;
    else {
      if (t_enter < t2)
        t_enter = t2;
      if (t_exit > t1)
        t_exit = t1;
  return ray_is_valid && (t_enter <= t_exit);
bool moab::GeomUtil::ray_tri_intersect ( const CartVect  vertices[3],
const CartVect ray_point,
const CartVect ray_unit_direction,
double  tolerance,
double &  t_out,
const double *  ray_length = 0 

Test for intersection between a ray and a triangle.

ray_pointThe start point of the ray.
ray_unit_direcitonThe direction of the ray. Must be a unit vector.
toleranceAbsolute distance tolerance for point equality
t_outOutput: The distance along the ray from ray_point in the direction of ray_unit_direction at which the ray itersected the triangle.
ray_lengthOptional: If non-null, a pointer a maximum length for the ray, converting this function to a segment-tri- intersect test.
true if intersection, false otherwise.

Definition at line 303 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

  const CartVect p0 = vertices[0] - vertices[1]; // abc
  const CartVect p1 = vertices[0] - vertices[2]; // def
                                                   // ghi<-v
  const CartVect p = vertices[0] - b;            // jkl
  const CartVect c = p1 * v;                     // eiMinushf,gfMinusdi,dhMinuseg
  const double mP = p0 % c;
  const double betaP = p % c;
  if (mP > 0) {
    if (betaP < 0)
      return false;
  else if (mP < 0) {
    if (betaP > 0)
      return false;
  else {
    return false;
  const CartVect d = p0 * p; // jcMinusal,blMinuskc,akMinusjb
  double gammaP = v % d;
  if (mP > 0) {
    if (gammaP < 0 || betaP + gammaP > mP)
      return false;
  else if (betaP + gammaP < mP || gammaP > 0)
    return false;
  const double tP = p1 % d;
  const double m = 1.0 / mP;
  const double beta = betaP * m;
  const double gamma = gammaP * m;
  const double t = -tP * m;
  if (ray_length && t > *ray_length)
    return false;
  if (beta < 0 || gamma < 0 ||
      beta + gamma > 1 ||
      t < 0.0)
    return false;
  t_out = t;
  return true;
bool moab::GeomUtil::segment_box_intersect ( CartVect  box_min,
CartVect  box_max,
const CartVect seg_pt,
const CartVect seg_unit_dir,
double &  seg_start,
double &  seg_end 

Given a line segment and an axis-aligned box, return the sub-segment of the line segment that itersects the box.

Can be used to intersect ray with box by passing seg_end as HUGE_VAL or std::numeric_limits<double>::maximum().

box_minMinimum corner of axis-aligned box
box_maxMaximum corner of axis-aligned box
seg_ptA point in the line containing the segement
seg_unit_dirA unit vector in the direction of the line containing the semgent.
seg_startThe distance from seg_pt in the direction of seg_unit_dir at which the segment begins. As input, the start of the original segment, as output, the start of the sub-segment intersecting the box. Note: seg_start must be less than seg_end
seg_endThe distance from seg_pt in the direction of seg_unit_dir at which the segment ends. As input, the end of the original segment, as output, the end of the sub-segment intersecting the box. Note: seg_start must be less than seg_end
true if line semgent intersects box, false otherwise.

Definition at line 67 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

    // translate so that seg_pt is at origin
  box_min -= seg_pt;
  box_max -= seg_pt;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {  // X, Y, and Z slabs

      // intersect line with slab planes
    const double t_min = box_min[i] / seg_unit_dir[i];
    const double t_max = box_max[i] / seg_unit_dir[i];
      // check if line is parallel to planes
    if (!finite(t_min)) {
      if (box_min[i] > 0.0 || box_max[i] < 0.0)
        return false; 

    if (seg_unit_dir[i] < 0) {
      if (t_min < seg_end) 
        seg_end = t_min;
      if (t_max > seg_start)
        seg_start = t_max;
    else { // seg_unit_dir[i] > 0
      if (t_min > seg_start)
        seg_start = t_min; 
      if (t_max < seg_end)
        seg_end = t_max;

  return seg_start <= seg_end;
static CartVect moab::GeomUtil::tri_norm ( const CartVect v1,
const CartVect v2,
const CartVect v3 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 574 of file GeomUtil.cpp.

{ return (v2-v1) * (v3-v1); }
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