A Few Recent Talks by Ian Foster

Reverse order by date


Technology for Distributed Collaboration

Symposium on Digital Fabrication, University of Chicago

 Chicago, Illinois, August 23, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint]


System Level Science and System Level Models

Energy Modeling Forum, Snowmass,  Colorado

August 1, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint]


Swift: Fast, Reliable, Loosely Coupled Parallel Computation
IEEE New Zealand Workshop in High Performance and Grid Computing,

Auckland, New Zealand, July 5, 2007  [PDF] [Powerpoint]


Looking to the Future

Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network (KAREN) Workshop

Auckland, New Zealand, July 3, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint]


Enabling Distributed Petascale Science

Plenary talk at Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Conference

Boston, Massachusetts, June 28, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint]


Grid: Enabling Open Science

                    Keynote, Nature Conference on Asia Pacific Networks Promoting Excellence in Research

 June 6, 200, Tokyo, Japan [PDF] PowerPoint]


Scaling eScience Impact

1st Iberian Cyberinfrastructure Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain (May 15, 2007). [Earlier versions presented at the German eScience Conference, Baden Baden, Germany (May 2, 2007), and elsewhere.] [PDF] [Powerpoint]


Swift: Fast, Reliable, Loosely Coupled Parallel Computation

Lecture at Leibniz-Rechenzentrum M�nchen, April 30, Munich, Germany [PDF] [Powerpoint]


Why Computer Science is Fundamental to (Almost) Everything

Keynote Talk, New Zealand Computer Science Students Research Conference, April 11, Hamilton, New Zealand; Arthur Schoffstall Lecture, Renssellaer Polytechnic Institute, April 19, Troy, NY. [PDF] [Powerpoint]


Grid Tutorial, 4th IFIP Summer School

Gordons Bay, South Africa, March 28, 2007 [PDF] [Powerpoint].


Grid Technology and Multidisciplinary Science
Invited Talk at Virtual Observatories Conference, International Astronomical Union,
August 21, Prague, (27.5MB) [Powerpoint]

The GriPhyN Virtual Data System
Talk at Conference in High Performance Computing and Grids,
July 4, Cetraro, Italy (3MB) [Powerpoint]

Education in the Science 2.0 Era
Invited Talk at
Workshop on SC Education Program, July 27, Argonne, Illinois (5.5MB) [Powerpoint]

The Global Storage Grid -- Or, Managing Data for "Science 2.0"
Keynote at 14th NASA Goddard - 23rd IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, May 16, College Park, Maryland
(12MB) [Powerpoint]

Global Data Services: Developing Data-Intensive Applications Using Globus Software
Tutorial at 14th NASA Goddard - 23rd IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, May 15, College Park, Maryland
(13MB) [Powerpoint]

Cyberinfrastructure and the Role of Grid Computing -- Or, "Science 2.0"
Keynote Talk, Geoinformatics 2006, May 12, Reston VA,
(10.0MB) [Powerpoint]

The Computation Institute
Presentation to Board of Trustees, University of Chicago, April 6, Chicago
(9.0MB) [Powerpoint, Video for Slide 2, Video for Slide 3, Video for Slide 16]

Grid Dynamics
Keynote Talk, Global Grid Forum 16, February 14, Athens, Greece (4.6MB) [Powerpoint]

Service Oriented Science: Scaling eScience Application & Impact
Distinguished Lecture, Northeastern University, Boston, January 26, and at Purdue, February 6 (11.6MB) [Powerpoint] [Breeze: recorded at Purdue]
[Earlier version presented as Keynote, 1st Intl. Conf. on e-Science and Grid Computing, Melbourne, December 13, 2005]


Globus Toolkit version 4
Tutorial, 1st Intl. Conf. on e-Science and Grid Computing,
Melbourne, Australia, December 12 [and many other places] (5.8MB) [Powerpoint]

Grid: Why, What, How
Chicago Technology Forum, Chicago, October 28
(25MB) [Powerpoint]

