My research is in the area of enabling technologies for high-performance simulations in computational science and engineering, with emphasis on automation of the development, deployment, testing, and performance tuning of parallel applications.
Specific research areas include (1) source code analysis
and transformation, specifically on automatic differentiation, performance
analysis, and empirical code tuning; (2) embeddable domain-specific languages
for high-performance computing; and
(3) quality of service infrastructure for scientific software (including numerical software
taxonomy and automated configuration),
for optimizing performance, energy use, and resilience of complex applications.
- At Argonne and University of Chicago:
- At other institutions (2003 - present):
Sanjukta Bhowmick (University of Nebraska at Omaha), Benjamin Allan (SNL), Chunhua (Leo) Liao and Daniel Quinlan (LLNL), John Cary (Tech-X Corporation),
Elizabeth Jessup, Jeremy Siek, and Scott Peckham (University of Colorado, CSDMS),
Rob Armstrong (SNL), David Bernholdt
(ORNL), Wael Elwasif (ORNL),
Mary Hall (University of Utah), Allen Malony, Alan Morris, and Sameer Shende (University of Oregon), Uwe Naumann (Aachen University,
Germany), Padma Raghavan (Penn State), William Gropp and Paul Ricker (UIUC), Sameer Shende (University of
Oregon), Michelle Strout (Colorado State), Zdzislaw Meglicki (Indiana Univeristy)
- Current and Past Postdoctoral Researchers
- Azamat Mametjanov, Ph.D., University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2011-present
- Qian Zhu, Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2010-2011
- Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan, Ph.D., Penn State, 2008-present
- Li Li, Ph.D., University of Oregon, 2007-2010
- Current and Recent Students (Research Supervision)
- Arlo Haubrich (undergraduate), Augsburg College, Minneapolis, 2012
- Ching-Chen Ma (undergraduate), Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN, 2012
- Thomas Nelson (Argonne lab grad), University of Colorado at Boulder, 2011 - present
- Daniel Lowell (predoctoral researcher), 2010 - present
- Manu Shantharam (graduate Givens fellow), University of Pennsylvania, 2010, 2011
- Greg Szubzda (graduate research aide), University of Utah, 2009
- Bing Xie (graduate research aide), Illinois Institute of Technology, 2008
- Van Bui (graduate research aide; predoc), University of Houston, 2008 - 2009, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009 - present
- Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan (graduate Givens Fellow), Penn State, 2007
- Sean Doebler (undergraduate), Drake University, 2007
- Andrea Berger (undergraduate), Clarion University, 2007
- Daniel Taylor (undergraduate), Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, 2007
- Albert Hartono (graduate Givens Fellow, then co-op), Ohio State University, 2006
- John Dimond (undergraduate), University of Illinois at Urbana-Chapmaign, 2006
- Peter Schmitt (graduate Givens Fellow), University of Colorado, 2006
- Eddy Sfeir (undergraduate co-op), Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2004 - 2006
- Shannon Melfi (undergraduate co-op), UIUC, 2000 - 2005
- Ivana Veljkovic (graduate Givens Fellow), Penn State, 2004
- Sanjukta Bhowmick (graduate Givens Fellow), Penn State, 2003
- Arthur Christof (graduate Givens Fellow), University of Chicago, 2003
- Zhen Liu (graduate Givens Fellow), Northwestern University, 2003, co-supervised with Paul Hovland
- Lavanya Ramakrishnan (graduate Givens Fellow), Indiana University, 2002
- Matthew Rudd (graduate Givens Fellow), University of Utah, 2002, co-supervised with Lori Freitag
- Mark Fashing (undergraduate), William & Mary, 2001
- Widodo Samyono (graduate Givens Fellow), Old Dominion University, 2001, co-supervised with Paul Hovland
Selected professional activities
- Vice-Chair for SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing, 2010 -- present
- Secretary for SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing, 2006 -- 2008
- Program committee member: Compframe'06, Compframe'07, AD 2008, PACT'09, iWAPT2
- Co-editor, with Martin Bücker, George Corliss, Paul Hovland,
and Uwe Naumann, AD 2004
- Organizing and Program Committee member, AD 2004
- Member of MCS Library Committee, 2003--2005