These days I am less involved in PVFS: a parallel file system for linux clusters: If you ask me a question about PVFS, I may not have the answer but I'll know exactly who does.
I organized the IASDS 2011 workshop:
I organized the IASDS 2010 workshop, held September 2010 in Crete as part of the Cluster 2010 conference. For more information please see Google can't seem to find the list of published papers. Go here:
I do my best to keep the above link up to date but the Google masterminds often do a better job: Rob Latham's Google Scholar page
"High Performance I/O: PVFS2 for Clusters"; Neill Miller, Rob Latham, Rob Ross, Phil Carns; ClusterWorld Magazine, April 2004
"A Next-Generation Parallel File System for Linux Clusters", Robert Ross, Rob Latham, Neill Miller, Phillip Carns LinuxWorld Magazine, January 2004
Robert Ross and Robert Latham, Brent Welch, Katie Antypas, Parallel I/O in Practice, Full-day tutorial, SC 2011, Seattle, WA, USA.
Robert Ross and Robert Latham, Brent Welch, Parallel I/O in Practice, Full-day tutorial, SC 2010, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Robert Ross and Robert Latham, Parallel I/O in Practice, Half-day tutorial, SciDAC 2009, San Diego, CA, USA.
Robert Ross, Robert Latham, Marc Unangst, Brent Welch Parallel I/O in Practice. Full-day tutorial, SC 2008, Austin, TX, USA.
Rob Latham, Parallel I/O for High Performance and Scalability, SciCOMP 14, May 2008, Poughkeepsie, NY
Rob Ross, Rob Latham, Parallel I/O for High Performance Computing, FAST 2008, San Jose, CA
Rob Ross, Bill Loewe, Rajeev Thakur, and Rob Latham, Parallel I/O in Practice. Full-day tutorial, SC 2007, Reno, NV, USA.
Rob Ross, Bill Loewe, Rajeev Thakur, and Rob Latham, Parallel I/O in Practice. Full-day tutorial, SC 2006, Tampa, FL, USA.
Rob Ross and Rob Latham, Parallel I/O in Practice. Half-day tutorial. Cluster 2006, Barcelona, Spain.
Rob Ross, Bill Loewe, Rajeev Thakur, and Rob Latham, Parallel I/O in Practice. Full-day tutorial, SC 2005, Seattle, WA, USA.
Rob Latham. Parallel I/O in Practice. Half-day tutorial, Cluster 2005, Boston, MA, USA.
Rob Ross and Rob Latham, High Performance I/O for Scientific Applications Half-day tutorial, CCGrid2005, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Arie Shoshoni, Rob Latham, Chandrika Kamath, Terence Critchlow, Data Management for Scientific Applications SIAM CSE 2007, Costa Mesa, CA
Rob Latham, Susan Coghlan, Brett Bode, Brian Haymore, Martin Cuma, PVFS Birds of a Feather SC 2006, Tampa, FL, USA.
Rob Ross, Rob Latham, Avery Ching, Dean Hildebrand, Troy Baer, PVFS2 Birds of a Feather, SC 2005, Seattle, WA, USA.
Rob Ross, Walt Ligon, Phil Carns, Rob Latham, Neil Miller, PVFS2 Birds of a Feather, SC 2004, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Wed Jul 11 13:38:34 CDT 2018