A Few Recent Talks by Ian Foster
Reverse order by date
Technology for Distributed Collaboration
Symposium on Digital Fabrication, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois, August 23, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
System Level Science and System Level Models
Energy Modeling Forum, Snowmass, Colorado
August 1, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Fast, Reliable, Loosely Coupled Parallel Computation
IEEE New Zealand Workshop in
High Performance and Grid Computing,
Auckland, New Zealand, July 5, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Looking to the Future
Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network (KAREN) Workshop
Auckland, New Zealand, July 3, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Enabling Distributed Petascale Science
Plenary talk at Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Conference
Boston, Massachusetts, June 28, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Grid: Enabling Open Science
Keynote, Nature Conference on Asia Pacific Networks Promoting Excellence in Research
June 6, 200, Tokyo, Japan [PDF] PowerPoint]
Scaling eScience Impact
1st Iberian Cyberinfrastructure Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain (May 15, 2007). [Earlier versions presented at the German eScience Conference, Baden Baden, Germany (May 2, 2007), and elsewhere.] [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Swift: Fast, Reliable, Loosely Coupled Parallel Computation
Lecture at Leibniz-Rechenzentrum M�nchen, April 30, Munich, Germany [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Why Computer Science is Fundamental to (Almost) Everything
Keynote Talk, New Zealand Computer Science Students Research Conference, April 11, Hamilton, New Zealand; Arthur Schoffstall Lecture, Renssellaer Polytechnic Institute, April 19, Troy, NY. [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Grid Tutorial, 4th IFIP Summer School
Gordons Bay, South Africa, March 28, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint].
Grid Technology and Multidisciplinary Science
Invited Talk at Virtual Observatories Conference, International Astronomical
Union, August 21,
(27.5MB) [Powerpoint]
The GriPhyN Virtual Data System
Talk at Conference in High Performance Computing and Grids,
July 4, Cetraro,
(3MB) [Powerpoint]
Education in the Science 2.0 Era
Invited Talk at
Workshop on SC Education Program, July 27, Argonne, Illinois
(5.5MB) [Powerpoint]
The Global Storage Grid -- Or, Managing Data for "Science 2.0"
Keynote at 14th NASA Goddard - 23rd IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems
and Technologies, May 16, College Park, Maryland
(12MB) [Powerpoint]
Global Data Services: Developing Data-Intensive Applications Using Globus
Tutorial at 14th NASA Goddard - 23rd IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems
and Technologies, May 15, College Park, Maryland
(13MB) [Powerpoint]
Cyberinfrastructure and the Role of Grid Computing -- Or, "Science 2.0"
Keynote Talk, Geoinformatics 2006, May 12, Reston VA,
(10.0MB) [Powerpoint]
Computation Institute
Presentation to Board of Trustees, University of Chicago, April 6, Chicago
(9.0MB) [Powerpoint,
for Slide 2,
Video for Slide 3,
Video for Slide 16]
Keynote Talk, Global Grid Forum 16, February 14,
Athens, Greece
(4.6MB) [Powerpoint]
Service Oriented Science:
Scaling eScience Application & Impact
Distinguished Lecture, Northeastern University,
Boston, January 26, and at Purdue,
February 6
(11.6MB) [Powerpoint]
recorded at Purdue]
[Earlier version presented as Keynote, 1st Intl. Conf. on
e-Science and Grid Computing, Melbourne, December 13, 2005]
Toolkit version 4
Tutorial, 1st Intl. Conf. on e-Science and Grid Computing,
Melbourne, Australia,
December 12 [and many other places]
(5.8MB) [Powerpoint]
Grid: Why,
What, How
Chicago Technology Forum, Chicago, October 28
(25MB) [Powerpoint]
Services Overview and Introduction
Keynote Talk, OOSTech, Baltimore, October 26 (1.7MB) [Powerpoint]
A New Era
in Computing: Moving Enterprise Services onto Grid
VIP Grid Summit, Chicago, July
(4MB) [Powerpoint]
Enabling eScience: Grid
Technologies Today & Tomorrow
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Annual Meeting, Washington,
DC, February 21
(9.8MB) [Powerpoint]
Bridging the Gap
Keynote Talk, GlobusWORLD,
Boston, Mass., February 8
(11.0MB) [Powerpoint]
The Grid: Reality, Technologies, Applications
Distinguished Lecture, McGill University,
Montreal, Canada, January 21
(10.3MB) [Powerpoint]
Empowering Distributed Science
DOE National Collaboratories Meeting, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, December 2, 2004
(12.2MB) [Powerpoint]
The Grid: Beyond the
Keynote Talk, 3rd International Conference on Grid & Cooperative Computing, Wuhan, China,
October 21, 2004 (9.9MB) [Powerpoint]
Enabling eScience: Open
Software, Standards, Infrastructure
Keynote Talk, UK eScience All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, September 2, 2004 (14.9MB) [Powerpoint]
Brain Meets Brawn: Why Grid and Agents Need Each
Keynote talk, 3rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent
Systems, New York USA, July 22, 2004 (5.5MB) [Powerpoint]
The Grid: Essential Infrastructure for DOE Science
Keynote Talk, SciDAC PI Meeting, Charleston, North Carolina USA, March 22, 2004 (8.1 MB) [Powerpoint]
The Grid and its Implications for Science (and Industry)
Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, March 18, 2004 (10.9 MB) [Powerpoint]
The Grid: Opportunities, Achievements, and Challenges
for (Computer) Science
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 17, 2004 (4.2 MB) [Powerpoint]
Grid Physics Network & International Virtual Data Grid
NSF Scalable Cyberinfrastructure Division PI Meeting, February 18, 2004 (12
MB) [Powerpoint]
Introduction to the Grid
COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November 18, 2003 (11.45 MB) [Powerpoint]
OGSA Tutorial
APAC'03, Queensland, Australia, September 29, 2003 (13 MB) [Powerpoint]
How the Linux and Grid
Communities can Build the Next Generation Internet Platform
Ottawa Linux Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, July 24, 2003 (7 MB) [Powerpoint]
Data and the Grid: From
Databases to Global Knowledge Communities
Keynote Talk, 15th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical
Database Management (SSDBM 2003), Cambridge, MA, USA, July 11, 2003 (5.0 MB) [Powerpoint]
The Grid: The First 50 years
British Computer Society, Lovelace Medal Award Presentation, May, 2003 (4 MB)
Security and Certification
Issues in Grid Computing
Keynote at International Workshop on Certification and Security in E-Services (CSES 2002), Montreal, Canada, August 28,
2002 (7 MB) [Powerpoint]
Future Scientific
Keynote at DAS-2 Conference, Amsterdam, June 6, 2002; and QUESTnet, Gold Coast,
Australia, July 4, 2002 (9 MB) [Powerpoint]
Virtual Data and the Chimera
HPC 2002 Conference, Cetraro, Italy, June 25, 2002 (1.7 MB) [Powerpoint]
The Grid and the Future of
Keynote at Delphi Web Services Conference, San Jose, May 22, 2002 (5 MB) [Powerpoint]
The Grid: Enabling Resource
Sharing within Virtual Organizations
Keynote at World Wide Web Conference 2002, Honolulu, May 9, 2002 (2.5 MB) [Powerpoint]
Computing: Concepts, Applications, and Technologies
Tutorial at Grid Computing in Canada Workshop, Edmonton, May 1, 2002 (~200 slides,
14 MB)
Data Grids and Data Intensive
Keynote at Research Library Group Annual Conference, Amsterdam, April 22, 2002
(5 MB) [Powerpoint]