Grid Services Overview and Introduction
Keynote Talk, OOSTech, Baltimore, October 26
(1.7MB) [Powerpoint]

A New Era in Computing: Moving Enterprise Services onto Grid
VIP Grid Summit, Chicago, July
(4MB) [Powerpoint]

Enabling eScience: Grid Technologies Today & Tomorrow
American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, February 21 (9.8MB) [Powerpoint]

Globus: Bridging the Gap
Keynote Talk, GlobusWORLD, Boston, Mass., February 8 (11.0MB) [Powerpoint]

The Grid: Reality, Technologies, Applications
Distinguished Lecture, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 21 (10.3MB) [Powerpoint]


Empowering Distributed Science
DOE National Collaboratories Meeting, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, December 2, 2004 (12.2MB) [Powerpoint]

The Grid:  Beyond the Hype
Keynote Talk, 3rd International Conference on Grid & Cooperative Computing, Wuhan, China, October 21, 2004 (9.9MB) [Powerpoint]

Enabling eScience:  Open Software, Standards, Infrastructure
Keynote Talk, UK eScience All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, September 2, 2004 (14.9MB) [Powerpoint]

Brain Meets Brawn:  Why Grid and Agents Need Each Other
Keynote talk, 3rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems, New York USA, July 22, 2004 (5.5MB) [Powerpoint]

The Grid:  Essential Infrastructure for DOE Science
Keynote Talk, SciDAC PI Meeting, Charleston, North Carolina USA, March 22, 2004 (8.1 MB) [Powerpoint]

The Grid and its Implications for Science (and Industry)
Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, March 18, 2004 (10.9 MB) [Powerpoint]

The Grid:  Opportunities, Achievements, and Challenges for (Computer) Science
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 17, 2004 (4.2 MB) [Powerpoint]

Grid Physics Network & International Virtual Data Grid Lab
NSF Scalable Cyberinfrastructure Division PI Meeting, February 18, 2004 (12 MB) [Powerpoint]


Introduction to the Grid
COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November 18, 2003 (11.45 MB) [Powerpoint]

OGSA Tutorial
APAC'03, Queensland, Australia, September 29, 2003 (13 MB) [Powerpoint]

How the Linux and Grid Communities can Build the Next Generation Internet Platform
Ottawa Linux Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, July 24, 2003 (7 MB)  [Powerpoint]

Data and the Grid:  From Databases to Global Knowledge Communities
Keynote Talk, 15th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2003), Cambridge, MA, USA, July 11, 2003  (5.0 MB) [Powerpoint]

The Grid: The First 50 years
British Computer Society, Lovelace Medal Award Presentation, May, 2003 (4 MB) [Powerpoint]

Security and Certification Issues in Grid Computing
Keynote at International Workshop on Certification and Security in E-Services (CSES 2002), Montreal, Canada, August 28, 2002 (7 MB) [Powerpoint]

Future Scientific Infrastructure
Keynote at DAS-2 Conference, Amsterdam, June 6, 2002; and QUESTnet, Gold Coast, Australia, July 4, 2002 (9 MB) [Powerpoint]

Virtual Data and the Chimera System
HPC 2002 Conference, Cetraro, Italy, June 25, 2002 (1.7 MB) [Powerpoint]

The Grid and the Future of Business
Keynote at Delphi Web Services Conference, San Jose, May 22, 2002 (5 MB) [Powerpoint]

The Grid: Enabling Resource Sharing within Virtual Organizations
Keynote at World Wide Web Conference 2002, Honolulu, May 9, 2002 (2.5 MB) [Powerpoint]

Grid Computing: Concepts, Applications, and Technologies
Tutorial at Grid Computing in Canada Workshop, Edmonton, May 1, 2002 (~200 slides, 14 MB) [Powerpoint]

Data Grids and Data Intensive Science
Keynote at Research Library Group Annual Conference, Amsterdam, April 22, 2002 (5 MB) [Powerpoint] [Transcript]