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angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t > Class Template Reference

#include <angel_types.hpp>

Public Types

typedef Ad_graph_t::edge_descriptor ed_t
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Ad_graph_t >
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Ad_graph_t >::edge_iterator 
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Ad_graph_t >
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Ad_graph_t >
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Ad_graph_t >

Public Member Functions

 successor_t (const Ad_graph_t &_adg)
ds_t degree (vd_t v) const
std::pair< ei_t, ei_tedges (vd_t v) const
vd_t neighbor (ed_t e) const
vd_t neighbor (ei_t ei) const
ds_t rdegree (vd_t v) const
std::pair< rei_t, rei_tredges (vd_t v) const
vd_t rneighbor (ed_t e) const
vd_t rneighbor (rei_t rei) const
const std::vector< vd_t > & first () const
const std::vector< vd_t > & last () const
void clear_vertices (const std::vector< vd_t > &vv)

Public Attributes

const Ad_graph_t & adg

Private Attributes

std::vector< vd_tindependents

Detailed Description

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
class angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >

Definition at line 521 of file angel_types.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
typedef boost::graph_traits<Ad_graph_t>::degree_size_type angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::ds_t

Definition at line 529 of file angel_types.hpp.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
typedef Ad_graph_t::edge_descriptor angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::ed_t

Definition at line 524 of file angel_types.hpp.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
typedef boost::graph_traits<Ad_graph_t>::out_edge_iterator angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::ei_t

Definition at line 527 of file angel_types.hpp.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
typedef boost::graph_traits<Ad_graph_t>::edge_iterator angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::gei_t

Definition at line 526 of file angel_types.hpp.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
typedef boost::graph_traits<Ad_graph_t>::in_edge_iterator angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::rei_t

Definition at line 528 of file angel_types.hpp.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
typedef Ad_graph_t::vertex_descriptor angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::vd_t

Definition at line 523 of file angel_types.hpp.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
typedef boost::graph_traits<Ad_graph_t>::vertex_iterator angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::vi_t

Definition at line 525 of file angel_types.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::successor_t ( const Ad_graph_t &  _adg)

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
void angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::clear_vertices ( const std::vector< vd_t > &  vv)

Definition at line 562 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
ds_t angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::degree ( vd_t  v) const

Definition at line 542 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
std::pair<ei_t, ei_t> angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::edges ( vd_t  v) const

Definition at line 544 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
const std::vector<vd_t>& angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::first ( ) const

Definition at line 558 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::independents.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
const std::vector<vd_t>& angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::last ( ) const

Definition at line 560 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
vd_t angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::neighbor ( ed_t  e) const

Definition at line 546 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
vd_t angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::neighbor ( ei_t  ei) const

Definition at line 548 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
ds_t angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::rdegree ( vd_t  v) const

Definition at line 550 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
std::pair<rei_t, rei_t> angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::redges ( vd_t  v) const

Definition at line 552 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
vd_t angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::rneighbor ( ed_t  e) const

Definition at line 554 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
vd_t angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::rneighbor ( rei_t  rei) const

Definition at line 556 of file angel_types.hpp.

References angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::adg.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Ad_graph_t>
std::vector<vd_t> angel::successor_t< Ad_graph_t >::independents

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