Paul Hovland
- E-mail: hovland/at/
- MCS Division, Bldg. 240, Rm. 2153
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S Cass Ave
Argonne, IL 60439
- Phone: 630-252-6384
Research Interests and Projects
My research focuses on software engineering for high performance scientific
applications; areas of interest include automatic differentiation, domain specific languages, and performance engineering.
I hold a BS in Computer Engineering and an MS in Computer Science from
Michigan State University, in East Lansing, MI. Here are some pictures of the beautiful MSU campus.
I received my PhD in
Computer Science with a Computational
Science & Engineering option at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in October
1997. My advisors were
Christian Bischof (formerly of Argonne, now at TU Darmstadt) and Michael Heath (UIUC).
For a brief CV, click here. For more publications, see the MCS Publications page or my citation list at Google Scholar.
Argonne National Laboratory / [email protected]